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G7 Health Ministers' Statement on Efforts to Increase Access to COVID-19 VDTs (vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics)

February 4, 2023

We, the Health Ministers of the Group of Seven (G7), reaffirm our commitment to help vaccinate the world and increase access to COVID-19 antiviral treatments. We call on other countries to do the same in an effort to combat this pandemic globally, save lives and prevent new variants, guided by the World Health Organization and other relevant multilateral actors involved. To date, the G7 has provided and pledged more than 18 billion USD to the multilateral Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator initiative and its COVAX platform and has shared more than one billion doses of vaccines globally while supporting health workers to get shots in arms. With continued COVID-19 deaths occurring every day around the world, we are also committed to addressing COVID-19 surges in other countries, such as through the rapid distribution of life-saving vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics, with a view to achieving universal health coverage. We stand ready to collaborate with countries with rising COVID- 19 cases to save lives through various means, such as providing vaccines, diagnostics, and/or therapeutics, working with manufacturers, or deferring delivery to adjust for distribution, where needed.

Source: Official website of the G7 Health Ministers' Meeting in Nagasaki

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