Compiled by Matthew Kieffer and Gabrielle Regimbal, Co-chairs of Summit Studies, G7 Research Group
June 24, 2022
The G7 2022 Elmau Summit Goals Report is prepared by the G7 Research Group based at the University of Toronto. It identifies the goals set for the Elmau Summit on June 26–28, 2022, and provides the basis for a qualitative assessment of how well these goals will be achieved at the summit, which will be conducted after the summit.
The report is split into two categories: by subject and by G7 members. The final Goals Set and Met Report will include averages for both categories to produce the overall evaluation score for the summit as a whole.
G7 Research Group analysts have based the goals set by subject on priorities expressed in the Elmau Summit agenda as published by Germany's presidency and also priorities carried over from previous summits, as well as corresponding priorities expressed through global commitments such as the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals. The goals by member are drawn from national policy addresses (i.e., State of the Union Address, Speech from the Throne, etc.), speeches in public forums such as the United Nations General Assembly and the World Economic Forum, news releases and readouts, and other publicly available information. Four to six priority goals have been identified and ranked for each subject and member (see Tables 1 and 2). They are expressed as closely as possible to the style of language used in G7 outcome documents, to facilitate the assessment of the goals met at Elmau Summit, using the standard matching methodology developed and applied by the G7 Research Group.
If the 2022 Elmau Summit is to be successful on these subjects, it must do the following in order of importance.
Climate Change
Gabrielle Regimbal
We commit to implementing a new global framework to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 and to keep the 1.5°C temperature increase limit as a possibility.
We emphasize the need to move away from polluting and fossil fuel-based economic systems and will work to transition to a circular economy that centres sustainable consumption.
We will mobilize financial flows in order to access more capital to combat climate change, such as by fostering sustainable finance policies that are working to implement Sustainable Development Goal 12.7.
We commit to urgently implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as the Paris Agreement and the Rio Conventions to meaningfully confront biodiversity loss, environmental degradation and climate change.
We will work to remedy the disproportionate effects of climate change, such as its increased effects on people facing poverty and other social inequalities.
Saarah Khan
We commit to supporting a post-2020 global biodiversity framework that contributes to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and places the global community on a path towards the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity.
We will work to achieve sustainable financing, regulatory approaches and swift implementation in the field of biodiversity protection.
We commit to improving sustainable chemicals management and reducing global pollution by chemicals.
We will strengthen the protection and sustainable use of the seas by continuing to improve marine biodiversity in the high seas, the Southern Ocean and the deep sea and counter global ocean pollution.
We commit to achieving progress in the field of sustainable agriculture and international water governance and emphasizing the fight against illegal financial flows in connection with environmental crimes.
Aida Zarghami
We will accelerate and promote usage of clean energy with a focus on decreasing our dependence on Russia's energy.
We commit to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through investing in sustainable climate and energy concepts.
We commit to reduce energy consumption, promote energy efficiency, and to accelerate clean, safe and sustainable energy systems through reduction of our fossil fuel dependence.
We commit to have an accelerated clean energy transition that is aligned with the goals of Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement as one of our most important contributions towards energy security.
We will move forward the energy transition by accelerating efforts to phase out coal power, promoting the decarbonisation industries such as transportation and construction through innovation, regulation, financial incentives, and strengthening international climate financing.
Matthew Kieffer
We commit to addressing challenges of long-term growth and to accelerating the digital and net-zero transitions in order to foster innovation and transition to a circular economy.
We will closely monitor markets and inflation rates that have been rendered volatile due to Russia's war against Ukraine, and commit to calibrate monetary policy in a transparent manner to mitigate economic hardships.
We emphasize the need to mobilize private finance and create more pathways to invest in innovation and foster a more sustainable economy.
We will support the work of the Financial Stability Board in both addressing and monitoring the risks associated with crypto-assets and cross border transactions and call for stronger regulations and regulatory reporting.
We emphasize our commitment to implementing and maintaining coordinated sanctions in response to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, and to help levy the disproportionate economic costs of war which particularly affect vulnerable groups and economies who are facing food insecurity and rely on food imports from Ukraine.
Meagan Byrd
We call on Russia to end the invasion of Ukraine, which has disrupted and cut off Ukrainian access to their health systems. We commit to supporting the government of Ukraine in their efforts to protect the health and lives of Ukrainians.
We will strengthen our healthcare systems' capacity to prepare and respond to future national and international health emergencies.
We reiterate our support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and its critical leadership in global health, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will strengthen the capacity of the WHO through increased financial support to increase its global leadership role.
We acknowledge the role access to healthcare has on enabling women and girls to enter the workforce. We will strengthen primary health care for women and girls, especially surrounding sexual and reproductive health, ensuring access to contraception, and safe pre- and post-abortion care.
We will work towards achieving climate neutrality of our health systems, in addition to increasing resiliency mechanisms in our healthcare planning to operate under concurrent health and climate challenges.
Malhaar Moharir
We pledge to take coordinated action multilaterally and with the World Trade Organization (WTO) to ensure the security and stability of global supply chains in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
We commit to engaging in significant reform of the WTO to make the international rules-based trading system fairer and more resilient against market-distorting practices.
We strive to promote sustainability, inclusivity and resiliency in the trading system to address urgent agricultural and food security challenges.
We pledge to build on the Digital Trade Principles adopted at the 2021 Cornwall Summit and promote the sustainable incorporation of new technologies in the global trading system and support digitalization across industry.
We will continue to monitor and effectively address the impacts of pandemic-imposed cross-border restrictions on the movement of goods and services.
Brandon Yih
We reiterate our commitment to help strengthen, and not undermine, the long-term resilience and sustainability of agriculture and food systems, particularly on the African continent and Afghanistan, through working with partner countries and supporting the activities of the Zero Hunger Coalition and the Global Alliance for Food Security.
We pledge to create an enabling environment for the creation of decent green jobs in ecologically relevant sectors worldwide, and promoting inclusive green employment opportunities through technical and vocational education and training for girls and women.
We pledge to accelerate progress towards universal, adequate, adaptive, shock-responsive and inclusive social protection for all by 2030, especially for women and marginalized groups, in order to address potential hardships caused by the transformation of ecologically unsustainable sectors, build resilience against climate shocks and help people adapt to climate change.
We reaffirm our commitment to equitable and universal access to quality, accessible, acceptable and affordable sexual and reproductive health services, in order to achieve comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.
We reaffirm our commitment to help scale up the global climate and disaster risk finance and insurance infrastructure in order to ensure such infrastructure is systematic, coherent and sustained, and that people and countries vulnerable to climate change and disaster risks are protected.
Kiya Amos-Flom
We will advance the economic empowerment of women in particular by pursuing the equitable distribution of care work and equal pay.
We commit to use an intersectional approach in improving the equal participation of women in leadership positions.
We pledge to advocate for the rights of LGBTIQ+ persons and ensure that everyone, regardless of gender, has access to the same opportunities and is protected against discrimination.
We reaffirm our commitments to educational equality and will work towards removing barriers to girls' education globally.
We will continue to improve strategies, policies and programs that pursue the prevention of and protection from gender-based violence.
Lisa Huh
We commit to increase transparency of online platforms and platforms and ensure the delivery of safe services that protect human rights and freedom of expression and information.
We will work towards developing new rules at the global level to address tax challenges arising from globalization and the digital economy.
We commit to exploring opportunities and implications for the cross-border use of central bank digital currencies to increase efficiency and minimize negative spillovers to the international financial system.
We reaffirm our commitment to reduce the infrastructure investment gap in developing countries and emerging markets by increasing private sector investment and delivering digital infrastructure.
We commit to leveling the playing field across leading digital platforms through the use of market-based policy approaches
Eisha Khan
We pledge to stand united against Russia's violation of the UN Charter by providing investigative support, technical expertise, funding and other assistance to work towards ensuring the accountability of those who are responsible for the atrocities and crimes committed in Ukraine.
We pledge to call for more targeted, coordinated and sustained action against criminal networks, cybercrime and illicit financial flows, including in conflict areas, also by further coordinating our capacity building efforts and strengthening international cooperation.
We commit to working together to strengthen cross-border law enforcement and tackle corruption associated with illicit trafficking and crimes that affect the environment, including crimes against wildlife which pose a significant and growing threat.
We renew our commitment to address the risks of illicit finance from environmental crime and recognize them as a cross-cutting issue.
We reaffirm the commitment to protecting democratic systems while preventing interference with human rights and fundamental freedoms, disinformation, and election interference.
Yana Sadeghi
We reaffirm our commitment to contribute to the international efforts aimed at preventing and fighting terrorism, in particular our collective efforts against Daesh, Al-Qaeda and their affiliated groups, which continue to pose a threat on a global scale.
We are committed to fostering international action and cooperation to fight terrorist financing and money laundering and call for the full implementation of the Financial Action Task Force standards and relevant United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.
We recognize the need to keep investing in the prevention of radicalization to violence and countering the spread of terrorist propaganda online, including by maintaining our collective efforts within multi-stakeholder efforts such as the framework of the Christchurch Call and the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism.
We are committed to strengthening the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1540 by all UN member states.
Sahar Fatima
We warn against any threat of the use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons or related materials.
We urge Russia to stop its attacks especially in the direct vicinity of Ukraine's nuclear power plants.
We urge all countries not to give military or other assistance to Russia to help continue its aggression in Ukraine and to avoid further escalation.
We support the efforts to conclude an agreed framework for the safety and security of all nuclear installations in Ukraine as a matter of urgency, while respecting full Ukrainian sovereignty over its territory and infrastructure.
We call on all states to fully and effectively implement all restrictive measures relating to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea imposed by the United Nations Security Council and to address the risk of weapons of mass destruction proliferation from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as an urgent priority.
Regional Security
Gabby Regimbal
We emphasize and commit to our continued recognition of Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, and right to self defense under the UN Charter and acknowledge that Russia's actions constitute a war of aggression.
We commit to continue coordinated and concentrated sanctions against Russia as a result of their actions against Ukraine, and emphasize that these sanctions will not impact food or other essential exports.
We commit to short, medium and long term financial and technical support for Ukraine and strongly condemn Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine as a violation of international norms.
We commit to strengthening digital infrastructure in Ukraine and ensuring the resilience of information and communications channels in order to combat misinformation regarding the conflict.
We reiterate our call for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to abandon its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs and to engage in diplomacy regarding denuclearization.
If the 2022 Elmau Summit is to be successful for these members, it must do the following in order of importance.
Aida Zarghami and Lisa Huh
We commit to build on a close collaboration with our G7 partners in response to Russia's military aggression towards Ukraine, including how to support millions of displaced Ukrainians.
We commit to a 1.5°C pathway, transition to net-zero economy, and climate neutrality by 2050 at latest.
We commit to support the leading and coordinating role of the World Health Organization (WHO) and to contribute to WHO's goal of 70% COVID-19 vaccination coverage worldwide.
We commit to open, inclusive and equitable societies and to democracy, human rights, freedom and gender equality.
We aim to deliver on economic stability and transformation through supporting countries in need, driving a strong, and balanced sustainable economy, and in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement.
Saarah Khan
We will continue cooperation in response to the public health crisis and reinforce resilience in the face of future crises. We remain committed to strengthening vaccine production capacities and supporting the ACT-A initiative and its COVAX Facility for enabling access to vaccines in low- and middle-income countries.
We will continue to take action for peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific with willing partners in the region and G7 members.
We must ensure that our trade practices are compatible with our international solidarity efforts and our climate and environmental objectives. We will also develop sustainable finance to support the climate transition and build a more responsible capitalism.
We commit to accelerating the transition to a decarbonised economy to become climate neutral by 2050, bolstering measures to preserve biodiversity and achieving the transition towards a healthier environment. We also commit to action to reduce emissions and keep a 1.5°C limit of temperature rise within reach.
We reaffirm our solidarity with the people of Ukraine and commit to mobilizing military, financial and humanitarian resources, upholding sanctions against Russia and fighting the impunity of unspeakable crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine.
Sahar Fatima and Eisha Khan
We commit to protecting the climate, environment and biodiversity and accelerate the global energy transition through the establishment of an open cooperative "Climate Club."
We commit to shaping the recovery of the global economy following the pandemic while maintaining priorities for a sustainable future.
We will continue in pandemic prevention and control while improving the international health architecture through accelerating the global vaccine campaign and development of vaccines.
We will advance international cooperation for sustainable development through the launch of an international infrastructure initiative which promotes socially, economically and ecologically sustainable infrastructure.
We aim to uphold our strong commitment to social justice, equality and inclusive digitalization, seeking to strengthen the role of the G7 as mediators and advocates for peace and security.
Brandon Yih and Malhaar Moharir
We will work to ensure democratic institutions remain strong, stable and lively, in Ukraine and around the world, together with our European and Transatlantic partners.
We will continue to support investments into renewable energies and other ecological transitions in order to overcome the ongoing energy and climate crisis as well as to reduce regional dependency on Russian gas.
We will work with international partners to combat the humanitarian crisis caused by food shortages, especially in Ukraine and Afghanistan, and to confront rising food prices affecting global food security.
We commit to supporting vulnerable economies in their post-pandemic recovery and ensuring this recovery is sustainable, resilient and inclusive.
We will continue to enact strong economic and trade sanctions against Russia, including export restrictions, elimination of Most Favoured Nation Status, and preventing access to financing from multilateral financial institutions.
We commit to ensuring health is viewed as a global common good and working toward strengthening countries' preparedness to future global health events.
Matthew Kieffer
We will continue to support sanctions against Russia due to their violation of international norms and war of aggression against Ukraine, and will continue to work with Asian and African nations to help them become more receptive to the G7's position.
We will continue to reduce our energy dependence on fossil fuels and accelerate the transition to a circular and net-zero economy, especially in light of the energy dependence many European countries have on Russia.
We will work to deepen our relationships with African countries in order to collaborate more effectively on global issues, such as climate change, health, the economy and security.
We will continue to support and work to reform the World Health Organization to enable it to be more effective at responding to global health issues, in addition to continuing our monetary and intellectual support for efforts to combat COVID-19.
We will support and accelerate efforts at achieving universal healthcare for all and to improve international health regulations.
United Kingdom
Yana Sadeghi and Kiayla Amos-Flom
We will promote health security and prevent future pandemics by expanding the ongoing COVID-19 response to encompass diversified vaccine research, production and financing, particularly through the efforts of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator and its COVAX platform in low and middle-income countries.
We commit to providing a range of economic, humanitarian and defensive military assistance to Ukraine, as well as imposing additional sanctions on Russia and Belarus.
We will continue to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss as linked challenges, including through our commitments to a 1.5°C pathway, a transition to a net-zero economy and climate neutrality by 2050 at latest.
We will work to promote free and fair trade systems as a method towards economic recovery, financial stability and a sustainable and just global economic system.
We will support sustainable development by increasing access to inclusive education and training, especially in regard to girls' education.
United States
Gabby Regimbal
We will commit to monitoring inflation rates and responding with appropriate monetary policies to alleviate negative economic impacts, particularly on the most vulnerable members of society.
We are committed to upholding international norms and condemning Russia's actions against Ukraine, and will continue to utilize targeted and coordinated sanctions in response.
We support strong action to tackle climate change, including by halting and reversing biodiversity loss and accelerating the transition to a net-zero economy.
We will continue to support pandemic preparedness plans in order to coordinate and share vital health information about COVID-19 and any other rising epidemiological concerns.
We will support strengthening cyber security and combating misinformation in order to build resilience to this new form of transnational threats.
European Union
Meagan Byrd
We acknowledge the disproportionate challenges women and girls faced because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We call on the participation of governments, multilateral organizations, and other private sector stakeholders to take meaningful steps for inclusion in the recovery process.
We call on Russia to end its invasion of Ukraine, which is an unprovoked and illegal aggression of their sovereignty. The war has infringed on the rules-based international order, displacing millions of Ukrainians across the country and the world.
We affirm our belief that cutting edge scientific research is to the benefit of all, and we support the scientists standing up for freedom of research.
We recognize how the challenges of the past few years have created setbacks in global development. We reaffirm our commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
We commit to joint research and collaboration to address mis-, dis- and mal-information and activity online. We reaffirm our commitment to the Declaration of the Future of the Internet.