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Logo of the 2022 G7 German Presidency

G7 Ocean Deal

Berlin, May 27, 2022

We understand a clean, healthy and productive ocean with resilient marine ecosystems is essential for all life on earth. The ocean's ecological functions are indispensable for our joint efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change, halt and reverse biodiversity loss, ensure food and nutrition security and foster sustainable and resilient livelihoods for coastal populations worldwide. We must therefore stop and reverse the overexploitation of natural resources and degradation of the marine environment, combat the severe level of pollution and the accelerating effects of climate change and biodiversity loss, which are exacerbating cumulative pressures on the ocean.

We note with consternation that the respective ocean related commitments made under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and relevant UNEA resolutions as well as relevant commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity are nowhere near sufficiently implemented yet. To limit the catastrophic impacts of climate change on the ocean, it is imperative that all countries align their nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement with a 1.5-degree limit on global average temperature rise and urgently take action based on the latest available science, including the special report of the IPCC on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.

We remain committed to leading the global effort on the protection, conservation, restoration, and sustainable and equitable use of the global ocean through:

1. Facilitating international ocean governance

We emphasise the universal and unified character of the UNCLOS, and reaffirm that the Convention sets out the legal framework within which all activities in the ocean and seas must be carried out. On that basis, we acknowledge the importance of an enhanced global ocean governance that is built on the framework established under the UNCLOS, existing regional regimes and could be advanced through new multilateral instruments.

We as the G7 will support and further contribute to the development of robust and successful ocean governance. Therefore, we will continue to highlight ocean issues in the context of the G7.

2. Delivering on concrete ocean action within the G7 and beyond

We are determined to boost global ocean conservation and protection efforts with immediate bold action in our own coastal and marine areas and through increased support for our partner countries:

The implementation of this Ocean Deal will support the ocean action urgently needed to live up to our commitments, raise ambition and help to build consensus for ongoing international negotiations on ocean governance. We identify the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, the fifth Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on a BBNJ instrument, the first Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting on plastic pollution, the dialogue on ocean and climate change at SBSTA 56 of the UNFCCC and the CBD COP 15.2 as crucial stepping stones this year to deliver on our commitments and drive future action. Building on former G7 initiatives and achievements, the G7 Ocean Deal will lay the groundwork for further G7 collaboration in this critical decade.

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Source: Official Website of the 2022 German G7 Presidency

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