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G7/8 Ministerial Institutions and Meetings, 1975-2002

John Kirton, G8 Research Group, 2003

G7/8 Regular Ministerial-Level Institution
(By date of first meeting)

1975 Foreign (at Summit, pre-Summit as of 1998)
1975 Finance (at Summit, pre-Summit as of 1998)
1981 Trade Quadrilateral
1984 Foreign (Stand-Alone, Annual UNGA Dinner)
1986 Finance (G7 Stand Alone)
1992 Environment, 1992, 1994, annual thereafter
1994 Employment, 1996, 1997, 1998
1995 Information, 1996
1995 Terrorism, 1996, 1996, 1997, 1998. 1998, 1999, 1999, 2001, 2001
1997 Crime, 2000, 2001
1998 Energy, 2002
1999 Labour, 2000, 2002
2001 Health, 2001

Note: Ministerial meetings held more than once, either as part of or apart from the annual Summit meeting, and usually attended by the ministers themselves. Some meetings have non-G8 members in attendance. Some meetings have ministers in addition to those in the core portfolio attend.

G7/8 Ad Hoc Ministerial Meetings

1993 Russian Financial Assistance
1994 Ukraine Financial Assistance
1997 Small and Medium Enterprise
1998 Finance and Foreign Ministers
1998 Foreign Ministers on Nuclear Proliferation (Summer)
1999 Foreign Ministers on Conflict Prevention (December)
2000 Education Ministers
2002 Development Ministers (September)

Note: Ministerial meetings held only once, or in a particular configuration of combined ministers, apart from the annual Summit meeting. Some meetings have non-G8 members in attendance.

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