Declaration of Intention of Support for G.R.E.A.T.

Gender Responsive Environmental Action & Training

Metz, France, May 6, 2019

On the occasion of the French Presidency of the G7,

We, governments, representatives of companies, civil society, foundations, development banks and scientific and technological research institutes, confirm our willingness to act for highly resilient sustainable development based on a gender-equitable approach.



We fully support the "GREAT : Gender Responsive Environmental Action and Training" Initiative.

We recognize, in regard to our respective missions and mandates, the need :

In this context, we are commited to :

We will implement this declaration through an inclusive and transparent process, guaranteeing fair participation by the various stakeholders, and taking into consideration the need to collaborate with existing, relevant initiatives, including those by the United Nations Environment Programme and by multilateral environment agreements, by seeking synergies with them and others around gender equality, wherever possible.

Canada, Fiji, France, Gabon, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Niger, Norway, the United Kingdom and the European Union have conirmed their support for the GREAT coalition.

The coalition also received the support of non-state actors such as the French Development Agency, BNP Paribas, L'Oréal – L'Oréal Foundaton and UN Women.

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[1] CBD: COP 12 Decision XII/7. Mainstreaming gender considerations.

[2] UNCCD: COP13 Decision 30/COP13. Gender equality and women's empowerment for the enhanced and efective implementation of the Convention

[3] UNFCCC: Decision 3/CP.23.

[4] htps:// unlocking-information-action-and-measuring-sdgs

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Source: The Official Website of the 2019 French Presidency of the G7