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2021 G7 Cornwall Goals Set

Compiled by Meagan Byrd, Chair of Summit Studies, G7 Research Group
June 1, 2021


The G7 2021 Cornwall Summit Goals Report is prepared by the G7 Research Group based at the University of Toronto. It identifies the goals set for the Cornwall Summit on June 11-13, 2021, and provides the basis for a qualitative assessment of how well these goals will be achieved at the summit, which will be conducted after the summit.

The report is split into two categories: by subject and by G7 member. The Goals Set and Met Report will include averages for both categories to produce the overall evaluation score for the summit as a whole.

G7 Research Group analysts have based the goals set by subject on priorities expressed in the Cornwall Summit agenda as published by the United Kingdom's presidency and also priorities carried over from previous summits, as well as corresponding priorities expressed through global commitments such as the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals. The goals by member are drawn from national policy addresses (i.e., State of the Union Address, Speech from the Throne, etc.), speeches in public forums such as the United Nations General Assembly and the World Economic Forum, news releases and readouts, and other publicly available information. Five to six priority goals have been identified and ranked for each subject and member (see Tables 1 and 2). They are expressed as closely as possible to the style of language used in G7 outcome documents, to facilitate the assessment of the goals met at Cornwall Summit, using the standard matching methodology developed and applied by the G7 Research Group.

Table 1: Goals Set By Subject

Subject Number of Goals
Health 5
Climate change 5
Environment 5
Energy 5
Development 5
Gender 6
Economy 5
Trade 6
Digital 5
Crime 5
Terrorism 5
Proliferation 5
Regional security 5
Total 67

Table 2: Goals Set by G7 Member

G7 member Number of Goals
Canada 5
France 5
Germany 5
Italy 5
Japan 5
United Kingdom 5
United States 5
European Union 5
Total 40

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Assessments: Goals Set By Subject

If the 2021 Cornwall Summit is to be successful on these subjects, it must do the following in order of importance.


Meagan Byrd

  1. We reaffirm our commitment to enhance our efforts to strengthen health systems in our countries and globally.
  2. We will pool epidemiologic data in order to research and understand the origin of the COVID-19.
  3. We reaffirm our support for the World Health Organization in its global mandate to lead on disease outbreaks and health emergencies.
  4. We commit to building back better in response to the COVID-19 pandemic through the creation of an expanded comprehensive healthcare system, including the creation of universal health coverage in our countries and globally.
  5. We will increase efforts to develop and export COVID-19 vaccines to developing countries.

Climate Change

Gurleen Mann

  1. We commit to protecting 30% of our land and oceans by 2030, to build a sustainable future.
  2. We commit to 'build back better' by adapting our economies to achieve a net zero G7 by 2050 at the latest.
  3. We reaffirm our commitment to providing financial assistance to vulnerable and less-developed countries for climate finance and adaptation, and will work to increase financial aid allocation towards climate finance.
  4. We will work together to halt and reverse biodiversity loss on land and in our oceans, in collaboration with developing and vulnerable countries.
  5. We commit to promoting green and sustainable technologies, nationally and internationally, as part of a climate-safe COVID-19 recovery plan.


Nammal Khan

  1. We commit to take appropriate action, either jointly or individually, to halt and prevent additional biodiversity loss.
  2. We are committed to take national action to protect 30% of our land and oceans by 2030.
  3. We commit to engage with the private and public sector, civil society and other G7 members to protect our marine and terrestrial environments.
  4. We reaffirm our commitment to the G7 Oceans Plastic Charter to address marine plastic litter through nature or science-based solutions, knowledge development and sharing, and the adoption of a comprehensive life-cycle approach.
  5. We commit to leveraging innovative solutions and financing to establish resilient and quality infrastructure along coastlines and coastal communities.


Dorota Borovsky

  1. We reaffirm our commitment to work towards Sustainable Development Goal 7, Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all, both domestically and within the international community.
  2. We are committed to continue reducing our reliance on non-renewable natural resources including oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear sources, while also financially assisting countries which extract and export these resources around the world in order to aid and secure this transition.
  3. We continue to work towards our goal of eliminating fossil fuel subsidies by 2025 as set at the G7 2016 Ise-Shima Summit, while increasing subsidies for renewable energy sources to make them more accessible and affordable across member states.
  4. We are committed to developing and/or improving sustainable energy access in developing countries which rely heavily on non-renewable energy sources as a means of economic stimulation, energy independence, and reducing reliance on these energy sources across the globe.
  5. We commit to investing in research which will make existing energy sources (both renewable and non-renewable) cleaner, safer, and more sustainable, while also investing in new means of energy production.


Maryanna Diab

  1. We are committed to building back better support on vulnerable issues that have been magnified due to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in developing countries focusing on least developed countries.
  2. We aim to unite the leading democracies to champion the building of global shared values revolving around human rights, in a post-pandemic era.
  3. We understand the importance of leading and developing global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we aim to strengthen and develop the infrastructure and financing required to improve our responses to future pandemics.
  4. We reiterate the vitality of global development through the Sustainable Development Goals in all G7 members. We acknowledge the importance of building on existing policy initiatives and developing innovative strategies in financing and infrastructure.
  5. We aim to promote future prosperity through supporting debt relief for the poorest countries in order to ensure a focus on sustainable economic development globally, as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals.


Samantha Moura Novais de Quadros

  1. We commit to working with the international community to further advance gender equality, advancing the Women, Peace and Security agenda, and working with close alignment with the goals of the 2021 Generation Equality Forum.
  2. We reaffirm our commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 5, particularly Target 5.5, and call for the full, equal, active and meaningful participation and leadership of women and women's rights organization's at local, national, and international decision-making in the COVID-19 recovery. This includes meaningful participation and leadership in COVID-19 taskforces, the development, delivery and review of gender-responsive recovery action plans and initiatives, climate action and initiatives, and humanitarian response and crisis management.
  3. We recognize that COVID-19 has increased all forms of gender-based violence and that women and girls facing multiple forms of discrimination are often at greatest risk. We commit to preventing, eliminating, and responding to gender-based violence through scaling-up support and implementation of evidence-based, survivor- and victim-centred policies and programs.
  4. We reaffirm the Whistler Declaration on Gender Equality in Humanitarian Action, and as partners of the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies, commit to work together to strengthen the response to gender-based violence in conflict, humanitarian and other development contexts, including preventing and responding to conflict-related sexual violence.
  5. We commit to work in collaboration to remove the obstacles to education that stand in girls' way, with the aim of having 40 million more girls in school by 2026 in low- and lower-middle-income countries; and 20 million more girls reading by age 10 or at the end of primary school in low- and lower-middle-income countries, by 2026.
  6. We commit to increase the effectiveness and accessibility of our climate finance, striving to advance gender equality and inclusion and reflect the needs and voices of marginalized groups, indigenous peoples and women and girls.


Malhaar Moharir and Isabel Davis

  1. We reiterate our commitment to working collaboratively to ensure economic growth for all G7 economies using coordinated policy tools and increased cooperation.
  2. We reaffirm our commitment to not only ensure economic growth post–COVID-19, but to build a foundation for stronger growth, which includes ensuring economies are equipped for technological change and supporting clean growth for a more sustainable economic recovery.
  3. We recognize the need for greater resilience to shocks and vulnerabilities within an interconnected global economy and reaffirm our commitment to build and maintain resilient global supply chains through increased cooperation with private and public stakeholders.
  4. We reaffirm our previous commitments to promoting inclusive growth through effective labour policy, particularly targeting women and youth.
  5. We commit to supporting economic recovery and post-COVID-19 development through promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, especially among micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.


Nadiya Kovalenko

  1. We reaffirm our commitment to a modernized rules-based multilateral trading system that is free, fair, sustainable, and beneficial to all countries and peoples.
  2. We will coordinate our efforts to mitigate the damage of the COVID-19 pandemic to cross-border trade flows and strengthen the resilience of global supply chains.
  3. We will work to advance the agenda of the upcoming 12th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference and to accelerate the reform of the WTO that would make it a more effective forum for negotiations and dispute settlements between its members.
  4. We will coordinate our efforts to combat market-distorting practices and trade protectionism, especially with regards to vaccines and other health products, by encouraging cooperation between governments and manufacturers to expand the production and distribution of these goods.
  5. We will commit to ensuring a fully free trade in environmental goods and services among the G7 members and working together to facilitate sustainable supply chains.
  6. We will cooperate to promote global digital trade and ensure that digital markets are competitive, transparent, and accessible to consumers and businesses.


Matthew Kieffer

  1. We will work to ensure universal, secure, and affordable connectivity, which is crucial for the digital economy and inclusive growth.
  2. We will work to foster data freedom within a rules-based, open, fair and non-discriminatory system that ensures data protection, intellectual property rights and cyber security.
  3. We will work to address problems related to data-breaches, privacy, and cyber terrorism.
  4. We will work to address the risks and regulatory issues associated with digital payments, such as financial stability, consumer protection, privacy, taxation, cyber security, money laundering, terrorist financing, legal certainty, and ransom ware attacks.
  5. We recognize the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to advance the Sustainable Development Goals and will support the development of AI that is grounded in inclusion, human rights, and economic growth.


Sofia Shatrova

  1. We commit to promoting global transparency in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, involving international organizations, civil society, the media, and the private sector.
  2. We commit to preventing corruption related to COVID-19 by promoting transparency around the use of economic stimulus packages and other financial resources.
  3. We commit to creating common data standards to facilitate the sharing of information within and across organizations, industries, regulators and law enforcement authorities worldwide.
  4. We commit to protecting democratic systems while preventing interference with human rights and fundamental freedoms, disinformation, and election interference.
  5. We commit to fight against corruption and financial crime to achieve the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.


Gabby Regimbal

  1. We commit to preventing weapons-sales from falling into the hands of terrorist organizations through both direct trade and in encouraging diligence when doing trade with militarily-affiliated corporations.
  2. We will support states and civil society organizations in addressing the cause of piracy on the high seas and support the Global Counterterrorism Forum's Initiative on Maritime Security and Terrorist Travel to combat the shift in terrorist movement and activity to the maritime sector.
  3. We commit to strengthening the G7-Africa partnership in order to boost stability and peacekeeping efforts throughout the region.
  4. We commit to supporting an end to the Taliban's targeted violence towards women, journalists, and human rights activists in Afghanistan and encourage humanitarian access to the region.
  5. We commit to supporting the Government of Mozambique in fighting terrorist groups in Cabo Delgado and support Mozambique in cooperating with the international community to address the root causes of the increasing instability and violence.


Ninar Fawal

  1. We affirm our commitment to upholding the highest national standards in confronting counter-proliferation challenges through transparency and openness in our practices. We plan to support states to improve their own standards by sharing resources and expertise and by delivering capacity-building and threat reduction assistance, including through the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction.
  2. We recognize the essential role of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in ensuring global nuclear non-proliferation and we are determined to work towards a meaningful outcome at the 2021 NPT Review Conference that advances NPT's implementation across all three of its pillars.
  3. We intend to push for the universalization of key safeguards agreements including Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements, the Additional Protocol, and, where applicable, the revised Small Quantities Protocol, which represent the de facto safeguards standard under the NPT.
  4. We commit to continue supporting the United Nations Secretary-General's Mechanism to investigate alleged uses of chemical, biological or toxin weapons, and commit to cooperate with partners so that the mechanism is properly resourced and fully prepared to conduct effective investigations when needed.
  5. We recognize the importance of and commit to early negotiations on a treaty banning the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons, and other nuclear explosive devices, on the basis of consensus and with the participation of all countries relevant to a Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty.

Regional Security

Kaylin Dawe

  1. We reaffirm our support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders including its territorial waters.
  2. We are committed to supporting the democratic aspirations of the Belarusian people and to holding those responsible for human rights violations to account.
  3. We are committed to ensuring that Iran will never develop a nuclear weapon.
  4. We reaffirm our determination to strengthen partnerships with African countries, regional organizations and the African Union, building on the progress made under recent presidencies.
  5. We reiterate our commitment to promoting a cooperative system of international governance for the ocean and seas and to maintaining the rules-based maritime order based on international law.

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Assessments: Goals Set by Member

If the 2021 Cornwall Summit is to be successful for these members, it must do the following in order of importance.


Isabel Davis

  1. We commit to working with the international community (such as the World Health Organization and United Nations) for a coordinated response to COVID-19 that ensures the open exchange of information and equitable vaccine deployment.
  2. We commit to ensuring a strong economic recovery post–COVID-19 which includes building fairer trading systems, fighting climate change and ensuring clean growth to build a cleaner and more competitive world.
  3. We commit to broadening how we look at economic growth to ensure that everyone is supported, this includes re-training for workers to keep up with technological change, addressing gender inequalities in the labour force, and mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for those disproportionately impacted to foster sustainable growth for all.
  4. We reaffirm our commitment to support the most vulnerable countries impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and in partnership with Africa to support a strong recovery.
  5. We commit to strengthening democratic institutions around the world and stress the need to ensure respect for human rights, defend the rule of law, and prevent persecution and mistreatment in the world to build stronger democracies.


Nammal Khan and Sofia Shatrova

  1. We remain committed to implementing and enforcing laws that emphasize women and girl's empowerment and recognize the importance of women in a post–COVID-19 economy.
  2. We commit to establishing more resilient health systems and advancing better pandemic prevention and preparedness against future threats
  3. We reaffirm our commitment to tackle climate change and ensure environmental protection by working to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
  4. We commit to strengthening multilateral trade through transparent international rules to promote economic advancement and long-term resilience.
  5. We commit to cooperating with COVAX to improve global access to vaccines and to allocating a portion of domestic vaccine supplies to developing countries.


Dorota Borovsky

  1. We commit to continuing to protect and support our citizens' health and well-being throughout the coronavirus pandemic and as we transition out of a pandemic era.
  2. We commit to providing funds, resources, and expertise to countries around the world dealing with outbreaks of COVID-19 to protect the global community, particularly to those who are most vulnerable and in need.
  3. We commit to investing in research and programs that will help us to better understand emerging pathogens and ways that we can prepare ourselves and the world for any future pandemic, by using what we have learned from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. We reaffirm our commitment to our Climate Action Plan 2050 and our commitments made under the Paris Agreement to become greenhouse gas-neutral by 2050, by providing financial incentives for transitions to renewable energy sources and diminishing subsidies for non-renewable energy resources.
  5. We commit to helping provide peaceful, permanent, and mutually beneficial solutions to ongoing conflicts in North Africa, and in the Near and Middle East, such that the interests of the most vulnerable members of these communities as well as the future prosperity of these regions are protected and ensured.


Matthew Kieffer and Gabby Regimbal

  1. We will commit to distributing vaccines to achieve global resistance to COVID-19, prioritizing the most vulnerable states.
  2. We will commit to combating climate change, the effects of which are becoming increasingly serious, in ways that involve adaptation and resilience to environmental changes.
  3. We will support a sustainable economic recovery, with special consideration for the most vulnerable states, from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. We commit to strengthening the multilateral trading system, fighting protectionism, and creating a level playing field.
  5. We will commit to protecting the human rights of civilians and non-combatants in accordance with international humanitarian law, especially internally displaced people in conflict areas.


Kaylin Dawe and Samantha Moura Novais de Quadros

  1. We are committed to taking decisive climate action by 2030, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent, and achieving net zero emissions by 2050.
  2. We are committed to a new financial contribution of US$200 million to the COVAX facility and to support access to vaccines for lower-income countries.
  3. We are committed to the complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of all weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles of all ranges, and agreed to demand North Korea to fulfill its obligations under United Nations Security Council resolutions.
  4. We reiterate our commitment to actively contribute to international discussions and efforts so that freedom, basic human rights, and the rule of law can be guaranteed in any country or region.
  5. We firmly condemn violence committed by the Myanmar military and police against civilians, and commit to continue taking action to press for the immediate cessation of violence, the release of those who are detained, and a swift return to democracy.

United Kingdom

Malhaar Moharir and Ninar Fawal

  1. We reaffirm our commitments to go beyond recovery of the global economy, but facilitate stronger long-term development and resilience through macroeconomic policy.
  2. We commit to establishing a fairer rules-based international trading system that fights protectionism and creates a level playing field for all countries.
  3. We reaffirm our commitments to fighting climate change by progressing towards a net zero G7 by 2050.
  4. We commit to share the majority of any future surplus vaccines with the COVAX vaccine facility in order to ensure universal and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines.
  5. In light of the disproportionate gendered impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we commit to prioritizing women and girls in addressing the global set-back to education in collaboration with developing country partners, multilateral institutions, civil society, girl-led groups and youth leaders.

United States

Meagan Byrd and Maryanna Diab

  1. We are committed to health development in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, through maintaining an effective vaccine provision plan.
  2. We are committed to continuing to harness economic recovery from the recession that was created due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We reaffirm the vitality of effective fiscal and monetary responses, in order to provide aid to businesses, and enterprises that were negatively affected from the post-pandemic economic downfall.
  3. We reaffirm the importance of championing global shared values through strengthening our alliances and demonstrating the importance of transatlantic security and collective defence, in order to combat global challenges.
  4. We reinforce our commitments to multilateralism in order to advance our climate change policies in order to establish future prosperity in preserving the planet's biodiversity.
  5. We affirm our commitment to export unused COVID-19 vaccines to developing countries globally.

European Union

Gurleen Mann and Nadiya Kovalenko

  1. We will use all available fiscal and monetary policy tools to offset the economic disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen long-term development of the global economy.
  2. We reaffirm our commitment to environmental protection and sustainability by working to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve a net zero emissions level by 2050.
  3. We will commit to multilateral cooperation in strengthening global health security through health financing, rapid response mechanisms, and knowledge sharing.
  4. We reaffirm our commitment to affordable and equitable access to vaccination, medication and therapeutics, and health technologies, globally.
  5. We recognize the disparate and damaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and girls' economic opportunity and participation, and commit to the meaningful inclusion and participation of all women in decision-making post-pandemic.

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