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G8 Governance

G8 Governance Statement of Editorial Policy

G8 Governance is a series of refereed research papers published electronically on an occasional basis under the auspices of the G8 Research Group at the University of Toronto and its partner institutions in other G8 countries.

The primary aim of G8 Governance is to provide a forum for scholarly policy-oriented analysis on the activities, issues, performance and role of the G7/8 and its various groups, as the G8 system of institutions moves to address the challenges of the new millennium.

The editor of the series is Heidi Ullrich, senior expert of the G8 Research Group. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board, the G8 Research Group's Professional Advisory Council and network of participating scholars and professionals serve as referees.

Notes for Contributors

Original articles incorporating the G8 and/or global governance are welcome for consideration. Articles should not normally exceed 8,000 words, including notes and references, and should not be under consideration elsewhere. Contributors are asked to include an abstract of the article and a brief biographical note. Endnotes are preferred. Copies of articles, either in electronic form using Microsoft Word or in hardcopy, should be sent to Heidi Ullrich. Authors will receive an acknowledgement of their contribution and every attempt will be made to reach a decision on publication within 3 months of receipt.

Heidi Ullrich, Editor
Department of Government
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
E-mail: h.k.ullrich@lse.ac.uk

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