Country Objectives for the Köln G8 SummitCountry Reports are designed to ascertain the importance of the G7 to the Summit members' foreign policy and concept of international order. These reports - which include all seven Summit members, Russia and the EU - provide an analytical assessment of where the leaders stand on particular issues that are important to the Summit process. In addition, they provide political, economic and social overviews of each Summit country, as well as listing what key players will be represented at the Summit (Head of State or Government, Foreign and Finance Ministers, Sherpa, Sous-Sherpas, Political Director). In addition to detailing what the top priorities for each country will be as they approach the Birmingham Summit, these reports detail how influential each country will be at the Summit in terms of the personality of the leaders, their political and party strength as well as their economic and national capabilities. Biographies of political leaders are also included in these studies, as well as public opinion with regard to countries on political situations and foreign policy. Each analyst is also required to predict their country's likelihood of success vis-à-vis their top priorities. |
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