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“International Leaders for Biodiversity” Initiative

Metz, France, May 6, 2019

Recognizing the current environmental crisis, as well as the urgent need to halt the loss of biodiversity and to put biodiversity on the path to recovery, for the benefit of all people and the planet;

Acknowledging the outcomes of the 14th Conference of the Parties to the Convention in Biological Diversity” (CBD COP-14), including the Sharm El-Sheikh Declaration and aware of the fact that COP-15 in 2020 will decide in a new global framework for biodiversity – a new deal for Nature – and will therefore represent a major global chance for sustainable development;

Aware of the crucial importance of tackling the climate and biodiversity crises jointly;

Welcoming the “2019 Global Assessment Report in Biodiversity” and Ecosystem Services by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, and being concerned by its findings;

Acknowledging Decision 14/34 of the CBD that urges Parties to “…actively engage and contribute to the process of developing a robust post-2020 global biodiversity framework” and invites Parties to “consider developing, as appropriate to the national context, individually or jointly, and on a voluntary basis, biodiversity commitments that contribute to the achievement of the three objectives of the Convention, […] and […] to an effective post-2020 global biodiversity framework, without prejudging the outcomes of the process to develop this framework”;

Recognizing the critical rile of non state-actors and other key partners to reach and implement an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework;

Acknowledging that the “Sharm-El Sheikh Declaration and the “Sharm-El Sheikh to Kunming Action Agenda for Nature and People” provide strong bases for country- and stakeholder-led initiatives;

Welcoming the “Metz Charter on Biodiversity” and biodiversity-related outcomes of the 2019 G7 Ministerial Meeting;

Welcoming high level international discussions to accelerate action in biodiversity, and welcoming the contribution to the discussions provided by the “Nature Champions Summit” and its “Nature Champions: Call to Action” and the upcoming Trondheim Biodiversity Conference;

We commit to:

  1. Promoting the active engagement of political leaders in advocacy for biodiversity and the delivery of ambitious outcomes at CBD COP-15;
  2. Building a strong political momentum for the design of an ambitious, science-based and practical post-2020 global biodiversity framework that strengthens the implementation of the CBD, its protocols and other biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements, and facilitate the transformational changes needed to achieve the 2050 Vision for biodiversity and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
  3. Mobilizing government-led, action-oriented partnerships and cooperative initiatives and commitments, including raising public awareness, to halt the loss of and restore biodiversity and support an ambitious global biodiversity framework;
  4. Encouraging action-oriented, concrete commitments from non-state actors and other key partners (relevant organizations, indigenous peoples and local communities, local and sub-national governments and authorities, academia, women’s and youth groups, the business, financial and economic sectors, and non-governmental organizations), to support government action in the promotion of a robust post 2020 global biodiversity framework;
  5. Working together through collaborative approaches aid shared experiences to reach our common goals, including for research and innovation, and for integrating biodiversity into decision-making across all sectors;

We invite all States that are willing to take a leadership role in developing and implementing an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework to join us.

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Source: The Official Website of the 2019 French Presidency of the G7

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