See also: From G7 to Summit of the Eight
Development of the site will be supported in part by the G7 Research Endowment Fund of Trinity College, University of Toronto. Contributions, deductible for income tax purposes, are gratefully accepted by: Office the Bursar, Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1H8, or by Treasurer, U.S. Associates of the University of Toronto, Box 163, Tannersville, PA 18372, USA.
The presence of the annual G7 Summit in 1988 in Toronto, and in part on the University of Toronto campus, encouraged the University's Centre for International Studies to initiate a major program of scholarly research and public education on the Summit institutions, issues, and members countries policies. (For details see George Cook, "Summitry Comes to Hart House," University of Toronto Alumni Magazine 15 (Summer 1988): 8-10.
Since that time University of Toronto faculty and students have attended each annual Summit as part of their Summit-related research, to assist the media in covering the event, and to gather the large and diverse array of documentary and other research materials available only on the Summit site. (Allan Fotheringham's account of their activities at the 1995 G7 Summit in Halifax was published in the Financial Post; and Gina Stephens describes her experience as a member of the Research Group at the 1996 Lyon Summit in the Sept. 1996 issue of Centre News, the newsletter of the University of Toronto's Centre for Russian and East European Studies.) The materials gathered by the group form the foundation for the G7 Centre's collection.
During this time the G-7 Research Group has been directed by Professor John Kirton of the Department of Political Science and Professor Peter Hajnal of the Faculty of Information Studies. Involved in the work has been many of the University of Toronto's leading scholars, such as Professors Bill Graham of the Faculty of Law, Franklyn Griffiths of the Departments of Political Science and of Peace Studies, Leonard Waverman of the Department of Economics, Michael Donnelly of Political Science, Robert Bothwell of History, Wendy Dobson of Management Studies and Dr. Sylvia Ostry of the Centre for International Studies.
It has also included leading experts from Canada and abroad, such as, Prof. Michael Hodges, Director of the Centre for Research on the USA at the London School of Economics (which serves as our British partner institution), Professor Joe Daniels of Marquette University (the leading authority of compliance on summit decisions), Professor Michael Hawes of the Department of Political Studies at Queen's University (an expert on the Asia-Pacific region), Professor Jeanne Kirk-Laux (an expert on European Affairs) and Professor Denis Stairs of Dalhousie University (a leading authority on Canadian foreign policy).
Supporting the programme have been distinguished figures involved in the G-7, such as Sir Nicholas Bayne, Britain's High Commissioner to Canada (1992-96), Economic Director at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (1988-92) and co-author of the leading study of the G-7 process entitled, Hanging Together.
Development of the G8 Information Centre will be supported in part by the G7 Research Endowment Fund of Trinity College, University of Toronto. Contributions, deductible for income tax purposes, are gratefully accepted. Cheques may be made payable to "Trinity College G7 Research Endowment Fund" and sent to the Bursar, Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1H8. U.S. residents who are NOT University of Toronto graduates may not be eligible for favourable tax treatment by donating directly to Trinity College. They may make cheques payable to "U.S. Associates of the University of Toronto" and send them to the Treasurer, U.S. Associates of the University of Toronto, Box 163, Tannersville, PA, 18372, U.S.A., specifying that the gift is designated for the G7 Research Endowment Fund at Trinity College.
The G7 Research Endowment Fund gratefully acknowledges the generous support of The Financial Post, and the following individuals: Patrick Cirillo, Mike D'Abramo, Heather Ferguson, Susan Hainsworth, Peter Hajnal, Natasha Hassan, John Kirton, Ella Kokotsis, Sandra Larmour, Gail Martiri, Mana Naghibi, Agnes Pust, Lynn Robertson, Daizo Sakurada, Nancy Scott, Zaria Shaw, Gina Stephens, Jeanne-May Sun, Andrew Piers Talalla, and Roland Taylor.
Development of the site will be supported in part by the G7 Research Endowment Fund of Trinity College, University of Toronto. Contributions, deductible for income tax purposes, are gratefully accepted by: Office the Bursar, Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1H8, or by Treasurer, U.S. Associates of the University of Toronto, Box 163, Tannersville, PA 18372, USA. |
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