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G7/8 Environment Ministers Commitments, 1992–2017 (N=446)
Brittaney Warren, G7 Research Group
May 8, 2018
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Environment ministerial | Commitments | Chair's statement |
Communiqué | Other | Pre-summit (days before) |
Post-summit (days after) |
1992 Germany, Spring | 0 (no document) | - | - | - | Yes | |
1992 Rio de Janeiro, June | 0 (no document) | - | - | - | Yes | |
1993 (no meeting) | ||||||
1994 Florence, March 12-13 | 0 | 0 | - | - | 117 | |
1995 Hamilton, April 29-May 1 | 0 | - | - | 0 | 46 | |
1996 Cabourg, May 9-10 | 9 | 9 | - | - | 48 | |
1997 Miami, May 5-6 | 48 | 11 | - | 37 | 45 | |
1998 Leeds Castle, April 3-5 | 26 | - | 26 | - | 40 | |
1999 Schwerin, March 26-28 | 50 | - | 50 | - | 83 | |
2000 Otsu, April 7-9 | 45 | - | 45 | - | 104 | |
2001 Trieste, Oct. 27 | 18 | - | 18 | - | 97 | |
2002 Banff, April 12-14 | 16 | - | - | 16 | 73 | |
2003 Paris, April 25-27 | 23 | - | 23 | - | 34 | |
2004 (no meeting) | ||||||
2005 Derbyshire,* March 17-18 | 0 (no document) | - | - | - | 111 | |
2005 London,** Nov. 1 | 0 | 0 | - | - | 114 | |
2006 Monterrey, Oct. 3 | 0 (no document) | - | - | - | 80 | |
2007 Potsdam, March 15-17 | 24 | - | - | 24 | 89 | |
2008 Gleneagles, March 14-16 | 46 | 0 | - | 46 | 112 | |
2009 Siracusa, April 22-24 | 26 | 0 | - | 26 | 77 | |
2010 (no meeting) | ||||||
2011 (no meeting) | ||||||
2012 (no meeting) | ||||||
2013 (no meeting) | ||||||
2014 (no meeting) | ||||||
2015 (no meeting) | ||||||
2016 Toyama, May 15-16 | 66 | 66 | - | - | 10 | |
2017 Bologna, June 11-12 | 49 | 49 | - | - | 15 | |
Total | 446 | 135 | 162 | 149 | 16 | 4 |
N = 20 meetings, 16 documents, 13 with commitments.
- = no commitments found in document.
Blank = no meeting held, no document issued.
* = environment and development ministers' meeting.
** = environment and energy ministers' meeting.
Pre-summit and Post-summit = date of leaders' level summit and number of days between leaders' level summit and environment ministerial meeting.
Miami 1997: 14 of the 37 commitments in "other" were found in the annex to the document.
Toyama 2016: 29 of the 65 commitments were found in the annex to the Chair's Summary/Statement.
Bologna 2017: 21 of the 49 commitments were found in the annex to the Chair's Summary/Statement.
No document produced
1996 Cabourg
1996-1: We agreed on the necessity to coordinate the efforts made by various international institutions on research, risk analysis and certification in order to try and find immediate answers to the sanitary consequences of environmental degradations and beyond, to try and forecast the long term consequences of our policies and external environmental and sanitary trends so that we can anticipate them. [In order to meet these objectives we agreed it was important to act as international and national levels.]
1996-2: We committed to coordinate to anticipate and respond to environmental change to go on deepening this issue
1996-1: We will work with other interested countries to help these two institutions [CSD and UNEP] support each other in responding to the challenges of effectively implementing the Agenda for the 21st Century.
1996-2: [With regards to UNEP's present efforts to restructure its governing bodies, we welcome the clear message from the meeting held in New York on 4th may that reform is urgently needed. It needs to provide representative political influence to UNEP to restore its rightful place within the UN bodies.] We will work with the executive director and all countries to achieve a satisfactory solution to this at the governing council in January 1997.
1996-3: We reaffirm our strong support for the GEF, by virtue of its original method of operation and the quality of the projects it funds.
1996-4: [Agenda 21 recognises that its implementation will be financed from national public and private funds. As to external finance, we note that private funding and innovative funding mechanisms will represent an increasing important component of the funding of sustainable development in the coming years.] However, we reaffirm our commitment to official development aid (ODA), particularly for the less-developed countries.
1996-5: Finally, in looking forward to the special session we intend to build on the helpful agreements reached at Mangaratiba and at the fourth session of the CSD. [In particular, we emphasize that the special session should not renegotiate Agenda 21, which we remain fully committed to, that it should concentrate on setting clear priorities for the years ahead, and on the pragmatic implementation of Agenda 21.]
1996-6: We must ensure that any [trade] agreements do not weaken environmental policies.
1996-7: To make sure that they encourage industry to operate in a more ecologically-aware fashion, we shall work to ensure that the WTO rules, and in particular those on technical barriers to trade, do not hinder the development of voluntary ecolabelling schemes based on life-cycle analysis, but on the contrary further their utilization and effectiveness by encouraging the use of instruments to promote transparency and consultation, while avoiding trade protectionism.
1996-8: We will work to ensure greater complementary and closer cooperation between UNEP, CSD, WTO, UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) and the OECD, with a view to avoiding duplication and taking advantage of the special expertise of each organization.
1996-9: We will encourage the less-developed countries to participate more actively in the debate, in particular in future meetings and negotiations at the WTO, UNCTAD, UNEP and the ISO, and at the major conventions on the environment.
1997-1: The Leaders agreed to work together to enhance international efforts to further develop global systems for monitoring climate change and other environmental trends in order to continue strengthening scientific support for international action.
1997-2: The Environment Leaders stressed their commitment to achieving a strong agreement for controlling greenhouse gases at the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Kyoto
1997-3: They agreed that developed nations need to take the lead and show their seriousness of purpose by adopting quantified legally binding emissions targets that provide for emissions limitations and significant and realistic emissions reductions within specified time frames.
1997-4: They supported an agreement that allows the Parties flexibility in meeting those targets so that the most efficient and cost-effective policies and measures are used.
1997-5: They agreed to work in partnership with developing countries to assist them in taking concrete steps to help address this problem.
1997-6: The Environment Leaders committed themselves to support and enhance the emerging international cooperative efforts among their governments and international bodies.
1997-7: They agreed to enhance a collective focus on trade which is illegal under international environmental law, including shipments originating in our countries and those that have adverse impacts on developing countries.
1997-8: They also agreed to further consultation under existing mechanism to implement these cooperative efforts.
1997-9: [Forests: Given the continued loss and degradation of forests in many regions, there is a critical need for immediate action to implement the proposals agreed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests, and for a long-term commitment to a holistic, balanced and integrated approach to the sustainable development of all types of forests.] The Environment Leaders agreed to continue to work together to that end.
1997-10:They agreed on the need to make progress in moving toward sustainable production and consumption patterns and significantly improved eco-efficiency.
1997-11:They agreed on the need to facilitate the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries, to increased efforts to mobilize both public and private sector financing, including ODA, and to ensure an adequate replenishment of the Global Environment Facility.
1997-12: We seek to improve levels of protection for children, and we reaffirm the priority of children's environmental health in our own countries, as well as in bilateral and multilateral agendas.
1997-13: We agree to cooperate on environmental research, risk assessment, and standard-setting within the jurisdictions of each ministry.
1997-14: We agree to raise public awareness that would enable families to better protect their children's health.
Environmental Risk Assessments & Standard Setting
1997-15: We pledge to establish national policies that take into account the specific exposure pathways and dose-response characteristics of children when conducting environmental risk assessments and setting protective standards.
1997-16: We will promote research to understand the particular exposures and sensitivities of infants and children to environmental hazards and exchange research results and information on regulatory decisions.
Children's Exposure to Lead
1997-17: We commit to fulfill and promote internationally the OECD Declaration on Lead Risk Reduction.
1997-18: We commit to a phase-out of the use of lead in gasoline … and to set schedules and develop strategies for elimination or reduction of lead from these sources.
1997-19: [We commit to] the elimination of exposure to lead in products intended for use by children … [and to set schedules and develop strategies for elimination or reduction of lead from these sources.]
1997-20: [We commit to] the phase-out of the use of lead in paint and rust-proofing agents … [and to set schedules and develop strategies for elimination or reduction of lead from these sources.]
1997-21: [We commit to] the restriction of lead in products that may result in ingestion in food and drinking water [and to set schedules and develop strategies for elimination or reduction of lead from these sources.]
1997-22: In addition, we agree to conduct public awareness campaigns on the risks to children from lead exposure
1997-23: [In addition, we agree] to develop scientific protocols and programs to monitor blood lead levels in children to track our progress in this important effort.
Microbiologically Safe Drinking Water
1997-24: We agree to focus increased attention on drinking water disinfection, source water protection and sanitation, as major instruments of good drinking water quality in our national and regional progress, as well as through existing bilateral foreign assistance programs, international organizations and financial institutions.
1997-25: We will facilitate technology transfer to and capacity building in developing countries where micro biologically safe drinking water is a primary child survival concern.
1997-26: We agree to share information and policies among our countries to improve our drinking water standards and will designate officials from our ministries to exchange monitoring data on microbiological drinking water contaminants and waterborne disease outbreaks on a regular basis.
1997-27: We agree to collaborate on research to support the development of technologies and methods to control disease outbreaks and will give special emphasis to appropriate technologies for small drinking water treatment systems.
Air Quality
1997-28: We undertake to reduce air pollution in our respective countries, which will alleviate both domestic and transboundary impacts of air quality and, particularly, children's health.
1997-29: Recognizing that indoor air pollution has been identified as a critical problem affecting children's health worldwide, we agree to exchange information, on indoor air health threats and remedial measures.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke
1997-30: We agree to cooperate on education and public awareness efforts aimed at reducing children's exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
Emerging Threats to Children's Health from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
1997-31: We pledge to develop cooperatively risk management or pollution prevention strategies, as major sources and environmental fates of endocrine disrupting chemicals are identified and will continue to inform the public as knowledge is gained.
Impacts of Global Climate Change to Children's Health
1997-32: We will make the steps agreed upon in this declaration a priority in domestic action plans,
1997-33: [We will] report on our progress in carrying out those steps in appropriate international for a
1997-34: [We will] broaden our cooperative efforts on children's environmental health with other countries.
Risk Assessment and Standard Setting
1997-35: Urge the OECD to expedite completion of the process of updating and harmonizing developmental and reproductive toxicity testing guidelines.
1997-36: Designate officials to work towards enhanced international harmonization of risk assessment approaches that explicitly address environmental risks to children.
1997-37: Each country agrees to develop and share individual country actions to accomplish the goals of the OECD Declaration on lead.
1997-38: The Eight will establish principal points of contact and a mechanism for sharing timely information regarding lead hazards in toys and other products to which children might be exposed, including imported products, and will consider other joint actions as appropriate.
1997-39: Provide access, on a timely basis, to new technological developments on blood lead level testing.
Microbiologically Safe Drinking Water
1997-40: Recommend that foreign assistance programs of the Eight, international organizations, and international financial institutions focus increased attention on drinking water disinfection and source water protection for nations worldwide.
1997-41: Designate contact points to exchange monitoring data on microbiological drinking water contaminants and waterborne disease outbreaks.
1997-42: Designate contact points to collaborate on research to support the development of technologies and methods, focused on small drinking water systems, to control disease outbreaks.
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
1997-43: Request that the International Organization on the Management of Chemicals and U.S. EPA complete an international inventory of ongoing research activities.
1997-44: Work with UNEP and other appropriate international organizations to complete an international scientific assessment.
1997-45: Develop an international research strategy after completion of the inventory and scientific assessment.
1997-46: Support an OECD initiative to develop a battery of screening and testing guidelines for endocrine disrupting chemicals that considers the special susceptibilities and exposures to children.
Air Quality
1997-47: Carry out regional commitments to address transboundary impacts of air pollution.
1997-48: Cooperate through existing scientific organization to enhance the exchange of information on health threats and effective remedial approaches for addressing indoor air quality problems.
1998-1: We firmly underline our commitment to sustainable development.
1998-2: We confirm our intention to sign the Protocol within the next year and we resolve to make an urgent start on the further work that is necessary.
1998-3: Domestically our nations undertake to pursue immediately significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
1998-4: We reaffirm commitments under the Convention to provide financial assistance and technology transfer to help those countries to tackle climate change and achieve sustainable development.
1998-5: We must ensure that the policies and operations of the World Bank and other International Financial Institutions take full account of climate change.
1998-6: We undertake to keep in touch through our experts on domestic progress and the ongoing international negotiations.
1998-7: We will review progress at the G8 Environment Ministers meeting next year.
1998-8: We shall therefore take initiatives to develop consistent and coherent programmes oc action, bringing together all aspects of human impact on the marine environment, in the regions in which we are involved.
1998-9: We aim to share experience both amongst ourselves and with other regions.
1998-10: At the global level, we shall take initiatives to identify what needs to be done to improve the way in which the marine environment is managed, so that CSD in 1999 can reach conclusions on how to draw together the work in the UN Agencies and other international bodies and to foster regional action.
1998-11: We commit ourselves to renewed and coordinated efforts to promote international initiatives and agreements to reverse the decline of marine ecosystems, to promote the sutainable use and conservation of marine biodiversity and to develop management systems based upon an ecosystem approach. [Within the general framework of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, these include: the Regional Seas Programme of UNEP; global and regional agreements on the managements and sustainable use of living marine resources, including the UN agreement on straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks and the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries; the Global Programme of Action to Protect the Marine Environment from Land-Based activities; and the International Coral Reefs Initiative.]
Recognising both the serious environmental effects of violations of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) and the need to combat organised crime in this area, we will:
1998-12: provide full support for broader participations in and effective implementation of the existing MEAs (especially the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, and the agreements dealing with hazardous waste), and their mechanisms for exchange of information and for achieving compliance;
1998-13: continue to fight illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances
1998-14: [continue to fight illegal trade in] hazardous waste
1998-15: [continue to fight illegal trade in] protected species;
1998-16: attach high priority and direct appropriate resources to enforcing these MEAs;
1998-17: encourage UNEP to develop proposals for improved co-operation between these MEAs; and
1998-18: strengthen co-operation with developing countries to promote environmental enforcement.
We support the work carried out by the consultation of environmental enforcement officials in Washington DC in January 1998. In this context we will:
1998-19: share information and co-operation in efforts to detext and prosecute transboundary environmental violations in accordance with national and international laws and procedures;
1998-20: continue voluntary informal exchange of information and experiences;
1998-21: support practical international efforts to combat environmental violations and strengthen the capacity of enforcement agencies and officers, including supporting international efforts to train law enforcement officials in environmental enforcement;
1998-22: fully exploit existing international oganisations, such as Interpol, the World Customs Organisations, and the International Maritime Organisation, involved in environmental compliance and enforcement; and
1998-23: undertake national activities during the next year to significantly rise public awareness of violations of MEAs.
199-24: We will review progress when we meet again next year.
1998-25: [We remain concerned about the significant threats that children face from an array of environmental hazards.] We renew our commitment to take action to reduce these threats.
1998-26: We commit ourselves to pursue these important issues through the relevant multilateral fora and through bilateral channels.
On Globalisation and Environment Protection we want to:
1999-1: step up efforts to ensure a coherent global and ecologically responsive framework of multilateral agreements and institutions
1999-2: expedite international co-operation on establishment, general recognition and continual improvement of environmental standards and norms
1999-3: ensure that 'trade and environment' is incorporated as a key issue into the next WTO negotiations, including the following issues to be addressed: increase transparency of WTO and its openness to civil society allowing its effective engagement
1999-4: [ensure that 'trade and environment' is incorporated as a key issue into the next WTO negotiations, including the following issues to be addressed:] preserve the integrity of multilateral environmental agreements and clarify the relationship between multilateral environmental agreements and WTO rules
1999-5: [ensure that 'trade and environment' is incorporated as a key issue into the next WTO negotiations, including the following issues to be addressed:] undertake environment and/or sustainable development reviews of the new round
1999-6: [ensure that 'trade and environment' is incorporated as a key issue into the next WTO negotiations, including the following issues to be addressed:] strengthen co-operation between WTO and UNEP as well as other international environment related organisations and secretariats of multilateral environmental agreements
1999-7: better integrate the environment dimension into the work of international financial institutions and export credit agencies
1999-8: encourage multilateral environmental and sustainable development fora to make their reporting and evaluation of progress in implementing their decisions and agreements more effective.
On Climate Change we want to:
1999-9: work towards timely progress in the implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action with a view to early entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol; in particular on decisions for the operation of the Kyoto mechanisms and for a strong and comprehensive compliance regime
1999-10: start immediately to develop and implement the domestic measures to achieve significant greenhouse gas emission reductions
1999-11: [start immediately to] exchange experience on "best practices" in policies and measures and to review progress next year
1999-12: [welcome the action taken already by developing countries] and support them, in particular through the financial mechanism, the development and transfer of technologies and capacity building
1999-13: promote increasing global participation in the Kyoto process over time by encouraging developing countries to abate their greenhouse gas emissions while taking full account of their legitimate need to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development.
On Environment and Transport we want to
1999-14: take effective action to reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector.
Regarding the Biosafety Protocol we want to
1999-15: work towards agreement on a workable and effective biosafety protocol no later than the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties in May 2000.
On UN Reform in the Environmental Sector we want to
1999-16: seek early decision by the UN General Assembly on reform in the field of the environment, building on the recent decision of the UNEP Governing Council
1999-17: strengthen UNEP as the primary institution within the UN system for environment policy.
On Environment and Security we want to
1999-18: address further the relationship between environmental stress and security with the aim of preventing and reducing conflicts of environmental origin.
On the Follow-up of former G8 Environment Ministers' Meetings we want to
1999-19: undertake further actions to protect oceans and seas and their biological diversity, in particular by countering unsustainable fishing practices
1999-20: [undertake further actions to protect oceans and seas and their biological diversity, in particular by] combating marine pollution
1999-21: [undertake further actions to protect oceans and seas and their biological diversity, in particular by] through better co-operation and co-ordination on a global level
1999-22: take further action to effectively enforce multilateral environmental agreements, including initiatives to support developing countries
1999-23: take further action to combat environmental crime, in particular initiatives to fight against illegal trade in ozone depleting substances
1999-24: [take further action to combat environmental crime, in particular initiatives to fight against illegal trade in] hazardous waste
1999-25: [take further action to combat environmental crime, in particular initiatives to fight against illegal trade in] protected wildlife
1999-26: continue to improve our knowledge of environmental impacts on children's health in order to develop policies to protect children in light of their special vulnerability.
1999-27: We reaffirm our commitments to sustainable development taken at, and following, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio in 1992.
1999-28: We will step up our efforts to ensure that a coherent global and ecologically responsive framework of multilateral agreements and institutions guarantees that globalisation supports sustainable development.
1999-29: We also reaffirm our strong support for the Global Environment Facility as the key multilateral financial mechanism for addressing global environmental challenges.
1999-30: We will use our efforts to bring about an ecological modernisation of our economies towards sustainable development.
1999-31: [Global competition should never become a race to the bottom in environmental protection.] We will therefore use our best efforts to expedite international co-operation on establishment, general recognition and continual improvement of environmental standards and norms.
1999-32: We reaffirm our determination that the next WTO negotiations must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.
1999-33: We will individually or, as appropriate, collectively with other interested WTO members, conduct environment and/or sustainable development reviews of the next WTO negotiations beginning at an early stage.
1999-34: We will undertake to continue integrating policy formation between trade/economic, development and environment ministries and encourage all WTO members to do so.
1999-35: We are determined to take the lead in combating climate change and to make every effort to change our emission trends by taking effective measures domestically to fulfil our obligations.
1999-36: We will actively share our experiences on "best practices" in policies and measures as agreed to in Buenos Aires in order to facilitate co-operation in this area under the Protocol.
1999-37: The next G8 Environmental Futures Forum will specifically address this issue and present a report to us next year.
1999-38: We therefore consider it an urgent necessity to exploit the potential for emission reductions in that sector as far as possible, e.g. by reducing fuel consumption by shifting modes towards more environmentally responsible means of transport, and by introducing and increasing the use of alternative fuels and propulsion systems.
1999-39: We reaffirm the commitment under the Kyoto Protocol to pursue limitation or reduction of emissions from aviation and marine bunker fuels
1999-40: We remain committed to achieving a workable and effective Biosafety Protocol that will protect biodiversity.
1999-41: [We welcome the decision of the last UNEP Governing Council on the reports of the Secretary General of the UN and of the United Nations Task Force on Environment and Human Settlements as an important step on the way to the necessary institutional strengthening of UN activities in the field of the environment.] We will use our best efforts to ensure that this important matter will be concluded expeditiously by the UN General Assembly.
1999-42: We will support the Secretary General of the UN and the Executive Director of UNEP in their ongoing endeavours to achieve more efficient co-operation and co-ordination between the UN institutions concerned and encourage them to take action as outlined in the UNEP Governing Council decision.
1999-43: We will examine how to further the issue of preventing and reducing conflicts of environmental origin.
1999-44: We undertake to make renewed and co-ordinated efforts to counteract these dangers and to promote sustainable use and preservation of the biological diversity of the seas by means of measures at national, regional and global level.
1999-45: [We wish to stress once again the necessity for effective enforcement of multilateral environmental agreements and to express our serious concern at the ever-increasing evidence of violations.] We undertake to implement all obligations arising from such agreements and call for the adoption of efficient procedures and measures, including in particular initiatives to fight against illegal trade in ozone depleting substances
1999-46: [We wish to stress once again the necessity for effective enforcement of multilateral environmental agreements and to express our serious concern at the ever-increasing evidence of violations.] [We undertake to implement all obligations arising from such agreements and call for the adoption of efficient procedures and measures, including in particular initiatives to fight against illegal trade in] hazardous waste
1999-47: [We wish to stress once again the necessity for effective enforcement of multilateral environmental agreements and to express our serious concern at the ever-increasing evidence of violations.] [We undertake to implement all obligations arising from such agreements and call for the adoption of efficient procedures and measures, including in particular initiatives to fight against illegal trade in] protected wildlife that can be used to ensure effective enforcement.
1999-48: We therefore give our full support to UNEP's important initiative for a workshop this summer to aid policy and enforcement officers, primarily from developing countries, in their implementation of environmental conventions.
1999-49: We support the work of the G8 senior experts group on transnational organised crime (the Lyon Group) who have concluded that organised criminal activity is involved in violation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
1999-50: We will build a stronger baseline of knowledge of what we are doing and what more can be done to effectively protect the health of children from environmental contaminants and degradation.
Successful completion of COP6 for the early entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol; further promotion of global actions to address climate change
2000-1: We confirm our commitment to ensure that results achieved at COP6 help promote the ratification and entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol as soon as possible.
2000-2: We resolve to take the political leadership necessary for the success of COP6.
2000-3: We will make full use of meetings at the ministerial level to resolve political issues.
2000-4: We commit ourselves to outcomes at COP6 that ensure environmental integrity, environmental credibility and cost effectiveness.
2000-5: We reaffirm our responsibilities to take the lead in combating climate change.
2000-6: We will strengthen partnerships between developed and developing countries to promote capacity building and technology transfer.
2000-7: We commit ourselves to continue supporting adaptation measures by countries particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, notably small island developing states and least developed countries.
2000-8: We continue to support the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's efforts to provide a scientific basis for international discussions on climate change.
2000-9: We recommit ourselves to taking significant domestic actions to tackle global climate change.
2000-10: We will continue information exchanges regarding best practices in order to learn further from the experiences of other countries.
Sustainable development in the 21st century
2000-11: We commit ourselves to pursuing these goals based on a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of environmental considerations and will foster a partnership between developed and developing countries to this end.
2000-12: We reaffirm our Rio + 5 commitment to have in place national strategies for sustainable development by 2002.
2000-13: We will continue to move towards a more sustainable management and use of natural resources
2000-14: [We will continue to] improve resource efficiency
2000-15: [We will continue to] reduce the discharge of wastes into the environment.
2000-16: We will encourage the lifecycle approach and therefore promote waste reduction, reuse, recycling and appropriate waste disposal that endangers neither human health nor the environment.
2000-17: We will promote the preservation of water resources and ecosystems, and provision of security from floods, droughts and other natural hazards through adopting the integrated water resources management approach, including environmentally-sound management in catchment basins.
2000-18: We will move toward pricing water services to reflect the cost of their provision.
2000-19: We will promote international assessments of freshwater resources and fully utilize our experiences and expertise in water management to assist developing countries in capacity building and technology transfer.
2000-20: We will further enhance energy efficiency and promote environmentally-sound energy mixes.
2000-21: We will promote research and development to reduce costs and enhance the marketability of renewable energies.
2000-22: We will promote policies and measures to improve the competitiveness of renewable energies, thereby expanding relevant markets.
2000-23: G-8 countries need to work with partners to address these problems with the aim of making a step change in the provision of sustainable energy in poor countries.
2000-24: We will further promote environmental reporting and accounting as effective tools to this end.
2000-25: We continue to support and facilitate participation of stakeholders in developing, implementing, and monitoring environmental policies locally, nationally, and internationally.
2000-26: We will also strengthen our efforts to make regional environmental cooperation more effective.
2000-27: We will strengthen our efforts to ensure that a coherent global and ecologically responsive framework of environmental agreements and institutions guarantees that globalization supports sustainable development.
2000-28: We will further promote international co-operation on the establishment, general recognition and continual improvement and implementation of environmental standards and norms.
2000-29: [We call on all regions and stakeholders to enter into the preparatory process, including comprehensive assessment of current environmental and developmental trends,] and we will promote regional cooperation to this end.
2000-30: We recommit ourselves to implement the 1997 Declaration of the Environment Leaders of the Eight on Children's Environmental Health.
2000-31: To reduce the generation of dioxins and furans we will promote comprehensive measures including waste minimization, segregation at source, and proper pollution control.
2000-32: We seek to further the exchange of information among countries implementing pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) schemes.
2000-33: We will make efforts for the early entry into force of the Rotterdam Convention.
2000-34: [We welcome the decision of the UN CSD as regards Oceans and Seas and will work cooperatively to implement its provisions. We also welcome the recently adopted United Nations General Assembly Resolution on Oceans and Seas which called for an informal consultative process to consider all aspects of the oceans and seas.] We will work to make this process a success.
2000-35: We will strengthen our efforts to achieve sustainable management of fish stocks, at both national and international levels.
2000-36: We will make efforts towards the early entry into force of the New York Agreement on Straddling Stocks and the FAO Compliance Agreement
2000-37: [We will make efforts towards the early entry into force of the] 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972 (London Convention).
2000-38: We will also make efforts to further activate Regional Sea Action Plans,
2000-39: [We will also make efforts to] strengthen regional secretariats for the Action Plans
2000-40: [We will also make efforts to] vigorously implement the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA).
2000-41: [We stress the importance of the adoption of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in January of this year as a major event.] G-8 countries will make all possible efforts for its early entry into force by giving timely consideration to signature and ratification.
2000-42: In particular, we support practical international efforts to build capacity on trade and environment issues in developing countries, particularly those which bring together officials from both the trade and environment fields and foster policy integration supportive of sustainable development.
2000-43: [Last year, G-8 Heads called on export credit agencies to work "towards common environmental guidelines … by the 2001 G-8 Summit."] We must reinvigorate and intensify our work to meet this mandate.
2000-44: We will provide full support for broader participation in, and effective implementation of, and compliance with, the existing MEAs, and their mechanisms for exchange of information and for achieving their goals.
2000-45: We will continue to strengthen cooperation with other countries, in particular developing countries, who need external assistance to support their efforts to achieve the objectives of the MEAs.
Promoting timely global action to meet the challenges of climate change
2001-1: We commit ourselves at the resumed COP6 to strive to reach agreement on outstanding political issues andto ensure in a cost-effective manner the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol, making full use of all opportunities, including ministerial meetings.
2001-2: Furthermore, we commit to take the lead by strengthening and implementing national programs and actions, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to promote and disseminate environmentally sound technologies and practices and renewable energy sources.
Strengthening domestic actions
2001-3: We pledge to encourage and facilitate further voluntary actions by civil society now and to exchange information about how we can develop more effective public-private partnerships.
Preparation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002
2001-4: We commit ourselves to assume leadership in changing unsustainable production and consumption patterns.
2001-5: Within this context, we will strengthen our effort to ensure that globalization supports sustainable development.
2001-6: We commit to support the process and look forward to its results feeding into the preparation for the WSSD.
2001-7: We continue to support broad participation in, effective implementation of, and compliance with existing MEAs.
2001-8: G8 Environment Ministers stress the importance of, and the need to promote, international, regional and global cooperation among states, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organisations, for the conservation of biological diversity and sustainable use of its component.
2001-9: We commit to improve the research, data collection and information exchanges on environmental and health risk assessment connected with emissions of pollutants in the environmental media, with particular emphasis to freshwater.
2001-10: We commit to improve the collection, assessment, and dissemination of air quality data and to cooperate on risk assessment and science-based approaches that reduce emissions of major air pollutants and their transport across borders.
2001-11: [We welcome the successful conclusion of the negotiations of of the Global Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants held in December 2000.] We will increase our efforts in supporting the signature and the early entry into force of the Convention, as well as for reducing the health and environment impact caused by the use of these highly toxic chemicals.
2001-12: We are strongly committed to supporting and facilitating the implementation of the Convention by developing countries and countries with economies in transition through technical and financial assistance.
2001-13: We also commit ourselves to implement international projects aimed to improve our knowledge of the safe use of chemicals; the risks that can be involved in their manufacture, release into the environment and disposal; and the means to avoid or reduce risks.
2001-14: We are further committed to promoting internationally the development of national Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) schemes compatible among countries, which at a minimum have the characteristics identified in the Priorities for Action at Forum III of the IFCS and which include a core set of chemicals (i.e. POPs chemicals, heavy metals, ozone depleting chemicals), as a means to increase access to information and recognizing that communities have a right-to-know about chemicals in the environment.
2001-15: We reaffirm our commitment to ratify the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure (PIC) for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
2001-16: [We recognize the special vulnerability of children to environmental threats] and are committed to working together to do our utmost to remove those threats.
2001-17: We will work together to address the most serious environmental health threats, including microbiological and chemical contaminants in drinking water, air pollution that exacerbates illness and death from asthma and other respiratory problems, polluted water, toxic substances and pesticides.
2001-18: We recommit ourselves to take initiative for a rapid implementation of the two Declarations our own countries, in developing countries and in countries with economies in transition.
2002-1: We are committed to continue to demonstrate leadership in implementing sustainable development, at home and globally, working with the international community to further implement Agenda 21.
2002-2: We are determined to take the lead by taking strong actions, in fulfillment of our commitments under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and in furthering its ultimate objective.
2002-3: We agree to reinforce our exchange of information and best practices, in particular in the field of research and development.
2002-4: We will work together with governments and other partners to develop concrete proposals in specific key sectors including, among others, i) strategic partnerships to promote sustainable water resource management, including access to safe water and sanitation;
2002-5: [We will work together with governments and other partners to develop concrete proposals in specific key sectors including, among others] ii) building on work already done by G8 countries, actions in the field of energy such as substantially reducing the number of people without access to energy supplies, increasing energy efficiency, improving conservation of energy resources, developing new technologies and promoting the use and share of renewable energy sources in all countries.
2002-6: We are committed to work with our respective domestic and international partners to ensure that globalization promotes sustainable development for the benefit of all.
2002-7: We resolve to work with our partners at all levels to enhance their effectiveness.
2002-8: [Among the most important instruments for the sound management of chemicals are the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants] and we support their early entry into force and implementation by member parties.
2002-9: Collectively, we will consider further areas of collaboration such as review of, and action towards, providing safe drinking water and sanitation, and improved air quality in urban areas through advanced technology and clean fuels.
2002-10: Recognizing that the task of protecting children's health from environmental threats is ongoing, we agree to collectively advance work on the development of children's environmental health indicators as a means for monitoring progress, in consultation with relevant multilateral organizations.
2002-11: We see a clear need to further the science base in order to underpin action on environment and health issues and to build capacity to address them in an integrated way at all levels.
2002-12: We resolve to work with partners throughout the international community, and with key international organizations, particularly the United Nations Environment Programme -and the World Health Organization to develop and implement constructive approaches to meet environment, health and poverty challenges.
2002-13: We agree to early discussions by experts to determine how we can further advance G8 thinking on the World Summit initiatives related to human health and environment in the context of sustainable development.
2002-14: We need to explore ways to create opportunities for these leading companies and to facilitate their ability to play an active role in recruiting a greater number of private sector entities to adhere to the principles of sustainable development.
2002-15: We will promote proposals and ideas that encourage foreign investment to make a greater contribution to environmental protection and sustainable development.
2002-16: We are committed to continue to improve our respective domestic environmental governance and to further engage civil society on the merits of sustainable development.
2002-17: We will continue to share with the international community our successes and lessons-learned on environmental governance.
2002-18: We are committed to take concrete steps at the World Summit to ensure their full implementation and the enhancement of linkages between the strengthening of international environmental governance and the other aspects of sustainable development governance.
2002-18: We will continue to collaborate with the international community and UN bodies to enhance the effectiveness of international governance, including multilateral environmental governance, governance at the regional and subregional level (e.g. UN regional commissions) conducive to sustainable development so as to enhance the coordination of our respective environmental, economic and social objectives.
2002-19: Our commitment to sustainable development remains strong, and we will pursue that commitment through further action.
2003-1: [The international community including the G8 Member States already made clear that they support the goals and principles of NEPAD] and are determined to implement the Plan adopted in Johannesburg and, in particular, its chapter for Africa.
2003-2: With regard to water, we give full support to the WSSD objective to promote integrated water resources development and optimise the upstream and downstream benefits therefrom, the development and effective management of water resources across all uses and the protection of water quality and aquatic ecosystems.
2003-3: On energy, we will take action to improve access to energy services, while promoting the deployment of renewable energy sources and the transformational energy technologies including cleaner and more efficient fossil fuels, in a way that is compatible with sustainable development.
2003-4: We will work in accordance with NEPAD and, among others, through WSSD partnerships to deliver this and promote innovative market mechanisms.
2003-5: We will continue to support transboundary cooperation, notably in the Congo basin where we are focusing on sustainable forest management, and will work with developing countries to help them fight illegal logging.
2003-6: We will firmly continue to support efforts to mainstream action against desertification into relevant national policies and plans.
2003-7: We strongly support the development of sub-regional and national sustainable development strategies, which could be based on the integration of the environment into existing development frameworks, in particular Poverty Reduction Strategy processes, considering that such strategies represent good opportunities to make known and share with the various civil society actors the importance of the environment.
2003-8: Convinced that these strategies must be, rapidly, turned into concrete actions, we will endeavour to facilitate their implementation.
2003-9: In this context, we G8 Environment Ministers, will take the lead in the discussion, at the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), to consider how to best support these initiatives and progress to sustainable production and consumption, including by:
2003-10: [We recognise that improved understanding of the linkages between environment and health will ensure more effective policy responses.] We will work together to assess and share knowledge in order to help build capacity at all levels in this regard.
2003-11: We will encourage sustainable local production and consumption patterns which can help preserve landscape diversity and biological diversity, and contribute to poverty eradication.
2003-12: We are committed to assist those countries that demonstrate a political commitment to draft national plans for the integrated management of water resources and the efficient use of water by 2005.
2003-13: We, G8 Environment Ministers, reaffirm our commitment to actively promote corporate environmental responsibility and accountability and support continuing improvement in corporate practices in all countries.
2003-14: We strongly support the successful completion of the World Trade Organisation negotiations. [We see specific opportunities in the negotiations on environmental goods and services.]
2003-15: The greening of government at all levels is imperative. We will continue to work on the adoption of: public procurement policies that encourage development and diffusion of environmentally sound goods and services;
2003-16: [The greening of government at all levels is imperative. We will continue to work on the adoption of:] where appropriate, on a voluntary basis, effective, transparent, verifiable, non-misleading and non- discriminatory consumer information tools to provide information relating to sustainable consumption and production, including human health and safety aspects, bearing in mind that they should not be used as disguised trade barriers.
2003-17: Consumers, citizens and workers must be informed about the challenges ahead and we will develop awareness-raising programmes on the importance of sustainable production and consumption patterns, particularly among youth and the relevant segments in all countries, especially in developed countries, through, inter alia, education, public and consumer information, advertising and other media, taking into account local, national and regional cultural values.
Institutional structure.
2003-18: We support: current efforts to enhance universal participation for UNEP GC/GMEF and involvement of civil society in relevant international fora, bearing in mind ECOSOC rules and procedures;
2003-19: [We support:] an increased coordination at the international level (broad policy guidance and advice of UNEP GC/GMEF with full respect for the independent legal status and governance structure of other entities, environmental mainstreaming within the United Nations system by Environmental Management Group, integration of the environment in the development programmes of United Nations Development Group, UNEP/Global Environment Facility (GEF) Action Plan on complementarity) as well as at the domestic level (improved coordination at the national level of positions on, and implementation of, Multilateral Environmental Agreements - MEAs);
2003-20: [We support:] strengthening the scientific base of UNEP by improving its ability to monitor and assess global environmental change; and
2003-21: [We support:] the current efforts to strengthen compliance with and enforcement of MEAs as well as current efforts undertaken by MEA bodies to strengthen their cooperation.
2003-22: As regards developing countries, and countries with economies in transition, we stress our commitment to support their efforts to that end. [water]
2003-23: We will continue our efforts in ocean and coastal protection, including sustainable fisheries, the conservation of biodiversity, the strengthening of marine science, the reduction of marine pollution, control of invasive alien species, and greater maritime safety.
2007-1: In a global study we will initiate the process of analysing the global economic benefit of biological diversity, the costs of the loss of biodiversity and the failure to take protective measures versus the costs of effective conservation.
2007-2: We will strengthen the scientific basis for biodiversity and are committed to improve the science policy interface.
2007-3: In this context we will support the ongoing consultative process on an international mechanism for providing scientific advice (IMOSEB).
2007-4: Building on existing endeavours we will explore the development of a "Global Species Information System" which aims at gathering and making available information on all known species on earth and which serves as a tool for information and awareness raising for the wider public as well as for enhanced scientific cooperation.
2007-5: We will enhance the integration of policies which involve governments, industries, civil society and consumers and implement an effective mix of mechanisms including:
2007-6: In this context we will implement concrete initiatives with a special focus on timber and biomass such as voluntary harmonisation of procurement practices and standards to facilitate trade in sustainable timber and building on the 2005 Derbyshire initiative to tackle illegal logging.
2007-7: Recognizing the serious threats to biodiversity from the illegal trade in wildlife, we will strengthen our cooperation to combat illegal activities within the framework of CITES and through effective partnerships between governments, international and non-governmental organizations, such as the Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking.
2007-8: In view of the increasing threat of invasive alien species to biodiversity and productive systems we will enhance our efforts in identifying, preventing and controlling invasive alien species … e.g. through the development of early warning systems, listing of species and information sharing.
2007-9: [In view of the increasing threat of invasive alien species to biodiversity and productive systems we will enhance our efforts in] strengthen[ing] our international cooperation [e.g. through the development of early warning systems, listing of species and information sharing.]
2007-10: In this context we welcome and support the activities of the Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP).
2007-11: We will intensify our research … regarding the high seas in order to identify those habitats that merit protection and to ensure their protection.
2007-12: [We will] enhance our cooperation [regarding the high seas in order to identify those habitats that merit protection and to ensure their protection.]
2007-13: We will aim for an improved linkage between climate and biodiversity policies.
2007-14: We will ensure that biodiversity aspects are equally considered in the mitigation of and the adaptation to climate change (incl. biomass) and the reduction of emissions from deforestation.
2007-15: [We will ensure that biodiversity aspects are equally considered in the] adaptation to climate change (incl. biomass)
2007-16: [We will ensure that biodiversity aspects are equally considered in the] reduction of emissions from deforestation.
2007-17: In co-operation with our partners we will commit ourselves to stepping up and better integrating biodiversity issues into development co-operation.
2007-18: In this context we aim for integrated planning and the implementation of win-win strategies and projects.
2007-19: We strive for a systematic integration of Environmental Impact Assessments according to national law.
2007-20: We will approach the financial sector to effectively integrate biodiversity into its decision making and welcome the Equator Principles as an important benchmarking initiative.
2007-21: We will enhance financing from existing financing instruments … to finance the protection and sustainable use of biological diversity, together with the fight against poverty.
2007-22: [We will] explore the need and the options of additional innovative mechanisms [to finance the protection and sustainable use of biological diversity, together with the fight against poverty.]
2007-23: In this context we will examine the concept and the viability of payments for ecosystem services.
2007-24: [Focusing all our efforts on the achievement of the 2010 target of significantly reducing the loss of biodiversity in the coming years, we acknowledge the urgent need to halt human induced extinction of biodiversity as soon as possible. In this context we welcome the Countdown 2010 Initiative and the Alliance for Zero Extinction.] We will develop and implement national targets and strategies in order to achieve the 2010 target and beyond.
[We agree to take the following actions, as appropriate to circumstances in individual countries:]
Action 1-1: Prioritize Implementation of 3Rs Policy
2008-1: Share the importance of the spirit of mottainai [zero waste]
2008-2: prioritize the actions to curb unsustainable consumption of natural resources
2008-3: minimize associated life cycle environmental impacts
2008-4: Give high priority to waste reduction and take concrete actions such as reducing the use of disposable plastic bags and other single-use consumer products, thereby calling for other countries to follow suit
2008-5: Strive for the utilization and management of the inputs, materials and energy which are contained in waste in an environmentally sound manner
2008-6: ensure that waste management processes, including separation and pre-treatment of waste, maintain high standards of protection of the environment and human health such as those developed under the Basel Convention
2008-7: [recognize the importance of internalizing external costs so that the final price reflects environmental impacts] and create incentives for more sustainable patterns of consumption and production
Action 1-2: Improve Resource Productivity and Set Targets
2008-8: [Welcome the adoption of the OECD Council Recommendation on Resource Productivity] and take the lead in implementing the recommendation in each country.
2008-9: Also, support international collaboration work that analyzes material flows and associated environmental/economic impacts towards sustainable resource management through agencies and initiatives such as OECD and UNEP
2008-10: As agreed at the St. Petersburg Summit in 2006 by the G8 leaders, set targets as appropriate taking account of resource productivity in furthering efforts to optimize resource cycles. [Possible targets are, for example, resource productivity, abiotic raw materials used, total waste, hazardous waste generation, municipal waste generation, waste per capita, recycling rates, final disposal, energy intensity.]
Action 1-3: Pursue Co-benefits between the 3Rs and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions
2008-11: Seek co-benefits between waste management and 3Rs-related activities and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and thus contribute to global climate protection by effective implementation of 3Rs practices
2008-12: Encourage effective utilization of waste as one of the alternative sources of energy to fossil fuel resources, for example, by developing and utilizing technologies that generate heat and power from organic and other wastes
2008-13: Encourage the use of organic materials contained in waste and its safe and lawful utilization for a variety of purposes, such as animal feed, composting, fermentation, and energy recovery.
2008-14: Promote reduced land-filling of organic matter for preventing emission of greenhouse gases, particularly methane.
2008-15: Together with individual businesses, promote the development of technologies and identify potential opportunities to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the promotion of 3Rs.
Action 1-4: Promote Science and Technology and Create a Market for 3Rs-related Products
2008-16: Promote technological innovations in 3Rs-related technologies and environmentally conscious design by encouraging research and development, certification and standards, and collecting and disseminating information to the public.
2008-17: Encourage the market for 3Rs-related technologies
2008-18: Promote the development of more eco-efficient products through green public procurement and other policy measures
Action 2-1: Collaborate to Promote Sound International Resource Circulation
2008-19: To achieve sustainable resource circulation on a global scale, place high priority on the promotion of environmentally sound management of reusable and recyclable resources within each country, in compliance with associated domestic regulations and applicable international agreements.
2008-20: In this context, encourage and support such environmentally sound management in developing countries
2008-21: At the same time, work to prevent illegal transboundary movements of reusable and recyclable resources (as wastes or non-wastes) and agree to respect the provisions of the Basel Convention
2008-22: In cases where the above two safeguards are in place, facilitate the international trade of 3Rs-related goods, materials, products and service, including reusable and recyclable resources and remanufactured products, which contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts and the effective use of resources without discouraging domestic efforts to improve reuse and recycling.
2008-23: As major world economies, support and collaborate with developing countries to establish an international sound material-cycle society.
Action 2-2: Promote International Trade of 3Rs-related Materials, Goods and Products
2008-24: Seek joint solutions to issues concerning the distinctions between waste and non-waste within the framework of international activities and agreements, notably the Basel Convention; in this context, the work undertaken by the OECD is especially important
2008-25: Encourage the enhancement of multilateral trade in clean technologies, environmental services and sustainable products by promoting environmentally conscious design and the trade of remanufactured goods
2008-26: [Recognize the significance of reducing barriers to trade in remanufactured goods] and support the recently submitted proposal to liberalize trade in remanufactured goods under the WTO Doha Round
2008-27: Share information and cooperate internationally on mechanisms to support proper international resource circulation such as eco-labelling, certification schemes, or traceability technologies
2008-28: Facilitate the import of materials, including hazardous and other wastes, for recycling, recovery or treatment from developing countries to G8 and other developed countries with appropriate and adequate technological capacities, in order to mitigate the environmental burden in such exporting countries that do not have environmentally sound management capacities
Action 3-1: Promote Collaboration with Developing Countries
2008-29: Request that bilateral and multilateral aid agencies reflect the concept of the 3Rs in development projects
2008-30: [Request that] private investors promote 3Rs in developing countries
2008-31: Collaborate to improve 3Rs capacity in developing countries by helping to develop databases, information sharing and monitoring mechanisms, 3Rs-related institutional design and policy planning
2008-32: [Collaborate to improve 3Rs capacity in developing countries by] supporting the formation of development projects,
2008-33: [Collaborate to improve 3Rs capacity in developing countries by] utilizing frameworks and initiatives of multilateral cooperation in an effective manner and capacity and expert knowledge of international organizations.
2008-34: Support the work programs related to capacity building in developing countries under the Basel Convention
2008-35: Assist the activities of Basel Convention Regional Centres
2008-36: Seek co-benefits between 3Rs activities and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries, by identifying the environmental impacts of the waste and material management systems
2008-37: [Seek co-benefits between 3Rs activities and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries, by] Potential opportunities for reducing GHGs from waste and material management systems
2008-38: [Seek co-benefits between 3Rs activities and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries, by] Utilizing multilateral collaboration mechanisms
2008-39: Work to ensure that waste is treated and disposed of or recycled in facilities which comply with high environmental and health standards, taking into account local social and economic circumstances
Action 3-2: Promote Technology Transfer, Information Sharing and Environmental Education
2008-40: Promote the transfer of environmentally compatible technologies, management, and know-how for the 3Rs and low-waste generation processes including remanufacturing and efficient industrial technology, to developing countries, in order to initiate innovative reforms
2008-41: Enhance knowledge and research networks for the 3R Initiative
2008-42: Inform industries, NGOs and citizens about 3Rs-related activities at the national and international levels
2008-43: Disseminate information on the effectiveness of 3Rs policies and actions and the potential negative environmental impacts of waste (on climate, air, water including ocean, soil, and biodiversity)
Action 3-3: Promote Partnership between Stakeholders
2008-44: Promote dialogue and collaboration with all stakeholders involved in the 3R Initiative at the national and international levels
2008-45: Develop strategies to increase the involvement of the business community, including small and medium-sized enterprises, such as supporting technological development of innovative 3Rs processes, especially with a view to improving resource efficiency and state-of-the-art waste treatment
2008-46: We will report on the progress of activities, policies and measures implemented based on this Action Plan at the G8 Environment Ministers Meeting in 2011 or whenever such reporting is appropriate, and at appropriate intervals thereafter
We, the G8 Environment Ministers … decide to take the following actions:
2009-1: Developing synergistic policies that consider the contribution that biodiversity and ecosystems provide for climate change adaptation and mitigation at local, national and global levels, taking into account that biodiversity and ecosystem services are critical for regulating our climate.
2009-2: Proactively putting in place actions for climate change adaptation of natural and managed ecosystems since spontaneous adaptation is not expected to be sufficient to reduce the impacts on biodiversity at all levels, or on vulnerable ecosystems, or for long-term human well-being.
2009-3. Pursuing a significantly improved understanding of the role of communities and ecosystems in climate change adaptation measures with a view to building their resilience and adaptive capacity and generating additional economic benefits.
2009-4: Implementing biodiversity conservation and sustainable use actions with a view to improving climate adaptation in priority sectoral areas such as management of water, forests, agriculture, marine and coastal areas and infrastructure development, which include the use of new and improved technologies, paying special attention to sustaining ecosystem services.
2009-5: Combating illegal logging, according with relevant legislation, including through support for sustainable forest management, as a contribution to supporting human livelihoods, conserving and sustainably using biodiversity and increasing carbon storage and sequestration.
2009-6: Developing land-based climate change mitigation approaches, such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) while promoting biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, to integrate the mitigation potential of forests and other land uses into future action to tackle climate change, taking into account the potential for such approaches to serve as a model for valuation of and payment for ecosystem services;
2009-7. Ensuring the development and transfer of best practice, as well as soft and hard technologies, through mutually agreed terms, which will be essential to achieve a coordinated response and the cost-effective use of resources in coping with biodiversity loss and climate change.
2009-8: Strengthening the use of economics as a tool to achieve biodiversity policy goals through mainstreaming an improved understanding of the benefits arising from biodiversity and ecosystem services and the costs of their loss, as well as the identification of consequent cost-effective policy options for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
2009-9: Investing in conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and climate change mitigation and adaptation in order to contribute to a green global economic recovery, through a positive and sustainable labour market trend and to contribute to poverty alleviation and to help all stakeholders in decision-making, taking into account their individual responsibilities.
2009-10: Providing impetus, resonance and support to the ongoing study on "The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity" (TEEB) introduced by the Potsdam Initiative and within the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment follow-up strategy, as well as similar studies. The private sector, civil society and individual citizens should be fully involved in the different stages of the development of these studies and the implementation of their outcomes.
2009-11: Working towards the completion of the negotiation on the international access and benefit sharing regime by 2010.
2009-12: Raising awareness, at all levels, on how terrestrial and marine ecosystems provide a steady flow of goods and services, including human life-support functions for present and future generations, and developing market opportunities or other means and mechanisms to affirm these values.
2009-13: Broadening support for actions to combat the illegal trade in wildlife, where trafficking threatens both the components of ecosystems and the sustainable wildlife resources which poor communities value and from which they often derive sustainable sources of income.
2009-14: Promoting the establishment, restoration and effective management of protected areas and their ecological connectivity as an essential tool for the continuous flow of ecosystem services.
2009-15: Improving, promoting and effectively managing systems of terrestrial and marine protected area networks, to encourage economic and employment opportunities, and also promoting new and innovative financial mechanisms such as the Life Web initiative.
2009-16: Avoiding or minimizing any adverse impact on biodiversity from the implementation of infrastructure development programmes, as well as considering how such programmes can
effectively contribute to investments in 'Green/Greening Infrastructure.'
2009-17: Maintaining and restoring the long-term flow of ecosystem services.
2009-18: Implementing biodiversity policies and incentives that relate to all relevant sectors, including forests, fisheries and agriculture
2009-19: Promoting markets for environmentally friendly products produced in harmony with nature
2009-20: Promoting sustainable natural resource management as also mentioned in the Satoyama Initiative introduced by the Kobe Call for Action, so as to create the conditions to achieve the MDGs.
2009-21: Achieving the ecological conservation and sustainable development of marine and coastal zones, in particular by applying the principles of integrated coastal zone management such as already initiated in the Mediterranean by the UNEP Regional Seas Programme.
2009-22: Developing and strengthening actions to prevent and to control invasive alien species, also taking into consideration the high costs of coping with existing invasions and their strong impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Among the priority actions to implement are early warning and rapid response.
2009-23: Continuing the process of exploring mechanisms to improve the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, longterm human well-being and sustainable development, taking into account the special need to develop and maintain the technical and scientific capacity of developing countries in biodiversity related issues, as stated by the 25th UNEP Session of the Governing Council and the 10th Global Ministerial Environment Forum; and, looking forward to the next intergovernmental and multistakeholder meeting in October 2009, reaffirming our commitment to advance this process further, and striving to complete this process at the earliest possible time.
2009-24: Supporting cooperation among countries, relevant international organizations, research institutes and NGOs to further global monitoring of biodiversity, building upon the effective networking of existing monitoring schemes.
2009-25: Achieving biodiversity data, including data on appropriate indicators of human well-being, which is reliable, comparable and inter-operable, and developing global approaches to exchange scientific knowledge, best practice, technologies and innovation, based on existing organizations, centres and mechanisms.
2009-26: Fostering comprehensive and focused research and capacity building, at all levels, on biodiversity and ecosystem services, taking into account different capabilities of countries and improving the development and wide use of advanced technologies to carry out monitoring of biodiversity changes and global environmental assessment.
2016-1: We … .stand ready to promote its [2030 Agenda] implementation at all levels.
2016-2: We also commit to advancing a number of specific measures to achieve the SDGs.
2016-3: For the purpose of promoting implementation globally, we will collaborate with each other on relevant actions
2016-4: We underline our strong commitment to continue implementing our initiatives for resource efficiency and the 3Rs, including the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency.
2016-5: We will make every effort to prevent unsustainable consumption of natural resources and associated environmental deterioration from extending to our future generations.
2016-6: We will review the reports [UNEP_IRP synthesis report and OECD policy report] and will draw conclusions next year under the Italian presidency.
2016-7: Acknowledging the importance of the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency to share best practices for resource efficiency and create networks among stakeholders, as shown by the workshops held in 2015 and 2016 by Germany, the UK, Japan, and the US, we will continue to cooperate through the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency.
2016-8: In this context, we reaffirm our commitment to effective implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
2016-9: Recognizing the usefulness of economic approaches for mainstreaming biodiversity, we commit to further develop and advance these mechanisms, thereby contributing to address the topic of "mainstreaming biodiversity for well-being" across sectors, including agriculture, forests and fisheries, and to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the SDGs.
2016-10: we decide to pursue these economic approaches through various opportunities for continuous exchange of ideas, good practices and capacity building, including, for example, in the work of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
2016-11: We also commit to further improve efficiencies of biodiversity-related conventions and relevant United Nations organizations by promoting synergies among them, through appropriate measures to strengthen policy coherence at all relevant levels and across economic sectors and to enhance coordination and cooperation among multilateral environmental agreements
2016-12: We also support and will engage constructively in the UN process aimed at the development of an international legally-binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction.
2016-13: We are determined to show leadership with early and steady implementation of our nationally determined contributions by enhancing national measures in each country …
2016-14: We intend, and also encourage other Parties, particularly the major emitters, to take the domestic steps necessary in order to join the Agreement as soon as possible.
2016-15: Recognizing the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C of global warming and related emission pathways and the UNFCCC facilitative dialogue on mitigation ambition in 2018, we commit to develop and communicate our strategies to the UNFCCC Secretariat, as soon as possible and well within the schedule provided by the COP21 decision.
2016-16: For developing these long-term low GHG emission development strategies, and cooperating with other countries, we acknowledge the importance of research on future scenarios, strategies, and targets of each country, as well as knowledge sharing through researchers' networks. We commit to deepen our exchange in this regard from this year on.
2016-17: We are committed to actively engage in new coalitions and initiatives launched during COP21.
2016-18: We emphasize that such measures [carbon pricing] are effective means of enhancing innovation and low-carbon investment for long-term emission reductions, and thus should be further promoted.
2016-19: We also support the adoption of domestic measures, as appropriate, to mitigate methane emissions including in the oil and gas sector
2016-20: [We also support the adoption of domestic measures, as appropriate, to] improve the environmental performance of heavy- and light-duty vehicles.
2016-21: [we] support adoption of a Montreal Protocol HFC phase-down amendment in 2016.
2016-22: We continue our efforts to provide and mobilize increased climate finance from public and private sources.
2016-23: In this regard, we reaffirm our efforts to work on a balance for mitigation and adaptation support.
2016-24: As women are often amongst the most disproportionately affected, we encourage their inclusion and that they play a key role in shaping climate change policies on mitigation and adaptation.
2016-25: We welcome and will remain engaged in accelerating the ongoing international discussions under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management on the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 including the intersessional process which was initiated at the Fourth International Conference on Chemicals Management.
2016-26: We reaffirm our commitment to its [1997 Miami Declaration on Children's Environmental Health] continuous implementation and the importance of a safe and secure environment for children with appreciation of long-term, large-scale epidemiological studies to understand how chemicals in the environment affect children's health and growth.
2016-27: We will promote sharing scientific knowledge on environmental research, risk assessment and standard-setting to support making policies for protecting children.
2016-28: We continue to support an early entry into force of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, adopted in 2013, and its effective implementation by the Parties.
2016-29: We will also share best practices (including our experiences in providing support to developing countries) and facilitate the effective implementation of the Convention through close cooperation with the Parties ahead of and at the forthcoming first Conference of the Parties.
2016-30: We will share scientific knowledge to promote a coordinated mercury monitoring approach related to the Convention's effectiveness evaluation, which provides important information on the progress of and the circumstances surrounding the Convention towards meeting its objective.
We are committed to implementing the following priority measures, in accordance with national circumstances, in close collaboration and cooperation within the G7 and at other fora (e.g. the G20), foremost through existing platforms and tools, in particular the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans, based on the Leaders' Declaration of the G7 Elmau Summit and its annex the "G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter" including discussions in the G7 workshops:
2016-31: [we are committed to implementing] promotion of financing opportunities for environmentally sound waste management and wastewater treatment and sharing best practices among G7 members and respective priority countries, aiming for the prevention and reduction of marine litter from land-based sources
2016-32: [we are committed to implementing] promotion of reducing marine litter, particularly the environmentally sound removal actions of plastic litter as far as possible before it degrades into microplastics
2016-33: [we are committed to implementing] promotion of international collaboration working with appropriate organizations including the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to address reduction of marine litter in the ocean and from sea-based sources
2016-34: [we are committed to implementing] promotion of outreach and education activities leading to individual behavior change that can prevent litter from entering the environment, internal waters, and the seas
2016-35: [we are committed to implementing] actions towards standardizing and harmonizing monitoring methodologies for assessing the state of the marine and coastal environment with regard to litter, the progress towards its reduction and effect of microplastics on marine and coastal life, ecosystems and potentially also human health
2016-36: [we are committed to implementing] promoting, actively and effectively, various research activities including scientific studies and those initiated at the grass-roots level by citizens.
2016-37: we are committed to regular follow-up on actions taken by G7 members to share best practices and promote outreach of these measures to other countries according to the prerogative of the respective presidency
We, the G7 Ministers and high representatives, and European Commissioner responsible for the environment, based on our discussion on resource efficiency and the 3Rs in Toyama, May 15–16, 2016 … . Commit to take the following actions, building upon the Kobe 3R Action Plan, G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency and other existing initiatives, reflecting the new challenges we face today while also respecting the role of each country to determine policies and other actions in accordance with its own specific circumstances:
2016-38: [we … commit to] Mix Integrate and promote measures on resource efficiency and the 3Rs, climate change and extreme weather events, hazardous substances, disaster waste, natural environmental conservation, marine litter, access to raw materials and industrial competitiveness and other challenges in a holistic manner, taking into account life cycle approaches and environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development.
2016-39: [we … commit to] Make full use of appropriate policies and measures such as promoting operators' voluntary actions and informational measures in addition to regulatory measures, ensuring transparency and accountability to maximize the potential of various stakeholders including businesses.
2016-40: [we … commit to] Promote Reduce and Reuse, in addition to Recycle, from the perspectives of resource efficiency and reduction of GHG emissions
2016-41: [we … commit to] Seek minimization and environmentally-safe final disposal of waste by using the most appropriate approach which fits the local situation and type of targeted waste among various measures such as recycling or utilization as animal feed, composting, and energy recovery, in line with the waste management hierarchy.
2016-42: [we … commit to] Develop and introduce technologies for energy efficient recovery that facilitate more effective utilization of waste in line with the waste management hierarchy.
2016-43: [we … commit to] Facilitate environmentally-sound disaster waste management to respond to the frequent occurrence and aggravation of natural disasters, by appropriate treatment and recycling of large amounts of disaster waste, and by developing waste treatment facilities resilient to disasters, and facilitating the utilization of the facilities as energy supply hubs.
2016-44: [we … commit to] Facilitate the development of new businesses, job creation, and local revitalization by accommodating and utilizing local resources, goods, and energy based on collaboration among diverse local actors (industrial and community symbiosis) in a region.
2016-45: [we … commit to] Promote resource circulation at the local level by focusing on local culture and other characteristics, links between residents, and the roles of small and medium-size enterprises.
2016-46: [we … commit to] Encourage the adoption of resource efficiency and the 3Rs (and relevant other concepts) in local urban development through, for example, facilitating used products collection and utilization of recycled materials in the community and designating waste disposal facilities for non-recyclable waste as energy supply hubs and disaster-prevention facilities.
2016-47: [we … commit to] Enable and encourage the motivation and awareness of final demand side (consumers) to make informed and sustainable choices in order to foster the uptake of sustainable consumption at the household level, inter alia through providing reliable, easily accessible and understandable information and eco-design products to consumers.
2016-48: [we … commit to] Promote increased consumer awareness of the environmental and economic advantages of sustainable consumption; "awareness of sufficiency" - an idea that we should not be greedy, but be satisfied with appropriate amounts; smart purchasing; green public procurement; new services involving reuse, repair, and sharing; and eco-labeling.
2016-49: [we … commit to] Promote reduction in organic waste, in particular, food loss and waste, effective recycling of food waste, effective utilization as an energy source, and utilization of waste biomass taking into account impacts on other functions for ecosystems
2016-50: [we … commit to] Accelerate the initiatives for minimization and effective and safe utilization of food loss and waste in line with target 12.3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, such as developing a domestic or regional policy or plan
2016-51: [we … commit to] Facilitate sharing each country's knowledge, through information exchange and cooperation, on the environmental, economic and social benefits of effectively and safely reducing and utilizing food waste, including collaboration on the development of comparable measurement methodologies for food waste and the associated environmental benefits, including climate benefits of reducing wasted food.
2016-52: [we … commit to] Share with other countries our best practices/Best Available Technologies (BAT), and useful lessons through appropriate opportunities of international cooperation such as the G7-Alliance on Resource Efficiency.
2016-53: [we … commit to] Assist developing countries to build the capacity needed for effective resource efficiency and resource circulation policies, including developing scientific and statistical information, in conducting projects in those countries through bilateral or multilateral partnership (e.g., Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific, Climate and Clean Air Coalition). Such efforts can also contribute to combating marine litter from land-based sources.
2016-54: [we … commit to] Assist, in disaster waste management countries, or regions that experience significant natural disasters, such as the global hot spot regions in Asia and the Pacific, where frequent earthquakes and other disasters whose impacts are exacerbated due to urbanization and climate change.
2016-55: [we … commit to] Promote the use of sustainable procurement practices that advance resource efficiency taking into account the environmental burdens across the whole lifecycle of materials.
2016-56: [we … commit to] Advance collaboration and cooperation between upstream and downstream industries, including the appropriate sharing of data across the lifecycle, to promote environmentally-sound business decisions.
2016-57: [we … commit to] Encourage proactive efforts of upstream industries for reuse and recycling, including the utilization of recyclable resources.
2016-58: [we … commit to] Prioritize environmentally sound management of waste within each country or region.
2016-59: [we … commit to] Share existing approaches, empowering international joint action in particular with E-waste, to distinguish controlled waste from non-waste, and to enhance the effectiveness of enforcement efforts to improve the rate of collection, reuse and recycling via formal routes and the effectiveness of border control efforts to prevent illegal traffic while facilitating resource efficient practices such as remanufacturing of spare parts
2016-60: [we … commit to] Stimulate information exchange on each country's initiatives, standards, environmentally sound management and applicable technologies for proper collection, reuse and recycling of E-waste.
2016-61: [we … commit to] Consider appropriate science-based and widely acknowledged indicators at the domestic level to provide an orientation on the progress of actions on this Framework.
2016-62: [we … commit to] Establish a transparent follow-up process domestically including sharing of calculation methods, indicators, and the results of reviews to which other countries can refer.
2016-63: [we … commit to] Support international efforts to identify indicators that can measure the reduction of various environmental impacts and effectiveness of resource stock.
2016-64: [we … commit to] Continue to share progress, challenges and lessons learned on implementation of the Framework, through workshops and other fora.
2016-65: Under the G7 Italian presidency, we will follow-up and discuss policy actions, priorities and next steps to advance resource efficiency and the 3Rs based on the reports and recommendations submitted by IRP and OECD and lessons from the G7 alliance on Resource Efficiency Workshops.
2016-66: Building on the G7 Resource Efficiency Alliance activities, [we … commit to] develop a roadmap, also in consultation with stakeholders and relevant international organizations, to prioritize actions that advance life cycle based materials management, resource efficiency, and the 3Rs, including in the supply chain.
2017-1: Aware of our key role in implementing the 2030 Agenda and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we will work on integrating the economic, social and environmental dimension of sustainable development with the aim of leaving no one behind, for the benefit of people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership, and exchange respective experiences.
2017-2: Guided by the G7 Taormina Leaders' Communiqué we will implement the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda and periodically review the progress made within the G7.
2017-3: We reaffirm our commitment to share and disseminate beyond the G7 members' good practices to demonstrate our efforts.
2017-4: We work towards strengthening the environmental dimension in the implementation of the SDGs with effective and integrated policies and actions by, inter alia, promoting the interlinkages with the economic and social dimension, harnessing the economic development opportunities offered by well-designed environment and climate policies and strengthening the science policy interface.
2017-5: We are resolved to work towards promoting the necessary paradigm shift, transformative actions and decisively move towards policy coherence for Sustainable Development, acknowledging the importance of assessing the impact of policies dedicated to the achievement of the SDGs.
2017-6: The Environment Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom, and European Commissioners responsible for environment and climate, reaffirm strong commitment to the swift and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, which remains the global instrument for effectively and urgently tackling climate change and adapting to its effects.
2017-7: To this end it is necessary to increase our efforts to mobilize bilateral and multilateral climate finance as well as align financial flows with the goals of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement
2017-8: [To this end it is necessary] to achieve a global decarbonized, climate- resilient economy over the course of this century, including the transformation of the energy sectors by mid-century.
2017-9: We therefore reaffirm the Copenhagen commitment of developed countries to the goal of jointly mobilizing US$100 billion annually by 2020 from public and private sources to support climate action in developing countries.
2017-10: We stand ready to continue cooperating with all Parties in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
2017-11: We continue to support COP22 Presidency and the incoming COP23 Presidency in their efforts with a view to developing and presenting a shared proposal on the design of the 2018 Facilitative Dialogue at COP23 in Bonn, in accordance with the mandate contained in COP22 decision.
2017-12: We commit to engage actively in this dialogue, with a view to taking stock of collective progress towards achieving the long-term temperature goal, and to inform the preparation of a new Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) by 2020 for Parties with an NDC containing a timeframe up to 2025 or, for Parties with an NDC containing a timeframe up to 2030, the communication or updating of these contributions by 2020.
2017-13: We support an interactive evidence-based dialogue drawing on the best available science, including reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the sharing of experience and best practice as well as expertise from United Nations institutions and intergovernmental organizations.
2017-14: We intend to share information on the progress in putting in place and implementing measures to achieve our NDCs and inform on progress in preparing to communicate or update NDCs to be submitted by 2020.
2017-15: [We welcome the adoption of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol to phase-down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) at the twenty-eighth Meeting of the Parties.] We intend, and also encourage other Parties to take the domestic steps necessary without delay.
U.S. Footnote (page 2)
2017-16: The United States will continue to engage with key international partners in a manner that is consistent with our domestic priorities, preserving both a strong economy and a healthy environment.
2017-17: We will encourage private actors to implement the respective recommendations as appropriate.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
2017-18: [We recognize that many SMEs and start-ups contribute to innovation and to the diffusion of technologies and processes that help achieve the transition to sustainable development;] we aim to assist them in their endeavours to access capital to finance their activities as we foster a better integration of environmental risks and opportunities in the financial system.
2017-19: We will consider existing best practices on how to support and strengthen SME innovation strategies and entrepreneurial efforts contributing to sustainability.
2017-20: We support the main findings of the IRP and OECD reports that resource efficiency can improve the overall economic and environmental resilience of our countries.
2017-21: We will endeavour to participate fully in the 10-Year Framework Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns.
2017-22: At the next meeting of the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency, which will be held in November 2017 in Italy, under the lead of the G7 Italian Presidency, we will define a planning document with a tentative list of workshops and other activities to follow up on the above-mentioned actions.
2017-23: We reiterate our concern for the issue of marine litter, in particular plastic litter and microplastics, and reaffirm our commitment to fight this global threat.
2017-24: We are therefore determined to further implement the G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter (APML)
2017-25: [We also highly welcome the considerations by the MDBs to develop a "Joint Climate Action Plan", building on individual climate action plans.] The G7 will work closely with the G20 to support this collective effort by the MDBs.
2017-26: [We recognize the benefits of monitoring progress in the phasing out of incentives, including subsidies, not coherent with the sustainability goals, such as inefficient fossil fuel subsidies which encourage wasteful consumption and] we support existing initiatives underway such as the G20 voluntary peer review process.
2017-27: We support G7 and all countries interested in exploring approaches to better align fiscal systems with environmental goals.
2017-28: In particular we intend to contribute to the implementation of the commitment of our Heads of State and Government adopted in Ise-Shima in 2016 for the elimination of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption by 2025.
[we decide to carry out the following concrete actions, by taking the lead or contribute on a voluntary basis as appropriate, recognizing that each member might not contribute to all areas]
2017-29: We will review progress periodically on the implementation of the actions under the roadmap and the Toyama Framework through workshops and other fora in conjunction with the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency meetings.
2017-30: [we decide to] Continue work to develop our joint capability to measure and monitor resource efficiency outcomes and impacts.
2017-31: Building on the expertise of the OECD, the IRP, the G7 statistical institutes and other relevant bodies, we will work collaboratively to review and share existing practices, identify gaps in measurements as well as develop possible new global, regional and national indicators, and advance existing ones, where needed.
2017-32: [we decide to] Further assess the potential GHG reductions of resource efficiency policies with the aim of pursuing co-benefits by identifying the most promising resource efficient measures in regard to their GHG abatement potential.
2017-33: Italy will provide financial support to develop the study.
2017-34: [we decide to] share information on Initiatives, best practices and approaches on environmentally sound international material management including the national and regional aspects related to it (e.g. standards and regulations, recycling facilities and business operators, and applicable technologies);
2017-35: [we decide to] [share information on] Barriers to repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, reuse and recycling from a business perspective, regarding international material management.
2017-36: [we decide to] Work with relevant organizations to develop a robust and credible analysis of the macroeconomic impacts, including a gender sensitive perspective, of the shift to a resource efficient global economy and the microeconomic drivers that will enable this transition.
2017-37: We will engage with civil society and business to identify the necessary solutions and innovations to achieve sustainability through actions towards a circular economy.
2017-38: Through active engagement of the private sector, [we decide to] develop case studies on industry best practice on resource efficiency, providing concrete information on the cost savings achieved, jobs created, and reduction in pollution.
2017-39: Through webinars, workshops, or other platforms, [we decide to] share experiences on (1) developing policies or plans for reducing food loss and waste and (2) measuring food loss and waste and associated negative environmental and economic impacts, in line with target 12.3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
2017-40: [we decide to] Assess the economic benefits and opportunities for improved product design
2017-41: [we decide to] address barriers to recycling and reuse of plastic, in view of reducing the use of primary resources, the negative environmental and economic impacts over its life- cycle and avoid plastics leakage into the environment, in particular the seas and oceans (in coordination with relevant G7 work).
2017-42: [we decide to] Share experiences on integrating resource efficiency criteria into the procurement process
2017-43: [we decide to] exchange views on how to build capacity to apply GPP to products with significant environmental impacts, especially by sharing information on aspects such as reusability, reparability, the use of recycled materials.
2017-44: [we decide to] Assess the impact of Remanufacture, Refurbishment, Repair and Direct Reuse (RRRDR) practices compared to recycling,
2017-45: [we decide to] create clarity on the RRRDR definitions used
2017-46: [we decide to] identify and address barriers, including reverse logistic chains
2017-47: [we decide to] consider what role the G7 could play.
2017-48: [we decide to] Share practices on activities identifying relevant eco-design criteria for longer life time of products and on their implementation.
2017-49: [we decide to] Explore engagement in the collaboration launched at the G7 Summit in Taormina by exploring how NPR enabling quality infrastructure can contribute to achieving greater resource efficiency.
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