The Group of Eight and the European Union: The Evolving PartnershipAPPENDIX B
Theme Area | Project Objective | Coordinators |
1. Global Inventory Project | To create and provide an electronically accessible mulitmedia inventory of information regarding major national and international projects and studies relevant to the promotion and the development of the global information society. An assessment of social, economic and cultural factors impacting on its development will also be undertaken. | European Commission and Japan |
2. Global Inter-Operability of Broadband Networks | To facilitate the establishment of international links between the various high speed networks and testbeds supporting advanced applications. | Canada and Japan |
3. Trans-cultural Education and Training (Tel*Lingua) | To provide innovative approaches to language learning, in particular for students and for small and medium-sized enterprises. | France and Germany |
4. Electronic Libraries (Bibliotheca Universalis) | To constitute from existing digitization programs a large distributed virtual collection of the know- ledge of mankind, available to the public via net- works. This includes a clear prospective towards the establishment of the global electronic library network which interconnects local electronic libraries. | Japan and France |
5. Multimedia Access to World Cultural Heritage | To accelerate the multimedia digitization of collections and to ensure their accessibility to the public and as a learning resource for schools and universities. | Italy and France |
6. Environment and Natural Resource Management | To increase the electronic linkage and integration of distributed databases of information relevant to the environment. | Canada |
7. Global Emergency Management (Gemini) | To encourage the development of a global manage- ment information network to enhance the manage- ment of emergency response situations, risks and knowledge. | USA |
8. Global Healthcare Applications | To demonstrate the potential of telematics technol- ogies in the field of telemedicine in the fight against major health scourges; to promote joint approaches to issues such as the use of data cards, standards and other enabling mechanisms. | European Commission |
9. Government Online | To exchange experience and best practice on the use of online information technology by administrations on the establishment of pro- cedures for conducting electronic administra- tive business between governments, companies and citizens. | UK |
10. Global Marketplace for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises | To contribute to the development of an environ- ment for open and non-discriminatory exchange of information and to demonstrate the inter- operability of electronic and information co-operation and trading services on a global scale for the benefit of small and medium-sized enterprises. | European Commission, Japan and USA |
11. Maritime Information Systems (MARIS) | To integrate and enhance environmental protection and industrial competitiveness for all maritime activities by means of information and communication technologies including applications in the area of safety and the environment, intelligent manufacturing and logistics networks. | European Commission and Canada |
For the latest information on the G8 Global Information Projects:
Internet address of the Information Society Project Office:
The GIP interim report is accessible at:
E-mail: ispo@ispo.cec.be
* Sources: Information Society Conference Pilot Projects. European Commission. Brussels. 1995. Also, G8 Global Information Society Pilot Projects Interim Report. 7 May 1998.
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This Information System is provided by the University of Toronto Library and the G8 Research Group at the University of Toronto. |
Please send comments to:
g8@utoronto.ca Updated: June 25, 1998 |
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