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G7 Presidency summary of the Alliance for Resource Efficiency Technical Working Group

Policy Paper, May 21, 2021

Key components that support action to reduce food waste at the household level.

Reducing household food waste is essential to tackle negative environmental impacts. Based on data submitted across the G7, around 45 Mt/year of food waste is from households alone, although the true figure could be significantly greater, estimated to be worth over £200 billion.

The UK Presidency organised a technical working group of the G7 Alliance for Resource Efficiency on effective strategies to reduce household food waste on 25 March 2021, which was held virtually. Participants included G7 members and external partners WRAP (the Waste and Resources Action Plan) and the World Resources Institute. The working group provided helpful insights on effective approaches to reducing household food waste and based on these discussions, the UK Presidency identified the key components required to develop and deliver a successful strategy to reduce household food waste which are outlined in the sections below.

Key Components

Research, Evaluation and Monitoring

Effective Messaging

Engagement at Scale

Next Steps

A significant amount of work is underway to reduce household food waste, with all G7 members already implementing at scale at least two of the key components listed above. However, gaps remain in our understanding and barriers to progress exist which pose challenges for policymakers in accelerating progress including internal competing resource priorities. We must also ensure our work supports addressing the food security challenges exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. While next steps were not discussed at the working group, the UK Presidency of the G7 identified the following potential future work for the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency:

G7 members recognise the importance of addressing food loss and waste both Nationally and Internationally and the part that sharing of best practise and lessons learned can have. Case studies can play a crucial role in increasing knowledge transfer and instigating further discussion. The publication of this document and the G7 Best Practice Examples on Reducing Household Food Waste, via the Alliance for Resource Efficiency website and the UK G7 Presidency website alongside the Climate and Environment Ministerial Communique will facilitate this.

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Source: Official Website of the 2021 UK Presidency of the G7

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