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G7 Labour Ministers' Commitments, 1994-2018
Brittaney Warren, G7 Research Group
April 12, 2018
The following document lists the commitments articulated in the statements issued by G7 labour and employment ministers from 1994 to 2018, as identified by the G7 Research Group.
Summit | Number of commitments | Type of document |
1994 March, Detroit | 0 | Summary Statement by Treasury Secretary |
1996 April, France | 2 | Chair's Conclusions |
1997 November, Kobe | 1 | Chair's Conclusions |
1998 February, London | 3 | Chair's Conclusions |
1999 February, Washington D.C. | 13 | Chair's Conclusions |
2000 November, Turin | 20 | Chair's Conclusions (13); Turin Charter Towards Active Ageing (7) |
2002 April, Montreal | 11 | Chair's Conclusions |
2003 December, Stuttgart | 7 | Chair's Conclusions |
2005 March, London | 0 | Press Release (not counted) |
2006 October, Moscow | 0 | No document issued |
2007 May, Dresden | 9 | Chair's Conclusions |
2008 May, Niigata | 10 | Chair's Conclusions |
2009 March, Rome | 8 | Conclusions |
2015 October, Berlin | 41 | Declaration |
2017 September, Turin | 25 | Declaration |
2018 March, Montreal | 38 | Chair's Summary (7); Annex A (4); Annex B (27); Annex C (0) |
Total | 188 | Chair's Summary (9); Declaration (2); Other (5) |
Excludes individual country action plans and press releases
No meeting was held in 1975-1993, 1995, 2001, 2004, 2010-2014, 2016
Detroit, United States
Lille, France
1996-1: We reaffirmed our commitment to pursuing open trading policies because of their beneficial contribution to increased prosperity, employment and higher wage jobs.
1996-2: More generally, we seek to identify policies that promote the security of "employability" over individuals' working lifetimes and facilitate job transitions.
Kobe, Japan
1997-1: We reaffirmed our commitment to observe internationally-recognized core labour standards
London, England
1998-1: We agreed that each country should take practical steps as appropriate to promote job creation and tackle unemployment and exclusion through policies that enable everyone to use their skills to contribute fully to their nation's economy and to share in prosperity.
1998-2: We renew our support for global progress towards the implementation of internationally recognised core labour standards, including continued collaboration between the ILO and WTO secretariats in accordance with the conclusions of the Singapore conference and the proposal for an ILO declaration and implementation mechanism on these labour standards.
1998-3: We have committed our Governments to presenting Action Plans by the next G8 Summit in Birmingham in May which will set out how we are turning these principles into practice.
Washington, D.C.
1999-1: We agreed that global economic growth must take place under conditions of social justice in order to sustain globalization. This calls for the universal respect of core labor standards, which we agree to pursue as a key objective.
1999-2: We support, working in common with our Finance Ministries, greater cooperation among G8 countries' employment and macroeconomic policies.
1999-3: We are committed to continue learning from each others' experiences and informing policy development as we put into practice principles adopted by G8 Leaders in Birmingham in May 1998 to generate new job opportunities and tackle unemployment and exclusion.
1999-4: The G-8 countries are committed to make work pay
1999-5: [The G-8 countries are committed to] take action to prevent unemployment and the drift into long-term unemployment among certain groups at risk, including low-skilled workers
1999-6: [The G-8 countries are committed to] address economically disadvantaged regions or areas where industrial restructuring occurs.
1999-7: We agree that we need to make better use of inter-national organizations to help establish the labor market institutions and strong social safety nets necessary to enhance growth, employment and social cohesion.
1999-8: We will work with and in the ILO to ensure that it has the ability and resources it needs to fully promote this historic Declaration.
1999-9: We support the strengthening of the ILO's capacity to assist countries to put in place and implement core labor standards and to enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social safety nets through specific action programs.
1999-10: We also continue to support the ILO's International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (lPEC)
1999-11: And we affirm our support for a new ILO convention to eliminate the worst forms of child labor.
1999-12: We agree to bring the conclusions of our discussions to the attention of our Trade Ministers.
1999-13: We agree to continue our dialogue in a comprehensive way, particularly with Economic Ministries. We welcome Italy's and Canada's offers to host future meetings.
Turin, Italy
2000-1: We therefore commit ourselves to implement policies in line with the Cologne charter on "Aims and Ambitions for Lifelong Learning" as agreed by G8 leaders, stressing the need to ensure equal access for all to new technologies and to the related development of skills.
2000-2: While some measures suited to these needs have been already implemented, we need to further strengthen these policies.
2000-3: Given the dramatic ageing of the population, we agree that particular attention should be paid to the challenges this presents.
2000-4: We strongly support the G8 Leaders' statement at Okinawa on this issue and commit ourselves to pursuing the goals and policies outlined in the Turin Charter on an Active Ageing Society, which we submit for consideration to the G8 Leaders at the Genoa Summit next year.
2000-5: In the context of a multifaceted strategy, we support the initiatives aimed at improving market access for developing countries and managing foreign debt along the lines of the enhanced Highly Indebted Poor Countries initiative and with direct connections to poverty reduction strategies.
2000-6: We also agree that we should sustain policies designed to:
2000-7: encourage investments in social sectors such as health and education, so as to improve the general well-being of individuals, increase human capital and enhance access to the opportunities offered by new technologies,
2000-8: improve and broaden social protection networks, which can also help to cushion against the effects of financial instability,
2000-9: enhance respect for core labour standards, to maximise the number of those who benefit from the globalisation process, and to ensure equitable and broadly-based distribution of the fruits of economic development.
2000-10: We reiterate the statements made at the Washington G8 Labour Ministers Conference, where we committed ourselves to work with and in the ILO to ensure that it has the ability and resources it needs to fully promote the 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
2000-11: [We reiterate the statements made at the Washington G8 Labour Ministers Conference, where we committed ourselves to work with and in the ILO to ensure that it has the ability and resources it needs to fully promote the] 1999 Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
2000-12: We affirm our support for the newly reviewed OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
2000-13: We fully support and welcome the ongoing efforts of the G-8 partners to deepen the comparative analysis of employment and social polices including the co-ordination efforts pursued by the European Union.
To pursue this goal, we agree that:
2000-14: governments and social partners should facilitate the ability of older workers to continue to make an active contribution to the economy, capitalizing on the benefits of increased health and life expectancy.
2000-15: investment in knowledge and lifelong learning is vital to prevent the skills of older workers from becoming obsolete and to maintain their competitiveness in the labour market. In this context we renew our commitment to lifelong learning as embodied in the 1998 G-8 Charter of Lifelong Learning;
2000-16: active labour market policy measures should be reviewed in order to be tailored better to the needs of older workers. These measures should include action to improve information technology literacy and skills and to prevent the "digital divide";
2000-17: any existing incentive deriving from the tax and benefits systems needs to be carefully examined, with the view of enabling older workers to remain on the labour market;
2000-18: gradual retirement schemes, in which part-time job income is supplemented by a partial accrual of pension entitlements should be further explored as means to increase participation rates;
2000-19: innovative programs should be supported in order to promote appropriate organisational restructuring of work places, including a review of management practices, to make them more friendly for older workers;
2000-20: policies and practices which counter age prejudice and discrimination should be pursued;
Montreal, Canada
2002-1: We agreed on the need to implement measures to address both short-term economic fluctuations as well as long-term structural shifts.
2002-2: We agree on the need to provide for effective pathways and support tailored to their needs, including labour market information and job counseling, to further their economic and social integration.
2002-3: We renew our commitment to measures outlined in the Turin Charter on Active Ageing
2002-4: We also agree to promote and develop policies which enable those with family responsibilities to remain employed, or to re-enter the labour market while respecting a work-family balance.
2002-5: We reaffirm the Köln Charter's commitment to adult skill acquisition that enjoys appropriate public or employer support, accommodates family needs and affords ready opportunities to upgrade skills throughout life.
2002-6: We agree to promote innovations in learning, such as e-learning, which have the potential to transform and improve access to learning opportunities, and provide new means for learner-centred approaches.
2002-7: We agree to review and recommend, where appropriate, financial mechanisms to support lifelong learning.
2002-8: We agree to continue efforts to implement transparent mechanisms to assess and recognize all skills and credentials, including the accreditation of prior learning, whether acquired formally or informally, or in another jurisdiction.
As a priority, efforts should be made to:
2002-9: increase labour force participation and promote social inclusion by taking active steps to bring into work those currently not participating and to enable people to remain in employment;
2002-10: promote lifelong learning through investments by individuals, employers and governments with a particular focus on adult learners; and,
2002-11: increase opportunity by reducing financial and structural barriers such as labour market information and credential recognition.
Stuttgart, Germany
2003-1: We therefore stress our determination to undertake labor market reforms, where necessary, to facilitate structural adjustment in our economies, expand sustained economic growth, and promote new employment.
2003-2: We are committed to implementing necessary reforms within the context of our competence at the national level in order to support the structural change in our economies and promote the creation of new employment.
2003-3: We therefore reaffirm our commitment to the objectives of continued training and lifelong learning adopted at last year's Conference of G8 Labor and Employment Ministers in Montreal.
2003-4: We reconfirm our commitment to facilitating the entry and participation of young people in employment.
2003-5: We also support the mobility of workers and job seekers to take advantage of employment opportunities.
2003-6: In this context we further commit ourselves to increasing regular employment by discouraging undeclared work.
2003-7: We declare our willingness for further cooperation between our countries and the developing regions in the form of institution and capacity building to achieve these objectives.
London, UK
None (Press Release)
Moscow, Russia
None (No document issued)
Dresden, Germany
2007-1: We [encourage the creation of more training and skills development programmes and, following the Conclusions of the 2006 G8 Meeting in Moscow,] support the development of programmes and mechanisms that facilitate employment transitions.
2007-2: we reinforce our commitment to promoting employment through well- designed labour market policies and social protection by ensuring a balanced combination of flexibility and security,
2007-3: we support continuing, and initiating new efforts to develop balances between work and life and to develop family-friendly employment policies with the aim to increase the labour force participation rate, especially the rate of women, people with disabilities and older workers
2007-4: we should continue to exchange information about particularly successful strategies and measures (best practices) in the G8 framework,
2007-5: We need to build on this and intensify our efforts, in conjunction with national governments, to facilitate broader coverage of social protection which includes benefits and services aimed at improving effective health coverage, child benefit, old-age pensions and employment.
2007-6: We also commit to fully take into account decent work, notably the respect of ILO core labour standards, in bilateral trade agreements.
2007-7: we will consider ways in which we can help broaden, strengthen and implement effective social protection systems for those countries where these are insufficient including through bilateral and multilateral development cooperation
2007-8: we will work with international organisations in their commitment to pursue their joint efforts to strengthen and broaden social protection as part of the Decent Work Agenda.
2007-9: we will offer to share our expertise and our experiences with the developing countries and the emerging countries to help them develop and implement social protection systems, taking into account their effect on poverty reduction, as was pointed out, inter alia, by the international conference held in Paris in March 2007.
Niigata, Japan
We agreed that a range of employment and labour market policies and programmes are needed to achieve a good lifelong balance between work and private commitments. These include measures to:
2008-1: promote appropriate diversity in forms of employment and in working arrangements in our respective countries appropriate to workers at each stage of life, through a package approach combining flexibility and adequate labour market security, as agreed in Dresden.
2008-2: help facilitate job mobility and transitions throughout the lifecycle.
2008-3: encourage family friendly policies and promote opportunities for voluntary flexible work arrangements, such as part-time work, flexible working hours, telecommuting as well as other alternative work arrangements, which may help to achieve a better work-life balance for both male and female workers at different stages of their careers.
2008-4: improve compliance with occupational safety and health laws and regulations
2008-5: improve awareness and knowledge of job-related stress and other occupational health and safety issues.
2008-6: in the context of a lifecycle approach, facilitate effective life-long employability and adaptability to change, including through career counselling opportunities, career development, skills upgrading and lifelong learning.
2008-7: we agree to work with local authorities/governments, social partners and other stakeholders to support local job creation initiatives.
2008-8: Recognising our membership in the global society, we declare our intent to contribute to addressing employment and social challenges arising from environmental concerns and issues in order to realise a resilient and sustainable society.
2008-9: In view of this, the G8 countries should share experiences and promote dialogue on these challenges with developing countries and emerging economies inter alia through appropriate international fora.
2008-10: We confirm our intent to promote Decent Work for all and the social dimension of globalisation.
Rome, Italy
2009-1: We agreed that our countries take further coherent actions to reduce the impact of the crisis on employment and maximise the potential for growth in jobs in the period of economic recovery.
2009-2: We therefore should ensure that people have access to good quality education
2009-3: [We therefore should ensure that people] maintain and restore employment and employability by focusing on training and skills, with a particular emphasis on re-skilling and up-skilling.
2009-4: We are committed to promoting dialogue and cooperation with governments of emerging and developing countries and international institutions
2009-5: [We are committed to] preserve and develop human capital
2009-6: [We are committed to] contribute to addressing employment and social challenges arising from the current financial crisis at global level
2009-7: [We are committed to] enhance and ensure a more sustainable development and to promote social cohesion.
2009-8: We are committed to continuing our dialogue on the future actions needed to promote employment and employability, improve social protection and create more jobs.
Berlin, Germany
2015-1: We want to leverage the current efforts by governments, companies, employers' organizations, trade unions, consumers and other relevant stakeholders, and to enable everyone to play their part in this joint undertaking.
2015-2: [We have strong, international partners - including the ILO, the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Trade Centre (ITC), and the United Nations (UN) system as a whole - with which] we will cooperate to turn our proposed measures into action.
2015-3: Through our activities at home and abroad, we will also contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals.
2015-4: We fully support the ongoing work of the G20 on development, focusing in particular on low income and developing countries, and on strengthening efforts on occupational safety and health.
2015-5: We will engage on ways to bring this agenda forward.
2015-6: Furthermore, we support efforts to set up effective National Action Plans, including for the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
2015-7: To enhance implementation of labour, social and environmental standards throughout global supply chains for sectors of particular concern, we commit to mobilize our joint resources and use our political leadership, and together will implement the following specific and concrete measures:
2015-8: we will help develop and promote a common understanding of due diligence and sustainable supply chain management in practice and encourage the implementation of due diligence procedures in supply chains of multinational enterprises (MNEs) acting or headquartered in our countries through proactive, collaborative action with relevant international organizations and social partners, including activities such as increasing transparency guidance, knowledge sharing, exchange of best practices, promotion of sector specific initiatives and the voluntary adoption of internationally-recognized principles and standards referenced above;
2015-9: [we will help develop and promote a common understanding of due diligence and sustainable supply chain management in practice and encourage the implementation of due diligence procedures in supply chains of] small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by acknowledging their specific challenges and by clarifying their main needs in this respect.
2015-10: We will help develop a common understanding of due diligence and responsible supply chain management for MNEs and SMEs in conjunction with the OECD, ILO and social partners.
2015-11: Therefore we agree to initiate a process including the following, concrete steps with a particular focus on support for SMEs:
2015-12: We will encourage an exchange of experiences on the interpretation and practical application of the operational principles for business enterprises as outlined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and in line with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the ILO MNE Declaration.
2015-13: Drawing information from this exchange, we will strive for the development of a common understanding of due diligence together with social partners and also engage with the OECD and ILO.
2015-14: We will take into account the experiences gained throughout the implementation of National Action Plans, including pursuant to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and other relevant experiences in our countries.
2015-15: Forming part of an active outreach, we will contribute our experiences to an exchange with governments and social partners on best practices and approaches to support due diligence application within the general discussion on "decent work in global supply chains" of the 105th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) in 2016.
2015-16: We will support initiatives that are being developed by governmental or non- governmental groups.
Concrete steps:
2015-17: Host a forum of relevant stakeholders from G7 countries to exchange best practices regarding social and environmental information vehicles (e.g. labels and standard systems).
2015-18: We will facilitate cooperation between networks across G7 and other interested countries.
Concrete steps:
2015-19: Encourage, cooperate with or develop multi-stakeholder initiatives or seek the creation of a G7-wide approach in the textile and ready-made garment sector with the aim of developing measures for convergence and better implementation of labour, social and environmental standards along the entire supply chain.
2015-20: Encourage business to set up and implement due diligence plans and guides.
2015-21: We will encourage learning among the existing initiatives, such as the German Textiles Partnership, the Commission Environmental Footprint pilot phase or the French initiative on harmonization of auditing criteria within the textile sector, the Italian Action Plan for Bangladesh, and initiatives in producing countries.
2015-22: France, Italy, the United Kingdom and Germany will actively support the EU's engagement in strengthening responsible management of supply chain to improve workers' conditions and stimulate investment, particularly in the garment sector, and further possible EU actions in this area.
2015-23: We will make additional efforts to support these initiatives and improve the coordination of our development cooperation measures, taking into account the principles and relevant measures as outlined in the agreement of the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation.
Concrete steps:
Better coordinate support among the G7 on:
2015-24: sustainable textiles and garment production by sharing experience (e.g., from the Alliance and Accord in Bangladesh) and through the Better Work partnership programme between the ILO and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), other relevant international cooperation, other programmes implemented by the ILO and World Bank Group at the regional level, as well as with further and new programmes;
2015-25: sustainable cotton production notably in Africa and Asia, by committing to integrate and support the implementation, wherever feasible, of one of the existing international sustainable standards in cotton production ("Cotton Made in Africa"; "Better Cotton Initiative"; "Fair Trade Cotton" and "Organic Cotton") when starting new bilateral programmes or pilot projects on cotton in Africa or Asia.
2015-26: Working towards creation of an enabling environment for the development of SMEs and to support businesses operating in the informal economy to improve social and environmental conditions and increase incentives to transition to the formal sector.
2015-27: With the aim of reducing and preventing the number of workplace related deaths, serious injuries and diseases in global supply chains, we will support the creation of a multi-donor Vision Zero Fund for appropriate action in producing countries by governments, business, social partners and NGOs.
2015-28: To strengthen both sustainable company-based practices and suitable public frameworks via the Fund, we will encourage globally-acting companies to make voluntary contributions; there will also be such contributions from within the group of G7 governments.
2015-29: We will ensure ownership through the representation of principal stakeholders in the governance structure of the Fund.
Concrete steps:
To set up the Vision Zero Fund as set out in the annex, we agree to take the following concrete steps:
2015-30: We will mobilize voluntary resources for the Vision Zero Fund and its first pilot activities to start operating in 2016.
2015-31: We will actively promote - among globally acting companies headquartered in our countries - the Vision Zero Fund's added value in terms of risk reduction, reputation, sustainable production and coordination synergies of collective action.
2015-32: promote company-based practices including the development of occupational safety and health management systems, training of management and workers on health and safety procedures or the creation of company-based safety and health committees;
2015-33: improve public frameworks entailing capacity building for OSH regulatory frameworks and inspection institutions or the provision of know-how for the establishment of national work-related injury insurance schemes.
2015-34: In doing so, we will contribute to improving working conditions in global supply chains
2015-35: [In doing so, we will contribute to] achieving compliance with social rights standards as covered by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
2015-36: [In doing so, we will contribute to] achieving compliance with environmental rights standards [as covered by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.]
2015-37: [In doing so, we will contribute to] achieving compliance with human rights standards [as covered by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.]
Concrete steps:
Committed to lead by example, we take the following concrete steps in the area of peer reviews and peer learning:
2015-38: In acknowledgement of the benefits of the streamlined and efficient OECD peer review procedures, NCPs in G7 countries will pro-actively support the existing OECD peer review process, through participation in peer review teams, and all G7 NCPs will endeavour to have completed peer review processes by 2018.
2015-39: With the aim to strengthen NCPs' functional equivalence and, in particular, the NCP non-judicial grievance mechanism as well as its promotion, our NCPs will participate in peer learning activities, including best practice sharing and knowledge exchanges organized by the OECD or other entities.
2015-40: We support an OECD outreach to governments not yet adhering to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and will actively contribute through our expertise to these processes.
2015-41: Likewise, we support an OECD outreach to non-governmental stakeholders such as social partners so that they may better contribute to the OECD's responsible business conduct agenda, and we will provide our expertise to these processes.
Turin, Italy
2017-1: Being conscious that many of our citizens are concerned about the impact of these transformations on their income and job security as well as their employment opportunities, we agree to take an inclusive labour market approach, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable in our societies, to ensure that no one is left behind.
2017-2: In doing so, we will act in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
2017-3: We are committed to continue adapting our labour markets but also harness the opportunities inherent in these global trends to ensure that the benefits of sustainable and innovation-driven growth are shared widely.
2017-4: [We are committed to continue adapting our] social policies but also harness the opportunities inherent in these global trends to ensure that the benefits of sustainable and innovation-driven growth are shared widely.
2017-5: [We are committed to continue adapting our] institutions to address these new challenges but also harness the opportunities inherent in these global trends to ensure that the benefits of sustainable and innovation-driven growth are shared widely.
2017-6: We will share and exchange our experiences and best practices in employment, labour and social policies to develop comprehensive and effective solutions, as appropriate, for an inclusive future of work.
2017-7: We will devote specific attention to promoting and sharing the benefits of innovation among groups who are particularly exposed to potential job and wage losses or face barriers in accessing new job opportunities, including the low skilled, older workers and people with disabilities, as well as those who are underrepresented in the labour market, such as women and young people.
2017-8: Given the widely shared concern over high youth unemployment in some of our countries, we will strengthen our efforts to provide young people with the appropriate skills and to implement effective policies to support the transition from school to work.
2017-9: We will provide our workforce with adequate support to adapt and expand professional skills and measures to improve occupational health and safety at work.
2017-10: In accordance with the main pillars of the G7 Action Plan adopted by the Leaders in Taormina, and complementing the discussions by fellow G7 Ministers for Industry, ICT and Science, we commit, according to national circumstances, to:
Promote skills for the jobs of the future and foster labour rights to enable all workers to strengthen their employability by:
2017-11: Identifying labour market needs and enabling solutions to anticipate and respond to changing skills needs.
2017-12: Investing in and expanding access to education and training for people of all ages to acquire, adapt and develop skills required for the jobs of the future over the course of their working lives, and supporting actors that promote actions in this regard.
2017-13: Exploring the possibility of individual accounts and other systems to provide for the portability of access to qualification and up-skilling programs.
2017-14: Focussing on quality apprenticeships as a pathway to professional life, including by promoting increased cooperation with social partners. We will prioritise assisting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to remain in education and to enter apprenticeships.
2017-15: As forms of work change, promoting a favourable legal and regulatory framework to protect the freedom of association and workers' voice.
Reaffirm the crucial role played by labour, employment policies and social protection policies by:
2017-16: Providing high standards of access to, and coverage by, social protection and social security, to support workers in non-standard and new forms of work, including those engaged in platform-based activities.
2017-17: Using active labour market policies to foster a quick (re)integration into employment of job seekers, particularly those who face barriers.
2017-18: Adapting, as required, labour market institutions to the changing work environment, by fostering improvements in working conditions while at the same time encouraging employers to seize the opportunities offered by innovation.
2017-19: Adapting, as required, labour market institutions to the changing work environment, by fostering improvements in skills development while at the same time encouraging employers to seize the opportunities offered by innovation.
2017-20: Adapting, as required, labour market institutions to the changing work environment, by fostering improvements in employment relationships while at the same time encouraging employers to seize the opportunities offered by innovation.
2017-21: Adapting, as required, labour market institutions to the changing work environment, by fostering improvements in collective bargaining while at the same time encouraging employers to seize the opportunities offered by innovation.
2017-22: Developing policies to foster greater participation in the labour market
enabling and incentivizing both men and women to balance work and family life, including by strengthening care services and promoting family-friendly policies such as for maternal, paternal and parental leave, childcare and long- term care, social infrastructure and flexible working arrangements.
Foster a multi-stakeholder approach by:
2017-23: Promoting inclusivity in innovation and the future of work through close cooperation and dialogue among policy-makers, social partners, the private sector, education and training providers, innovation analysts and other relevant actors.
2017-24: Encouraging business and employee-driven innovation to increase labour productivity, innovation capability, market resilience and overall business competitiveness.
2017-25: Encouraging social partners to design and implement targeted evidence-based solutions for the future of work, through meaningful engagement with relevant actors including governments, stakeholders and businesses, among others.
Montreal, Canada
2018-1: Employment Ministers agreed to foster a dialogue among governments, social partners, private sector, and educational institutions to identify proactive measures to support workers through adaptation and transition to the jobs of the future and to foster good quality work environments, including within the digital platform economy.
2018-2: Employment Ministers agreed to promote discussions on tools to address violence and harassment in the workplace, in order to create safe workspaces
2018-3: [Employment Ministers agreed to] work with stakeholders on gender equality to develop and promote policies that prevent violence and harassment, respond effectively, and support those affected.
2018-4: Canada announced the creation of up to 500 student work placements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) over three years and will explore future opportunities for collaboration with other G7 countries on work-integrated learning strategies and programs.
2018-5: They reaffirmed their commitment to supporting innovation and the importance of partnering with the private sector to ensure its benefits are enjoyed by all, including women and underrepresented groups.
2018-6: To advance their shared understanding of how best to seize the opportunities presented by AI, G7 Innovation Ministers decided to convene a multi-stakeholder conference on AI, to be hosted by Canada in the fall of 2018.
2018-7: Canada will strike a time-limited working-group to advance the efforts and objectives of the AI statement and prepare for the conference.
To ensure that the dialogue on preparing for jobs of the future continues, Canada proposes to host a conference with domestic partners on the future of work
2018-8: In the spirit of our commitment to Open and Transparent Government, Canada will demonstrate leadership and encourage other G7 countries to continue to engage their domestic partners in similar discussions.
To prepare the next generation of workers
2018-9: Over the next three years, the Government of Canada will invest $3M to support the creation of up to 500 new student work placements in the field of AI.
2018-10: Canada will explore future opportunities for collaboration with other G7 countries to share expertise and experience in developing and implementing work-integrated learning strategies and programs.
2018-11: Canada will explore possibilities to have a reciprocal exchange among G7 countries in the fields that are critical for preparing for jobs of the future.
2018-12: the Innovation Ministers of the G7 seek to build upon the common vision of human-centric AI, a vision which requires care in the development and deployment of this promising technology.
To make advances in each of these related areas, G7 members will endeavor to:
2018-13: invest in basic and early-stage applied R&D to produce AI innovations
2018-14: support entrepreneurship in AI and labour force readiness for automation through: international academic exchanges;
2018-15: [support] exchanges of professionals;
2018-16: [support] knowledge and skill development;
2018-17: [support] investments in lifelong learning;
2018-18: [support] guidance and employment services;
2018-19: [support] access to capital;
2018-20: [support] incentives for small and medium-sized enterprises to pursue AI innovations;
2018-21: [support] removal of unjustifiable administrative and regulatory barriers for applied AI;
2018-22: [support] facilitation of national and international business networking and collaboration opportunities.
2018-23: Share best practices between G7 countries.
2018-24: continue to encourage research, including solving societal challenges, advancing economic growth, and examining ethical considerations of AI, bias in datasets, bias experienced through interacting with AI systems, as well as broader issues such as those related to automated decision-making;
2018-25: communicate and promote multistakeholder dialogue on the results of the research to all stakeholders, including community groups, market actors and other governments. [referencing 2018-16]
2018-26: support public awareness efforts to communicate actual and potential benefits, and broader implications, of AI.
2018-27: as a means to promote human-centric AI and commercial adoption of AI, continue to advance appropriate technical, ethical and technologically neutral approaches by: safeguarding privacy;
2018-28: [as a means to promote human-centric AI and commercial adoption of AI, continue to advance appropriate technical, ethical and technologically neutral approaches by:] investing in cybersecurity, the enforcement of applicable privacy legislation and communication of enforcement decisions;
2018-29: [as a means to promote human-centric AI and commercial adoption of AI, continue to advance appropriate technical, ethical and technologically neutral approaches by:] informing individuals about existing national bodies of law, including in relation to how their personal data may be used by AI systems;
2018-30: [as a means to promote human-centric AI and commercial adoption of AI, continue to advance appropriate technical, ethical and technologically neutral approaches by:] promoting R&D by industry in safety, assurance, data quality, and data security;
2018-31: [as a means to promote human-centric AI and commercial adoption of AI, continue to advance appropriate technical, ethical and technologically neutral approaches by:] exploring the use of other transformative technologies to protect personal privacy and transparency.
2018-32: support the free flow of information through the sharing of best practices and use cases on the provision of open, interoperable and safe access to government data for AI programming,
2018-33: support approaches to improve the quality of datasets,
2018-34: promote international cooperation in data sharing, protection.
2018-35: disseminate this G7 statement globally to promote AI development and collaboration in the international arena.
Going forward, the Innovation Ministers of the G7 decided to:
2018-36: further the efforts and objectives of this Statement;
2018-37: facilitate multistakeholder dialogue and collaboration on artificial intelligence to inform future policy discussions by G7 governments, supported by the OECD in its multistakeholder convener role; and
2018-38: convene a multistakeholder conference on AI hosted by Canada in the fall of 2018, supported by the time-limited innovation working group, at which the work of multistakeholder exchanges may be presented, and where parties will further discuss how to harness the positive transformational potential of AI to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
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