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G7 Finance Ministers' Statement on Actions to Support Antibiotic Development: Annex A
December 13, 2021
G7 Member (links to AMR Action Plans and related strategies) |
Examples of G7 actions to create the right economic conditions to preserve existing antibiotics and their access, strengthen antibiotic research and development, and bring new drugs to market |
Canada |
The Pan-Canadian Framework for Action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Use (AMU) was issued in 2017. The Framework identifies opportunities for action and desired outcomes under four pillars: surveillance, stewardship, infection prevention and control, and research and innovation. The Framework includes these opportunities for action with respect to research and innovation:
The new Pan-Canadian Action Plan on AMR and AMU is being developed in cooperation with provincial and territorial governments, Indigenous partners, and stakeholders to define specific priorities for collaborative action and move forward with implementation. |
EU |
Following the implementation of the 2017 AMR EU Action plan, the EU Commission in November 2020 adopted the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe that will address several AMR challenges including issues around investment and raising AMR awareness. Flagship initiatives proposed in relation to AMR include measures to reduce excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics and new incentive models to develop antimicrobials. Proposed initiatives related to AMR include to:
France |
The first French interministerial national action plan, using a One Health approach for AMR, was adopted in 2016. This action plan is organised along five objectives: raising awareness among the public and healthcare professionals; education; research and innovation; monitoring and surveillance; and interministerial and international actions governance. On the strategic objective to improve innovation and maintain access to existing antibiotics, a structured dialogue between public and private sector stakeholders is underway to encourage innovation with the aim to come up with concrete measures, within the framework of the Strategic Industry Contract, launched in February 2019 and extended until 2022. France is also committed to ensure the availability of existing off-patent antibiotics (in humans and animals, while taking into account the environment) and identifying effective countermeasures. Using the EU Technical Support Instrument, the World Health Organization (WHO) in close collaboration with all French stakeholders in the human, veterinary, and environmental sectors (One Health approach), as well as the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) of the European Commission, provide technical support to the French government. This 3-year project, co-funded by the European Commission and the WHO, started in November 2020. |
Germany |
The current German Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy "DART 2020" takes up the development of new antibiotics. The follow-up strategy "DART 2030" is currently under development. It will as well take the topic into account. In 2020, Germany introduced a new reimbursement incentive for innovative antibiotics within the Act on Fair Competition among the Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV-FKG). The Joint Federal Committee – responsible for the benefit assessment of new pharmaceuticals prior to price negotiations between the pharmaceutical company and the national representation of statutory health insurance funds – can grant new antibiotics a special status called "reserve antibiotic". The pharmaceutical company needs to apply for this status. The Joint Federal Committee only grants the status if the new antibiotics fulfils a pre-set of criteria such as proves to be effective in treatment of antibiotic-resistant "priority pathogens" as defined by WHO. The Robert Koch-Institute and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices define the list of criteria. As a result, the pharmaceutical company does not need to prove an additional benefit of the reserve antibiotic to a comparator, yet the reserve antibiotic as such has an additional benefit. This leads to an advantage in German pricing processes and eventually to an appropriate value-based pricing for new innovative antibiotics. Cefiderocol (Fetcroja) manufactured by Shionogi was the first active substance which entered the new assessment procedure in November 2021. |
Italy |
In 2017, Italy adopted its first National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance 2017-2020. The plan set out six areas of interest: antibiotic resistance surveillance and prevention; appropriate use and surveillance of antimicrobial consumption; surveillance, prevention and control of healthcare associated infections; training of healthcare staff; information and education of the population; and research and innovation. A new "AMR committee AIFA-OPERA" (2021-2024) within the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) has been created which would provide advice on antibiotics including proposals for new models to incentivise antibiotic research and development. Its short-term goals include development of recommendations based on the best scientific evidence of antibiotic therapy of infections for both hospitals and general practitioners, and strengthening antibiotic monitoring systems. The long-term goals comprise development of coherent actions, including awareness campaigns, creation of a network of centres of excellence to support AIFA-OPERA's training and research activities. |
Japan |
Japan's AMR National Action Plan 2016-2020 is structured around six areas: public awareness and education; surveillance and monitoring; infection prevention and control; appropriate use of antimicrobials; research and development; and international cooperation. Within this, the government made a commitment to push incentives for the research and development of antibiotics. At the Tokyo Meeting of Health Ministers on Antimicrobial Resistance in April 2016, "Asia- Pacific One Health Initiative on AMR (ASPIRE)" was declared to jointly identify and address the challenges posed by AMR in the Asia Pacific region. At the Tokyo AMR One Health conference in February 2021, working groups were established that represent the four pillars of ASPIRE: 1) surveillance system and laboratory network; 2) health-care management; 3) antimicrobial access and regulation; and 4) research and development. Japan has a special pricing scheme of drugs to promote innovation. Started in 2010 and applied to special premium to drugs that demonstrate a high degree of benefit relative to other drugs, in 2020 its scope was extended to cover antimicrobials to stimulate innovation. |
UK |
The UK's 20-year vision for AMR aims to drive innovation that will support the development of new antimicrobials and support sustainable supply and access to products in the future. This is supported by the UK's AMR National Action Plan for 2019-24, issued in January 2019, which includes a key commitment 'develop and test new models for national purchasing arrangements that de-link the price paid for antimicrobials from the volumes sold, using a NICE led healthcare technology assessment to support robust stewardship'. The idea of the payment approach is to move away from paying for individual packs of antimicrobials and, instead, make an annual payment based on the health benefits to patients and the wider value to the NHS. In December 2020, NHS England and Improvement, in collaboration with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), selected the first antimicrobial drugs to be purchased via the UK's innovative 'subscription-type' payment model. Following a rigorous process with expert clinical input, two treatments, Cefiderocol (Fetcroja) manufactured by Shionogi, and ceftazidime with avibactam (Zavicefta) manufactured by Pfizer, were selected to move to an innovative health technology evaluation process. The evaluation process for the two products is in progress by NICE, applying a framework for the evaluation of antimicrobials developed for this project. A special NICE Advisory Committee has been established for this project and the Committee meetings, where the patient and public health benefits will be considered and captured, are scheduled in January and February 2022. The guidance from these meetings will be used by NHS England in final commercial discussions with the companies. It is anticipated that these products will be made available to patients via a subscription-based payment model from Spring 2022. |
US |
Prioritising incentives and other action, including market entry, to address the antibiotic and antifungal R&D pipeline is a longstanding priority of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Efforts are covered in the US Government's first (2015-2020) and second AMR National Action Plan (NAP) 2020-2025. Both NAPs direct federal agencies to accelerate the US response to antibiotic resistance by presenting coordinated, strategic actions to improve the health and well-being of all Americans across the One Health spectrum. The 2015-2020 NAP directed federal agencies to establish an accelerator for the pipeline of antibiotics, and other therapeutics, diagnostics, and vaccines, resulting in CARB-X. Two of the 2020-5 NAP's five strategic goals are directly related to supporting antibiotic development: Goal 4 – accelerate basic and applied research and development for new antibiotics, other therapeutics, and vaccines; and Goal 5 – improve international collaboration and capacities for antibiotic-resistance prevention, surveillance, control and antibiotic research and development. In addition to early R&D support by CARB-X, HHS's Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response's Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority has dedicated late-stage clinical development support to promote antibiotic research and development. In addition to actions under the NAP, the United States has implemented additional steps including:
Additionally, AMR-related legislation known as the Pioneering Antimicrobial Subscriptions to End Upsurging Resistance (PASTEUR) Act was introduced in the U.S. Congress. This Act aims to address shortcomings in the antibiotic development market and increase public health preparedness by keeping novel antibiotics on the market and improving appropriate use across the health care system. While current contracts between the government and drug makers base payment on volume, the PASTEUR Act would establish a subscription-style model which would offer antibiotic developers an upfront payment in exchange for access to their antibiotics, encouraging innovation and ensuring the U.S. health care system isprepared to treat antibiotic resistant infections. In the event that the proposed Act is not enacted into law, HHS has begun the process required to establish a novel payment mechanism with the HHS FY23 proposed legislative program. |
Source: HM Treasury
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Please send comments to: This page was last updated August 15, 2024. |
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