We, the environment ministers of the eight major
industrialized countries and the European Commissioner responsible
for the environment, have met from 7 to 9 April 2000 in Otsu as a
follow-up to our last meeting in Schwerin in 1999 to discuss
challenging environmental issues. Discussions centered on four key
themes: I. Climate Change; II. Sustainable Development in the 21st
Century and Rio + 10; III. Environment and Health; and IV. Follow-up
on Previous G-8 Environment Ministers' Meetings. We call upon
the chair to forward this communiqué to the chair of the
Kyushu-Okinawa Summit of Heads of State and
As we stand on the threshold of a new millennium,
environmental degradation is still increasing and natural resources
are being depleted, threatening the foundation of our life and that
of future generations. In the 21st century, things must change. We
perceive a vital need to take the lead to achieve sustainable
development, demonstrating political leadership as we provide models
for the global community.
Climate change
Successful completion of COP6 for the early entry
into force of the Kyoto Protocol; further promotion of global
actions to address climate change
Climate change is an unprecedented challenge and
critical environmental issue facing humankind. The world has
experienced severe and unusual weather consistent with many
projections of the future impacts of climate change. Temperatures in
the 1990s ranked amongst the highest on record and many parts of the
world experienced unusually severe droughts, floods, and
We confirm our commitment to ensure that results
achieved at COP6 help promote the ratification and entry into force
of the Kyoto Protocol as soon as possible. For most countries, this
means no later than 2002. Success at COP6 will be important in
providing Parties sufficient time to meet the terms of the first
commitment period. Early actions can help reduce
We resolve to take the political leadership
necessary for the success of COP6. We instruct our officials to
resolve as many technical issues as possible well before COP6. We
will make full use of meetings at the ministerial level to resolve
political issues. We commit ourselves to outcomes at COP6 that
ensure environmental integrity, environmental credibility and cost
Achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention
will require much greater efforts in developed and developing
countries. We reaffirm our responsibilities to take the lead in
combating climate change. We also welcome the commitments announced
at COP5 by some developing countries and other actions taken by
developing countries and encourage other countries to strengthen
their efforts in this field. Clean Development Mechanism projects
will facilitate mitigation measures in developing countries and, at
the same time, promote their sustainable development. We will
strengthen partnerships between developed and developing countries
to promote capacity building and technology transfer. We believe
that there is urgent need to intensify and expand the dialogue about
how developed and developing countries together can fight climate
change in a manner that promotes sustainable
We commit ourselves to continue supporting
adaptation measures by countries particularly vulnerable to the
adverse effects of climate change, notably small island developing
states and least developed countries.
We continue to support the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change's efforts to provide a scientific basis for
international discussions on climate change. We note the importance
of its third assessment report in facilitating international
deliberations on future steps that all countries must take to
achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention.
Strengthening domestic actions to address
climate change by G-8 countries
G-8 countries have already begun to take various
domestic actions which reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We note the
benefit of showing demonstrable progress in the years ahead. We
recommit ourselves to taking significant domestic actions to tackle
global climate change. We confirm that the Kyoto Mechanisms will be
supplemental to domestic actions.
Using the opportunities and advantages of the
market and sending the right signals to the market are important for
effectively addressing climate change. G-8 countries are introducing
measures which may include market mechanisms and which will promote
the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Significant business
opportunities are emerging in a broad range of economic sectors as
the need for new climate-friendly products and services grows. We
encourage all sectors to fully utilize these
We welcome the recommendations of the G-8
Environmental Futures Forum in February 2000 in Kanagawa, Japan
regarding best practices in domestic policies and measures. We will
continue information exchanges regarding best practices in order to
learn further from the experiences of other countries. We emphasize
the importance of the April 2000 Copenhagen Workshop, which should
also assist in the sharing of experience and the exchange of
information regarding best practices in policies and measures among countries from all regions of the world.
Sustainable development in the 21st century and Rio + 10
Sustainable development in the 21st century
The development patterns prevailing to date
continue to constitute the biggest factor placing stresses on both
domestic and global environments. We must break with the
unsustainable development patterns seen in the 20th century, to
decouple economic development from increasing pressures on the
environment, and to ensure that development occurs sustainably,
incorporating a wise use of natural resources. In this regard,
sustainable development indicators will help us measure progress. We
commit ourselves to pursuing these goals based on a
multidisciplinary approach and the integration of environmental
considerations and will foster a partnership between developed and
developing countries to this end. We reaffirm our Rio + 5 commitment
to have in place national strategies for sustainable development by
The 21st century will increasingly focus on the
enhancement of resource efficiency, marking a shift from the 20th
century. We welcome the move towards more sustainable consumption
patterns, under which consumer preferences are shifting from a focus
on the possession of products to a focus on the enjoyment of
services. We will continue to move towards a more sustainable
management and use of natural resources, improve resource
efficiency, and reduce the discharge of wastes into the environment.
We will encourage the lifecycle approach and therefore promote waste
reduction, reuse, recycling and appropriate waste disposal that
endangers neither human health nor the environment. We emphasize the
opportunities for business and employment this
Freshwater is a vital and precious resource
essential for all life. We will promote the preservation of water
resources and ecosystems, and provision of security from floods,
droughts and other natural hazards through adopting the integrated
water resources management approach, including environmentally-sound
management in catchment basins. We recognize the importance of
access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation, maximization
of water usage efficiency, and elimination of subsidies which lead
to wasteful use of water. We will move toward pricing water services
to reflect the cost of their provision. We will promote
international assessments of freshwater resources and fully utilize
our experiences and expertise in water management to assist
developing countries in capacity building and technology transfer.
We encourage countries sharing common catchment basins to develop
agreements regarding assessment, management and utilization of their
respective boundary and/or transboundary waters. We welcome the
Hague Ministerial Declaration on Water Security in the
21st Century. We look forward to the Bonn International
Conference on Freshwater in 2002 to facilitate discussion of this
issue at Rio + 10.
We welcome the report that the Intergovernmental
Forum on Forests (IFF) will submit to the UN Commission on
Sustainable Development at its eighth session in April and support
its recommendations notably those related to the future
international arrangement on forests. We urge countries to
immediately begin to implement the proposals for action of the IFF
and its predecessor, the Intergovernmental Panel on
Sustainable energy development and use are key in
dealing with climate change and air pollution. We will further enhance energy efficiency and promote
environmentally-sound energy mixes. We will promote research and
development to reduce costs and enhance the marketability of
renewable energies. We will promote policies and measures to improve
the competitiveness of renewable energies, thereby expanding
relevant markets. Sustainable energy is a critical component of
sustainable development in developing countries. A number of
initiatives are now in hand, but much more needs to be done to
deliver substantial change. G-8 countries need to work with partners
to address these problems with the aim of making a step change in
the provision of sustainable energy in poor countries. This will
complement the CSD process on sustainable energy future, which we
As we strengthen programs to increase the
environmental awareness of consumers, both central and subnational
governments should themselves adopt appropriate green procurement
practices, thereby creating large markets for
environmentally-friendly goods and services. We welcome the
international leadership of the private sector in making their
activities environmentally sound. We encourage all sectors to follow
suit. We will further promote environmental reporting and accounting
as effective tools to this end. We note with interest recent
developments regarding environmental tax reforms in some G-8
countries. Policy mixes including economic instruments, regulatory
measures, and voluntary approaches can enhance overall
effectiveness. We also recognize the importance of phasing out
environmentally harmful subsidies.
Sustainable development should be pursued with the
full participation of all stakeholders. We welcome efforts by local
governments, communities, private commercial enterprises and NGOs to
promote sustainable development at the local level and encourage the
exchange of experiences and best practices domestically and
internationally. We continue to support and facilitate participation
of stakeholders in developing, implementing, and monitoring
environmental policies locally, nationally, and
Urban sustainable development will represent a
major policy challenge for this century. Combating unsustainable
trends in urban development including environmental pollution, urban
sprawl, and green-field development through integrated policy
approaches will contribute to a higher quality of life of
Strengthening of international frameworks in the
field of the environment
We welcome efforts to strengthen UNEP and look
forward to the improved integration of environmental considerations
throughout the UN system and other international institutions. To
this end, we look forward to the early establishment by the UN of an
Environmental Management Group. To improve the coordination among
international environmental agreements, we urge the UN to undertake
concrete measures such as information sharing among secretariats of
related agreements, enhancing scientific linkages among their areas
of competence, the joint training of specialists, and the
harmonization of venues and dates for conferences of the parties to
these agreements. We will also strengthen our efforts to make
regional environmental cooperation more
We will strengthen our efforts to ensure that a
coherent global and ecologically responsive framework of
environmental agreements and institutions guarantees that
globalization supports sustainable development. We look forward to
the conclusion of the revised OECD guidelines on transnational
corporations. We will further promote international co-operation on
the establishment, general recognition and continual improvement and
implementation of environmental standards and norms. We call on
multilateral enterprises to set an example in promoting sustainable
development and in applying best practices throughout the world. We
reiterate our call on the international financial institutions to
better integrate the environment dimension into their
Rio + 10
The success of Rio + 10 in 2002 is important as it
will be the first comprehensive global meeting on sustainable
development in the 21st century. We call on all regions and
stakeholders to enter into the preparatory process, including
comprehensive assessment of current environmental and developmental
trends, and we will promote regional cooperation to this end. Rio +
10 should formulate concrete strategies and forge stronger
partnerships to accelerate sustainable development as well as lay
out the pragmatic modalities which will make possible their
implementation. It will also provide an opportunity to give new
direction to the work of the United Nations in the field of
sustainable development, including with respect to the Commission on
Sustainable Development.
Consideration should be given to having Rio + 10
attended by delegates at the head of state or government level, as
was the case at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment
and Development. We note with interest suggestions to hold this in a
developing country.
The environment and health
The protection of human health from the effects of
pollution and other forms of environmental degradation is an issue
on the forefront of citizens' concerns. Our policies should be
based on the precautionary approach, as set forth in Principle 15 of
the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. We attach high
priority to protecting children, pregnant women, the elderly, and
others who are disproportionately susceptible to the effects of
environmental degradation as we establish environmental guidelines,
criteria, and standards. We recommit ourselves to implement the 1997
Declaration of the Environment Leaders of the Eight on Children's
Environmental Health.
Risks posed by hazardous chemical substances are
one of the greatest concerns among the people of the G-8 countries.
As the recent contamination of the Danube basin highlighted, without
effective national policies and appropriate infrastructure for
chemical management in all countries, there is inevitable damage to
human health and the environment. We call upon all nations,
industry, and non-governmental organizations to strengthen their
support and participation in the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical
Safety (IFCS). To reduce the generation of dioxins and furans we
will promote comprehensive measures including waste minimization,
segregation at source, and proper pollution control. We call for the
furtherance of knowledge acquisition on Endocrine Disruptors through
jointly planned and implemented projects and international
information sharing. We seek to further the exchange of information
among countries implementing pollutant release and transfer register
(PRTR) schemes.
Pollution by chemical substances is spreading at
the global level and we note, in particular, the harmful effects of
transboundary pollution through the atmosphere. In considering the
protection of human health and ecosystems we urge cooperative
international work programs, particularly for those substances with
high toxicity and persistence. We will make efforts for the early
entry into force of the Rotterdam Convention. We assign particular
importance to the successful conclusion of a strong and effective
global convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) by the end
of 2000, and recognize the importance of assisting developing
countries and countries with economies in transition to fulfill
their eventual obligations under this treaty.
Follow-up on previous G-8 Environment Ministers'
We welcome the decision of the UN CSD as
regards Oceans and Seas and will work cooperatively to implement its
provisions. We also welcome the recently adopted United Nations
General Assembly Resolution on Oceans and Seas which called for an
informal consultative process to consider all aspects of the oceans
and seas. We will work to make this process a success. We will
strengthen our efforts to achieve sustainable management of fish
stocks, at both national and international levels. We will make
efforts towards the early entry into force of the New York Agreement
on Straddling Stocks and the FAO Compliance Agreement as well as the
1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine
Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972 (London
Convention). We will also make efforts to further activate Regional
Sea Action Plans, strengthen regional secretariats for the Action
Plans, and vigorously implement the Global Programme of Action for
the Protection of Marine Environment from Land-based Activities
We stress the importance of the adoption of the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in January of this year as a major
event. G-8 countries will make all possible efforts for its early
entry into force by giving timely consideration to signature and
In the wake of the World Trade
Organization's Ministerial Conference held in November 1999 in
Seattle, we recall our commitments from our meeting in Schwerin in
1999. We need to work with our trade colleagues to advance the trade
and environment agenda. It is important that environmental concerns
be fully taken into account in the context of the multilateral
trading system, in particular in the next Trade Round. We also need
to examine what we, as Environment ministers, can do to advance the
trade and environment agenda outside the WTO. In particular, we
support practical international efforts to build capacity on trade
and environment issues in developing countries, particularly those
which bring together officials from both the trade and environment
fields and foster policy integration supportive of sustainable
Every year our export credit agencies support
investments worth billions of dollars around the globe. These
investments may have significant environmental impacts. Export
credit agencies should help promote environmental considerations in
all their activities. This is a priority issue in our efforts to
protect the global environment. Last year, G-8 Heads called on
export credit agencies to work "towards common environmental
guidelines¨ by the 2001 G-8 Summit." We must
reinvigorate and intensify our work to meet this mandate. We welcome
as a first step the Action Statement agreed in February this year by
the OECD Working Party on Export Credits and Credit Guarantees and
the proposed work plan including Special Sessions dedicated to the
environment issue.
We recognize both the serious environmental effects
of violations of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) and
the need to combat illegal activity in this area. We will provide
full support for broader participation in, and effective
implementation of, and compliance with, the existing MEAs, and their
mechanisms for exchange of information and for achieving their
goals. We appreciate the ongoing activities by UNEP and by the Lyon
Group Law Enforcement Subgroup in this area. We will continue to
strengthen cooperation with other countries, in particular
developing countries, who need external assistance to support their
efforts to achieve the objectives of the MEAs.