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Debt Relief
1. In terms of the top priority for the German government, outlined as the Crisis Prevention through Debt Relief, the launching of the Koeln Debt Initiative successfully established the importance of Germany's role regarding debt relief. Designed to provide deeper, broader and faster debt relief through amendments to HIPC's (Heaviliy Indebted Poor Countries)framework, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder voiced his extreme satisfaction and confidence in the debt relief package at the Chancellor's press briefing this afternoon. In addition, Schroeder also mentioned the valuable role of the Jubilee 2000, various non governmental protest organizations rallying here in Koeln, had upon the initiative. Although a concise structural framework for the Initiative was not introduced, Germany receives a grade of B+ on this issue.German grade on debt relief: B+
2. Undoubtedly receiving a substantial amount of attention at the Summit, the issue of Kosovo, dealt separately from the Communique in the form of a G8 Statement of Regional Issues, Germany achieved a large part of its objectives regarding both stability and reconstruction. With the Stability Pact agreed to on June 10, here in Koeln, the European Union will continue to play the leading role. In regards to reconstruction, the European Union Commission, currently held under the presidency of Germany, and the World Bank are set to establish donor coordination including a process to develop international assistance. However, as the proposed "Marshall Plan of the Balkans" has yet to receive absolute confirmation on the figures to be donated, Germany grades a B+ on the issue.German grade on Kosovo: B+
Social Policy and Investing in Human Capital Building
3. In regards to social policy and investing in human capital building, a top priority for Germany, they successfully achieved their objectives at the Summit. The Koeln Charter, which address the Aims and Ambitions of Lifelong Learning, stressed the importance of education standards, information sharing and the access to mobility. In addition to the Charter, the final Communique also paid a significant amount of attention to the issue of unemployment and the need to reaffirm international cooperation at the national level. As the German government is currently grappling with an unemployment rate of 10.7%, unemployment had indeed dominated a significant part of Germany's agenda at the Summit. According to this, Germany received a grade of A on this issueGerman grade on social policy and investing in human capital building: A
Overall German Cologne G8 Summit grade: B+
Report by Jennifer Wagner
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