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Logo of the 2024 G7 Italian Presidency

Factsheet on the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII)

G7 Development Ministers' Meeting
Pescara, Italy, October 23, 2024

Enhancing PGII during the Italian G7 Presidency

The Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) is a shared G7 commitment to advance public and private investments in sustainable, inclusive, resilient and quality infrastructure and wider development. Through this partnership, the G7 aims to invest and mobilize up to USD 600 billion by 2027 to narrow the infrastructure investment gap in partner countries. The PGII represents a strategic opportunity for developing countries to accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the targets of the Agenda 2030. Since its launch at the G7 Elmau Summit in 2022, the PGII has been delivering investments across key priority areas to help address climate change and the energy crisis, supply chain resilience, connectivity through digital infrastructure and transport networks, sustainable health systems, and gender equality, thereby contributing to global development goals and economic stability.

Building on the achievements of previous G7 presidencies and relevant initiatives such as the Italian “Mattei Plan for Africa”, the EU Global Gateway and the G20 Compact with Africa, during the Italian Presidency in 2024 G7 members advanced their PGII agenda with a special focus on Africa and its sustainable investment needs and opportunities, promoting equitable partnerships with African countries in line with the SDGs and the objectives of the African Union Agenda 2063 and the integrated African continental plans. On the occasion of the 2024 G7 Summit in Borgo Egnazia, a PGII side event was held with the participation of G7 Leaders, private sector executives, and development finance institutions, aiming at mobilizing public and private capital in African countries through joint efforts on key transformative initiatives, such as the Lobito Corridor.

Following up on the Apulia G7 Leaders’ Communiqué and their commitment to enhance the PGII, G7 Development Ministers met in Pescara on October 22-24 with invited African partners and international organizations, and committed to the following initiatives: i) launching a PGII secretariat for effective implementation and investment coordination with partners; ii) supporting the implementation of the AUC/OECD African Virtual Investment Platform to enhance data and information sharing, transparency and public policies on investment in Africa; iii) working together with PDBs, DFIs, MDBs, and private sector to improve enabling environments and country-based investment design, coordination, and co-financing, possibly benefitting from the 2024 Joint Action Proposal for Sustainable Infrastructure Investment in Africa and any future contribution prepared by the PGII Expert Group on Development Finance. Building on these initiatives, Ministers also announced enhanced collective efforts to support, among others, flagship cross-border development corridors, such as the Lobito Corridor, the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor (TCTC) and the Luzon Corridor, which represent proven solutions to attract private investment and accelerate regional integration and sustainable development in partner countries. These initiatives reflect a dual approach, encompassing both transformative flagship projects, including on delivering on hard infrastructure, as well as promoting enabling environments and upstream conditions to mobilize infrastructure investment.

Building on the achievements of Japan's G7 Presidency in 2023, which emphasized mobilizing private capital and addressing pressing global issues such as climate change and infrastructure gaps, Italy's 2024 Presidency takes this forward with a strong focus on Africa and transformative regional development projects like the Lobito Corridor. This Factsheet is a further demonstration of the G7 commitment to work with partners to develop transformative ecosystems of quality infrastructure and investment. Although more projects are simultaneously ongoing, the G7 highlights the following key flagship projects in 2024. The PGII Secretariat, as per its mandate and under the PGII Working Group steer and coordination, will report on the implementation of the PGII flagship projects.

Key flagship projects in 2024

Economic corridors

Through PGII, G7 partners seek to de-risk and drive multi-sector investment focused on supporting connectivity to regional and global markets through strategic economic corridors. These corridors enable economic development, deepen regional connectivity, and maximize the impact of public and private investments. Across PGII economic corridors, investments focus on securing and expanding clean energy supply chains, fortifying trusted information and communications technology (ICT) networks, and building connective transportation and logistics infrastructure, and aim to maximize positive impacts on other critical sectors that are drivers of sustainable development, including agriculture-related infrastructure, resilient health systems, and gender equality and equity. The initial three PGII economic corridors listed below demonstrate the G7’s ability and commitment to working together to deliver quality, inclusive, resilient and sustainable infrastructure and investment to partners worldwide.

The Lobito Corridor

Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor (TCTC)

The Luzon Economic Corridor

Selected regional and country-level initiatives

The following list is a selection of G7 strategic initiatives that aim to advance the PGII agenda in specific countries or regions, addressing different sectors and priority areas. While some are more advanced, others are at an earlier stage of implementation. With the support of the just established PGII Secretariat, G7 members are working together to ensure smooth implementation and strengthen synergies across different projects and initiatives at country and regional level in a coherent and effective manner that responds to partners’ investment priorities.

The African Virtual Investment Platform

Sargassum in the Caribbean Basin

Renewable Hydrogen Cooperation in Namibia

Kenya Country Coordination Platform / Green Industrialization Partnership

Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs)

Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) are a donor coordination structure for coordinating funding and expertise towards accelerating transitions to clean, renewable energy, including the phase-out of fossil fuels. These intergovernmental partnerships coordinate financial resources and technical assistance to support partner countries in advancing their energy transition in an equitable and inclusive manner with regard to its social consequences. The first JETP with South Africa was announced at COP26. Two more were announced in 2022 with Vietnam and Indonesia. In 2023, a fourth JETP was launched with Senegal. Each JETP is a partnership between the host country and an International Partners Group (IPG).

Just Energy Transition Partnership in South Africa

Just Energy Transition Partnership in Vietnam

Just Energy Transition Partnership in Indonesia

Just Energy Transition Partnership in Senegal

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Source: Official website of Italy's 2024 G7 presidency

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This page was last updated October 23, 2024.
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