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The Documentation of the G7/G8 System:


1. John J. Kirton, "Introduction: The Significance of the Seven-Power Summit," in The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries, 1975-1989, xxi-xli. Comp. and ed. Peter I. Hajnal (Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1989).

2. Philippe Moreau Defarges, "The French Viewpoint on the Future of the G-7," in The Future of the G-7 Summits, 184. (The International Spectator 29, No. 2; April/June 1994, Special Issue.

3. Whyman, "We Can't Go On Meeting Like This," The Washington Quarterly 18, No. 3 (Summer 1995): 153-54.

4. Other sources of the texts of the final communiqués include the U.S. Department of State Bulletin (now defunct but continued by the US Department of State Dispatch and by Foreign Policy Bulletin: The Documentary Record of United States Foreign Policy), La politique étrangère de la France (issued by the Documentation française for the Ministère des relations extérieures of France), and other official publications of the summit countries. For a collected set of summit documents see The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries, 1975-1989 (Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1989) and its Supplement: Documents from the 1990 Summit (Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1991), both comp. and ed. Peter I. Hajnal. For a more recent collection of summit communiqués and declarations see The Twenty G-7 Summits (Rome: Adnkronos Libri in Collaboration with Istituto Affari Internazionali, 1994). The University of Toronto G8 Information Centre, an Internet World Wide Web site devoted to the G7/G8 and including, along with summit-related writings and other studies, a comprehensive set of G7/G8 documents, may be accessed at the following address: www.g7.utoronto.ca/.

5. De Guttry, "The Institutional Configuration of the G-7 in the New International Scenario," in The Future of the G-7 Summits, 70-71.

6. Hodges, "More Efficiency, Less Dignity: British Perspectives on the Future Role and Working of the G-7," in The Future of the G-7 Summits, 150.

7. Defarges, "The French Viewpoint on the Future of the G-7," 179; Whyman, "We Can't Go On Meeting Like This: Revitalizing the G-7 Process," 142.

8. Owada, "A Japanese Perspective on the Role and Future of the G-7," in The Future of the G-7 Summits, 111.

9. The OECD ministerial communiqué for 1997 was issued as Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Press Release (Paris: OECD, 27 May 1997; SG/COM/NEWS(97)45). The texts of OECD ministerial communiqués can also be found in each issue of the Annual Report of the OECD (Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).

10. "Draft Halifax Summit Communiqué, Dated May 27, 1995, Released June 6 by Canadian Member of Parliament Nelson Riis," Preview of the G-7 Summit, Halifax, Canada, June 15-17, Daily Report for Executives, No. 114, Special Issue: (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of National Affairs, June 14, 1995): S-12--S-16. See also URL: www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/95com.htm.

11. See, for example, "Summit Part of Larger Process", The Financial Post, 22 June 1988. URL: www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/fp/ED880622.htm. The texts of the 1997 Denver and 1998 Birmingham draft communiqués can be accessed, respectively, at URLs https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/summit/1997denver/comden.htm and https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/summit/1998birmingham/comdraft.htm.

12. John J. Kirton, "Introduction," in The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries, 1975-1989, xxxii. Comp. and ed. Peter I. Hajnal (Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1989).

13. Guido Garavoglia, and Pier Carlo Padoan, "The G-7 Agenda: Old and New Issues," in The Future of the G-7 Summits, 51.

14. Kirton, "Introduction," in The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries, 1975-1989, xxxiii.

15. Robert D. Putnam, "Western Summitry in the 1990s: American Perspectives," in The Future of the G-7 Summits, 91.

16. [Halifax Summit], Chairman's Statement, June 17, 1995. In United States, Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, US Department of State Dispatch 6, Supplement 4 (July 1995), 10-13. See also URL: www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/95chair.htm.

17. Lyon Summit, Chairman's Statement, paragraph 3. University of Toronto G8 Information Centre at URL: www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/summit/1996lyon/chairman/poli3.htm.

18. Hodges, "More Efficiency, Less Dignity: British Perspectives on the Future Role and Working of the G-7," 155.

19. The text of President Gorbachev's letter to President Mitterrand is reproduced in The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries, 1975-1989, 429-36. Bayne and Putnam note that the letter "was identified by the British Foreign Secretary, Geoffrey Howe, as a cry for help": Bayne and Putnam, "Introduction: The G-7 Summit Comes of Age", 7. Maull reports that, in addition to Gorbachev's letter, there was another one from German Chancellor Kohl, on economic and political cooperation with Moscow: Hanns W. Maull, "Germany at the Summit," 128.

20. Disclosed at a British press briefing, given by Gus O'Donnell (the Prime Minister's Chief Press Secretary), Francis Cornish (Press Secretary to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs) and Dick Saunders (Press Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer), 15 July 1991.

21. Merlini, "The G-7 and the Need for Reform," in The Future of the G-7 Summits,19; G. John Ikenberry, "Salvaging the G-7," Foreign Affairs 72, No. 2 (Spring 1993): 132.

22. Garavoglia and Padoan, "The G-7 Agenda: Old and New Issues," 53-55.

23. Halifax Summit, "Remarks by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien," June 17, 1995, para. 4. URL: www.library.utoronto.ca./www/g7/95chr.htm.

24. C. Fred Bergsten, "Grade `F' for the G7," The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 10, No. 6 (November/December 1996): 19.

25. Owada, "A Japanese Perspective on the Role and Future of the G-7," 110; Hanns W. Maull, "Germany at the Summit," 121, 136; Defarges, "The French Viewpoint on the Future of the G-7," 184; John J. Kirton, "Exercising Concerted Leadership: Canada's Approach to Summit Reform," in The Future of the G-7 Summits, 163.

26. Hodges, "More Efficiency, Less Dignity: British Perspectives on the Future Role and Working of the G-7," 144, 146, 151, 154.

27. Garavoglia and Padoan, "The G-7 Agenda: Old and New Issues," 63.

28. Hodges, "More Efficiency, Less Dignity: British Perspectives on the Future Role and Working of the G-7," 142-43.

29. International Monetary Fund, IMF Survey, Vol. 1-, 1972- (Washington, D.C.: IMF). The University of Toronto G8 Information Centre has published an almost comprehensive set of G7/G8 finance ministers' statements on the Internet, at www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/finance/finance_ministers.htm.

30. Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, 21 February 1998. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/finance/fm980221.htm; G7 [Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors'] Statement on [the] Korean Situation, 24 December 1997. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/finance/fin_dec2497.htm.

31. 30th Quadrilateral Trade Ministers Meeting, Chair's Statement, Toronto, 30 April-2 May 1997. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/trade/quad30.html.

32. Environment Leaders' Summit of the Eight, Miami, Florida, 5-6 May 1997, Chair's Summary. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/environment/envsum97.htm; 1997 Declaration of the Environment Leaders of the Eight on Children's Environmental Health. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/environment/1997miami/children.html.

33. G8 Conference on Growth, Employability and Inclusion, London on 21-22 February 1998, Chairman's Conclusions. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/adhoc/adhoc_feb2198.htm; Conference on Partnership for Economic Transition in Ukraine, Winnipeg, Canada, 27 October 1994, Chairman's Summary. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/adhoc/94ukrai.htm;

34. Ottawa Ministerial [P8] Declaration on Countering Terrorism, Ottawa, Canada, 12 December 1995. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/terrorism/terror96.htm; Ministerial Conference on Terrorism, Agreement on 25 Measures, Paris, 30 July 1996. URL: www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/terrorism/terror25.htm; France, Présidence, Communiqué de la Présidence de la République au nom du G7/P8, Paris, 28 décembre 1996. URL: www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/perup8_f.htm; Senior Experts on Transnational Organized Crime, P8 Senior Experts Group Recommendations, Paris, 12 April 1996. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/crime/40pts.htm; U. S., Department of Justice, Statement by Attorney General Janet Reno on the Meeting of Justice and Interior Ministers of the Eight, Washington, D.C. 10 December 1997. URL: www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/1997/December 1997/518cr.html.

35. European Union, Information Society Project Office. URL: www.ispo.cec.be.

36. See www.g7ec.de/.

37. "Tokyo Economic Declaration," May 6, 1986, para. 11, in The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries, 1975-1989, 314-15.

38. [Tokyo Summit], G-7 Chairman's Statement on Support for Russian Reform, in United States, Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, US Department of State Dispatch 4, Supplement 2 (May 1993), 16-18; Conference on Partnership for Economic Transition in Ukraine, Winnipeg, Canada, 27 October 1994, Chairman's Summary. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/94ukrai.htm.

39. Jacques Attali, Verbatim (Paris: Fayard, 1993-1995); François Camé, "Comment les sherpas avaient ficelé le sommet", Libération, 17 juillet 1989: 8-15; Estelle Ardouin, Sherpas et sommets des 7 (Lyon: Institut d'Etudes Politiques, 1996). [Computer file]. URL: iep.univ-lyon2.fr/ETU/sherpa.html.

40. De Guttry, "The Institutional Configuration of the G-7 in the New International Scenario," 69.

41. Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons, Session 1982/1983, Technology, Growth and Employment: Report of the Working Group Set Up by the Economic Summit Meeting of 1982, by the Science and Technology Secretariat, Cabinet Office (Cmnd. 8818; London: HMSO, 1983).

42. See, for example, International Efforts to Combat Money Laundering, ed. William C. Gilmore (Cambridge International Documents Series, Vol. 4; Cambridge: Grotius Publications in association with the Commonwealth Secretariat, 1992).

43. Venice Summit, "Declaration," June 23, 1980, paras. 14-15; "The Bonn Economic Declaration," May 4, 1985, para. 9, in The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries, 1975-1989, 84, 292.

44. "Houston Economic Declaration," July 11, 1990, para. 79, in The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries; Supplement: Documents from the 1990 Summit, 27; [London] "Economic Declaration", para. 61 (b), in The Twenty G-7 Summits, 228.

45. Halifax Summit, Chairman's Statement, June 17, 1995, para. 10. In United States, Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, US Department of State Dispatch 6, Supplement 4 (July 1995), 11. See also URL: www.library.utoronto.ca/www/g7/95chair.htm.

46. See URL: www.lbjlib.utexas.edu/ford/, especially under "Foreign Economic Policy".

47. U.S., National Archives and Records Administration, NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL) [computer file]. URL: www.nara.gov/nara/nail.html.

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Please send comments to: g8@utoronto.ca
Updated: June 25, 1998

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