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2005 Gleneagles Summit Analytical Studies

Official Documents

Gleneagles Performance:
Remit Mandates

John Kirton
G8 Research Group
July 9, 2005

Total number of Remit Mandates Created at Gleneagles: 4

1. “We will ... review progress [on reducing IPR piracy and counterfeiting through more effective enforcement] during future presidencies
(Reducing IPR Piracy and Counterfeiting through more Effective Enforcement)

2. “We welcome Japan’s offer to receive a report at the G8 Summit in 2008 [to take the sustainable energy dialogue forward].”
(Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development)

3. “We welcome the Russian decision to focus on energy in its Presidency of the G8 in 2006 and the programme of meetings that Russia plans to hold.”
(Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development)

4. “We will continue to strengthen and broaden this co-operation, and report our progress in St. Petersburg in 2006 [on counter-terrorism].”
(G8 Statement on Counter-Terrorism)

Based on a preliminary review of the Gleneagles G8 communiqués. The 2004 Sea Island Summit produced a total of 2 hard remit mandates (compared to the 4 for Gleneagles). The 2003 Evian Summit produced a total of 5 remit mandates, as specified below.


“We will review progress on our [Africa] Action Plan no later than 2005 on the basis of a report.” (Chair’s Summary)

“We agree to exchange information on national measures related to the implementation of these steps on MANPADs] by December 2003. We will review progress at our next meeting in 2004.” (Enhanced Transport Security and Control of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems [MANPADs]: A G8 Action Plan)

“The G8 Presidency will produce a report for the 2004 Summit.” (Building International Political Will and Capacity to Combat Terrorism: A G8 Action Plan)

“CTAG will … by … Seeking to increase counter-terrorism capacity building assistance and coordination by the 2004 Summit … Encouraging regional assistance programmes including delivery through regional and donor sponsored training centres by the 2004 Summit … Seeking to address unmet regional assistance needs by the 2004 Summit.” (Building International Political Will and Capacity to Combat Terrorism: A G8 Action Plan)

“The G8 Presidency will produce a report [on terrorism] for the 2004 Summit.” (Building International Political Will and Capacity to Combat Terrorism: A G8 Action Plan)

Notes: Excludes deadlines and bodies to report to other than the next or subsequent G8 summits themselves. Includes injunction to complete action “by the 2004 Summit” even if no actual report “to” the Summit is demanded, as this implies that G8 leaders will be watching and will if necessary take up the item again.

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