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The Prospective Agenda for the
2006 G8 St. Petersburg Summit

Laura Sunderland
Senior Researcher, G8 Research Group
January 30, 2006

See also Prospective Agenda for Finance Ministers Meetings
See also Prospective Agenda for G8 Foreign Ministers
See also Sherpa Meetings

International Energy Security
Migration and Demography
Aid and Development
Crisis Management
General Preparation
Earlier Versions

This prospective G8 2006 Summit Agenda is compiled by the G8 Research Group from public sources as an aid to researchers and other stakeholders interested in the July 15-17th, 2006 St. Petersburg G8 Summit. It will be updated periodically as the St. Petersburg Summit planning evolves and as more information becomes available about its intended and actual agenda.

International Energy Security

On January 25, 2006, President Putin announced at a meeting of the Eurasian Economic Community's intergovernmental council in St. Petersburg that Russia is ready to establish an international center of uranium enrichment. [1] Putin stated that the center would be supervised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). [2] He stated that: "A key element of such an infrastructure must be the creation of a system of international centers to provide nuclear-related services, including enrichment, under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), based on non-discriminatory access." [3] Putin announced that he will put forth this proposal at the G8 summit in July. [4] Putin said that if Russia is to create such a facility, it will require cutting-edge nuclear technologies, such as next-generation technologies to build reactors and their fuel cycles. [5] Putin also said that the center will comply with the principle of non-proliferation. [6]

In the Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006, Putin stated: "Russia, as the presiding country, regards it as its duty to give a fresh impetus to efforts to find solutions to key international problems in energy, education and healthcare.

This year, we plan to urge our partners to redouble efforts to ensure global energy security. We believe that today, it is crucial to find a solution to a problem which directly influences the social and economic development of all countries, without exception.

I am convinced that our efforts towards attaining this goal should be comprehensive and must stimulate stabilization of the global energy markets, development of innovation technologies, use of renewable energy sources and protection of the environment. We believe that today, we must think very seriously about ways to bridge the gap between energy-sufficient and energy-lacking countries." [7]

The Russian Presidency website outlines the problem of energy security. It states that a reliable energy supply is crucial to sustainable economic development and political stability. [8] "Global energy security is facing increasing risks from the growing dependence of energy-consuming regions on energy imports, social instability and ethnic conflicts in some energy producing and transit countries, terrorism, a growing contribution of energy to the anthropogenic influence on climate, and the like.

Issues of global energy security should be considered in the context of two other crucial problems: global climate change and the lack of access of a considerable number of the world's poorest sections to pure and affordable energy." It goes on to suggest that "Ensuring energy security calls for the following joint actions by the international community:

The Russian Presidency site concludes that in order to ensure a high quality of life, countries require stable deliveries of energy and predictable energy prices. [9] Thus, "energy security, in various interpretations, has become a standing issue on the G8 agenda." [10]

The Russian Presidency website outlines the Russian position on energy security: "International energy security is of special significance to Russia, which has one of the world's biggest fuel and energy potentials." [11] The specifics of Russia's energy capacities are noted, and then the site goes on to state that: "As a global energy and resource power, Russia will use its G8 Presidency in 2006 to promote international action on acute problems of energy security with due regard for the interests and possibilities of Russia and its role of a reliable and stable energy supplier.

In this period, Russia will work to reinforce G8 approaches to energy security and at the same time outline its view of the problem and national priorities." As both a large consumer and producer of energy "Russia can act as the link between hydrocarbons suppliers and consumers, taking into account the opinions of all concerned parties and promoting the search for a balance of interests of all players on the global energy market.

During its Presidency, Russia will offer its partners to draft a coordinated strategy for reliable and prompt supply of the global economy and nations with all kinds of energy at prices based on the main economic principles, with the least possible damage to the environment.

This strategy will stipulate joint measures to ensure the stability of global energy markets, increase investment into the main links of global energy, develop alternative sources of energy, accelerate the introduction of energy saving and efficient technologies, and ensure access to modern energy services for everyone." [12]

The Russian role as president of the G8 will be to "put forth a package of measures and an action plan to overcome economic and technological barriers to raising the efficiency of traditional and developing new energy technologies. As the holder of a considerable share of the world's energy resources and a major energy producer and exporter with a high research and technological potential, Russia is ready to participate in the creation of a global energy infrastructure to ensure effective production, transfer and use of clean energy." [13]

Following the 2005 Gleneagles Summit, Putin announced: "At the same time, however, Russia proposes making world energy policy the key issue for the next summit. Even during our discussions on global finances, world trade and global economic development yesterday, more than two-thirds of our attention was spent on energy issues. It is only natural that Russia, the world leader on the energy market, should focus precisely on energy policy. If you put together Russia's energy potential in all areas, oil, gas, and nuclear, our country is unquestionably the world leader. We are most certainly ready to discuss all these issues and want to make this the main subject for our summit... We will increase our supply of energy resources to the world market and we will also continue to work on developing nuclear energy. Regarding nuclear energy, there are also many non-proliferation issues that we need to discuss, as this is a very sensitive subject." [14]

Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin told reporters on January 11, 2006, that, "During its presidency in the G8 [in 2006], Russia plans to focus on counteraction to infectious diseases, energy security and energy supplies to G8 nations, and education." He also stated that the Russian agenda would include discussions of further development and higher transparency of energy markets, more investment in the energy sector, and alternative energy sources. He stated that, "Russia will increase oil and gas production and exports to international markets and develop alternative energy sources, including nuclear power." [15]

Kudrin noted specifically that: "The issues for Russia's presidency of the G8 are connected with the drafting of the principles and an action plan to ensure the stable provision of energy supplies for all countries, and in addition there will be discussion of developing and increasing the transparency of energy markets and also attracting new investment into energy and developing alternative energy sources." [16] Ensuring energy supplies is central to the Russian G8 agenda. [17]

Russia aims to increase investment in energy infrastructure, particularly transporting liquefied natural gas and completing pipelines. [18] Energy security is a major issue on the Russian agenda. [19]

Russian Foreign Minister Konuzin stated that Russia agrees with the G8 leaders that nuclear energy must be developed further. [20] He stated that nuclear and hydroelectric energy are the only alternatives to fossil fuel. [21]

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In the Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006, Putin stated: "Russia, as the presiding country, regards it as its duty to give a fresh impetus to efforts to find solutions to key international problems in energy, education and healthcare...

The spread of all kinds of epidemics in the world emphasizes the need to step up the fight against infectious diseases. We are convinced that the creation of a global system to monitor dangerous diseases, the development of regular interaction between experts from different states, and broader exchange of research information about dangerous viruses will have a major positive influence on the solution of these serious problems." [22]

Following the 2005 Gleneagles Summit, Putin announced: "Another area of assistance to the poorest countries, including in Africa, is in helping them solve healthcare and education problems. By the way, I want to make the issues of fighting the most dangerous diseases and improving education part of the agenda for the G8 summit in 2006. We also have to deal with these problems in our own country. We need to work out a common approach and a common philosophy and put in place the mechanisms for resolving these issues." [23]

Fighting Disease:

Fighting infectious disease is a major issue on the Russian agenda. [24] Addressing infectious diseases is related to the Gleneagles African agenda. [25] Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin told reporters on January 11, 2006, that, "During its presidency in the G8 [in 2006], Russia plans to focus on counteraction to infectious diseases, energy security and energy supplies to G8 nations, and education." [26]

The Russian presidency will take up issues discussed at the 2005 Gleneagles summit, specifically terrorism, the health sector (including AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria), non-proliferation, crisis management for conflicts, and aid to developing countries. For development aid, Putin will move away from Africa to emphasize the situation in the former Soviet states. [27]


The Russian HIV/AIDS situation is worsening, and is an important issue for the Russians. [28]

Bird Flu:

On January 27, 2006, Chief Russian Epidemiologist Gennady Onishchenko announced that bird flu prevention and control will feature prominently on the G8 summit agenda. [29] He stated that: "Russia is preparing proposals [on bird flu prevention], and at this preliminary stage, it is receiving enthusiastic support from all the G8 member states." [30]

Controlling the spread of bird flu is of particular interest to Russia, given its proximity to infected Asian countries and the recent outbreak of H5N1 in Russian poultry. [31] G8 policymakers will discuss an early alert system for a potential (human-to-human transmitted) outbreak of bird flu. [32] The G8 will consider generating, and providing, the developing world with, new vaccines. They will also discuss the importance of transparency in reporting infections, working with and strengthening the World Health Organization, and stockpiling anti-flu drugs. [33]

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In the Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006, Putin stated: "Russia, as the presiding country, regards it as its duty to give a fresh impetus to efforts to find solutions to key international problems in energy, education and healthcare....

In addition to the current agenda, we also plan to raise the issue of education in the G8. In our opinion, the time has come to focus on ways to improve the quality and effectiveness of national education systems and professional training. We must find tools for encouraging the international business community to increase investment into this sector." [34]

The Russian Presidency website outlines the problem of education. It states that: "Today, the status of any country largely depends on the number of experts it has with the knowledge and skills required in the modern world. The use of new information is the main factor in the growth of national economies and the quality of life of vast numbers of people. This makes the development of education a major challenge for the G8 leaders." [35] The Russian site suggests that there is "a weak link between the educational systems and the labor markets. As a result, the level of knowledge and skills of school and college graduates is below the requirements of the modern economy, which is short of experts. This situation makes education less attractive to investors, which, in turn, causes a reduction in the number of qualified teachers, who are able to upgrade the methodologies used in school and professional education." [36] The education gap between industrialized and developing countries is noted as a problem that the Russian presidency suggests "may seriously obstruct the progress of the global economy and social prosperity." [37] The site concludes that: "Education is a major condition for success of individual countries and regions, and for this reason its failure to meet the requirements of the modern economy is a global challenge of our times." [38]

The Russian position on education, as outlined by the Russian presidency website, is as follows: "Under the circumstances, Russia intends to make initiatives both in the field of primary and secondary education, and in professional training." [39] It notes that the 2000 Education for All (EFA) program is a G8 priority, and that "in 2006, Russia suggests that the G8 concentrate on upgrading the quality of basic education, and creating mechanisms for assessing the quality of basic education in the developing nations in the EFA framework." Furthermore, Russia will focus on professional education, noting that "the global effort should focus on creating an international system for comparing professional competence, and evaluating the quality of professional training. This will promote free movement of skilled personnel, which is a major condition of the global economic development." [40] Russia also emphasizes the importance of international academic exchange programs and cooperation between universities in industrialized and developing nations. [41]

The site goes on to state that: "Russia has proposed discussing with other G8 members a number of measures of social, cultural, and professional adaptation of migrants via education. This is important because today migration is indispensable for a steady economic growth of both industrialized and developing nations." [42]

The website concludes that: "Russia has an effective system of primary education, a successful experience of social and educational policies in the poly-ethnic and multi-religious environment, and solid traditions of fundamental education. In view of this, discussion of the suggested issues during the forthcoming G8 summit in St. Petersburg may generate a number of major decisions, which will substantially promote the development of the global economy." [43]

Following the 2005 Gleneagles Summit, Putin announced: "Another area of assistance to the poorest countries, including in Africa, is in helping them solve healthcare and education problems. By the way, I want to make the issues of fighting the most dangerous diseases and improving education part of the agenda for the G8 summit in 2006. We also have to deal with these problems in our own country. We need to work out a common approach and a common philosophy and put in place the mechanisms for resolving these issues." [44]

On January 19, 2006, Russian deputy minister for education and science, Dmitry Livanov, announced at the World Bank Economics Conference in St. Petersburg that Russia will put forward a range of education-focused initatives at the Summit, specifically improving the quality of professional education, providing high-quality education in schools, and creating programs to help immigrants adapt to their new homes. [45] Livanov stated that the Russian education initiatives will "make a significant contribution to improving the quality of the national education systems of different countries." [46]

Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin told reporters on January 11, 2006, that, "During its presidency in the G8 [in 2006], Russia plans to focus on counteraction to infectious diseases, energy security and energy supplies to G8 nations, and education." [47]

In December 2005, Russian Minister of Education and Science, Andrei Fursenko announced that the G8 leaders will "discuss the integration of science and education, and an education component in development of the scientific-technological sphere just because this excites all." [48]

In December 2005, the Russian Economic Development and Trade Ministry proposed a new government program for training managers which is meant to run from 2007 to 2012 and would be launched at the G8 Summit. [49] Sergei Naryshkin, head of the Russian cabinet office, is reviewing a draft of the concept. [50]

Education is a focus of the Russian agenda. [51] G8 leaders will discuss increasing aid to improve education in developing countries. [52] G8 officials will likely call for vocational training and distance learning using the internet. [53]

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Migration and Demography

The website of the Russian presidency notes that in connection with its position on education, migration plays a role. It states that: "Russia has proposed discussing with other G8 members a number of measures of social, cultural, and professional adaptation of migrants via education. This is important because today migration is indispensable for a steady economic growth of both industrialized and developing nations." [54]

Following the 2005 Gleneagles Summit, Putin announced: "You know, we tend to shy away from addressing certain problems we face in our own countries. One of these is the demographic problem — a matter of great importance for all of us. The fatter and richer we all become, the greater our demographic problems become. All my colleagues agreed with me that we should think about this over the coming year and make some decisions in St Petersburg at our next summit that will have a positive impact on the situation in our countries. You are no doubt familiar with the United Nations' forecasts in this area. All the European countries are in a situation of demographic decline. The only G8 country with positive demographic growth is the United States, and this is thanks to immigrants and the Latin American population. It is good that they have found at least some way of resolving the problem, but I think that even there it is still not enough. Today, therefore, when I consulted with my partners during the first part of our meeting on whether they think we could also discuss this matter, they all agreed. What's more, [EU Commission President] Mr Barroso said that a study would soon be made of the demographic situation in the European Union, and this could serve as the basis for the materials we will use to prepare this subject ... Russia is constantly increasing its supplies to the world markets, and not just to the G8 countries but to all players on the market. It would be a bad thing if we started just dealing amongst ourselves in our own little club. It would be a very negative signal for the rest of the world. The world, fortunately, does not consist of the G8 countries alone but is far broader, far more interesting and diverse. Our task is not just to resolve the problems we face, such as the demographic problem, which is of particular importance above all for the G8 countries, but, working from an economic point of view, our task is to help make the world more harmonious and make the rules governing international economic interaction more democratic." [55]

On January 19, 2006, Russian deputy minister for education and science, Dmitry Livanov, announced at the World Bank Economics Conference in St. Petersburg that the Russian education programs for immigrants are linked to the issue of demographic security. [56]

Migration policies to stop Russia's declining population will be addressed. [57]

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Aid and Development

Following the 2005 Gleneagles Summit, Putin announced: "Regarding the main subjects on the agenda, under Russia's presidency, the work will follow on from previous summits, including this one. We cannot ignore the question of overcoming poverty, and we cannot ignore the fight against terrorism ... These questions aside, I also think that if we are talking about overcoming poverty and about global economic integration, we should not forget the interests of the post-Soviet area. We also want to make this a part of our work on these issues. Finally, I think that there are some issues that demand particular attention from the G8 today, and these are issues that concern not only the world's poorest countries, not only those who need our economic assistance and our political and moral support ... I think we already gained a great deal from the assistance we have provided in the past. I would like to note that first the Soviet Union and then Russia have always had a special relationship with the African continent. A large number of Africa's present leaders studied in the Russian Federation. It would be simply foolish to let slip this immense political capital that we so greatly need today. The previous generation of our citizens built up this special relationship at a substantial cost and it would be foolish indeed to simply throw it all away. What form does our assistance take today? Above all, it takes the form of writing off debts. We are one of the leaders in this respect. What we are talking about here is writing off the debts of countries whose level of economic development makes it impossible for them to ever be able to repay these debts. We are therefore taking steps to help them." [58]

Aid to Africa is a follow-up topic from last year for the Russians. [59] Russia will turn the focus to poverty in, and aid to, the former Soviet Republics of central Asia. [60]

The Russian presidency will take up issues discussed at the 2005 Gleneagles summit, specifically terrorism, the health sector (including AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria), non-proliferation, crisis management for conflicts, and aid to developing countries. For development aid, Putin will move away from Africa to emphasize the situation in the former Soviet states. [61]

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In the Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006, Putin stated: "Other major international issues we will concentrate on during Russia's Presidency are counterterrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the settlement of regional conflicts, the development of the global economy, finance and trade, as well as protection of the environment." [62]

Following the 2005 Gleneagles Summit, Putin announced: "These questions aside, I also think that if we are talking about overcoming poverty and about global economic integration, we should not forget the interests of the post-Soviet area. We also want to make this a part of our work on these issues. Finally, I think that there are some issues that demand particular attention from the G8 today, and these are issues that concern not only the world's poorest countries, not only those who need our economic assistance and our political and moral support ... No, this summit did not discuss this issue [of expanding the G8]. If you are referring to a possible enlargement, I would say that, as far my personal point of view goes, discussing world trade and economic issues or world finances without, say, China and India, is quite difficult. But there are two circumstances I would like to draw to your attention in this respect... Our task is not just to resolve the problems we face, such as the demographic problem, which is of particular importance above all for the G8 countries, but, working from an economic point of view, our task is to help make the world more harmonious and make the rules governing international economic interaction more democratic. In this respect we remain committed to market mechanisms for the global economy." [63]

Trade-related development for the poor includes technical assistance and aid to improve basic infrastructure in poor countries. Kyodo News reports: "One G8 country is requesting that major emerging economies open their markets to poorer countries, while another urges the developed world to eliminate trade barriers on farm products." [64]

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In the Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006, Putin stated: "...I am convinced that our efforts towards attaining this goal should be comprehensive and must stimulate stabilization of the global energy markets, development of innovation technologies, use of renewable energy sources and protection of the environment. We believe that today, we must think very seriously about ways to bridge the gap between energy-sufficient and energy-lacking countries...

Other major international issues we will concentrate on during Russia's Presidency are counterterrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the settlement of regional conflicts, the development of the global economy, finance and trade, as well as protection of the environment.

I hope that the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency will help you to get your bearings in the multitude of questions and problems facing us, as well as to learn more about the efforts of G8 member states to solve them in order to promote the sustainable development of humankind." [65]

Climate change is a follow-up topic from last year for the Russians. [66] G8 leaders will consider stopping illegal deforestation to slow climate change. [67] They will also call for the development of clean energy sources, including nuclear energy, to curb climate change. [68]

Russian Foreign Minister Alexander Konuzin announced that the environment "will receive worthy coverage within the framework of the discussion of energy security issues that are a priority for us." [69] Konuzin noted that the goal of guaranteeing energy security and achieving sustainable development require a globally coordinated response. [70] Konuzin announced that: "We support the G8's decision to shift from restrictive policy as far as greenhouse gases are concerned to increasing energy efficiency in industry (transportation, building, housing and utilities infrastructure." [71]

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In the Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006, Putin stated: "Other major international issues we will concentrate on during Russia's Presidency are counterterrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the settlement of regional conflicts, the development of the global economy, finance and trade, as well as protection of the environment." [72]

Following the 2005 Gleneagles Summit, Putin announced: "Regarding the main subjects on the agenda, under Russia's presidency, the work will follow on from previous summits, including this one. We cannot ignore the question of overcoming poverty, and we cannot ignore the fight against terrorism ..." [73]

Anti-terrorism may be an issue on the Russian G8 agenda. [74]

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In the Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006, Putin stated: "Other major international issues we will concentrate on during Russia's Presidency are counterterrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the settlement of regional conflicts, the development of the global economy, finance and trade, as well as protection of the environment." [75]

Non-proliferation is also an important issue on the Russian agenda, as it is linked to energy security. [76]

The Russian presidency will take up issues discussed at the 2005 Gleneagles summit, specifically terrorism, the health sector (including AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria), non-proliferation, crisis management for conflicts, and aid to developing countries. For development aid, Putin will move away from Africa to emphasize the situation in the former Soviet states. [77]

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Crisis Management

In the Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006, Putin stated: "Other major international issues we will concentrate on during Russia's Presidency are counterterrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the settlement of regional conflicts, the development of the global economy, finance and trade, as well as protection of the environment." [78]

The Russian presidency will take up issues discussed at the 2005 Gleneagles summit, specifically terrorism, the health sector (including AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria), non-proliferation, crisis management for conflicts, and aid to developing countries. For development aid, Putin will move away from Africa to emphasize the situation in the former Soviet states. [79]

One facet of crisis management during the Russian presidency may be peace-building in the Middle East. [80]

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General Preparation

On December 15, 2005, a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation instructed that: "The Ministry of Health and Social Development, Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Industry and Energy in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the participation of other interested federal executive bodies and the Russian Academy of Sciences finalize the content filling of the priority themes of the Russian Federation's Group of Eight Presidency in 2006, and ensure before January 20, 2006 the preparation of drafts of outcome documents of the summit." [81] It was also instructed that: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly with interested federal executive bodies make more precise the list of principal Group of Eight activities for the year 2006 and submit it with an appropriate draft order to the Government." [82] Next, it was instructed that: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health and Social Development, Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Industry and Energy submit proposals to the Government on additional financing for the participation of Russia in international organizations and funds in the context of the Russian Federation's Group of Eight President in 2006." [83] Finally, it was instructed that: "The Ministry of Health and Social Development, Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Industry and Energy in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice work through the question of the advisability of amending some Government acts in light of the implementation of the initiatives of the Russian Federation's Group of Eight Presidency in 2006, and if necessary, submit their coordinated proposals to the Government of the Russian Federation." [84]

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[1] RosBusinessConsulting (January 25, 2006), "Putin on uranium enrichment."

[2] RosBusinessConsulting (January 25, 2006), "Putin on uranium enrichment."

[3] Prime-TASS Energy Service, Russia (January 25, 2006), "Putin says Russia may build international nuclear services center."

[4] RosBusinessConsulting (January 25, 2006), "Putin on uranium enrichment."

[5] Interfax Central Asia News (January 25, 2006), "Putin proposes setting up intl centers of nuclear fuel cycle services."

[6] Prime-TASS Energy Service, Russia (January 25, 2006), "Putin says Russia may build international nuclear services center."

[7] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/>.

[8] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Energy Security: The Problem," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/nrgsafety/problem/>.

[9] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Energy Security: The Problem," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/nrgsafety/problem/>.

[10] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Energy Security: The Problem," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/nrgsafety/problem/>.

[11] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Energy Security: Russia's Position and Role," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/nrgsafety/russianrole/>.

[12] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Energy Security: Russia's Position and Role," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/nrgsafety/russianrole/>.

[13] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Energy Security: Russia's Position and Role," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/nrgsafety/russianrole/>.

[14] President Putin (July 8, 2005), "Meeting of Vladimir Putin with Russian and Foreign Media Following the G8 Summit." <www.g7.utoronto.ca/summit/2005gleneagles/putin-050708.html >.

[15] RIA Novosty (January 11, 2006), "Russian, German finance ministers discuss G8 ministerial meeting."

[16] RIA Novosti (January 11, 2006), "Finance minister says Russia wants G8 action plan on energy supplies."

[17] RIA Novosti (January 11m 2006), "Russian minister hints at agenda for G8 summit."

[18] Financial Times (January 4, 2006), "Elements of Moscow's Group of Eight Agenda."

[19] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[20] Interfax News Service (January 13, 2006), "Russia to put environment in focus at G8."

[21] Interfax News Service (January 13, 2006), "Russia to put environment in focus at G8."

[22] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/>.

[23] President Putin (July 8, 2005), "Meeting of Vladimir Putin with Russian and Foreign Media Following the G8 Summit." <www.g7.utoronto.ca/summit/2005gleneagles/putin-050708.html >.

[24] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[25] Financial Times (January 4, 2006), "Elements of Moscow's Group of Eight Agenda."

[26] RIA Novosty (January 11, 2006), "Russian, German finance ministers discuss G8 ministerial meeting."

[27] Politicom Moldova (January 3, 2006), "Russian Federation assumes G8 Presidency in 2006."

[28] Financial Times (January 4, 2006), "Elements of Moscow's Group of Eight Agenda."

[29] RIA Novosty (January 27, 2006), "Russian gov't to adopt bird flu resolution "within days" – PM."

[30] RIA Novosty (January 27, 2006), "Russian gov't to adopt bird flu resolution "within days" – PM."

[31] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[32] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[33] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[34] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/>.

[35] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: The Problem," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/problem/>.

[36] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: The Problem," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/problem/>.

[37] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: The Problem," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/problem/>.

[38] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: The Problem," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/problem/>.

[39] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: Russia's Position and Role," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/russianrole/>.

[40] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: Russia's Position and Role," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/russianrole/>.

[41] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: Russia's Position and Role," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/russianrole/>.

[42] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: Russia's Position and Role," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/russianrole/>.

[43] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: Russia's Position and Role," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/russianrole/>.

[44] President Putin (July 8, 2005), "Meeting of Vladimir Putin with Russian and Foreign Media Following the G8 Summit." <www.g7.utoronto.ca/summit/2005gleneagles/putin-050708.html >.

[45] RIA Novosty (January 19, 2006), "Russia to propose education initiatives at G8 Summit."

[46] RIA Novosty (January 19, 2006), "Russia to propose education initiatives at G8 Summit."

[47] RIA Novosty (January 11, 2006), "Russian, German finance ministers discuss G8 ministerial meeting."

[48] Kirsanov, Dmitry (December 6, 2005), "G8 Education Ministers to Meet in Russia Ahead of Summit," Itar-Tass.

[49] Interfax News Service (December 16, 2005), "Russia May Unveil New Manager Training Program at G8 Summit."

[50] Interfax News Service (December 16, 2005), "Russia May Unveil New Manager Training Program at G8 Summit."

[51] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[52] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[53] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[54] Official Website of the G8 presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Education: Russia's Position and Role," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/education/russianrole/>.

[55] President Putin (July 8, 2005), "Meeting of Vladimir Putin with Russian and Foreign Media Following the G8 Summit." <www.g7.utoronto.ca/summit/2005gleneagles/putin-050708.html >.

[56] RIA Novosty (January 19, 2006), "Russia to propose education initiatives at G8 Summit."

[57] Financial Times (January 4, 2006), "Elements of Moscow's Group of Eight Agenda."

[58] President Putin (July 8, 2005), "Meeting of Vladimir Putin with Russian and Foreign Media Following the G8 Summit." <www.g7.utoronto.ca/summit/2005gleneagles/putin-050708.html >.

[59] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[60] Financial Times (January 4, 2006), "Elements of Moscow's Group of Eight Agenda."

[61] Politicom Moldova (January 3, 2006), "Russian Federation assumes G8 Presidency in 2006."

[62] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/>.

[63] President Putin (July 8, 2005), "Meeting of Vladimir Putin with Russian and Foreign Media Following the G8 Summit." <www.g7.utoronto.ca/summit/2005gleneagles/putin-050708.html >.

[64] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[65] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/>.

[66] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[67] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[68] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[69] Interfax News Service (January 13, 2006), "Russia to put environment in focus at G8."

[70] Interfax News Service (January 13, 2006), "Russia to put environment in focus at G8."

[71] Interfax News Service (January 13, 2006), "Russia to put environment in focus at G8."

[72] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/>.

[73] President Putin (July 8, 2005), "Meeting of Vladimir Putin with Russian and Foreign Media Following the G8 Summit." <www.g7.utoronto.ca/summit/2005gleneagles/putin-050708.html >.

[74] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[75] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/>.

[76] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[77] Politicom Moldova (January 3, 2006), "Russian Federation assumes G8 Presidency in 2006."

[78] Official Website of the G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, "Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visitors to the official site of Russia's G8 Presidency in 2006," accessed January 23, 2006. <https://en.g8russia.ru/agenda/>.

[79] Politicom Moldova (January 3, 2006), "Russian Federation assumes G8 Presidency in 2006."

[80] Hirando, Ko. (January 4, 2006), "G8 Tackles Bird Flu, Deforestation, Education Issues in 2006," Kyodo News.

[81] SKRIN, Russia (January 27, 2006), "Government prepares to Russian Federation's Presidency of Group of Eight in 2006."

[82] SKRIN, Russia (January 27, 2006), "Government prepares to Russian Federation's Presidency of Group of Eight in 2006."

[83] SKRIN, Russia (January 27, 2006), "Government prepares to Russian Federation's Presidency of Group of Eight in 2006."

[84] SKRIN, Russia (January 27, 2006), "Government prepares to Russian Federation's Presidency of Group of Eight in 2006."

Earlier Versions

January 9, 2006
January 17, 2006
January 23, 2006

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