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University of Toronto

Joint Communiqué

Hiroshima, April 11, 2016


We, the Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the High Representative of the European Union, have gathered in Hiroshima, Japan on April 10-11 to address a number of major international issues that impact global peace, security and prosperity.

The G7 shares common values and principles, including democracy, respect for the rule of law, free, fair and open markets, respect for territorial integrity, and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law. We are united in standing together to meet challenges to the universal values that we share and the rules-based international order that we cherish and benefit from. We are determined to employ coordinated efforts and action to tackle global challenges including terrorism and violent extremism, political instability as well as new types of security threats or non-traditional threats.

We endorse the Statement of the G7 Non-Proliferation Directors Group on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament as well as the Statement on Maritime Security.

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Regions and the World

Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism

We strongly condemn the attacks, atrocities and abuses of human rights, including sexual violence, abductions of women and children for sexual and other exploitation, and the murder of civilians, including hostages perpetrated by ISIL/Da'esh as well as other terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda. Blatant abuse of human rights and the destruction and disorder being brought about by ISIL/Da'esh and other terrorist organizations continue to pose a serious threat to local, national, regional, and international peace and security, as illustrated by recent terrorist attacks. We condemn the recent attacks in Turkey, Belgium, Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire and Pakistan. We extend our deepest condolences to the victims of terrorist attacks everywhere and their families. Countering terrorism and violent extremism and bringing perpetrators to justice remain top priorities for the whole international community. As we witness the spread of radicalization to violence in the world, we stand united in our efforts to counter terrorism in all its forms and wherever it occurs. Terrorism is an urgent global security threat that requires international collaboration and unified responses.

We welcome the continued efforts of the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL/Da'esh, dismantle its networks, and irrefutably deny its global ambitions. We strongly support the Coalition's resolve to intensify and accelerate the campaign against ISIL/Da'esh in Iraq and Syria and to bolster humanitarian assistance for those affected by ISIL/Da'esh and affiliated groups.

In response to the current threat level, we are working on a G7 action plan on countering terrorism that will include concrete measures to enhance G7 and international counter terrorism efforts, to be adopted at the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in May. We will continue to enhance our coordination to support countries in need of building their capacity to improve information sharing on known and suspected terrorists, and to improve border and transport security to eliminate safe havens for terrorist organizations and individuals. We will continue to work together to prevent the flow of foreign terrorist fighters and terrorism-related goods, as well as the financing of terrorist organizations. To this end, we also stress the importance of action-oriented cooperation among judicial and law enforcement institutions within a rule of law framework based on respect for human rights. We stress the importance of building partnership and trust between law enforcement institutions and the communities they protect, including through appropriate reform of investigation, detention, prosecution, and sentencing practices. In particular, we support the goals set out in the Rabat Memorandum on Good Practices for Effective Counterterrorism Practice in the Criminal Justice Sector and the development of effective justice sector Central Authorities to facilitate the sharing of information. We are committed to achieving improved global aviation security and will continue to work closely with partners and through international organizations towards that goal. At the same time, we acknowledge the useful efforts by the G7 Roma-Lyon Group in promoting cooperation among the G7 countries, including by considering actions to bolster the use of Passenger Name Records and Advance Passenger Information systems consistent with UN Security Council resolution 2178. In that regard, we express our support for INTERPOL's Action Plan announced at the September 2015 Leaders' Summit on Countering ISIL and Violent Extremism, and undertake to consider how we can help other countries enhance their connectivity between National Central Bureaus and points of entry. We also express support for International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)'s Traveler Identification Program (TRIP) and efforts to deter the use of fraudulent travel documents, as well as the World Customs Organization's Security Program and its capacity building initiatives for border security. Furthermore, we reaffirm the importance of the work underway by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to counter terrorist financing through the effective implementation of FATF standards.

We also welcome the approach by the international community to bolster our collective efforts in peace and security, sustainable development, human rights, rule of law and humanitarian action to address the underlying conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism and violent extremism, including through economic, social, and educational aspects, to address the political and economic grievances that may be drivers of violent extremism and to promote respect for human rights. In this context, we welcome the "All-of-UN" and "whole-of-society" approaches and recommendation that Member States adopt their own strategies for preventing and countering violent extremism as set forth in the UN Secretary General's Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism and the UN General Assembly resolution 70/254 recognizing that violent extremism undermines the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. We will in particular work together to improve our collective understanding of the drivers of violent extremism and radicalization to violence, and of the most effective efforts to address these. We call for the full implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 2178, 2199 and 2253 to fight this threat. The G7 will continue to make coordinated efforts towards this end, being mindful of the synergy created among our individual efforts. We note the emphasis given in the Plan of Action to education and tolerance and welcome the G7 Education Ministers' intention to discuss this.

We emphasize the importance of promoting pluralism, moderation, tolerance, and gender equality, as well as cross-cultural, cross-religious, and interfaith dialogues, and promoting freedom of expression and freedom of religion or belief as useful tools to prevent and counter violent extremism and terrorism. We stand against the destruction of cultural heritage by terrorist groups and the pillage and smuggling of antiquities. We call on private and public actors involved to take all appropriate measures to prevent such smuggling. We also stress the importance of tackling corruption, at all levels of government and in the private sector. Corrupt practices perpetuate the underdevelopment of minority and other vulnerable communities and support the narrative of marginalization used by violent extremists in their recruitment efforts.

We are also reminded of the threat posed by the use of the internet and Social Networking Services (SNSs) by terrorists for terrorist or violent extremist purposes and other criminal purposes such as terrorist recruiting, finance, attack planning and coordination. Therefore, we emphasize the need for continued cooperation with the private sector, civil society and communities in investigating, disrupting and prosecuting terrorists' illegal activities online while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of expression and the privacy of those who use the internet for peaceful activity, including to express political dissent. We also seek continued cooperation with the private sector, civil society and communities to address terrorist and violent extremist propaganda by empowering credible voices to counter these messages with positive alternatives. The G7 will continue to make coordinated efforts towards this end.

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We welcome the efforts taken by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) for lasting peace and stability of Syria, including the Cessation of Hostilities that came into force on February 27, 2016. It is vital that all parties to the Cessation, as well as their backers, continue to observe its terms fully and focus negotiations on political transition away from Assad's rule, in line with UN Security Council resolution 2254. Syria desperately needs a new government, representative of all Syria's communities and able to protect its people, fight terrorism and rebuild Syria. We urge all members of the international community to fully implement UN Security Council resolutions 2254 and 2268, including rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access by all sides to all people in need throughout Syria, and to commit to an inclusive and peaceful political transition through intra-Syrian negotiations facilitated by the UN and based on the Geneva Communiqué. We reiterate our support to the High Negotiations Committee. We express our grave concern at the continued suffering of the Syrian people and the dire humanitarian situation in Syria and call upon the regime and its backers to release all arbitrarily detained persons, including women and children, and to comply with international humanitarian law and human rights obligations and to avoid harm to civilians and to civilian infrastructure in the conflict. We reiterate our strong commitment to supporting the resilience of the Syrian refugees and internally displaced persons, and their host communities inside and outside Syria, and to working towards a long-term, sustainable post-conflict stabilization and rehabilitation of Syria. We welcome the renewal of the mandate of the UN Commission of Inquiry. We call on the international community to promptly disburse financial commitments made at the "Supporting Syria and the Region London 2016" Conference.

We express grave concern over the findings of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) that chemical weapons continued to be used throughout 2015 in Syria, and we stress the importance of identifying and holding accountable those responsible. We were further concerned that the OPCW Executive Council had found there to be a number of unresolved gaps, inconsistencies and discrepancies in respect of Syria's chemical weapons declarations, which must be addressed. We also express grave concern that, despite the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors resolution of 9 June 2011, which reported Syria's non-compliance with its Safeguards Agreement to the Security Council and General Assembly of the United Nations, Syria has yet to remedy this non-compliance.

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Refugees, Irregular Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

With the flow of refugees, irregular migrants and internally displaced persons (IDPs), at the highest level since the Second World War, the G7 places the highest priority on addressing the challenges of and managing successfully this global crisis and its humanitarian consequences. Such a situation entails suffering, abuse and exploitation, particularly for children and women, and unacceptable loss of life in the desert or at sea. It also places the most affected countries under severe pressure. It requires a decisive response by the international community and to manage migration flows in all their aspects, in full respect for human rights and international obligations.

Displacement is a multi-faceted phenomenon, which requires addressing its root causes resulting from conflicts, state fragility and insecurity, as well as demographic, economic and environmental trends. The international community should therefore increase its efforts towards conflict prevention, stabilization, and post-conflict peacebuilding and focus on finding solutions in order to reduce poverty, promote peace, good governance, the rule of law and respect for human rights, support inclusive economic growth and improve the delivery of basic services. In line with the new approach to protracted crises announced at the "Supporting Syria and the Region London 2016" Conference, we urgently call on all members of the international community to strengthen their commitments to protect and assist refugees, and IDPs, as well as to build capacity and enhance resilience in communities, and support the initiatives of relevant international organizations. We applaud the recent International Dialogue Global Meeting in Stockholm which reconfirmed our commitments to Sustainable Development Goals 16 and the principles of the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States, and look forward to the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul in May, and the relevant high level events at the UN General Assembly in September. We will also strengthen efforts to fight against smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons, in partnership with countries of origin, transit and destination, and to this end, we call for the implementation of the relevant international conventions, in particular the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols against Smuggling of Migrants and against Trafficking in Persons.

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We commit our continued support for the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq. We commend Iraqi forces' efforts in their fight against ISIL/Da'esh. We recognize their bravery and sacrifice in freeing 40% of the territory ISIL/Da'esh controlled in 2014 with the continued support of the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL. We support Prime Minister al-Abadi and his government's efforts to continue and accelerate reforms in order to enhance the participation of all Iraqis regardless of their origin or beliefs through national reconciliation and inclusive governance. We welcome their commitment to improve the human rights situation, investigate all allegations of abuses and violations and hold those responsible to account, and reiterate the importance of full respect for international humanitarian law. We also welcome Iraq's continued commitment to implement its National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security. We stress the need to rebuild inclusive and government controlled Iraqi forces and underline that all armed groups must be under the command and control of the Iraqi state. We note with grave concern the allegations of manufacture and use of chemical weapons by ISIL/Da'esh in Iraq, welcome investigations by the government of Iraq and express our commitment to working, with and through the OPCW to mitigate extremely serious threats to regional and international security.

We remain concerned by the humanitarian situation, including more than 3.4 million IDPs, and call on donor countries to continue responding to the crisis by extending humanitarian assistance country-wide to reach people in need. We also call on partners to support Iraq's stabilization efforts in areas liberated from ISIL/Da'esh, in close cooperation with the Iraqi authorities, the UN and other international organizations.

We commit to support Iraq's efforts to address its fiscal challenges. We also call on Iraq to move forward in implementing a program of significant economic reforms to directly address fiscal vulnerabilities and to help facilitate access to further international financial support. We recognize that the triple shock of low oil prices, the fight against ISIL/Da'esh, and the humanitarian crisis has resulted in dire economic challenges for Iraq including in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, and poses a threat to Iraq's ability to fight against ISIL/Da'esh and to its reconstruction and assistance efforts to IDPs and refugees. The G7 affirms our commitment to work together, including with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the international financial institutions, to provide and expedite financing for Iraq as appropriate, in support of its economic reform program and efforts to directly address fiscal vulnerabilities. It is critical that all Iraqis, including in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, benefit from this support.

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We welcome the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The G7 will continue to actively support its full and effective implementation, including activities of the IAEA which is responsible for monitoring and verifying Iran's nuclear-related commitments. We call upon all UN member states to effectively implement measures required by the provisions of UN Security Council resolution 2231 and to consider making voluntary contributions to support the IAEA's efforts.

The implementation of the JCPOA has created the opportunity for a new relationship between Iran and the international community. We thus regret Iran's decision to proceed with the testing of ballistic missiles inconsistent with UN Security Council resolution 2231. We call on Iran to play a constructive role in its region by contributing to the efforts to achieve political solutions, reconciliation and peace in Syria, Iraq and Yemen and other parts of the region, and cooperate to prevent and counter the spread of terrorism and violent extremism. We also call on Iran to comply with its international human rights obligations, including by respecting freedom of expression, including for members of the press, freedom of religion or belief and other human rights, and end arbitrary executions carried out in violation of its international obligations.

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North Korea

We condemn in the strongest terms the nuclear test on January 6 and the launch using ballistic missile technology on February 7, and subsequent ballistic missile launches conducted by North Korea. These repeated provocations not only undermine regional stability, but also pose grave threats to international peace and security, and are clear violations of multiple UN Security Council resolutions. We demand North Korea not conduct any further nuclear tests or launches that use ballistic missile technology, nor engage in any other destabilizing or provocative actions.

We welcome the unanimous adoption of UN Security Council resolution 2270 and renew our strong demand for North Korea to immediately and fully comply with all relevant UN Security Council resolutions as well as its commitments in the Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks of 19 September 2005, and abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear and ballistic missile programs, including its uranium enrichment and plutonium production programs, in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner. We also call on the international community to fully implement and enforce relevant UN Security Council resolutions, in particular, UN Security Council resolution 2270, to respond to the clear and continuing threat to international peace and security posed by North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

We deplore the ongoing systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations in North Korea as documented in the 2014 Report of the UN Commission of Inquiry. We strongly urge North Korea to immediately address the international community's humanitarian and human rights concerns, including the abductions issue. In this regard, we welcome the adoption of the Resolution on the Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) at the 31st Session of the UN Human Rights Council, underscoring the importance of continuing to work towards accountability, and active discussions on the "Situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)" at the UN Security Council.

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We stand united in our conviction that the conflict in Ukraine can only be solved by diplomatic means and in full respect for international law, especially the legal obligation to respect Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. We reiterate our condemnation of the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula by Russia in violation of international law and reaffirm our policy of its non-recognition and sanctions against those involved.

We emphasize our strongest support for full implementation of the Minsk agreements, and the work of the Normandy format and the Trilateral Contact Group, which are aimed at securing peaceful resolution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine. We are concerned by continued violence along the line of contact in violation of the ceasefire; we urge all sides to take concrete steps that will lead to the complete ceasefire required under the Minsk agreements. We reiterate our call on all sides to assume their responsibilities fully and completely fulfill their commitments under the Minsk agreements without delay, including local elections held in accordance with relevant Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) standards and Ukrainian legislation and monitored by OSCE/ODHIR, the complete withdrawal of all foreign armed formations and equipment from the territory of Ukraine, the return of Ukrainian control over its side of the international border, and safe access and provision of humanitarian aid to people in need. In particular, we expect Russia to live up to its commitments and use its influence over the separatists to meet their commitments under the Minsk agreements in full.

We emphasize the OSCE's key role in helping to deescalate the crisis through the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) as well as the Observer Mission and within the Trilateral Contact Group and commend the OSCE for its constructive response to the Minsk agreements. We deplore actions that impede the OSCE's work and access and call upon all sides, particularly the separatist groups to provide the organization's monitors full and unfettered access throughout the conflict zone. In this regard, we call on Russia to use its influence to provide for the necessary environment for OSCE/SMM to effectively carry out its task. We call on all OSCE participating states to provide the organization with all support necessary to fulfill these responsibilities in order that such actions cease.

We recall that the duration of sanctions is clearly linked to Russia's complete implementation of the Minsk agreements and respect for Ukraine's sovereignty. We recognize the importance of maintaining dialogue with Russia in order to ensure it abides by the commitments it has made as well as international law and to reach a comprehensive, sustainable and peaceful solution to the crisis.

Furthermore, we remain concerned by the ongoing disinformation campaigns in the Russian state-controlled media as well as the growing pressure on political and civil society figures voicing disagreement with the course being taken by the Russian government.

We remain fully committed to Ukraine's reform agenda, and to providing long-term support to this end. We commend and support the steps Ukraine is taking to implement comprehensive structural reforms and urge Ukraine to maintain the momentum and continue to take the difficult decisions, especially in the fight against corruption where concrete progress is required. We will continue to work together with the international financial institutions and other partners to provide financial and technical assistance. A stable political situation in Kyiv is key to those essential reforms. We welcome the ongoing efforts of the G7 Ukraine Support Group and ask the G7 Ambassadors in Kyiv to continue the platform for dialogue and coordination between G7 countries and the Ukrainian authorities.

Energy security remains an important issue for Ukraine and the world. We remain committed to the Rome G7 Energy Initiative for Energy Security to build a more diverse and resilient international energy system.

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We welcome the Government of National Accord's (GNA) move to Tripoli and will work closely with this government as the sole legitimate government of Libya. We also call on Libyan leaders to seize the opportunity and work together to support the GNA, which is accountable to the Libyan people. We call on all member states to cease all contact with parallel and defunct institutions, in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 2259. We express our full support to United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General Kobler's efforts to facilitate the full implementation of the Libyan Political Agreement as signed in Skhirat on December 17 2015. At the same time, we remain deeply concerned about the growing terrorist threat, trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, humanitarian suffering, targeting of human rights defenders and humanitarian workers, and the depletion of state assets. We also call on all Libyan parties to ensure access and security for humanitarian organizations to improve their response to the needs on the ground. The international community stands ready to provide a significant package of support to the GNA and the people of Libya in order to facilitate the implementation of the Libyan Political Agreement, to build effective state institutions, including security forces, to restore public services, to alleviate humanitarian suffering, to expand infrastructure and diversify the economy, to manage migration flows, and to eradicate the terrorist threat and criminal networks. We stress that it is essential that the remaining chemical weapons precursors in Libya be urgently destroyed. More widely, we welcome cooperation to combat the illicit transfer of conventional arms, in particular in the Sahel region.

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We stand firm in our commitment to Afghanistan and its people and welcome the continuation of the NATO-led international engagement in the train, advise and assist mission to strengthen the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF). We remain concerned by the continuing threat to security and stability in Afghanistan, and strongly support international efforts, especially by the Quadrilateral Coordination Group to facilitate a process of peace and to promote reconciliation between the government of Afghanistan and the Taliban and other groups. We remain steadfast in our support of the government of Afghanistan as it undertakes reforms towards good governance, strengthening electoral systems, sustainable development, the effective delivery of basic services, measures on anti-corruption and counter-narcotics, as well as promoting respect for rule of law and human rights, in particular the rights of women. In this context, we welcome the recent renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) by the UN Security Council. We look forward to the NATO Warsaw Summit in July 2016, as well as the ministerial conference on Afghanistan to be held in Brussels in October 2016, which will be important opportunities to renew security and development assistance commitments to Afghanistan. Continuous security, political, financial and development support is essential in order to build on and consolidate the progress that has been achieved in Afghanistan. Sustained international support will require continued concrete progress by the government of Afghanistan on its reform commitments.

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Middle East Peace Process

Achieving Middle East peace remains a key priority and an indispensable element for regional security. We urge both sides to avoid steps which could spark further escalation, including unilateral measures which could prejudge the outcome of negotiations and threaten the viability of the two-state solution. We call upon the parties, with the active support of the international community to work towards a negotiated solution based on two States living in peace and security. We commend international efforts to that end.

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We are concerned about the ongoing conflict in Yemen. We welcome the cessation of hostilities on the Saudi-Yemeni border and the announcement by the UN Special Envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, that the parties have agreed to a cessation of hostilities on April 10 and to peace talks in Kuwait beginning April 18. We reiterate his announcement by calling on all actors to work toward a cessation of hostilities and engage constructively in an inclusive, peaceful political solution consistent with UN Security Council resolution 2216. We underline the importance of rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access to all regions of the country and for all groups of society, in order to alleviate the dire humanitarian situation for the Yemeni people, and we call upon those on all sides of the conflict to avoid harm to civilians. We reiterate our strong support for the UN Special Envoy in his efforts to end the violence in Yemen and bring all parties back to the negotiating table so the country can resume its political transition, based on UN Security Council resolution 2216 and other relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

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Deauville Partnership

We reiterate our commitment to the implementation of the Deauville Partnership, in order to address the political, economic and social challenges faced by the Arab countries in transition (ACTs). We remain committed to supporting ACTs in order to foster sound financial and economic evolution through long term structural reforms and improved governance in support of economic development and stability and democratization. We reaffirm the role of civil society in accomplishing this.

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We are convinced that stability, security, good governance and economic opportunity are the foundation of prosperity and thus support efforts made to counter terrorism and violent extremism, prevent and resolve conflicts, and promote sustainable development and resilience in Africa. We recall the need to address both the immediate and the root causes of current challenges, especially of radicalization leading to violence. We welcome progress on economic growth and the strengthening of democratic institutions in Africa as exemplified by the peaceful elections held recently in a number of countries, including the successful conclusion of the transition in Burkina Faso and the Central African Republic. Regarding upcoming elections in several African countries, we call on those states to ensure free, fair and credible elections in accordance with their constitutions. At the same time, we recognize the need for further progress in these areas, in the face of global economic challenges, high population growth, and continued governance challenges in many countries. We reiterate our commitment to invest in our bilateral and multilateral partnerships with African countries to support peace and sustainable development across Africa based on their ownership through implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development including the Sustainable Development Goals and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, as well as through the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), the EU-Africa partnership and the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit.

To this end, we will continue our support for African partners, including the African Union and the relevant sub-regional organizations, in addressing challenges in the areas of security, governance, stability, economic management and development in the continent, including countries like Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and the Sahel and Horn of Africa regions.

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Global Issues

Cyber Issues

Stressing the importance of open, free and secure cyberspace and the promotion and protection of human rights online as well as offline, we reiterate the importance of the free flow of information and oppose excessive restrictions or unjustified control over the free flow of information. We recognize that states have particular responsibilities and roles in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) environment, just as elsewhere to promote security, stability, and prosperity. We reaffirm our commitment to a multi-stakeholder approach to Internet governance, which includes full and active participation by governments, private sector, civil society, the technical community, and international organizations, among others. We commit to utilizing ICTs in addressing global issues and achieving progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

We share concerns about the malicious use of cyberspace, including by state-sponsored actors and non-state actors. We stress that existing international law, including the United Nations Charter, is applicable in cyberspace. We welcome the report of the fourth UN Group of Governmental Experts, call upon all states to be guided by the assessments and recommendations of the report and look forward to the establishment of the fifth UN Group of Governmental Experts. We encourage all states to join the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. We reaffirm our support for the importance of the work done by the G7 Roma-Lyon Group's High-Tech Crime Subgroup and its 24/7 Network. We commit to strengthening our cooperation in promoting the rule of law in cyberspace, capacity building, confidence building, and the fight against cybercrime.

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Outer space activities have immense potential for the social, economic, scientific and technological development of all states, and for tackling global issues. We remain concerned about the development of anti-satellite capabilities. We are committed to enhancing the long-term safety, security, sustainability and stability of the space environment, to increasing transparency in space activities, and to strengthening norms of responsible behavior for all outer space activities.

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Climate Change and Security

We welcome the adoption of the Paris Agreement by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21). We also commend the leadership demonstrated by the government of France. We encourage Parties, particularly the major emitters to sign and ratify, accept or approve the Paris Agreement as soon as possible, thereby facilitating its prompt entry into force. We will actively and constructively engage in efforts to develop and adopt rules and guidelines for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement. We welcome the decision in Dubai by the Montreal Protocol parties to work to address hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under the Montreal Protocol, and support adoption of a Montreal Protocol HFC phase-down amendment in 2016, and intend to provide additional support through the Multilateral Fund following adoption of an amendment for its implementation.

We reiterate that climate change poses a serious threat to global security and economic prosperity and shared the view that foreign policy must contribute to addressing this challenge effectively. In this context, we welcome the report submitted to us by the G7 Working Group on Climate Change and Fragility, endorse its recommendations, and affirm the need to continue to work on the issue of the climate-fragility risks. We will work to prioritize prevention of climate fragility risks by aligning our efforts toward the common goal of increasing resilience and reducing fragility in the face of global climate change, including taking steps to integrate climate-fragility considerations across our national governments.

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Human Rights

We affirm our commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights. We hold that human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated and that pluralism is not a threat, but rather a source of strength in our societies. We recall that compliance with obligations under international human rights law and international humanitarian law is a cornerstone for peace and security.

We note that increasingly, human rights defenders are targeted and harassed for daring to speak out against human rights abuses and violations, or even to simply document them. We are also concerned by the increasing restrictions imposed on political activity, press freedom and civil society space, both formal and informal, by governments in many parts of the world. We will work towards ensuring the safety of human rights defenders and of civil society more broadly and toward supporting the vital network of human rights and civil society organizations despite the increasing restrictions being placed on them.

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Women, Peace and Security and Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict

We are appalled by the prevalence of gender based violence, including sexual violence, against women and girls in conflict situations as well as during and in the aftermath of natural disasters, including concerning rates of child, early and forced marriage, and reaffirm the recently published G7 Report on the Implementation of the G8 Declaration on the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Conflict. In these contexts, we reaffirm the importance of tackling sexual violence, supporting victims while holding perpetrators to account. We note that sexual violence affects not only women and girls, but also men and boys. Victims from all gender and age groups must be acknowledged and supported.

While promoting the human rights of women, their empowerment as well as gender equality, we reaffirm the importance of women's active and meaningful participation in the whole process of conflict prevention and resolution, mediation, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction, and recognize the role of women as strong agents for reconciliation and community resilience.

In this context, and particularly with respect to the situations highlighted above, we welcome the ongoing efforts by the international community to promote equal participation of women in the maintenance and promotion of sustainable peace and security, as well as in our fights against terrorism and violent extremism. We welcome the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 2242 and efforts through conferences such as the World's Assembly for Women.

We call upon all states to implement the commitments they made at last year's UN Security Council High Level Review of resolution 1325 to ensure implementation of this critical agenda.

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Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding

We support the ongoing reform process on UN peace operations and peacebuilding, and call for further efforts among the member states, UN system and relevant international and regional partners to improve respective approaches to prevent, mitigate and resolve conflicts, to protect civilians in conflicts, and to consolidate peace and stability of the countries and regions concerned. We welcome the pledges of additional contributions to UN peacekeeping made at the Leaders' Summit on Peacekeeping and urge their timely implementation.

In this context, we welcome our Experts' work in order to better coordinate bilateral and multilateral cooperation for capacity building to African countries and beyond, and to promote a new approach of triangular partnership among the UN, troop contributing countries (TCCs) and third countries. We call on all states to support and comply fully with the Secretary General's zero tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and abuse including by implementing the measures requested in UN Security Council resolution 2272.

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Tackling corruption is vital for economic growth, maintaining our security, poverty reduction, protecting the environment for our children, and addressing the long-standing economic grievances that may fuel violent extremism. We support the major anti-corruption summit hosted by the UK on May 12, which will, in conjunction with the work done within the G7, the G20, the Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption, the OECD Ministerial on the Anti-Bribery Convention and other relevant international fora, help to galvanize action against corruption, and set priorities for the international community over the next 3 to 5 years. The summit will bring together leaders and heads of major international organizations pivotal to the global anti-corruption architecture to focus on implementing the international community's commitments to tackle corruption.

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We express our grave concern about the damages caused by the world drug problem on the health and welfare of humanity, development, stability and regional and international security, including the threat posed by New Psychoactive Substances. We commend the work of G7 partners which address the trans-regional nature of drug-trafficking, including the EU's Cocaine Route and Heroine Programs as well as numerous programs aimed at prevention, early identification, treatment and care, and social reintegration.

In this context, we emphasize that the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem that will take place in New York on April 19-21, is a crucial step in the definition, development and implementation of concrete, operational and evidence-based solutions and urge all members of the international community to work together in developing and implementing such integrated and balanced drug policies in the framework of the existing conventions.

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Global Health and Global Health Security

The public health emergencies caused by the Ebola and Zika viruses underscore the human and economic losses caused by infectious diseases. We reaffirm the role of foreign policy in promoting sustainable and resilient health systems and global achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goal 3, including universal health coverage. We remain committed to assist the implementation of the World Health Organization's International Health Regulations (2005), in cooperation with the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), using common and measurable targets to achieve national capacity to prepare for, prevent, detect, notify, and respond to health emergencies and biological threats, whether naturally occurring, deliberate, or accidental, including through various initiatives, such as the Global Health Security Agenda. We also remain committed to the replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and assisting Ebola affected countries recovering from the devastating impacts of the epidemic while strengthening the capacities of their health systems. We recognize that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a grave threat to human life, and commit to a One Health approach to tackle it. We intend to take further action in the G20 and UN General Assembly this year, building on the commitments of the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR. We reiterate our commitment to the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, and welcome its work, in particular, to strengthen capacities against biological threats.

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Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

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