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Ministerial and Other Meetings
G8 Labour Ministers Meetings

G8 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting

May 11-13, 2008, Niigata, Japan

See also Chair's Conclusions

Japan Yoichi Masuzoe
Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
Canada Janice Charette
Deputy Minister, Human Resources and Social Development Canada
France Gilles de Robien
Representative of the French Minister for Labour, Social Relations and Solidarity, Ambassador for Social Cohesion
Germany Kajo Wasserhoevel
State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Italy Emilio Gabaglio
Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Russia Alexander Safonov
Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development
UK Stephen Creswell Timms
Minister of State, Department for Work and Pensions
USA Howard Radzely
Deputy Secretary of Labour
EU Vladimir Spidla
Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
ILO Juan Somavia
OECD Angel Gurria
Indonesia Erman Suparn
Minister of Manpower and Transmigration
Thailand Uraiwan Thienthong
Minister of Labour
Japan Yoko Kamikawa
Minister of State for Gender Equality and Social Affairs

Source: G8 Labour Niigata

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