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Overall Grade: A-
Kosovo Grade: A
An efficient and useful structure is necessary in order to ameliorate the current situation in the Balkans. Rambouillet represented the first step in this direction, and the fact that Russian and the Western nations cooperated and finally agreed on a structure was very beneficial. This partnership was aided by a common mission and objective for the region. The next big step is the demilitarization of the KLA, as weapons often facilitate the jump to war.
Essentially democracy and development are the twin solutions to securing the long term stability and peace in the region. The financial resources necessary to achieve this peace and stability should not be the sole responsibility of the European states. Japan has generously agreed to assist in this process, and other states should follow in this direction.
Russia's role in the peace process of Kosovo is also indicative of the importance of including Russia in the international community and in international issues of primary importance. In fact, Russia should play a bigger role in European relations and negotiations, but in order to do this, Russia must first become a major economic partner.
Development Grade: A
A key issue in development involves the humanization of globalization. President Chirac was the first leader to bring up this issue at the Halifax G8 Summit, and again he stressed the importance respect of the human person, workers rights and the propagation of social development programmes. This is an especially crucial issue as social development plays a huge role in the effects of unexpected crises (such as the Asian Crisis) Without a social system, the impact of crises is harder felt.An additional factor involved in development is the issue of infrastructure. Economics alone are no the solution to the problem, because good and accountable government and governance are needed to ensure that development occurs in a timely and efficient manner.
France succeeded in ensuring that its dual goals of increased Official Development Assistance and burden-sharing were included in the final communiqué. Furthermore, Africa, an important region for France, was also highlighted as being an area which should receive special attention.
Unemployment Grade: B
The G8 leaders agreed to continue along their current course of action, and to implement social programes (such as social safety nets), that would foster employment. Increased investment, in business and human capital were also stressed by the French, and appear in the final communiqué.Report by Thalia Lidakis
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