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Civil Society and Expanded Dialogue Unit

G8 and Africa | Civil Society | Climate Change | Expanded Dialogue

See also G8 Online 2005

Civil Society @ Gleneagles 2005
Calendar of Events

Date Event Details
June 30

"Black Sun Over Genoa" Theatre Workshop, Festival Theatre, Edinburgh

The Genoa demonstrations are shown through the eyes of six characters constructed from accounts of those who were really there. The play looks at the right to protest peacefully and how the police used violence to repress the demonstration
The three-day event runs from June 30-July 2

July 1

G8 Alternatives opening rally

•begins 5:30pm, at Queens Hall, Clerk St., Edinburgh
•Attendance: Approximately 150 people, reports G8RG delegate

July 2

Make Poverty History March

•begins and ends in Meadows, planned to encircle city centre, forming a human white band
Attendance: 225,000

July 3 G8 Alternatives Summit, Edinburgh: "Ideas to Change the World"

Usher Hall, Queens Hall & Edinburgh University
from 10am till 9pm
see programme:
Attendance: 1000 tickets sold in advance; 4000 sold on day of for a total of 5000 participants

July 3

Make Borders History - Tour

•Glasgow demonstration against the criminalization and deportation of asylum seekers
•Attendance: IndyMedia UK reports that there were 6 groups of 50 to 100  protestors, for a total of “a few hundred”

July 3 Corporate Dream/Global Nightmare G8-Counter Conference

Assembly Hall, Royal Mile, Edinburgh

Attendance: approximately 400 reports G8RG delegate

July 4 Faslane G8 Blockade

•protesters planning to ‘shutdown’ the Faslane base that houses nuclear trident submarines through non-violent direct action
•IndyMedia Uk reported that nearly 2000 protesters made it out to the rural site.

July 5

Friends of the Earth Global Warming 8 conference

•Queen’s Drive by Holyrood Park
9:30am to midday
•Attendance: ~400 reports G8RG delegate
The event is organised by the Working Group on Development and Climate Change which consists of 18 Development and Environmental charities including Christian Aid, ActionAid, IIED, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Oxfam, People and Planet, ITDG, World Vision, WaterAid, WWF and others

July 5

‘Make Borders History’ march

• Dungavel Detention Centre Mass Protest "Open borders - Close Dungavel!"
•Attendance: ~1000 reports the IndyMedia
• A shuttle-bus service from George Square, Glasgow, will run all morning from 9:30am. To cover costs, there will be charge of £5 waged/£3 unwaged. Asylum seekers and refugees travel free. To be sure of a space on a bus, buy a ticket in advance. For transport details, and to book a place on a bus, email glascamref@hotmail.com or phone 0141 946 6193.

July 5

Beacons of Dissent

• Beacons are to be lit on the hills south of the Gleaneagles Hotel on the night of Tuesday 5th July to send a clear message that the G8 "leaders" are not welcome. Beacons to be lit in solidarity around the UK.

July 6 Demonstrations Converge on Gleneagles

•Dissent Network calls for a blockade to cut of all transportation to Gleneagles hotel

July 6

Bob Geldof’s ‘Edinburgh 50,000 Final Push’ Live 8 Concert

•Murrayfield Stadium, 12pm-10pm

July 6

Conference on IFIs: Will "Debt relief" and increased "Foreign Aid" Make Poverty History in Africa?

•Teviot Row House, Bristo Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9AJ, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

July 7

People’s Open Golf Tournament

•PGA anarchist group plans to invade Gleneagles golf course and start games of golf

July 7

Climate alarm

•7th July 2005 13:45 in the middle of the G8 Summit
-At 13:45 Friends of the Earth will set off an alarm outside the summit, which should reach the delegates inside Gleneagles.
-13:45 is symbolic because the G8 nations represent just 13% of the world's people, but account for 45% of the world's emissions of climate-changing pollutants.

July 8
International Day of Action on the Root Causes of Climate Change


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