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1. We, the Foreign Ministers of the G8, met in Miyazaki on 12 and 13 July 2000. We discussed the various challenges ahead and drew the following conclusions.
2. In this era of rapid globalization, we believe that an enduring commitment to peace and the fundamental principles of democracy, the rule of law, human rights and an open economy will remain indispensable. We reaffirm our commitment to human security through the creation of an environment where the dignity, well-being, safety and human rights of all people are ensured.
3. This requires intensified cooperation between sovereign states, international and regional organizations and civil society. It is imperative that the United Nations continue to play a pivotal role in the century to come. We welcome the leadership of the UN Secretary General in the preparation of the Millennium Summit.
Conflict Prevention
4. We reaffirmed our commitment in Berlin in December 1999 to a sustained effort to promote a "Culture of Prevention" throughout the global community and to develop conflict prevention initiatives. We emphasize the importance of pursuing a "Comprehensive Approach", drawing from the range of political, security, economic, financial, environmental, social and development policies, in an integrated manner, from the pre-conflict phase to prevent conflicts from breaking out, to the post-conflict phase to ensure that conflicts do not recur. We will therefore continue to monitor carefully potential areas of armed conflict around the world. We underline the leading role of the United Nations in the prevention of conflict but recognize that the main responsibility rests with the protagonists.
5. To follow up the Berlin meeting, we endorse the following measures, that are detailed in our separate document made public today:
We encourage further effort by all concerned and we commit ourselves to continue to cooperate closely and further identify effective measures to prevent conflicts, including supporting the role of women, combating cyber crime and developing the principles of corporate citizenship in conflict prevention.
Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Arms control
6. We stress the need to maintain and further strengthen the international non-proliferation regime. We remain committed to universal application and full implementation of the NPT, which is the cornerstone for global nuclear non-proliferation and the essential foundation for the pursuit of nuclear disarmament. We welcome the success of the 2000 NPT Review Conference and call for full implementation of the conclusions reached at the Conference. We are pleased at the increase in the number of states which have ratified the CTBT. We call on all those states which have not yet done so to sign and ratify the Treaty without delay, particularly on those whose ratification is needed for its entry into force.
7. We welcome the interest of the international community in the Expanded Threat Reduction Initiative and similar efforts of the European Union and others to address arms control and non-proliferation. In particular, we commit ourselves to cooperate to establish multilateral arrangements necessary for a coordinated and integrated program for the safe management and disposition of weapon grade plutonium no longer required for defence purposes, and call on other states to join us in supporting this effort.
8. We look forward to the early entry into force and full implementation of START II and the conclusion of START III as soon as possible while preserving and strengthening the ABM Treaty as a cornerstone of strategic stability and as a basis for further reductions of strategic offensive weapons, in accordance with its provisions.
9. We welcome the Final Document of the NPT Review Conference urging the Conference on Disarmament to agree on the immediate commencement of negotiations on the Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty with a view to their conclusion within five years. We commit ourselves to work together to meet this goal. We will make utmost efforts with others to conclude the negotiations on a Protocol which will effectively strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention as early as possible in 2001. We agree on the need for the international community to increase the level of funding for the Russian chemical weapons destruction program as called for at the 5th Conference of the States Parties to the CWC.
10. We remain deeply concerned at missile proliferation, and we call upon the international community to continue to address this issue on a multilateral basis. We will continue our efforts to address the issue. Adherence to the MTCR plays a key role in this respect.
11. We also remain concerned by the scourge of anti-personnel landmines which have caused harm to so many innocent civilians throughout the world and by the continued existence of vast stockpiles of anti-personnel landmines. We are determined to support efforts, including those under the Ottawa Treaty, aimed at the total elimination of such landmines, and welcome the progress that has been made to date in mine clearance, humanitarian demining activities and stockpile destruction, and in the development of technologies for mine action. We will continue encouraging these activities.
12. We renew our commitment to fighting all forms of terrorism regardless of the perpetrator's motives. We commit our governments and our people to this struggle. All states, groups and individuals must recognize that, in accordance with the UNSCR 1269, no haven shall be given to terrorists, no support granted and no criminal act tolerated. We welcome our experts' work and encourage them to continue efforts to improve practical cooperation on counter-terrorism among G8 states. We furthermore emphasize that international counter-terrorism cooperation remains a key factor in defeating international terrorism and will continue to work closely with other like-minded countries to this end. We call for all governments to adhere strongly to the UNSCR 1267 sanctions and for all states to work to close down terrorist camps under the control of the Taliban.
13. We call upon all states to become parties to the twelve counter-terrorism conventions, especially the Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings and the Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism so that they can enter into force and be speedily and effectively implemented. We are engaged in discussions to this end. We condemn absolutely any form of taking hostages. We reiterate our concerns about aviation security, and welcome the initiative to hold a G8 workshop on hijacking in October. We also support the initiative of negotiating an effective comprehensive convention on terrorism.
War Criminals
14. We remain deeply concerned at the flagrant violations of international humanitarian law around the world. Ending the impunity of war criminals is an important step toward peace and reconciliation. We support the work of existing international criminal tribunals, fully cooperate with them, and look forward to the establishment of an effective international criminal court enjoying the widest possible international support.
UN Reform
15. In this year of the Millennium Summit and Assembly, and in view of the challenges posed to the organization, we reaffirm our commitment to reform, strengthen and enhance the effectiveness of the UN system, including the Security Council, which has primary responsibility under the UN Charter to maintain international peace and security. We encourage the United Nations to strengthen partnership and coordination between relevant organizations and other actors in the area of humanitarian and development assistance. We also confirm the need for the UN to operate on a sound financial basis, with efficient budgetary arrangements, as well as equitable financial contributions among the Member States. We call for all UN members to make a significant contribution toward achieving these objectives.
UN Peacekeeping
16. We reaffirm our support for UN peacekeeping which is playing a crucial and growing role in maintaining peace and stability in the world. We believe that recent events have underlined the need for a comprehensive review of the UN's peacekeeping systems and capacities to improve their effectiveness. We welcome the fact that the UN Secretary General has commissioned a report on this, and look forward to discussions on the basis of the report for the improvement of UN peacekeeping practices. We believe that these discussions should start at the Millennium Summit.
17. We reaffirm our commitment to democracy, and underline the positive interaction between democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. We also note the mutually reinforcing reciprocal benefits of the democratic process and economic growth. We welcome in this respect the important exchanges of views and experiences shared by the countries who participated in the recent Warsaw conference. We also recognize the valuable contributions of other initiatives, notably the "new and restored democracies" with the conference to be held in December in Cotonou, with the support of the United Nations, to bolster democratic processes and encourage more countries to choose this path.
18. International criminal activity increasingly threatens peaceful human life and social, economic and political stability, both nationally and internationally. We therefore call for the adoption of the United Nations Transnational Organized Crime Convention and related Protocols by the end of this year. Corruption also undermines democratic institutions and accountability, economic development and international cooperation. We call for the ratification and effective implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.
19. The international community has achieved a great deal on sustainable development since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, but there is more to be done. Our governments will continue to work with all regions and stakeholders in preparation for Rio+10. We will continue to address the need for capacity building to assist developing countries implement commitments made in multilateral environmental agreements.
20. We welcome the report on the Implementation of the G8 Action Program on Forests, and direct our experts to provide a final progress report in 2002. We welcome the outcome of the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF), including the proposal for a new international arrangement on forests, and agree to take initiatives to implement the proposals for action agreed by the IFF and the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF). We look forward to further collaboration among the FAO and ITTO and other relevant international organizations.
21. We reaffirm our commitment to and practice of sustainable forest management, including combating illegal logging. We also note the important contribution to this end of the 1990 Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest, the International Model Forest Network, the several ongoing processes on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management and ITTO work underway to protect mangroves.
22. We welcome the work of the World Water Forum. Cooperation in addressing water resource issues can help alleviate regional tensions and contribute to conflict prevention. We will also work in international organizations and fora such as UNEP, UNDP, UNESCO, and the World Bank in addressing international water resource issues.
23. We urge conclusion of negotiations on a legally binding instrument on persistent organic pollutants by the end of this year.
24. We also underline the significance of the ARGO Project, which will enhance the capacity to predict global environmental change through accurate oceanographic observation. We stress the need for rapid and effective sharing of information to alleviate the effects of natural disasters.
East Asia
25. In East Asia, various destabilizing factors still remain. It is of prime importance that all outstanding issues be solved peacefully and without the threat or use of force. We underline the importance of taking confidence-building measures in this region, and call for the full support of the international community to further promote peace and stability in the entire region.
26. In this respect, we warmly welcome the first ever ROK-DPRK Summit Meeting in June, and look forward to further dialogue and the reduction of the tension in the region. We reiterate our support for the implementation of the Agreed Framework, including KEDO. We reaffirm our support for the ROK's policy of engagement. We welcome the recent steps taken by North Korea toward dialogue with the international community. In this context, we look forward to a constructive response to international concerns over security, non-proliferation, humanitarian and human rights issues.
27. We welcome the democratic developments in Indonesia, and reaffirm our commitment to continuing support for the country's democratic and economic reform efforts. Recalling the importance of Indonesia's territorial integrity, we are determined to provide full support for the efforts of Indonesia toward stabilization of the situation in Aceh, Maluku, Irian Jaya and other regions and we welcome the recent Joint Understanding on a Humanitarian Pause for Aceh.
28. We commend the assistance provided by the UN and other actors toward the independence and nation building of East Timor, and reiterate our firm commitment to continue supporting the people of East Timor in these efforts and we invite other countries in the region to join us.
South Asia
29. We are deeply concerned at the level of tension between India and Pakistan. We call on both countries to refrain from any action which would aggravate the situation and to resume dialogue as soon as possible in the spirit of Lahore.
30. We furthermore call on both India and Pakistan to join international efforts to strengthen the non-proliferation and disarmament regime, including continuation of their unilateral undertakings not to resume nuclear testing. We call on both countries to sign and ratify the CTBT and to take further steps to meet non-proliferation goals elucidated by the international community in the UNSCR 1172.
31. We are also concerned at the continuing conflict in Sri Lanka. We support efforts to facilitate a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
Middle East Peace Process
32. In the Middle East, there is a real opportunity for the achievement of a comprehensive peace based on the UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 and the agreements of Madrid and Oslo. We reaffirm our strong support for the efforts by the parties concerned to advance the peace process toward this end. We reiterate the importance we attach to a continuing commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes.
33. We welcome the recent withdrawal of the Israeli forces from Lebanon, in accordance with the UNSCR 425, as verified by the UN Secretary General and confirmed by the UN Security Council. It is the responsibility of the Government of Lebanon to ensure the return of its effective authority to maintain peace and security in southern Lebanon. Being aware that attaining these goals will also depend on the government's ability to meet the infrastructure and development needs of this region, we are committed to supporting its efforts to this end.
34. In light of the trilateral Summit Meeting on a peace between Israel and the Palestinians, we call upon both parties to accelerate the negotiations to reach a final status agreement by the target date of 13 September set forth by the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum. We invite the international community to participate in the efforts to help the parties implement such an agreement when it is reached.
35. We underline the importance of resuming the activities of the multilateral working groups recognizing that progress in the multilateral tracks is related to and supports the bilateral tracks.
36. We call on Iraq to comply fully with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. Stressing the importance of the implementation of UNSCR 1284 in all its aspects, we call on the Iraqi Government to cooperate in all aspects with UNMOVIC and the IAEA. Given our continued concern about the plight of the Iraqi people, we call for a coordinated effort to improve the humanitarian situation in Iraq. We reaffirm our commitment to the territorial integrity of all the states of the region and underline the importance of regional stability and security.
37. We welcome the democratic developments in Iran, including the parliamentary elections in February and the seating of the Majles in May. We look to Iran to strengthen respect for freedom of speech, the rule of law and human rights, ensuring for all the application of universally recognized standards of law. We welcome Iran's efforts to develop positive relations with the international community, and look forward to a more extended dialogue with Iran. We recognize the serious effort of the Iranian authorities in fighting drug trafficking on its borders at a high human and financial cost. We call on Iran to take constructive steps for further progress in the Middle East Peace Process and for the deterrence of terrorism in the region. We call on Iran to sign with the IAEA an additional safeguards protocol. The G8 calls on Iran to cooperate fully in not developing and in preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and missiles for their delivery.
38. We welcome recent proposals for reconciliation in Afghanistan. We call for all parties concerned to make further efforts toward a comprehensive peace and stability. Recognizing the international community's growing concern about human rights abuses, narcotics trafficking and terrorism emanating from territory of Afghanistan, especially that controlled by the Taliban, we call for all states to implement fully the UNSCR 1267 and to consider further measures.
39. We remain committed to the full implementation of the UNSCR 1244. Successful, carefully prepared municipal elections in Kosovo proposed for the autumn will be an important step in the establishment of a democratic and multi-ethnic society. We will make every effort to encourage and enable the national communities of Kosovo, particularly Serb and Roma, to participate freely in the elections. We reaffirm our support to the efforts made by UNMIK and KFOR to achieve the goals set out in UNSCR 1244 and urge all parties to cooperate fully with them. We stress the need for UNMIK to be given the necessary resources to fulfil its mandate. We recognize the role played by the EU, and welcome the contributions of the OSCE, other states, and the NGOs. We look forward to the effective functioning of the Joint Interim Administrative Structure with the full participation by all parties concerned, and we consider it important that the representatives of the Kosovo Serbs resume their participation in it. Stability, peace and prosperity in Kosovo are conditional upon respect for human rights, the rule of law and democracy. We call for all those with political responsibility in Kosovo to help ensure that all Kosovars, regardless of ethnicity, can enjoy freedom, security and benefit from access to international assistance and essential public services.
40. We look forward to a democratic FRY, so that it can be reintegrated in the international community and play its rightful part in contributing to the stability of the entire region. We are very concerned about the motivation for and the possible consequences of the revision of the FRY constitution. We call on the government in Belgrade to refrain from any action which could contribute to the further escalation of violence. We also call on the opposition to contribute to the peaceful democratic development of the FRY. We strongly oppose the recent restrictions on the free press in the FRY. We welcome the continued consolidation of democracy in Montenegro, reiterate our support for its democratically elected authorities, and urge them to continue to practice restraint.
41. We reiterate our commitment to the full implementation of the Dayton accords for peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and will continue to encourage all parties concerned within the country, the citizens and the officials, to assume their responsibilities and to take ownership of their future. We welcome the significant progress made by Croatia towards democracy and reform and encourage the Croatian authorities to continue such efforts. We encourage Albania to continue to make further efforts in the improvement of democracy and in respect for the rule of law.
42. Stability and sustainable development in South Eastern Europe depends on efforts for strengthening political, economic, social, cultural cooperation in the region, thereby promoting harmony among ethnic groups. We warmly welcome the various initiatives and progress to help achieve this objective taken over the past year, both by individual states and by international and regional organizations, in particular within the context of the Stability Pact, which will contribute to effective regional cooperation. We also look forward to further economic reform efforts in the region, and will continue our support in this regard.
43. We recommend that the Heads reiterate their strong support for the UN Secretary General's efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement in Cyprus.
44. Recognizing that political stability is a prerequisite for development, we remain deeply concerned at the continuing armed conflicts in Africa. We particularly urge the promotion of a "Culture of Prevention" in Africa and will contribute to it. We commend the initiatives of the OAU, ECOWAS, SADC and IGAD, neighboring African countries and other actors, in cooperation with the UN, to prevent conflict from occurring, and to promote the peaceful resolution of individual conflicts, particularly the long-standing and destructive civil war in Sudan. Concerned by the current crises in various African countries, we call for the full compliance by all parties concerned with relevant peace agreements and UN resolutions, particularly in Great Lakes Region, Angola and Sierra Leone. We welcome the cessation of hostilities agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea signed in Algiers last month, and support its full implementation, and reaffirm our full support for all efforts to promote a peace settlement in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
45. We support African efforts to promote the rule of law, good governance and democracy. We also commit ourselves to support Africans' efforts to reduce poverty through growth with equity, and to participate as full partners in the global economy by means including trade and investment liberalization and promotion. We will participate in efforts to combat infectious and parasitic diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria, and to address the severe economic and social impact of these diseases. We welcome the electoral evidence of a well-rooted democracy in Senegal, as well as the return to democracy in Guinea-Bissau and Niger, and call for the international community to further support the efforts at reform in Nigeria. We call for a just and early settlement to the serious situation in Zimbabwe, based on the rule of law, democracy and human rights. We also call for the early restoration of democracy in Comoros and Cote d'Ivoire. We recognize the need for international support for the Horn of Africa and Southern African countries suffering from drought and flood respectively.
46. We fully support the Colombian Government's programs and initiatives to lay the foundations for a stable, lasting peace and the end of the cultivation of and trafficking in illicit crops in Colombia, taking into account the aspirations and needs of local communities. We call on all parties to respect the principles of international humanitarian law and to negotiate an end to the conflict. We reaffirm our commitment to combat money laundering, the illicit trade in arms and chemical precursors usable for illegal drug manufacturing, with a view to eliminating financing sources for the illegal armed groups in the country.
47. We encourage the Government of Peru to cooperate with the OAS in the implementation of its recommendations for reforms, inter alia in the judiciary, the security sector, the electoral process and press freedoms.
48. We met the Foreign Ministers of NAM Troika (South Africa, Colombia and Bangladesh), G77 Chair (Nigeria) as well as Thailand (Chair of UNCTAD X and ASEAN), and discussed various global issues of common concern. We see value in sustaining the partnership in the future.
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