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Appendix B
List of Individual Commitments
Cycle 5, 2003-2010
2003 Evian, France
2004 Sea Island, U.S.
2005 Gleneagles, UK
2006 St. Petersburg
2003 Evian, France (206 commitments)
1. Evian Summit Chair's Summary, 3 June 2003
Strengthening Growth World-Wide
2003-1. We reaffirm our commitment to multilateral co-operation, to achieve the objectives and overall timetable set out in the Doha Development Agenda as reflected in our Action Plan on Trade, and to implement sound macro-economic policies supportive of growth, while ensuring domestic and external sustainability.
2003-2. We reaffirm our commitment to implement structural reforms of labour, product and capital markets.
2003-3. We reaffirm our commitment to implement pension and health care reforms, as we face a common challenge of ageing populations.
2003-4. We reaffirm our commitment to raise productivity through education and lifelong learning and by creating an environment where entrepreneurship can thrive, fostering competition and promoting public and private investment in knowledge and innovation.
2003-5. We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen investor confidence by improving corporate governance, enhancing market discipline and increasing transparency.
2003-6. We reaffirm our commitment to the principles of our Declaration on Fostering Growth and Promoting a Responsible Market Economy, accompanied with specific actions to improve transparency and to fight corruption more effectively, including a specific initiative on extractive industries.
2003-7. We will exercise improved discipline in the provision of official finance.
Enhancing Sustainable Development
2003-8. We endorsed the report by our African Personal Representatives. We agreed to widen our dialogue to other African Leaders on NEPAD and the G8 African Action Plan. We invite interested countries and relevant international institutions to appoint senior representatives to join this partnership. We will review progress on our Action Plan no later than 2005 on the basis of a report.
2003-9. To alleviate the threat of facing millions of people, especially in Africa, we committed to responding to the emergency food aid needs and agreed on ways to improve famine prevention mechanisms and long term food security.
2003-10. We agreed on measures to strengthen the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and other bilateral and multilateral efforts, notably through our active participation in the donors' and supporters' conference to be hosted in Paris this July.
2003-11. We agreed on measures to improve access to health care, including to drugs and treatments at affordable prices, in poor countries.
2003-12. We agreed on measures to encourage research on diseases mostly affecting developing countries.
2003-13. We agreed on measures to mobilise the extra funding needed to eradicate polio by 2005.
2003-14. We agreed on measures to improve international co-operation against new epidemics such as SARS.
Financing for development
2003-15. We welcomed the report of our Finance Ministers' discussions on our increased resources and on our financing instruments. We invite them to report to us in September on the issues raised by the financing instruments, including the proposal for a new international Finance Facility.
2003-16. We reaffirmed the objective of ensuring lasting debt sustainability in HIPC countries and noted that these countries will remain vulnerable to exogenous shocks, even after reaching completion point. In this context, we have asked our Finance Ministers to review by September mechanisms to encourage good governance and the methodology for calculating the amount of "topping-up" debt relief available to countries at completion point based on updated cost estimates.
2. Fostering Growth and Promoting A Responsible Market Economy, 3 June 2003
Corporate Governance
2003-17. We commit to pursue with strong resolve our fight to further improve the integrity of the international economy, (including efforts against money laundering, financial crime and terrorist financing), which is essential for its efficiency, fairness and transparency. We will continue to work towards investor protection, enhanced regulatory compliance and vigorous law enforcement, including through comprehensive cross-border assistance.
2003-18. We commit to promoting high quality, internationally recognized accounting standards that are capable of consistent application, interpretation and enforcement, especially for listed companies.
(Corporate social responsibility)
2003-19. We will work with all interested countries on initiatives that support sustainable economic growth, including the creation of an environment in which business can act responsibly.
(Corruption and transparency)
2003-20. We will jointly ask UN bodies, the IFIs, FSF, standard-setting bodies and other relevant international organizations to work with us on these and to further integrate them in their programs and actions.
3. Fighting Corruption and Improving Transparency, 3 June 2003
2003-21. We Will focus bilateral assistance on countries demonstrating commitment to improve performance on transparency, good governance and rule of law.
2003-22. We will require fiduciary assessments before countries can access budgetary support (as already done with the World Bank Poverty Reduction Support Credit program).
2003-23. We will work to ensure that all fiduciary and governance diagnostics are made public.
2003-24. We will improve coordination and harmonisation of our administrative procedures.
2003-25.. We will develop with donors and governments a PFMA performance assessment based on the HIPC Tracking exercise.
2003-26. We will work with others to achieve full disclosure of multilateral development bank (MDB) performance allocation systems.
2003-27. We will require publication of all MDB Assistance strategies.
2003-28. We will urge presumptive publication of Article IV staff reports.
2003-29. We will require publication of all staff reports for all exceptional access cases, including a report for each that lays out clearly the related justification.
2003-30. We will encourage participation in and publication of fiscal policy transparency ROSCs by all IMF members, including making this standard practice for exceptional access cases.
2003-31. We will accelerate peer reviews of each country's implementation of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials, accompanied by the public release of these results, so as to complete a first cycle of reviews by 2007.
2003-32. We will work together with our OECD Convention partners to ensure stable, long-term financing for these reviews.
2003-33. We will encourage the private sector to develop, implement and enforce corporate compliance programs relating to our domestic laws criminalizing foreign bribery.
2003-34. We are committed to actively contributing to the completion of a UN Convention against Corruption.
2003-35. We will each seek in accordance with national laws to deny safe haven to public officials guilty of corruption, by denying them entry, when appropriate, and using extradition and mutual legal assistance laws and mechanisms more effectively.
2003-36. We reaffirm our commitment to fight financial abuses and to encourage wider accession to and ratification of the U.N. Convention on Transnational Organised Crime so that money laundering, corruption and other relevant crimes are universally criminalized and that all countries have the power to identify, trace, freeze or seize and ultimately confiscate and dispose of assets from the proceeds of these crimes.
2003-37. We reaffirm our commitment to fight financial abuses and to require that our own financial institutions establish procedures and controls to conduct enhanced due diligence on accounts of "politically exposed persons" and thereby to detect and report transactions that may involve proceeds of foreign official corruption.
2003-38. We reaffirm our commitment to fight financial abuses and to support issuance in June by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) of a revised 40 Recommendations that includes strong customer due diligence provisions, enhanced scrutiny for politically exposed persons and a requirement to make corruption and bribery a predicate offence for money laundering.
2003-39. We reaffirm our commitment to fight financial abuses and to encourage all countries to work to come into compliance with the revised FATF Recommendations, and to apply the Basel Committee's guidance on customer due diligence for their banking sectors.
2003-40. We recognise the importance of promoting Transparency in Government Procurement and the Awarding of Concessions. To this end, we will work towards including in our regional and bilateral trade agreements provisions requiring transparency in government procurement and the awarding of concessions, as well as provisions on trade facilitation.
2003-41. To this end, we will at the Ministerial meeting in Cancun, in accordance with the Doha Development Agenda, commence negotiations aimed at achieving an inclusive multilateral agreement on transparency in government procurement.
2003-42. To this end, we will ensure that transparency also constitutes a core element of a trade facilitation agreement.
2003-43. To this end, we will encourage governments and companies, both private and state-owned, to disclose to the IMF or another agreed independent third party such as the World Bank or Multilateral Development Banks, in a consistent fashion and common format, revenue flows and payments from the extractive sectors.
2003-44/45 To this end, we will work with participating governments to develop and implement agreed action plans for establishing high standards of transparency with respect to all budget flows (revenues and expenditures) and with respect to the awarding of government contracts and concessions.
2003-46. To this end, we will assist those governments that wish to implement this initiative with capacity building assistance.
4. Co-operative G8 Action on Trade, 3 June 2003
2003-47. We are therefore committed to delivering on schedule, by the end of 2004, the goals set out in the Doha Development Agenda, and to ensuring that the Cancun Ministerial Conference in September takes all decisions necessary to help reach that goal.
To these ends, we direct our ministers and officials to pursue urgently with WTO partners, the actions outlined below:
2003-48. Work towards an agreed framework for finalising the negotiations to achieve further substantial opening of trade in all areas, including in agricultural and non-agricultural goods, and in services, in order to benefit economic growth, trade and employment.
2003-49. Work towards strengthening the existing WTO rules and disciplines, as well as developing further multilateral rules, so as to provide fairer, less distorted, more transparent and more predictable conditions for world trade, and as a contribution to improved international governance.
2003-50. Establish a multilateral solution in the WTO to address the problems faced by developing countries with insufficient or no manufacturing capacities in the pharmaceutical sector before the Cancun Ministerial, rebuilding the confidence of all parties involved in this issue.
2003-51. In accordance with the Doha mandate, seek agreement on the negotiating modalities for each of the four Singapore issues of investment, competition, transparency in government procurement and trade facilitation.
2003-52. Deliver capacity building technical assistance to developing countries in need to help them participate fully in WTO negotiations, implement trade agreements, and respond to the trade opportunities created, in co-operation with other bilateral and multilateral donors.
2003-53. To better integrate trade, finance and development policies, and by using relevant institutions, make trade an engine for economic growth and help developing countries make the transition to full participants in the global economy.
2003-54. We will each work to ensure that the rules (particularly rules of origin provisions and documentation requirements) do not inadvertently preclude eligible developing countries from taking advantage of preference programmes.
5. Action Against Famine, Especially in Africa, 3 June 2003
Meet Emergency Food Assistance Needs
2003-55. We will improve the efficiency, timeliness and responsiveness of our own contributions of food aid, cash and items other than food and encourage and facilitate contributions by other traditional and non-traditional donors to meet emergency needs.
2003-56. We will work with governments, UN agencies, non-governmental organisations, civil society and other parts of the international community to provide the specific mix of assistance and types of programs best suited to actual needs.
Improve assessment capacities, warning systems and prevention mechanisms
2003-57. We will support the strengthening of national, regional and international capacity for developing accurate needs assessments as well as better shared analysis and understanding of vulnerability and its links to food insecurity.
2003-58. We will support the review and improvement of early warning and crop forecast systems as well as contingency planning at the national and regional level, in order to increase emergency preparedness and response.
(Increased aid effectiveness)
2003-59. We commit ourselves to more flexible and efficient approaches to the use of aid in specific food crisis situations.
2003-60. We will utilise both food assistance and cash to avoid or mitigate the impact of famine, taking into account the availability of food locally, ability of vulnerable populations to pay for food, and other relevant local market conditions.
2003-61. We will actively participate in discussions in relevant fora and institutions that address food aid modalities , and promote flexible, sustainable, efficient and responsive aid approaches while avoiding distortions to local markets.
Longer term initiatives to address food insecurity
2003-62. We will support integrated approaches and programmes to identify and tackle the root causes if hunger and malnutrition.
2003-63. To this end, we deem it necessary to increase productive investment in rural and agricultural development to achieve lasting food security. We undertake to work towards reversing the decline of official development assistance to agriculture and increasing trade opportunities for developing countries.
2003-64. We will encourage improved specific resources and adaptation of new and improved agricultural technologies including tried and tested biotechnology for use in developing countries.
2003-65. Building on the work of the G8 Contact Group on famine, we will work actively to take this Action Plan forward in all relevant international fora.
6. Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, 3 June 2003
Strengthen international co-operation on global observation
2003-66. We will develop close co-ordination of our respective global observation strategies for the next ten years; identify new observations to minimise data gaps.
2003-67. We will build on existing work to produce reliable data products on atmosphere, land, fresh water, oceans and ecosystems.
2003-68. We will improve the world-wide reporting and archiving of these data and fill observational gaps of coverage in existing systems.
2003-69. We will develop an implementation plan to achieve these objectives by next spring's Tokyo ministerial conference.
Accelerate the research, development and diffusion of energy technologies
2003-70. We will promote energy efficiency of all sources and encourage the diffusion and uptake of advanced energy efficient technologies, taking pollution reduction into account. Possible measures include standards, public procurement, economic incentives and instruments, information and labelling.
2003-71. We will promote rapid innovation and market introduction of clean technologies, in both developed and developing countries, including at the Milan Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and beyond, at the International Energy Agency (IEA) and other international fora such as the UN Economic Commission for Europe, the Expert Group on Technology Transfer, etc., finding appropriate methodologies to involve the private sector.
Support efforts aimed at substantially increasing the share of renewable energy sources in global energy use:
2003-72. Stimulate fundamental research in renewable energies, such as solar photovoltaics, offshore wind energy, next generation wind turbines, wave/tidal and geothermal, biomass.
2003-73. Collaborate on sharing research results, development and deployment of emerging technologies in this area.
2003-74. Work towards making renewable energy technologies more price competitive.
2003-75. Participate in the International Conference on Renewable Energies, spring 2004 in Bonn.
2003-76. Accelerate the development of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies (power generation, transportation, hydrogen production, storage, distribution, end-use and safety).
2003-77. Increase international co-operation and exchange of information in pre-competitive research based on the principle of full reciprocity through the IEA and other existing organisations.
2003-78. Work with industry to remove obstacles to making fuel cell vehicles price competitive, striving to achieve this goal within two decades.
2003-79. Accelerate developing internationally agreed codes and standards in appropriate existing organisations.
2003-80. Work together to facilitate the use of hydrogen technologies in our and other markets, including through development of infrastructures.
2003-81. Expand significantly the availability if and access to cleaner, more efficient fossil fuel technologies and carbon sequestration systems and pursue joint research and development and expanded international co-operation, including demonstration projects.
2003-82. Develop codes and standards for next generation vehicles, cleaner diesel and biodiesel, recognising that social needs for fuel quality are diverse among G8 countries.
2003-83. In accordance with our national procedures, promote clean and efficient motor vehicles including next generation vehicles.
Agriculture and biodiversity
2003-84. We will support the International Treaty of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture by concluding negotiations over a standard material transfer agreement that facilitates access to plant genetic resources for agricultural research and development and equitable sharing of benefits from their use.
2003-85. We will support efforts to ensure funding for genetic resources conservation in the framework of the priorities set up by the Food and Agriculture Organisation Commission on Genetic Resources.
2003-86. Promote sustainable agricultural technologies and practices, including the safe use of biotechnologies among interested countries, that contribute to preventing famine, enhancing nutrition, improving productivity, conserving water and other natural resources, reducing the application of chemicals, improving human health and preserving biodiversity.
2003-87. Participate in 22-25 June 2003 Agricultural Science and Technology ministerial conference in Sacramento, to implement the commitment from the Rome World Food Summit.
Use modern technologies such as satellite imaging technologies to help us:
2003-88. Combat illegal logging.
2003-89. Promote sustainable forest management.
2003-90. Promote agricultural biodiversity and conservation.
2003-91. We will enhance our understanding of resource material flows and continue work on resources productivity indices, notably in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
2003-92. We will discuss various aspects of the global climate change problem at the World Conference on Climate Control (Moscow, September 2003).
2003-93. We will work in partnership with developing countries and relevant multilateral organisations to facilitate utilisation in developing countries of the results of relevant research and development in these technologies, and so continue to sustainable development.
2003-94. We will convene senior G8 policy and research officials and their research institutions to compare and to link programmes and priorities, to involve and assist in more effective planning and potential linkage of future programmes addressing research on global observation, cleaner energy, agriculture and biodiversity.
7. Water, 3 June 2003
Promoting good governance
2003-95. We are committed to assisting, as a priority, countries that make a political commitment to prioritise safe drinking water and basic sanitation as part of their strategy to promote sustainable development, including poverty eradication, in their efforts to:
- develop comprehensive plans for the integrated management and efficient use of water resources;
- develop an institutional framework that is stable, transparent and based on the rule of law, respecting fundamental human needs and ecosystems conservation, and promoting local empowerment and appropriate cost recovery approaches;
- establish clear objectives and, where appropriate, develop and evaluate performance indicators.
2003-96. We will support these countries' capacity building efforts to develop the skills necessary to provide efficient public services, seeking to help partner countries to:
- develop appropriate legal, regulatory, institutional and technical frameworks;
- strengthen basic and further professional training institutions in water management, or create them, where necessary.
We will reinforce our efforts to:
2003-97. Provide assistance for the further development of integrated water resources management and water efficiency plans.
2003-98. Support better management and development of shared river basins.
2003-99. Promote river basin co-operation throughout the world, with a particular attention to African river basins.
2003-100. We offer to share best practice in the delivery of water and sanitation services including the role of stakeholders and the establishment and operation of partnerships, whether public-public or public-private, where appropriate.
2003-101. We are committed to give high priority in Official Development Aid allocation to sound water and sanitation proposals of developing country partners.
Help mobilise domestic resources for water infrastructure financing through the development and strengthening of local capital markets and financial institutions, particularly by:
2003-102. Establishing, where appropriate, at the national and local levels, revolving funds that offer local currency.
2003-103. Appropriate risk mitigation mechanisms.
2003-104. Providing technical assistance for the development of efficient local financial markets and building municipal government capacity to design and implement financially viable projects.
2003-105. Providing, as appropriate, targeted subsidies for the poorest communities that cannot fully service market rate debt.
Building infrastructure by empowering local authorities and communities
2003-106. Helping build, among other things, local water management systems in rural areas, and water and sewage facilities in urban areas, through efficient use of public resources and promotions of PPP's where appropriate.
2003-107. Promoting community-based approaches, including the involvement of civil society in provision of water supply, sanitation and hygiene.
Strengthening monitoring, assessment and research
2003-108. In collaboration with all stakeholders, we will promote co-ordination of mechanisms for information sharing and monitoring by utilising existing UN and other systems and the network of websites established at the Third World Water Forum Ministerial Conference, and will encourage relevant international organisations to operate them.
2003-109. We will support strengthening water monitoring capacity in partner countries to complement existing monitoring efforts.
2003-110. We will support the development of mechanisms for collaboration in water-cycle related research, and enhance research efforts in this area.
8. Health, 3 June 2003
Fighting HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis And Malaria
2003-111. We commit, with recipient countries, to fulfil our shared obligations as contained in the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS for the 2001 United Nations General Assembly Special Session.
2003-112. We reiterate our commitment to fight against AIDS as well as Tuberculosis and Malaria as agreed in Okinawa, through further actions in such areas as institutional building, public-private partnerships, human resource development, research activities and promotion of public health at the community level. We sill strengthen our efforts in this fight, both bilaterally and multilaterally.
2003-113. We reaffirm our support for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
2003-114. We welcome and support the proposal to host, in collaboration with the Global Fund, an international donors' and supporters' conference bringing together governments, international organisations, NGOs and members of the private sector active in this field in Paris in July.
2003-115. We will work to develop an integrated approach that will facilitate the availability and take-up of discounted medicines for the poorest in a manner that is fair, efficient and sustainable.
2003-116. We will also work with developing countries to encourage greater uptake of such offers of free and discounted drugs, as are now being made.
2003-117. We will take the steps necessary to prevent the diversion of those medicines away from the countries or regions for which they were intended.
2003-118. We direct our ministers and officials, working urgently with WTO partners, to establish a multilateral solution in the WTO to address the problems faced by these countries, rebuilding the confidence of all parties, before the Cancun Ministerial.
Fighting Diseases Mostly Affecting Developing Countries
2003-119. In particular we will work with developing countries to increase their own ability to contribute to research and development on these diseases, including to create incentives and the necessary regulatory systems to support ethical and safe clinical trials.
Confronting the threat of SARS
2003-120. We will continue to work closely with the World Health Organisation, to undertake research and investigation at a high level and to develop appropriate means of international co-operation.
9. Marine Environment and Tanker Safety, 3 June 2003
By acting in accordance with the relevant United Nations Conventions, we will work towards sustainable fisheries and marine conservation.
2003-121. The ratification or acceding to and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides the overall legal framework for oceans.
2003-122. Develop and facilitate the use of diverse approaches and tools, including the ecosystem approach, for the management of human activities in order to protect oceans and seas and their resources, drawing on the work underway in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
2003-123. Maintain the productivity and biodiversity of important and vulnerable marine and coastal areas, including on the high seas.
2003-124. The urgent restoration and maintenance of fish stocks.
2003-125. The ratification and effective implementation of the relevant UN and, where appropriate, associated regional fisheries agreements or arrangements, noting in prticular the UN Fish Stocks Agreement.
2003-126. The urgent development and implementation of international plans of action under the FAO, inter alia to eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.
2003-127. Strengthening regional fisheries organisations, including through improved data collection and compliance with their measures by their member States.
2003-128. Reaffirmation of the commitments made at Doha, to clarify and improve disciplines in the context of negotiations under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures that covers fisheries subsidies, and at Johannesburg to reform subsidies that damage the environment and are otherwise incompatible with sustainable development.
2003-129. Address the lack of effective flag State control of fishing vessels, in particular those flying Flags of Convenience.
2003-130. Build capacity in marine science, information and management, through, inter alia, promoting the use of environmental impact assessments and environmental evaluation and reporting techniques, for projects or activities that are potentially harmful to the coastal and marine environments and their living and non-living resources.
2003-131. Improved co-ordination and co-operation among national agencies and international organisations, notably the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the FAO, the Intergovernmental Ocean
2003-132. The incorporation of priorities from the 1995 Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment into national, regional and international policies and initiatives.
2003-133. Establish ecosystem networks of marine protected areas, consistent with international law and based on scientific information by 2012 in our own waters and regions, and work with others to achieve the same in theirs.
2003-134. For those of us who participate in the 1995 Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries of the FAO, promote responsible fisheries as embodied in this code.
We have agreed to take all necessary and appropriate steps to strengthen international maritime safety. We will support IMO efforts, and will take the lead within the IMO in order to:
2003-135. Work towards further accelerating the phasing out of single hulled tankers.
2003-136. Address through appropriate measures the special risks posed by the carriage of the heaviest grades of oil in single hulled tankers.
2003-137. Accelerate the introduction of a code in particular for flag States. AS a first step, introduce a voluntary model audit scheme with the aim of enhancing the responsibilities of flag States for the effective implementation and control of IMO instruments and to enhance supervision over recognised organisations authorised by flag States.
2003-138. Establish mandatory pilotage in narrow, restricted and congested waters in conformity with IMO rules and prcuedures. Relevant coastal States should also give consideration to the introduction, in such waters, of pilots' immediate reporting to the relevant authority of evident defects or deficiencies, and to other measures.
2003-139. Accelerate the adoption of guidelines on places of refuge for vessels in distress.
2003-140. Enhance compensation funds to the benefit of the victims of oil pollution and review the international compensation regime.
2003-141. Support efforts to improve the training of seafarers, including mandatory minimum qualifications.
2003-142. We have also agreed to intensive port State control inspections and to carry them out effectively, and to make publicly available details of any ships detained; to these ends, as appropriate, to request the relevant regional bodies, such as the Paris Memorandum and the Tokyo Memorandum, to update as soon as possible existing procedures and guidelines in this sphere.
2003-143. We are, in addition to efforts to improve the safety regimes for tankers, committed to act on the significant environmental threat posed by large cargo vessels and their bunkers and therefore encourage the adoption of liability provisions including, where appropriate, through the ratification of relevant international liability conventions, in particular the 2001 International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (Bunker Convention) and the 1996 International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substance by Sea.
2003-144. We will also support efforts within the International Labour Organisation to finalise a new consolidated convention on maritime labour standards and will seriously consider the ratification of this convention when adopted.
10. Building International Political Will and Capacity to Combat Terrorism, 3 June 2003
The G8 will support the UN Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) by:
2003-145. Ensuring that the CTC is sufficinetly staffed.
2003-146. Prioritising countries, regions and fields in order to co-ordinate the assistance necessary to fulfil obligations under UNSCR 1373.
2003-147. Outlining specific ways G8 members can support and encourage countries to fulfil their UNSCR 1373 obligations.
2003-148. Working with the CTC in identifying relevant international best practices, codes and standards.
2003-149. Supporting steps by our Finance Ministers to co-ordinate counter-terrorism financing measures and to work with the Financial Action Task Force and the international financial institutions (IFIs) to address terrorist financing, capacity building and other counter-terrorism objectives in their assessment and assistance initiatives.
2003-150. To this end the G8 will create a Counter-Terrorism Action Group (CTAG), to focus on building political will, co-ordinating capacity building assistance when necessary. CTAG will provide funding, expertise or training facilities.
The CTAG will analyse and prioritise needs, and expand counter-terrorism capacity building assistance by:
2003-151. Reviewing requests, analysing the requirements and prioritising needs for capacity building assistance (by the second CTAG meeting to he held by October 15).
2003-152. Exchanging information as far as possible on the needs assessments missions CTAG members have carried out.
2003-152. Holding co-ordination meetings between CTAG members missions in priority recipient countries, involving the host government and local officials responsible for capacity-building assistance.
2003-153. Seeking to increase counter-terrorism capacity building assistance and co-ordination (by the 2004 Summit).
2003-154. Providing reports bi-annually of current and planned capacity building assistance which will be shared with the CTC.
2003-155. Identifying cases of successful implementation of counter-terrorism capacity building efforts to share best practice and lessons learned (by the second CTAG meeting to be held on October 15).
2003-156. Facilitating joint initiatives by members in some countries.
The CTAG will expand regional assistance by:
2003-157. Encouraging regional assistance programmes including delivery through regional and donor sponsored training centres (by the 2004 Summit).
2003-158. Sharing available information on counter-terrorism curricula and best training practices (by the first CTAG meeting no later than July 150 and developing key areas of focus that various regional training centres could address (by the second CTAG meeting to be held October 15).
2003-159. Seeking to address unmet regional assistance needs (by the 2004 Summit).
The G8 will increase outreach efforts to third countries and regional and functional organisations by:
2003-160. Continuing to implement B8 demarches to countries that are not parties to all international counter-terrorism conventions and protocols to urge them to become parties and accelerate domestic implementation of required measures.
2003-161. Conducting outreach bilaterally and jointly through experts meetings and seminars to share benefits of concluding conventions and impart technical knowledge for implementation (plan to be presented by CTAG first meeting).
2003-162. Building upon the March 6, 2003 meeting between the CTC and regional organisations, identify specific roles and responsibilities for regional and functional organisations that emphasise their strengths while avoiding duplication of effort.
2003-163. Requesting regional and functional organisations to become more active in encouraging UNSCR 1373 implementation by their members.
2003-164. Encouraging regional and functional organisations to develop best practices, codes or standards towards implementing UNSCR 1373 requirements.
2003-165. Implementing G8 outreach to the IFIs and functional organisations such as the World Customs Organisation, the International Civil Aviation Organisation and the International Maritime Organisation to discuss areas of mutual interest in the funding and provision of counter-terrorism capacity building assistance.
11. Enhance Transport Security and Control of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS), 3 June 2003
Control of MANPADs
2003-167. We are therefore implementing national measures to combat such illegal use of Manpads, and will encourage other States to do so as well.
2003-168. Given the increasing number of Manpads in world-wide circulation, we commit ourselves to reducing their proliferation and call upon all countries to strengthen control of their Manpads stockpiles.
2003-169. We undertake to promote the application of the principles defined in these "Elements" by a larger number of States.
In addition, we agree to implement the following steps to prevent the acquisition of Manpads by terrorists:
2003-170. To provide assistance and technical expertise for the collection, secure stockpile management and destruction of Manpads surplus to national security requirements.
2003-171. To adopt strict national export controls on Manpads and their essential components.
2003-172. To ensure strong national regulation of production, transfer and brokering.
2003-173. To ban transfers of Manpads to non-state end-users; Manpads should only be exported to foreign governments or to agents authorised by a government.
2003-174. To exchange information on unco-operative countries and entities.
2003-175. To examine the feasibility of development for new Manpads of specific technological performance or launch control features that preclude their unauthorised use.
2003-176. To encourage action in the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Aviation Security (AVSEC) Working Group on Manpads.
2003-177. We agree to exchange information on national measures related to the implementation of these steps by December 2003. We will review progress at our next meeting in 2004.
Air Transport
2003-178. To review security procedures in place to ensure that staff do not pose a threat to aviation, including, in particular, by examining the feasibility and benefits of ensuring that all staff and items carried are screened when they enter critical parts of security-restricted areas of airports.
2003-179. To encourage further work within ICAO to review and adopt the measures related to an enhanced threat level for the standard security procedures.
2003-180. To encourage each of us to adopt and implement as soon as possible the harmonised and supplementary provisions on flight-deck door lcoking issues by the ICAO.
2003-181. To explore experience gained, inter alia, from installation of on-board TV monitoring systems to control the security inside passenger aircraft.
2003-182. To co-ordinate aviation security capacity building efforts for non-G8 countries and to lead in donating funds and advisors to ICAO's aviation security audit programme (AVSEC).
2003-183. We also agree to develop a secure, verifiable seafarer identity document at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and are working together towards agreeing on seafarers and port workers security requirements compatible with trade facilitation at the International Maritime Organistaion (IMO) and the ILO.
2003-184. We will work to ensure that other necessary requirements for passenger information are developed to a global standard.
12. Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, 3 June 2003
2003-185. We reaffirm our commitment to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the Chemical Weapons Convention, and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, and we urge all states which have not yet joined to do so.
2003-186. We reaffirm our support for the IAEA, which should be granted the necessary means to implement its monitoring tasks.
13. Non Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Securing Radioactive Sources, 3 June 2003
Support for the IAEA Work
2003-187. it undertakes to promote the application of the Code of Conduct, collectively or individually, when the revisions to the Code have been completed and approved, and to encourage States to request the assistance of the Agency in this sphere.
Support for the most vulnerable States
2003-188. They will exchange information and consult to review progress achieved in this sphere.
Mechanisms for the control of radioactive sources
2003-189. The G8 undertakes to carry out a long term review of the means to strengthen control over radioactive sources and international co-operation in this sphere.
2003-190. Political commitments by States producing, possessing, using, importing or exporting radioactive sources to uphold the <<principles of safe and secure management of radioactive sources>>, inspired by the relevant sections of the IAEA Code of Conduct.
2003-191. Identification of the elements of the completed Code of Conduct that are of the greatest relevance in preventing terrorism and encouragement to implement them world-wide.
2003-192. The G8 members will promote - individually and collectively - the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources when the revisions to it have been completed and approved, and invites States to work through the Agency for its application.
2003-193. The G8 will direct a working group to identify those elements of the IAEA Code of Conduct that are of greatest relevance to prevent terrorists from gaining access to radioactive sources and to develop recommendations for national consideration on the implementation of those elements, in close connection with the IAEA.
2003-194. Establishing a national register to track sources throughout their life-cycle.
2003-195. Setting up an outline for creating a national mechanism for the recovery and securing of <<orphan>> or poorly-controlled sources within their national territory.
2003-196. Establishing a series of guidelines with respect to the control of exports of sources, conditions attaching to them, and mechanisms (e.g. notifications) for monitoring these exports.
2003-197. Developing national measures as necessary to combat malevolent acts involving radioactive sources.
2003-198. Identifying possible measures to be taken by the State in order to safeguard and restrict access to sources.
2003-199. Identifying measures that the state could take regarding the conditioning and/or encouraging the recycling of sources at the end of their life.
2003-200. Putting in place a system which aims to detect the passage of radioactive sources at strategic points such as border crossings.
2003-201. Consultations should be conducted, after the Evian Summit, with the main States concerned in order to give substance to the initiatives launched.
2003-202. Consideration will also be given to the need to launch campaigns to secure poorly-controlled radioactive sources, and to search for, locate and secure <<orphan>> radioactive sources, with international funding (mainly via the G8 Global Partnership and IAEA Nuclear Security Fund.)
2003-203. Consolidating the IAEA's international efforts with regard to radioactive sources.
2003-204. Evaluating the main projects in progress.
2003-205. Preparing a provisional assessment of the campaigns to secure poorly-controlled sources.
2003-206. This conference would be attended by all of the aforementioned operational actors concerned by this issue.
2004 Sea Island, U.S. (253 commitments)
1. G8 Leaders Statement on Trade (4 commitments)
In agriculture, we are on the verge of an historic opportunity to meet our objectives established at Doha for fundamental agricultural reform encompassing strengthened rules and specific commitments on support and protection in order to correct and prevent restrictions and distortions in world agricultural markets.
1. The next step is to secure the framework, by July, for these comprehensive negotiations on all forms of export competition, domestic support and market access.
2. We call on developing countries to further increase their efforts in this regard, and pledge to provide strong support in the form of technical assistance to build trading capacity.
3 - 4. We direct our ministers and call on all WTO members to finalize the frameworks by July to put the WTO negotiations back on track so that we can expeditiously complete the Doha Development Agenda.
2. G8 Action Plan: Applying the Power of Entrepreneurship to the Eradication of Poverty (39 commitments)
1. G8 countries will work to ensure that bilateral and multilateral assistance help to mobilize capital and expertise to accelerate growth and free up resources for productive use by people in developing countries.
2. To highlight and disseminate best practices in this private-sector approach to development, the G8, together with relevant international organizations, will sponsor a conference in the fall of 2004 involving private sector representatives and developing and developed country governments.
3. G8 countries will work with the World Bank, IMF, and other bodies to improve data on remittance flows and to develop standards for data collection in both sending and receiving countries.
4. G8 countries will also lead an international effort to help reduce the cost of sending remittances. The developmental impact of these flows may be fostered by increasing financial options for the recipients of these flows.
The G8 programs listed in the attached annex, and others that we contemplate, will:
5. Make it easier for people in sending and receiving countries to engage in financial transactions through formal financial systems, including by providing access to financial literacy programs, where appropriate, and by working with the private sector to extend the range and reach of these services.
6. Reduce the cost of remittance services through the promotion of competition, the use of innovative payment instruments, and by enhancing access to formal financial systems in sending and receiving countries.
7. Promote better coherence and coordination of international organizations that are working to enhance remittance services and heighten the developmental impact of remittance receipts in developing countries.
8. Encourage cooperation between remittance service providers and local financial institutions, including microfinance entities and credit unions, in ways that strengthen local financial markets and improve access by recipients to financial services.
9. Encourage the creation, where appropriate, of market-oriented local development funds and credit unions that give remittance-receiving families more options and incentives for productively investing remittance flows.
10. Support dialogue with governments, civil society, and the private sector to address specific infrastructure and regulatory impediments.
11. Support coordinated, country-specific MDB action plans to address key impediments to the business environment. The action plans should have timetables to achieve measurable results.
12. Encourage the MDBs to incorporate these action plans into their country strategies and budgets, and report annually on the progress made in conducting investment climate assessments and action plans.
13. Encourage the MDBs to enhance their lending and technical assistance programs for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) over the next three years with clear, results-based objectives, and to develop these plans by September.
The G8 will work with developing countries to develop pilot projects and support actions to:
14. Assist committed countries to launch comprehensive programs and reforms to improve their business and investment climates, working with the MDBs and other international bodies such as the OECD.
15. Help drive down the cost and time to start businesses in developing countries.
16. Support efforts highlighted in the UN Commission on the Private Sector and Development to assist the evolution of informal businesses into the formal sector.
17. Help promote investment compacts, similar to OECD work in the Balkans, in which countries commit to implement structural policy reform in order to help attract increased private investment.
18. Support the work of international bodies, such as the World Bank and African Development Bank, in promoting macroeconomic, legal and regulatory reforms to establish an efficient and transparent business climate appropriate to the unique challenges faced by poorer countries.
19. Help develop business-to-business links to promote commercially viable projects and to match investors, exporters, and service providers through entrepreneurial conferences and smaller sectoral meetings.
20. Support developing countries' ability to attract knowledge-based investment and promote innovation by working with them to curb piracy and counterfeiting, which increasingly damage domestic as well as international business.
21. Promote good corporate governance, including through cooperation with the OECD/World Bank Global Corporate Governance Forum, and through technical assistance to develop or improve financial regulatory bodies.
22. Promote adoption of measures to improve transparency in fiscal policy and public procurement, to improve the climate for investment and responsible use of government resources.
23. Promote and facilitate investment opportunities in developing countries, including through the negotiation and implementation of investment treaties.
24. Promote credit bureaus that enable responsible borrowers to improve access to credit and other financial services.
This year, the G8 will concentrate on two aspects of financial market development by carrying out pilot projects to meet the needs of people for housing and clean water. Specifically, we will:
25. Work with the MDBs and other organizations to facilitate the establishment of the fundamental components of mortgage markets, including property rights, title transfer, credit risk management, legal and regulatory frameworks, funding sources, and the operational capacity of mortgage lenders.
26. Seek to provide opportunities for recipients of remittance inflows to utilize that income efficiently in domestic financial markets, including for building and improving their homes.
27. Help develop sub-sovereign bond markets to provide water and sanitation by building on relevant commitments in the G8 Evian water action plan, including technical assistance to design instruments and the legal and institutional frameworks necessary for market acceptance. We welcome the ongoing work of the World Bank on this issue.
28. Provide assistance for selected viable sub-sovereign bond issues for water projects by utilizing and expanding existing programs.
29. Promote the development of pooled funds, backed by homeowner associations, to pay for local water projects.
30. In anticipation of the UN-designated "international year of micro-credit" in 2005, G8 countries will work with the World Bank-based Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) to launch a global market-based microfinance initiative.
31. To assess the status and effectiveness of current microfinance programs, G8 countries will work with CGAP to promote best practices in microfinance for developing countries.
32. We endorse the "Key Principles of Microfinance," compiled by CGAP and its members and will work with CGAP on ways to implement these key ideas with microfinance donors and practitioners.
33. G8 countries will also launch pilot projects to increase the number, scale and effectiveness of microfinance institutions in selected countries. These pilots will:
34. Focus on institutional best practices for expanding and mainstreaming sustainable microfinance.
35. Develop a microfinance institution code of conduct based on CGAP's efforts to identify key principles for microfinance lending.
36. Reduce barriers for growing microfinance institutions to gain access to domestic and international capital markets.
37. Encourage, where needed, the establishment and expansion of self-sustaining microfinance investment funds.
38. Assist developing countries to improve their legal and institutional frameworks for microfinance so it can become sustainable and more widely available.
39. Enable growing microenterprises to continue to access capital by reducing barriers for bank lending, promoting innovative bank-microfinance institutions (MFIs) linkages, and removing disincentives to business formalization.
3. Partnership for Progress and a Common Future with the Region of the Broader Middle East and North Africa (8 commitments)
1. We commit ourselves today to a Partnership for Progress and a Common Future with the governments and peoples of the Broader Middle East and North Africa. This partnership will be based on genuine cooperation with the region's governments, as well as business and civil society representatives to strengthen freedom, democracy, and prosperity for all.
2. We pledge to provide support and assistance for the electoral process leading to national elections for the Transitional National Assembly no later than January 31, 2005.
3. We express our shared commitment, and urge others, to support the economic revitalization of Iraq, focusing on priority projects identified by the Interim Government.
4. We welcome the success of the recent International Reconstruction Fund Facility donors' conference in Doha, and commit to meeting before the next conference in Tokyo later this year to identify how each of us can contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq.
5. We will work with each other, within the Paris Club, and with non-Paris Club creditors, to achieve that objective in 2004.
6. To help reestablish the ties that link Iraq to the world, we will explore ways of reaching out directly to the Iraqi people -- to individuals, schools, and cities -- as they emerge from decades of dictatorship and deprivation to launch the political, social, and economic rebirth of their nation.
7. We will focus our efforts to reduce illiteracy and increase access to education, especially for girls and women.
8. In the economic sphere, creating jobs is the number one priority of many countries in the region. To expand opportunity, and promote conditions in which the private sector can create jobs, we will work with governments and business leaders to promote entrepreneurship, expand trade and investment, increase access to capital, support financial reforms, secure property rights, promote transparency and fight corruption. Promotion of intra-regional trade will be a priority for economic development of the Broader Middle East and North Africa.
4. G8 Plan of Support for Reform (38 commitments)
Today, in the spirit of partnership and in support of reform efforts in the region, we commit to:
Establish together with our partners a Forum for the Future to:
1. Provide a ministerial framework for our on-going dialogue and engagement on political, economic, and social reform in a spirit of mutual respect;
2. Bring together in one forum foreign, economic and other ministers of the G8 and the region on a regular basis;
3. Be accompanied by parallel business-to-business and civil society-to-civil society dialogues, whose participants will provide input on reforms and work with the Forum's member governments on implementation;
4. Encourage cultural exchange and cooperation.
5. Launch a microfinance initiative to expand sustainable microfinance in the region and increase financing opportunities for the region's small entrepreneurs, especially women, including by:
6. Establishing a Microfinance Consultative Group, managed by the World Bank's Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), that would include G8, regional, and other donors and partners, who would meet regularly to review microfinance progress, coordinate efforts, set benchmarks, help governments in the region establish a policy environment conducive to sustainable microfinance institutions, and exchange best practices;
7. Working with CGAP to establish in the region a Best Practices Training Center, which will concentrate on improving the policy and regulatory framework, disseminating best practice materials, building management capacity, and training a new generation of professional microfinance managers. The Center would draw from the Microfinance Consultative Group's experience and guidelines;
8. Launching pilot programs in the region to help small entrepreneurs open or expand their businesses and create new jobs; the microfinance institutions would use the best practices center's training opportunities to train local managers, staff, and, if needed, government officials in "best practices;"
9. In conjunction with the countries of the region, pledging to help over two million potential entrepreneurs to pull themselves out of poverty through microfinance loans over five years.
10. Enhance support for efforts in the region, including through the appropriate multilateral institutions, to impart literacy skills to an additional 20 million people by 2015 with the aim of assisting governments in the region to achieve their objective of halving the illiteracy rate over the next decade (a target consistent with a goal of the January 2004 Beirut Conference on Education for All) including by:
11. Training teachers in techniques, including on-line learning, that enhance the acquisition of literacy skills among school-aged children, especially girls, and of functional literacy skills among adults;
12. Working to train, including through appropriate multilateral institutions, 100,000 teachers by 2009, with a particular focus on high-quality literacy skills;
13. Providing teacher training through existing institutions and employing guidelines established in the "Education for All" program administered by UNESCO;
14. Setting up and maintaining a regional network for sharing experience and best practices;
15. Expanding and improving education opportunities for girls and women, including by providing assistance to help local communities have access to learning centers and schools;
16. Supporting community-based, demand-led adult literacy programs and programs outside the formal education system that couple literacy courses with lessons on health, nutrition, and entrepreneurial skills.
17. Enhance support for business, entrepreneurship, and vocational training programs to help young people, especially women, expand their employment opportunities, including by:
18. Carrying out programs, in alliance with business partners in our countries and in the region, to provide 250,000 young people with hands-on entrepreneurial training;
19. Sponsoring or supporting seminars for outstanding executives, especially women, to enhance their skills through short-term business programs and more focused, industry-specific sessions;
20. Carrying out or sponsoring corporate apprenticeship programs, in cooperation with local businesses and chambers of commerce, to increase internship opportunities for the region's young men and women;
21. Encouraging exchanges of engineers and support for vocational training initiatives.
22. Coordinate and share information and lessons learned on democracy programs in the region, taking into account the importance of local ownership and each country's particular circumstances;
23. Work to enhance existing democracy programs or initiate new programs;
24. Provide opportunities for participants to develop joint activities, including twinning projects;
25. Foster exchanges with civil society groups and other organizations working on programs in the region.
26. Combining and expanding in terms of funding and geographic reach the IFC's two regional facilities to create a new USD$100 million facility that will cover the entire region, funded by contributions from G8 countries, countries within the region, and other donors. Our Finance Ministers will convene a meeting to this end with interested countries;
27. Leveraging existing expertise, experience, and financial resources of the IFC;
28. Providing technical assistance to interested countries working on improving their business and investment climate;
29. Encouraging the IFC to increase the focus of its regional investment portfolio on SMEs;
30. Providing an appropriate mix of technical assistance and financial instruments.
31. Coordinating better existing programs and resources;
32. Supporting through technical assistance regional efforts to build institutional capacity and improve the investment climate;
33. Exploring the voluntary pooling of new and existing resources to target financing to SMEs and large cross-border projects.
34. Identifying impediments to investment;
35. Recommending concrete proposals for change, and quantifying where possible likely benefits;
36. Working with countries in the region interested in pursuing reforms and supporting their reform efforts;
37. Reviewing and reporting on progress of reform in the region.
38. We commit to intensify and in partnership and dialogue with governments, business, and civil society, expand these already strong individual and collective engagements.
5. G8 Action Plan on Nonproliferation (23 commitments)Nuclear Nonproliferation
1. We reaffirm our commitment to the NPT and to the declarations made at Kananaskis and Evian, and we will work to prevent the illicit diversion of nuclear materials and technology.
2. To allow the world to safely enjoy the benefits of peaceful nuclear energy without adding to the danger of weapons proliferation, we have agreed to work to establish new measures so that sensitive nuclear items with proliferation potential will not be exported to states that may seek to use them for weapons purposes, or allow them to fall into terrorist hands.
3. We shall work to amend appropriately the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) guidelines, and to gain the widest possible support for such measures in the future.
4.We aim to have appropriate measures in place by the next G8 Summit.
5. We will also develop new measures to ensure reliable access to nuclear materials, equipment, and technology, including nuclear fuel and related services, at market conditions, for all states, consistent with maintaining nonproliferation commitments and standards.
6.We seek universal adherence to IAEA comprehensive safeguards and the Additional Protocol and urge all states to ratify and implement these agreements promptly. We are actively engaged in outreach efforts toward this goal, and ready to offer necessary support.
7. The Additional Protocol must become an essential new standard in the field of nuclear supply arrangements. We will work to strengthen NSG guidelines accordingly. We aim to achieve this by the end of 2005.
8. To enhance the IAEA's integrity and effectiveness, and strengthen its ability to ensure that nations comply with their NPT obligations and safeguards agreements, we will work together to establish a new Special Committee of the IAEA Board of Governors. This committee would be responsible for preparing a comprehensive plan for strengthened safeguards and verification.
Proliferation Security Initiative
9. We will continue our efforts to build effective PSI partnerships to interdict trafficking in weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, and related materials.
10. We also will prevent those that facilitate proliferation from engaging in such trafficking and work to broaden and strengthen domestic and international laws supporting PSI.
11. We will further cooperate to defeat proliferation networks and coordinate, where appropriate, enforcement efforts, including by stopping illicit financial flows and shutting down illicit plants, laboratories, and brokers, in accordance with national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law.
12. Directly, and through the relevant international mechanisms, we will work actively with states requiring assistance in improving their national capabilities to meet international norms.
13. We recommit ourselves to raising up to $20 billion for the Global Partnership through 2012.
14. Expanding the Partnership to include additional donor countries is essential to raise the necessary resources and to ensure the effort is truly global. Today we welcome the decisions of Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, the Republic of Korea, and New Zealand to join.
15. We will continue to work with the other Soviet states to discuss their participation in the Partnership.
16. We reaffirm that we will address proliferation challenges worldwide. We will, for example, pursue the retraining of Iraqi and Libyan scientists involved in past WMD programs.
17. We also support projects to eliminate over time the use of highly-enriched uranium fuel in research reactors worldwide, secure and remove fresh and spent HEU fuel, control and secure radiation sources, strengthen export control and border security, and reinforce biosecurity. We will use the Global Partnership to coordinate our efforts in these areas.
Nonproliferation Challenges
We remain united in our determination to see the proliferation implications of Iran's advanced nuclear program resolved. Iran must be in full compliance with its NPT obligations and safeguards agreement.
18. To this end, we reaffirm our support for the IAEA Board of Governors' three Iran resolutions.
Defending Against BioterrorismBioterrorism poses unique, grave threats to the security of all nations, and could endanger public health and disrupt economies.
We commit to concrete national and international steps to:
19. expand or, where necessary, initiate new biosurveillance capabilities to detect bioterror attacks against humans, animals, and crops; improve our prevention and response capabilities;
20. increase protection of the global food supply;
21. and respond to, investigate, and mitigate the effects of alleged uses of biological weapons or suspicious outbreaks of disease.
Chemical Weapons Proliferation22. We support full implementation of the CWC, including its nonproliferation aspects.
Implementation of the Evian Initiative on Radioactive Source Security
23. We have agreed to export and import control guidance for high-risk radioactive sources, which should only be supplied to authorized end-users in states that can control them.
6. G8 Secure and Facilitated International Travel Initiative (SAFTI) (35 commitments)
We reaffirm our commitment to promote and implement relevant international standards in appropriate fora such as ICAO and IMO. In this regard, we agree to the following shared principles, which underlie our initiative:
1. Work collaboratively, cooperatively, and reciprocally to protect borders and facilitate trade and travel.
2. Facilitate movement of travelers across international borders quickly and easily, while focusing enforcement resources on enhanced security procedures, including risk analysis methods.
3. Permit visa-free travel and simplify and expedite visa processing when acceptable to the receiving state.
4. Maximize effective information exchange among partner states as a key element of strengthening international border security.
5. Work cooperatively to improve screening methods for international travelers, crews, and cargo for known or emerging threats as far in advance as possible.
6. Make all possible efforts to ensure that travel documents are secure, resistant to fraud and globally interoperable.
7. Ensure effective, coordinated responses to imminent threats.
The agreed SAFTI Action Plan follows and includes 28 individual action items.
G8 Secure and Facilitated International Travel Initiative (SAFTI)Action Plan
Document Interoperability through International Standards
8. Expedite cooperative work to develop and export best practices, including methods of risk analysis, to ensure security while facilitating travel across international borders, particularly for frequent travelers, without compromising existing or future security procedures. We will ensure these best practices are fair and objective.
9 Work with ICAO and others to strengthen international standardized practices for passport issuance, and encourage their adoption and implementation by all governments. We will work to effect implementation by the 2005 Summit.
10. Accelerate development of international standards for the interoperability of government-issued smart chip passports and other government-issued identity documents. We will work for implementation by the 2005 Summit.
International Information Exchange
11. Develop mechanisms, where possible, for real-time data exchange with respect to validation of travel documents, visa watchlist information and advanced passenger information, while fully respecting applicable personal data protection rules. Interim progress by December 2004, with a view toward beginning implementation in 2005.
12. Agree to provide effective and timely information exchange on the terrorist watchlist or lookout data of participating countries on a reciprocal basis, using procedures that satisfy security concerns and are consistent with the privacy and other laws of those countries. Status report to be provided by the end of the year; implement by the 2005 Summit .
13. Agree to start providing information by December 2004 to an Interpol database that allows for real-time information sharing on lost and stolen international travel documents.
14. In carrying out the SAFTI initiative, share best practices on effective cooperation between intelligence and law enforcement officials.
MANPADS Threat Reduction
15. Accelerate efforts to destroy excess and/or obsolete MANPADS and provide assistance to do so where needed.
16. Work toward expedited adoption of the updated 2003 Wassenaar "Elements for Export Controls on MANPADS" as an international standard.
17. Further strengthen controls on transfer of MANPADS production technology to deter marketing of MANPADS by countries that do not maintain strong standards of export controls.
18. Establish a best practices document, that can be adopted as an international standard, on optimal methods for securely storing MANPADS.
19. Develop a methodology to be used by G8 countries in assessing airport vulnerability to the MANPADS threat and effective countermeasures, taking into account the study conducted by ICAO.
20. Improve methods for enhancing MANPADS identification techniques and countermeasures against smuggling.
Capacity Building and Collaboration
21. Collaborate to improve methodologies, techniques and systems to analyze data on passengers, crew and cargo in advance of travel. Provide a status report by December 2004; where improved approaches are agreed, seek to begin to implement them by the 2005 Summit .
22. Develop procedures, working with ICAO, to ensure that all states have proper inspections and enforcement regimes to ensure that airlines and airports are complying with international standards.
23. Establish a Point-of-Contact network for the communication of imminent threats to civilian air transportation and urgent security requests, and guidelines for responding.
24. Accelerate efforts to develop best practices and procedures for air and ground countermeasures, including the training, qualification and use of guards and sky marshals, as appropriate; examine how to work within ICAO and CTAG to share expertise and information with others. Begin implementation of these agreed best practices and procedures by December 2004; finalize in 2005.
25. Examine ways and means to collaborate, on a reciprocal basis, on the forward placement of document advisors, where this will effectively contribute to aviation security and where mutually acceptable and bilateral arrangements are worked out.
26. Develop arrangements to ensure that passengers and their hold and cabin bags, once screened, are protected from unlawful interference, through the deployment of a "layered security" regime comprising background checks on staff; robust physical access controls; and arrangements to limit access to screened passengers and their bags to persons who are subject to an appropriate security system. Seek to finalize plans in 2005 for implementing the regime.
27. Work to develop and promote cost effective, robust flight deck security, first by pressing for full compliance by October 2004 by all States with the requirements of the ICAO Standards for all passenger aircraft of over 45.5 metric tons or more than 60 passenger seats to be fitted with reinforced flight deck doors, and then by examining ways to reinforce flight deck security, including reinforced bulkheads. All such carriers flying within G8 airspace should be compliant on flight deck door security by October 2004. Provide progress report on bulkhead security study by 2005 Summit .
28. Identify and adopt best practices within the G8, and then promote these practices internationally, to ensure that appropriate information regarding passengers in transit is provided to the transit state from the immediately preceding departure state.
29. Study and assess the need for, and the feasibility of, developing guidelines similar to ICAO Standards of Aviation Security for possible application to General Aviation and Corporate/Business Aviation operations in order to enhance security regulations.
30. Endorse and promote mechanisms for frequent consultation with public and private sector transportation security stakeholders.
31. Expand research and development collaboration on biometric technologies, working with ICAO, to develop for practical implementation a next-generation passenger control concept. Show progress by 2005.
32. Examine ways and means to further improve, simplify and expedite visa procedures to enhance security and facilitate legitimate travel when acceptable to the receiving state.
33. Assess and reduce terrorism-related risk in the maritime domain through focused cooperative efforts, beginning with voluntary self audits and the development of a port facilities security auditing methodology and checklist among the G8 and within the International Maritime Organization, taking into account the concept of the ICAO audit program for aviation security.
34. Endorse increased support for capacity building through CTAG to willing states to improve their travel document approval and issuance systems, and border controls.
35. Undertake, through CTAG, to examine how the G8 and other states or organizations can assist states in meeting and sustaining these new security requirements.
7. G8 Statement on Sudan (1 commitment)
1. We pledge our countries' assistance in ending the conflicts in Sudan and in providing humanitarian aid to those in need.
8. G8 Statement: Gaza Withdrawal and the Road Ahead to Mideast Peace (3 commitments)
1. The G8 countries will join with others in the international community, led by the Quartet, to restore momentum on the Roadmap, to enhance humanitarian and economic conditions among the Palestinian people and to build democratic, transparent and accountable Palestinian institutions.
2. We will also work to help ensure security and stability in Gaza and the areas of the West Bank from which Israel withdraws. We call on both sides to end all acts of violence.
3. In furtherance of these goals, the G8 calls upon the Quartet to meet in the region before the end of this month, engage with Israeli and Palestinian representatives and set out its plans for taking forward in practical terms its declaration of May 4.
9. G8 Action Plan: Expanding Global Capability for Peace Support Operations (14 commitments)
Action Plan for Expanding Global Capability for Peace Support Operations
1. Today, we committed to an Action Plan to expand global capability for peace support operations that is available for any international peace support operation or mission on a timely basis.
We undertake specific activities and coordinate our efforts closely to ensure the maximum benefit to our partners and ourselves. Therefore, we commit, consistent with our national laws, to:
2. Train and, where appropriate, equip a total of approximately 75,000 troops worldwide by 2010, in line with commitments undertaken at Kananaskis and Evian. This effort will have a sustained focus on Africa and other nations that can contribute to peace support operations both in Africa and elsewhere.
3. We are also committed to training and exercises to ensure that those troops will maintain their skills after their initial training.
4. By playing an active part in the AU-hosted annual consultation, setting up donor contact groups in African capitals (as foreseen in the Evian plan), and conducting coordination meetings with interested parties, we will more fully coordinate assistance by G8 members and others related to peace support operations and their related activities.
5. To this end, we will establish G8 expert-level meetings to serve as a clearinghouse for exchanging information for as long as will be needed to accomplish this goal.
6. Build peace support operations capabilities in other regions by 2010.
7. Member states are also committed to providing training and exercises to help ensure that those troops trained maintain their newly learned skills.
8. Work with interested parties, before the next Summit, to develop a transportation and logistics support arrangement, which will help provide countries with transportation to deploy to peace support operations and logistics support to sustain units in the field.
9. Increase our contribution to the training of carabinieri/gendarme-like forces both by continuing to support existing centers dedicated to that purpose, notably those in France and Italy, and those in Africa, and by supporting new initiatives in that respect.
10. In particular, we will support the Italian initiative to establish, on a multinational basis, an international training center that would serve as a Center of Excellence to provide training and skills for peace support operations.
The initiatives will be carried out by:
11. Operating training programs, including "train the trainer" courses and pre-deployment training for specific missions;
12. Developing a common doctrine and common operational standards for employing carabinieri/gendarme-like forces in peace support operations, specifically with regard to crowd control, combating organized crime, high risk arrests, prison security, protection of sensitive facilities, election security, VIP security and border control;
13. Providing interoperability training with the relevant military forces; and
14. Interacting with academic and research institutions in related areas, such as humanitarian law, human rights, criminal law, prison management, and civil-military cooperation.
10. G8 Action to Endorse and Establish a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise (4 commitments)
We believe the time is right for the major scientific and other stakeholders -- both public and private sector, in developed and developing countries -- to come together in a more organized fashion. This concept has been proposed by an international group of scientists. Published as a "Policy Forum" in Science magazine. Klausner, RD, Fauci AS, et al: "The need for a global HIV vaccine enterprise." Science 300:2036, 2003.
1. We endorse this concept and call for the establishment of a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise.
2. We call on all stakeholders in the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise to complete the development of this strategic plan by our next Summit.
3. The United States, in its role as president of the G8, will convene later this year a meeting of all interested stakeholders in the Enterprise to encourage their collaborative efforts in HIV vaccine development. This meeting should clarify how the strategic plan is to be implemented.
4. We support this conference becoming an annual event and we look forward to a report on the follow-up of the Initiative at the next G8 Summit.
11. G8 Commitment to Help Stop Polio Forever (5 commitments)
1. We will take all necessary steps to eradicate polio by 2005.
2. To ensure that polio does not reemerge, we will work to ensure the full integration of necessary measures in national health strategies and structures in the post-eradication period through 2008.
3. We are determined to close the 2005 financing gap by the 2005 G8 Summit through contributions from the G8 and other public and private donors.
4. We will also remain engaged with the governments of the six polio-endemic countries and the nine countries in which polio is now spreading to urge them to take stronger steps to contain and destroy the polio virus.
5. We will also engage other donors and organizations to help support and encourage these countries.
12. Fighting Corruption and Improving Transparency (18 commitments)
1. Participating G8 countries will support them (compacts) by providing bilateral technical assistance and political support. With each compact partner, participants will develop action plans that set forth our joint efforts to achieve measurable improvements in these areas.
2. Participating G8 governments will work with partner countries to enlist the support and engagement of private companies, organizations and civil society, as well as international institutions.
G8 governments met their Evian goal of seeing conclusion of the UN Convention Against Corruption, which establishes high international standards of public integrity, transparency and accountability, and facilitates the recovery of illicitly acquired assets that have been transferred abroad. To ensure that this important new international agreement is implemented effectively, we will:
3. Remain committed to become parties to the Convention and call for rapid signature and completion of all necessary steps to ratify and implement the Convention, and support the convening in Vienna of a multilateral "Friends of the Convention" process for promoting active and effective implementation.
4. We are committed to translating the words of this Convention into effective actions and assisting third countries, particularly developing countries, in accomplishing the objectives of the Convention.
5. establishing G8 accelerated response teams;
6. enhancing G8 asset recovery case coordination; and
7. holding G8 asset recovery workshops.
To meet these goals, we will ensure that:
8. each of our countries has rules in place by Summer 2005, where possible, to require due diligence for "politically exposed persons" accounts;
9. each of our countries has rules in place, preferably by 12/31/04, to require wire transfer originator information;
10. we create G8 best practices for modalities of disposition and return; and
11. we explore effective measures to recover assets in corruption cases.
12. We will direct our experts to examine and improve efforts to achieve this objective and review progress at our next Summit.
13. We will adhere rigorously to our updated 2004-2007 enforcement review schedule, honour our pledges to serve as lead examiners or examinees, and send our prosecutors and other law enforcement officials to participate in peer reviews.
14. We will encourage efforts of our private sectors to develop and implement corporate compliance programs to promote adherence to laws against foreign bribery, and welcome the positive steps already taken by certain industries to develop specific principles relevant to their specific activities to promote such compliance.
15. All G8 countries committed to implement the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) revised 40 recommendations adopted in June 2003.
16. We will develop a diplomatic strategy to urge speedy consideration of ratification of the TOC Convention and coordinate with others, including donors to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, to provide technical assistance to promote implementation of the Convention.
17. We reaffirm our pledge at Evian to "work towards including in our regional and bilateral trade agreements provisions requiring transparency in government procurement, the awarding of concessions, as well as provisions on trade facilitation."
18. We reaffirm our commitment to further enhance transparency and supervisory standards in financial markets in particular non-compliant off-shore centers. We ask our Finance Ministers to carry this work forward.
13. Debt Sustainability for the Poorest (HIPC) (4 commitments)
We are committed to fully implementing the HIPC initiative and to supporting debt sustainability in the poorest countries through debt relief and grant financing. To that end, we have asked our Finance Ministers to:
1. Work with other donors and the international financial institutions to extend the sunset date of the HIPC initiative until December 31, 2006
2. provide the necessary financing for completion of the initiative, including topping up where appropriate.
3. Consider measures that can further help the poorest countries address the sustainability of their debt.
4. We have asked for a progress report on these efforts by the end of the year.
14. Ending the Cycle of Famine in the Horne of Africa, Raising Agricultural Productivity and Promoting Rural Development in Food Insecure Countries (49 commitments)
Breaking the Cycle of Famine in the Horn of Africa:
1. Along with the World Bank and other donors, we have agreed to support a new Ethiopian Government framework that offers a real chance to break the cycle of famine in that country and can serve as a point of reference for other countries.
2. We will work with the New Coalition for Food Security to offer unified support for the Government's reform program to realize the Government's goal of attaining food security for five million chronically food insecure people by 2009.
3. We will support land reform by funding the rollout of a land user rights system throughout Ethiopia by 2006.
4. We will expand our support for rural infrastructure development to help the Government meet or exceed the road building goals set out in its Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP).
5. We will work in a coordinated fashion to develop agricultural markets and facilitate regional economic integration.
Improving Worldwide Emergency Assessment and Response Systems:
6. We will work closely with the World Food Program (WFP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), other UN agencies, and leading international NGOs to continue to improve global emergency assessment and agricultural information systems in order to estimate more accurately food aid and non-food needs and enable emergency assistance to reach the areas and groups that need it most.
7. During 2004, we will support field testing of improvements to emergency needs assessment systems in two Southern African countries.
Raising Agricultural Productivity in Food Insecure Countries and Promoting Rural Development, Especially in Africa:
8. We will strengthen local and regional agricultural markets and work with governments to improve access for poor farmers to productive resources such as land, credit, agricultural inputs and services, and technology.
9. We will encourage private investment, foster sub-regional growth, promote the use of geo-spatial data, and explore faminerisk schemes.
10. To promote agricultural science and research, we will enhance institutional capacity to utilize science and technology through links between universities.
Ending the Cycle of Famine in the Horn of Africa, Raising Agricultural Productivity, and Promoting Rural Development in Food Insecure Countries: A G8 Action Plan
11. We will work with the New Coalition for Food Security in Ethiopia to give unified support to the Government's nascent structural reform effort. G8 and other donors have worked with the Government of Ethiopia to develop an alternative to emergency food aid which should cover more than five million people over three years.
12. We will work with the Government and other donors to realize the Government's goal of attaining food security for five million chronically food insecure people by 2009.
13. We will cooperate closely with the Ethiopian Government to address the problems of the most vulnerable groups. Our aid agencies will monitor closely the implementation of the safety net and will coordinate on effective approaches for targeting populations and regions.
14. We will help accelerate land reform and strengthen land tenure for all Ethiopians, including vulnerable groups, by supporting the Government's plan to establish a system of user rights inthe context of its Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP).
15. Working with all stakeholders, G8 countries and other donors will fund the rollout of a transparent user right system in two states in 2004, three more in 2005, and a final two states in 2006. Land reform will increase incentives for farmers to invest in their land and increase agricultural productivity.
16. We will expand our support for rural infrastructure development in the Horn, including social infrastructure, soil fertility, and water management programs.
17. We will work with the World Bank to increase the number of activities under its Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility.
18. We will unleash the power of markets through cash-for-work and cash-for-relief programs and working with business associations and cooperatives to expand private participation in market development.
19. Our aid agencies will work with the World Bank and the Government of Ethiopia to complete an Action Plan for improving market and trade infrastructure by June 2005.
20. We will work to expand access for Ethiopian farmers to improved agricultural technologies and add value to farmers' production through innovations in processing, packaging, and shipping.
21. We will facilitate regional economic integration and debt relief to mitigate threats of famine and strengthen rural economies as has occurred in other regions of Africa.
22. We will coordinate our trade capacity building assistance to support Ethiopia's full integration into the COMESA Free Trade Agreement as soon as feasible and stand ready to assist Ethiopia in its negotiations to join the WTO.
II. Improving Worldwide Emergency Assessment and Response Systems
23. We will monitor closely the WFP's estimates of food aid needs in the Horn of Africa.
24. Working with other donors, we will do our part to ensure that emergency needs, including food, are met.
Acting individually and collectively, G8 members will take the following actions:
25. Support national efforts to improve data collection and monitoring systems and enhance capacity to respond to emergency food crisis in line with the NEPAD initiative on Stimulating an Agriculture Renaissance in Support of Food Security in Africa presented at the April 2004 meeting of the African Partnership Forum in Maputo.
26. Continue to work closely with the WFP and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to improve global food emergency assessment methodologies and response systems.
27. G8 countries will support the piloting of the improved assessment process in two Southern African countries this year.
28. The G8 will support further activities to improve needs assessment and monitoring of famine and food security.
29. We will support the development of regional strategies for disaster prevention and emergency management covering policy instruments, institutional responses and safety mechanisms.
30. We will work to ensure coherence among our policies, including development, trade and agricultural policies that may affect famine, agricultural productivity and rural development in food insecure countries.
31. We will work to ensure that the outcome of the re-negotiation of the Food Aid Convention promotes good food aid practices and improved assessments based on the needs of beneficiaries in food insecure countries.
32. We will work with other governments and stakeholders to implement the recommendations of the World Food Summit and the World Food Summit: Five Years Later.
33. To improve early warning systems, we will share technologies and data to develop food security maps and improve donor and government capacity to collect geo-spatial data.
III. Boosting Agricultural Productivity and Rural Development in Food Insecure Countries, Especially in Africa
34. We commit to supporting efforts by Africans to create a positive and sustainable agricultural output growth rate in Sub Saharan Africa by 2007.
Acting individually and collectively, G8 members will:
35. Focus our institutional capacity building, including in the field of trade facilitation, to help food insecure countries, particularly in Africa, develop agricultural science and technology, raise agriculture productivity, and meet international food safety standards.
36. We will examine the potential of improving education and literacy for farmers to enable them to better utilize existing agricultural technology and equipment.
37. We will explore ways of improving farming techniques and raising yields through improving investment climates, disseminating appropriate and practically usable agricultural technology, identifying research needs, infrastructure and knowledge bottlenecks, and trade capacity gaps.
38. Establish food and nutrition security scholars programs to expand training in agricultural science and technology for researchers, scientists, and policy makers in developing countries.
39. Foster partnership relationships between agricultural institutes and agriculture departments in our universities and their counterparts in food-insecure countries, including by linking national programs into sub-regional and regional networks.
40. We will also support initiatives on staple Africa food crops, including the Pan Africa Cassava Initiative, the Global Cassava Partnership and the Pan Africa Nerica initiative.
41. Assist developing countries in producing and gaining access to geo-spatial information for land-use planning, land cover analysis, agricultural assessments, and environmental monitoring.
42. Promote increased use of local and regional commercial markets to meet food needs in famine prone countries and reduce dependence on food aid.
43. Support the organization of community level associations, including agricultural cooperatives, to provide farmers in food insecure areas with up-to-date information on government policies, useful technologies, and micro finance options.
44. Coordinate in supporting the African Forum for Agricultural Research (FARA) and related Subregional Research Organizations (SROs) in East, West and Southern Africa to facilitate the involvement of all stakeholders in identifying research priorities for stimulating agricultural growth and tackling food and nutrition insecurity.
45. Review ongoing initiatives and help develop a global consensus on the core building blocks of ricultural productivity that includes increasing yields, secure land tenure, functioning markets, sustainable management of natural resources, and social equity.
46. Work with the AU, NEPAD, regional economic organizations, business groups, and relevant international institutions to review and improve the investment environment in Africa and promote private sector links and development.
47. Encourage CGIAR to increase its efforts in Africa, and increase funding for challenge programs on ñWater and Foodî and those others which benefit Africa. Develop at least three new projects with the African Agricultural Technology Foundation.
48. Implement programs of support for regional and national programs aimed at tackling food insecurity and vulnerability in Southern Africa by 2005.
49. Support continued exploration of potential market-based famine risk-insurance mechanisms, taking into account work done by the World Bank and WFP.
15. Science and Technology for Sustainable Development: "3r" Action Plan and Progress on Implementation (8 commitments)
1. Last year at Evian we agreed "to support the development of cleaner, sustainable and more efficient technologies." 1. We reaffirm our conviction that "cooperative scientific research on transformation technologies offers potential to improve public health by cutting pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emission to address the challenge of global climate change."
2. As we continue to implement the G8 Action Plan on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development adopted at Evian, we commit to launching the Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle ("3R") Initiative to encourage more efficient use of resources and materials.
3. We will launch the Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle ("3R") Initiative at a Ministerial Conference in spring 2005 hosted by the Government of Japan.
In cooperation with relevant international organizations such as the OECD, we will seek through this initiative to:
4. Reduce waste, Reuse and Recycle resources and products to the extent economically feasible;
5. Reduce barriers to the international flow of goods and materials for recycling and remanufacturing, recycled and remanufactured products, and cleaner, more efficient technologies, consistent with existing environmental and trade obligations and frameworks;
6. Encourage cooperation among various stakeholders (central governments, local governments, the private sector, NGOs and communities), including voluntary and market-based activities;
5. Promote science and technology suitable for 3Rs; and
6. Cooperate with developing countries in such areas as capacity building, raising public awareness, human resource development and implementation of recycling projects.
2005 Gleneagles, UK (212 commitments)
1. Chair's Summary (Commitments - 17)
Climate Change
2005:1 - We resolved to take urgent action to meet the challenges we face. The Gleneagles Plan of Action which we have agreed demonstrates our commitment. We will take measures to develop markets for clean energy technologies, to increase their availability in developing countries, and to help vulnerable communities adapt to the impact of climate change.
2005: 2 - We will advance the global effort to tackle climate change at the UN Climate Change Conference in Montreal later this year. Those of us who have ratified the Kyoto Protocol remain committed to it, and will continue to work to make it a success.
Africa and Development
The G8 in return agreed a comprehensive plan to support Africa's progress. This is set out in our separate statement today. We agreed:
2005:3 - to provide extra resources for Africa's peacekeeping forces so that they can better deter, prevent and resolve conflicts in Africa
2005:4 - to give enhanced support for greater democracy, effective governance and transparency, and to help fight corruption and return stolen assets
2005:5 - to boost investment in health and education, and to take action to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and other killer diseases
2005: 6 - to stimulate growth, to improve the investment climate and to make trade work for Africa, including by helping to build Africa's capacity to trade and working to mobilise the extra investment in infrastructure which is needed for business
2005:7 - The G8 leaders agreed to back this plan with substantial extra resources for countries which have strong national development plans and are committed to good governance, democracy and transparency.
2005:8 - We have agreed to double aid for Africa by 2010. Aid for all developing countries will increase, according to the OECD, by around $50bn per year by 2010, of which at least $25bn extra per year for Africa.
A group of G8 and other countries will also take forward innovative financing mechanisms including
2005: 9- the IFF for immunisation,
2005: 10 - an air-ticket solidarity levy and the IFF to deliver and bring forward the financing,
2005: 11 - and a working group will consider the implementation of these mechanisms.
2005: 12 - The G8 has also agreed that all of the debts owed by eligible heavily indebted poor countries to IDA, the International Monetary Fund and the African Development Fund should be cancelled, as set out in our Finance Ministers agreement on 11 June.
Global Economy, Oil and Trade
2005: 13 - We agreed to redouble our efforts to achieve a successful conclusion across the whole of the Doha Development Agenda.
2005: 14 - We reaffirmed our commitment to open markets more widely to trade in agricultural goods, industrial goods and services, and in agriculture to reduce trade distorting domestic subsidies and eliminate all forms of export subsidies by a credible end date.
2005: 15 - We also committed to address products of interest to Least Developed Countries in the negotiations, and to ensure Least Developed Countries have the flexibility to decide their own economic strategies.
Regional Issues and Proliferation
2005: 16 - Six months on from the enormous tragedy of the Indian Ocean disaster on 26 December 2004, we have underlined our support for UN work on post-tsunami humanitarian aid and reconstruction, as well as confirming our commitment to reduce the risk from future disasters and to encourage reform of the humanitarian system.
2005: 17 - We reaffirmed our commitments and called on all States to uphold in full international norms on non-proliferation and to meet their arms control and disarmament obligations.
2. Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development (13 commitments)
2005:1 - We reaffirm our commitment to the UNFCCC and to its ultimate objective to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
We will, therefore take further action to:
2005:2 - promote innovation, energy efficiency, conservation, improve policy, regulatory and financing frameworks; and accelerate deployment of cleaner technologies, particularly lower-emitting technologies
2005:3 - work with developing countries to enhance private investment and transfer of technologies, taking into account their own energy needs and priorities.
2005: 4 - raise awareness of climate change and our other multiple challenges, and the means of dealing with them; and make available the information which business and consumers need to make better use of energy and reduce emissions.
2005:5 - We will work with developing countries on building capacity to help them improve their resilience and integrate adaptation goals into sustainable development strategies.
We therefore agree to take forward a Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development, and invite other interested countries with significant energy needs to join us. We will:
2005:6 - address the strategic challenge of transforming our energy systems to create a more secure and sustainable future;
2005:7 - monitor implementation of the commitments made in the Gleneagles Plan of Action and explore how to build on this progress; and
2005:8 - share best practice between participating governments.
2005:9 - We will ask our Governments to take the Dialogue forward.
2005:10 - We welcome Japan's offer to receive a report at the G8 Summit in 2008.
2005:11 - Those of us who have ratified the Kyoto Protocol welcome its entry into force and will work to make it a success.
2005:12 - We will work together to advance the goals and objectives we have agreed today to inform the work of the UN Climate Change Conference in Montreal 2005.
2005:13 - We are committed to move forward in that forum the global discussion on long-term co-operative action to address climate change.
3. Africa (65 commitments)
Peace and Stability
2005:1 - We back the African Union and the other African institutions which must continue to develop their capacity for promoting lasting peace and stability on the continent. In this regard, we are progressing with our Sea Island commitment to train and, where appropriate equip, some 75,000 troops by 2010 to take part in peace support operations worldwide, with a sustained focus on Africa.
2005:2 - We commend and will continue to support the African Union's mission in Sudan (Darfur), just as we are contributing to UNMIS's operation in southern Sudan.
We will enhance our support for the development of Africa's capacity to resolve conflicts and keep the peace, consistent with our national laws, by:
2005:3 - Providing co-ordinated technical assistance to the African Standby Force and helping to establish planning elements at the African Union HQ and its regional brigades.
2005:4 - Supporting the AU in developing its ability to deploy unarmed military observer missions, civilian policing operations and gendarmerie/carabinieri-like forces as part of stabilisation and peace support operations.
2005:5 - Providing support, including flexible funding, for African peace support operations including transport, logistics and financial management capacity.
2005:6 - Countering terrorism in Africa, including through co-operation with the AU Anti-Terrorism Centre in Algiers.
2005:7 - Supporting efforts from regional and international organisations to reinforce African capacity to promote peace and stability.
We will also help Africa prevent conflict and ensure that previous conflicts do not re-emerge, by:
2005:8 - Working in partnership with the AU and sub-regional organisations, including by providing resources to develop their planned Continental Early Warning System and implement the AU Panel of the Wise to address and mediate conflicts before they erupt into violence.
2005:9 - Enhancing the capabilities of the AU and African sub-organisations, building on the existing G8 Action Plan for Expanding Global Capability for Peace Support Operations,as well as commitments from the Evian and Kananaskis Summits. To support this, we will work to promote within our respective governments mechanisms for more effective and flexible crisis response and promote faster, more comprehensive and coordinated partner responses engaging ourselves, the UN, key regional organisations and other partners.
2005:10 - Maximising the contribution of local and multinational companies to peace and stability including through working with the UN Global Compact and developing OECD guidance for companies working in zones of weak governance.
2005:11 - Working to implement UN sanctions regimes more effectively by improved co-ordination of existing monitoring mechanisms and more efficient use of independent expertise.
2005:12 - Acting effectively in the UN and in other fora to combat the role played by 'conflict resources' such as oil, diamonds and timber, and other scarce natural resources, in starting and fuelling conflicts.
2005:13 - Improving the effectiveness of transfer controls over small arms and light weapons, including at inter alia the review conference of the UN Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons in 2006, and taking effective action in Africa to collect and destroy illicit small arms. =
We will give greater attention and resources to reconstruction and reconciliation in post-conflict countries by:
2005: 14- Providing rapid and flexible multilateral and bilateral debt relief for post-conflict countries, where appropriate.
2005:15 - Allocating grant financing for reconstruction needs, including the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) into civilian society of former combatants.
We will work urgently with other partners to improve the timeliness, predictability, effectiveness and availability of humanitarian assistance by:
2005:16 - Helping to fund sufficiently the urgent needs of millions of Africans caught up in the humanitarian emergencies identified by the UN in Africa, especially in the so-called 'forgotten humanitarian crises', so that co-ordinated emergency funding is available in time to save lives at risk.
2005:17 - Working with the UN to improve the tracking, reporting, and co-ordination of the resources provided for humanitarian emergencies.
Promoting Good and Responsive Governance
2005:18 - We will support African countries' efforts to make their governments more transparent, capable and responsive to the will of their people; improve governance at the regional level and across the continent; and strengthen the African institutions that are essential to this.
In response to this African commitment, we will:
Help strengthen the AU and NEPAD, including through:
2005:19 -
support, including flexible funding, for the African Union and other
pan-African institutions such as the Pan-African Parliament;
2005:20 - support to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), while respecting African ownership, such as through contributions to the APRM Secretariat Trust Fund;
2005:21 - appropriate and co-ordinated support to African countries in the implementation of their good governance national strategies, including their country action plans for implementation of APRM recommendations.
2005:22 - Support greater transparency in public financial management, including revenues, budgets and expenditure, licences, procurement and public concessions, including through increased support to capacity building in those African countries that are taking credible action against corruption and increasing transparency and accountability.
2005:23 - Support African partners in signing and ratifying the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption and provide support towards the implementation of the AU Convention.
2005:24 - Work vigorously for early ratification of the UN Convention Against Corruption and start discussions on mechanisms to ensure its effective implementation.
2005:25 - Work to establish effective mechanisms, consistent with the provisions of UNCAC and previous G8 commitments, within our own administrations for the recovery of assets, including those stolen through corruption, taking into account final disposal of confiscated property where appropriate, and to return assets to their legitimate owners.
2005:26 - Reduce bribery by the private sector by rigorously enforcing laws against the bribery of foreign public officials, including prosecuting those engaged in bribery;
2005:27 - strengthening anti-bribery requirements for those applying for export credits and credit guarantees, and continuing our support for peer review, in line with the OECD Convention;
2005:28 - encouraging companies to adopt anti-bribery compliance programmes and report solicitations of bribery;
2005:29 - and by committing to co-operate with African governments to ensure the prosecution of those engaged in bribery and bribe solicitation.
2005:30 - Take concrete steps to protect financial markets from criminal abuse, including bribery and corruption, by pressing all financial centres to obtain and implement the highest international standards of transparency and exchange of information.
2005:31 - We will continue to support Financial Stability Forums ongoing work to promote and review progress on the implementation of international standards, particularly the new process concerning offshore financial centres that was agreed in March 2005, and the OECD's high standards in favour of transparency and exchange of information in all tax matters.
Investing in People
2005:32 - Life expectancy is increasing in every continent except Africa, where it has been falling for the last 20 years. We will continue to support African strategies to improve health, education and food security.
2005:33 - To unlock the vast human potential of Africa, we will work with Africa to create an environment where its most capable citizens, including teachers and healthcare workers, see a long-term future on the continent.
2005:34 - We will work with committed national governments to assist in creating that environment.
We will work to achieve these aims by:
2005:35 - Working with African governments, respecting their ownership, to invest more in better education, extra teachers and new schools. This is made more crucial by the number of teachers dying from AIDS.
2005:36 - As part of this effort, we will work to support the Education for All agenda in Africa, including continuing our support for the Fast Track Initiative (FTI) and our efforts to help FTI-endorsed countries to develop sustainable capacity and identify the resources necessary to pursue their sustainable educational strategies.
2005:37 - Helping develop skilled professionals for Africa's private and public sectors, through supporting networks of excellence between African's and other countries' institutions of higher education and centres of excellence in science and technology institutions. In this respect, we look forward to the outcome of the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society taking place in November in Tunis.
2005:38 - Investing in improved health systems in partnership with African governments, by helping Africa train and retain doctors, nurses and community health workers.
2005:39 - We will ensure our actions strengthen health systems at national and local level and across all sectors since this is vital for long-term improvements in overall health, and we will encourage donors to help build health capacity.
2005:40 - With the aim of an AIDS-free generation in Africa, significantly reducing HIV infections and working with WHO, UNAIDS and other international bodies to develop and implement a package for HIV prevention, treatment and care, with the aim of as close as possible to universal access to treatment for all those who need it by 2010.
2005:41 - We will also work with them to ensure that all children left orphaned or vulnerable by AIDS or other pandemics are given proper support.
2005:42 - We will work to meet the financing needs for HIV/AIDS, including through the replenishment this year of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria; and actively working with local stakeholders to implement the '3 Ones' principles in all countries.
2005:43 - We note continuing work to explore establishing an International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology centre in Africa to help research into vaccines for the diseases that are afflicting the continent.
2005:44 - Supporting the Polio Eradication Initiative for the post eradication period in 2006-8 through continuing or increasing our own contributions toward the $829 million target and mobilising the support of others.
2005:45 - Working with African countries to scale up action against malaria to reach 85% of the vulnerable populations with the key interventions that will save 600,000 children's lives a year by 2015 and reduce the drag on African economies from this preventable and treatable disease.
2005:46 - Helping to meet the needs identified by the Stop TB Partnership. We also support the call for a high-level conference of Health Ministers for TB in 2006.
2005:47 - Implementing the G8 water action plan agreed at Evian, in partnership with the AfDB initiative on rural water and sanitation, including through increasing aid in this sector; maintaining political momentum and commitment on the water issue; and reinforcing co-ordination and monitoring mechanisms.
2005:48 - Reconfirming our Sea Island commitment to help countries that are willing to make a political commitment to develop comprehensive food security and famine prevention programmes.
Promoting Growth
2005:49 - African countries need to build a much stronger investment climate: we will continue to help them do so, including through the promotion of a stable, efficient and harmonised legal business framework (noting the work of the OHADA business legal unification process and the improvement of the investment climate through the OECD/NEPAD Investment Initiative)
2005:50 - and increased access to finance including strong support for the development of micro-finance in Africa.
2005:51 - Investment is needed in sustainable agriculture, which is the most important economic sector for most Africans. African governments have made a commitment to invest 10% of their budgets in agriculture. We will strengthen our support for their commitment.
We agree:
2005:52 - To increase our help to developing countries to build the physical, human and institutional capacity to trade, including trade facilitation measures.
2005:53 - We are committed to granting additional support for trade capacity building to assist LDCs, particularly in Africa, to take advantage of the new opportunities to trade which will result from a positive conclusion of the DDA.
2005:54 - To provide resources and training to help African producers meet current and new health and safety standards for food exports and other products.
2005:55 - To support African efforts to increase South-South trade and regional integration, to improve specialisation and create more jobs and prosperity;
2005:56 - To improve the utilisation of our preference schemes by ensuring that rules (particularly rules of origin) are transparent and simple to follow and do not inadvertently preclude eligible developing countries from taking advantage of those schemes.
2005:57 - We support the efforts underway by the World Bank and others to address concerns regarding trade preference erosion. We further agree to report back on progress to future presidencies.
2005:58 - Continue our work to build an international infrastructure consortium involving the AU, NEPAD, World Bank and African Development Bank (AfDB), recognised by NEPAD as the lead infrastructure agency, to facilitate infrastructure investment, including in cross-border infrastructure, in Africa.
2005:59 - Support investment, enterprise development and innovation, for example through support to the AU/NEPAD Investment Climate Facility, the Enhanced Private Sector Assistance with the AfDB, and other appropriate institutions, to invest in SMEs and microfinance, and through actions by the relevant International Financial Institutions and African governments to increase access to financial services through increased partnerships between commercial banks and micro-finance institutions, including through support for diversification of financial services available to the poor and effective use of remittances.
2005:60 - Support a comprehensive set of actions to raise agricultural productivity, strengthen urban-rural linkages and empower the poor, based on national initiatives and in cooperation with the AU/NEPAD Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and other African initiatives.
2005:61 - Encourage best practice in responsible investment through African private sector networks, including support to the UN Global Compact.
2005:62 - Support youth employment in Africa for both men and women, including vocational education and training relevant to market demands.
Financing for Development
2005:63 - The G8 has agreed a proposal to cancel 100% of outstanding debts of eligible Heavily Indebted Poor Countries to the IMF, IDA and African Development Fund, and to provide additional resources to ensure that the financing capacity of the IFIs is not reduced, as set out in the statement of 11 June.
2005:64 - We will focus aid on low income countries, which are committed to growth and poverty reduction, to democratic, accountable and transparent government, and to sound public financial management, although aid is also important to respond to humanitarian crises and countries affected by or at risk of conflict.
2005:65 - We will implement and be monitored on all commitments we made in the Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness, including enhancing efforts to untie aid; disbursing aid in a timely and predictable fashion, through partner country systems where possible; increasing harmonisation and donor co-ordination, including through more programme-based approaches.
4. Global Economy and Oil (5 commitments)
We agree that we must all play our part through vigorous action to address global imbalances and foster growth. We are committed to concrete and credible actions, including:
2005:1- continued fiscal consolidation to increase national savings in the United States;
2005:2 - actions to raise productivity in Canada;
2005:3 - further structural reforms in Russia, and in the European Union, to boost growth, employment and domestic demand;
2005:4 - and further structural reforms, including fiscal consolidation, in Japan.
2005:5 - We emphasise the need for concrete actions to reduce market volatility through more comprehensive, transparent and timely data.
Reliable and timely data on supply, demand and stocks facilitate timely adjustment to shifts in supply and demand while contributing to more solidly based investment decisions.
5. Trade (7 commitments)
2005:1 - We pledge ourselves to work to further increase momentum towards our goal of an ambitious and balanced outcome in the negotiations, our highest common priority in trade policy for the year ahead.
2005:2 - We recognise that, in particular, least developed countries face specific problems in integrating into the international trading system and will continue to work to ensure that there is appropriate flexibility in the DDA negotiations.
2005:3 - We must focus on the core issues to create new market opportunities. In agriculture, we are committed to substantially reducing trade-distorting domestic support and substantially improving market access.
2005:4 - We are also committed to eliminating all forms of export subsidies and establishing disciplines on all export measures with equivalent effect by a credible end date.
2005: 5 - We are also committed to opening markets more widely to trade in non-agricultural products, expanding opportunities for trade in services, improving trade rules and improving customs and other relevant procedures to facilitate trade.
2005:6 - In this spirit, we also reiterate our commitment to the objective of duty-free and quota-free market access for products originating from LDCs.
2005:7 - We commit to work, in partnership with others and recognising Members' sensitivities, with renewed energy and constructiveness, to seize this historic opportunity to deliver on the ambitions agreed at Doha in 2001.
6. Reducing IPR Piracy and Counterfeiting Through More Effective Enforcement (7 commitments)
We are deepening these efforts at home and abroad, with the aim of reducing substantially global trade in pirated and counterfeit goods, and efficiently combating the transnational networks that support it. In particular, we will take further concrete steps to:
2005:1 - strengthen and highlight analysis of the underlying trends, issues and domestic and international enforcement actions;
2005:2 - promote and uphold laws, regulations and/or procedures to strengthen effective intellectual property enforcement, where appropriate, in areas such as the seizure and retention of suspected counterfeit or pirated goods, the destruction of such goods and the equipment used to produce them, and the use of clear, transparent and predictable judicial proceedings, policies and guidelines related to intellectual property enforcement;
2005:3 - Enhance detection and deterrence of the distribution and sale of counterfeit goods through the internet and combat online theft;
2005:4 - improve co-ordination of anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy crime strategies, and ensure closer co-operation among enforcement officials, including through shared risk analysis, exchange of best practice, enhanced existing cooperation at international borders, and between governments and the private sector;
2005:5 - raise awareness among government officials and the public of the health risks, economic damage and growth of organized crime groups resulting from counterfeiting and piracy;
2005:6 - work closely with developing country partners to strengthen legislation and build to help to improve national anti-countefeiting, anti-piracty and enforcement capacities through shared best practices, training and technical assistance, to help achieve our shared development goals.
2005:7 - we will convene this autumn to lay out the work plan to implement these steps and will review progress during future presidencies.
7. Middle East Peace Process (2 commitments)
2005:1 - We support Mr Wolfensohn's intention to stimulate a global financial contribution of up to $3bn per year over the coming three years. Domestic and international investors should be full partners to this process. We are mobilising practical support for Mr Wolfensohn's efforts and look forward to further development of his plans and their presentation to the Quartet and the international community in September.
2005:2 - The global significance of this conflict requires strong international engagement. We underline our resolve to support both sides in meeting their Roadmap commitments and call on others to do the same.
8. Gleneagles Statement on Non-Proliferation (13 commitments)
Universalising and reinforcing the non-proliferation regime
2005:1 - Multilaterally agreed norms provide an essential basis for our non-proliferation efforts. We strongly support universal adherence to and compliance with these norms. We will work to strengthen them, including through improved verification and enforcement.
2005:2 - We call on all States not party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, an IAEA Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol, the Chemical Weapons Convention, the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, the 1925 Geneva Protocol and the Hague Code of Conduct Against the Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles, to accede without delay. We remain ready to assist States to this end.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
2005:3 - We emphasise that the NPT remains the cornerstone of nuclear non-proliferation. We reaffirm our full commitment to all three pillars of the Treaty.
2005:4 - For our part, we pledge ourselves to redouble our efforts to uphold and strengthen the Treaty.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
2005:5 - We will continue to work together to strengthen NSG guidelines accordingly.
Enrichment and Reprocessing Technology
2005:6 - We continue to agree, as we did at Sea Island, that it would be prudent in the next year not to inaugurate new initiatives involving transfer of enrichment and reprocessing technologies to additional states.
2005:7 - We welcome the efforts of the Expert Group, established by the Director-General of the IAEA, which has recently reported on possible Multinational Approaches to the Fuel Cycle. We will work together with all interested partners for a way forward which provides genuine access while minimising the risks of proliferation.
Defending against biological threats
2005: 8 - We reaffirm our strong commitment to strengthening our defences against biological threats. Over the last year, our efforts have focussed on enhancing protection of the food supply. We will continue efforts to address biological threats and support work in other relevant international groups.
Chemical Weapons Convention
2005:9 - We continue to support full implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, including its non-proliferation aspects. While acknowledging the obligation to destroy chemical weapons within the time limits provided for by the chemical weapons convention and to destroy or convert chemical weapons production facilities, we recall that States Party agreed in 2003 to an Action Plan which requires all to have national implementing measures in place by the time of the Conference of States Party scheduled for this November. We urge those States Party who have not yet done so to take all necessary steps to ensure the deadline is met. We stand ready to provide appropriate assistance.
Global Partnership against Proliferation of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction
2005:10 - We will work to build on the considerable progress we have made to implement co-operative projects to which the G8 and thirteen other countries now contribute.
2005:11 - We renew our pledge to raise up to $20 billion over ten years to 2012 for Global Partnership priorities, initially in Russia.
2005:12 - In this context, we will embark on new projects according to these priorities.
Radioactive Source Safety and Security
2005:13 - We welcome the IAEA endorsement of the international import and export framework for the control of radioactive sources. We will work towards having effective controls applied by the end of 2005, in a harmonized and consistent manner.
9. Iraq (3 commitments)
2005:1 - We commit ourselves to helping Iraq complete the process of transition as set out in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1546 and in accordance with Iraq's Transitional Administrative Law.
2005:2 - We reaffirm our intention to reduce Iraq's debt by implementing the terms of the November 2004 Paris Club agreement. We call on other creditors to provide debt relief on generous terms comparable to or even better than those agreed by the members of the Paris Club in November 2004.
2005:3 - We are committed to assisting the Iraqis in the reconstruction of their country.
10. Secure and Facilitated International Travel Initiative: Summit Progress Report (6 commitments)
2005:1 - The G8 determined that ICAO has developed interoperable technical specifications for smart chip passports that are now being used as the basis for the production of these documents. The G8 will maintain a watching brief on future developments.
International Information Exchange
2005:2 - The G8 is working on a Statement of Principles on negotiating bilateral mechanisms for sharing terrorist screening information. The final statement will be completed by November 2005.
Capacity Building and Collaboration
2005:3 - Work under action items 14 and 21 has been merged. Work on 14 is divided into its cargo and passenger elements, and both are making solid progress. Best practice papers will be prepared and discussed in November 2005.
2005:4 - A G8 aviation security emergency Point of Contact Network has been established and tested. We will continue testing the Network periodically to ensure its credibility and effectiveness among G8 Member States. It is intended to expand the Network to include all 188 Member States of ICAO, which has agreed to host the Network on a secure website.
2005:5 - Examine ways and means to further improve, simplify and expedite visa procedures to enhance security and facilitate legitimate travel when acceptable to the receiving state. The G8 is developing a comprehensive work plan to address this action item. The work plan will be completed by November 2005.
2005:6 - G8 members will conduct self audits and share experience in order to prepare recommendations for the IMO, with European members coordinating through the European Commission, on possible amendments to the checklist and guidance.
11. Statement by the G8 and AU on Sudan (2 commitments)
2005:1 - We, the leaders of the G8 and of Africa, renew our resolve today to see an end to the crisis in Darfur - a crisis that has seen thousands killed, some two million displaced and fearful to return home, and that threatens to undermine a hard-won peace agreement for Southern Sudan, itself the scene of over twenty years of brutal civil war. To this end we have already provided diverse and significant assistance, and we commit here to continuing that support.
2005:2 - We are committed to supporting the Sudanese people as they implement this agreement, and establish a more transparent and democratic system of government.
12. G8 Response to the Indian Ocean Disaster, and Future Action on Disaster Risk Reduction (4 commitments)
We recognise that to be effective, early warning systems for global geophysical events should be:
2005:1 - Based on high quality and appropriate scientific advice that can be translated into effective action by policy makers and those most at risk at a local level. We will support closer co-ordination on natural hazard assessment to enable the scientific community to advise decision-takers on potential natural hazards likely to have high global or regional impact, within the existing UN co-ordinated international disaster reduction framework, including ISDR, in co-operation with GEOSS.
Supporting Disaster Risk Reduction
2005:2 - Early warning alone will not eradicate the risk of disaster, nor will it reduce the impact of disasters, which have particularly grave implications for the poor and for hard-won development gains. In order to reduce disaster risk, we will work together with the UN, World Bank, other multi-development banks and developing countries to help them tackle disaster risk reduction more effectively. We will also consider how to improve the profile of disaster risk reduction in our development and other ministries.
Improving the Humanitarian System
2005:3 - We support efforts to improve the co-ordination and the timeliness of humanitarian response. We recognise the strong leadership of the Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in providing effective disaster assistance in the wake of the Tsunami disaster. The G8 will seek to strengthen OCHA and UN Humanitarian and Resident Co-ordinators, and will support the co-ordination and prioritisation of the allocation of funding to where it is most needed.
2005:4 - We are willing to explore initiatives to strengthen the UN coordination role and its ability to react more rapidly and efficiently in the face of emergencies, including through enhanced access to the necessary resources and capabilities such as personnel, logistics, transportation and means of adequately distributing assistance, provided at the request of the UN by individual UN member states.
13. Partnership for Progress and a Common Future with the Broader Middle East and North Africa Region (0 commitments)
14. G8 Statement on Counter-Terrorism (5 commitments)
2005:1 - We have carried forward initiatives to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction to terrorists and other criminals, reinforce international political will to combat terrorism, secure radioactive sources and - as announced at Sea Island - ensure secure and facilitated travel. Today we commit ourselves to new joint efforts. We will work to improve the sharing of information on the movement of terrorists across international borders,
2005:2 - to assess and address the threat to the transportation infrastructure,
2005:3 - and to promote best practices for rail and metro security.
2005:4 - We leave Gleneagles with a renewed commitment to work with partners in the UN and in other key international and regional fora. This tragedy strengthens our resolve to reach early agreement on a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.
Protecting communities against terrorist attack
2005:5 - We have established a G8 aviation security contact network, and are enhancing our co-operation against trans-national document fraud. We have developed a methodology to assess port security. We will continue to strengthen and broaden this co-operation, encouraging the active engagement of the relevant international organisations, to raise international standards of transport security.
15. Gleneagles Plan of Action: Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development (63 commitments)
To promote energy efficient buildings, we will:
2005:1 - invite the International Energy Agency (IEA) to review existing building standards and codes in developed and developing countries, develop energy indicators to assess efficiency, and identify policy best practices;
2005:2 - encourage the work of existing partnerships such as the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnerships in outreach to developing countries; and
2005:3 - develop domestic guidelines or standards for the procurement and management of public buildings in our respective countries.
To encourage co-ordination of international policies on labelling, standard setting and testing procedures for energy efficiency appliances, we will:
2005:4 - promote the application of the IEA's 1 Watt Initiative;
2005:5 - ask the IEA to undertake a study to review existing global appliance standards and codes, building on its existing capacity on energy efficiency in appliances;
2005:6 - extend the use of clear and consistent labelling to raise consumer awareness of energy consumption of appliances;
2005:7 - work nationally and in co-operation with other countries to seek improvements in the efficiency and environmental performance of products in priority sectors; and
2005:8 - explore the potential to co-ordinate standards with other countries, building on the examples provided by existing international bodies.
Surface transport
We will encourage the development of cleaner, more efficient and lower-emitting vehicles, and promote their deployment, by:
2005:9 - adopting ambitious policies to encourage sales of such vehicles in our countries, including making use of public procurement as appropriate to accelerate market development;
2005:10 - asking the IEA to review existing standards and codes for vehicle efficiency and identify best practice;
2005:11 - encouraging co-operation on technology research, development and, where relevant, deployment in areas including cleaner gasoline and diesel technologies, biofuels, synthetic fuels, hybrid technology, battery performance and hydrogenpowered fuel cell vehicles;
2005:12 - continuing our discussions on these issues at the United Kingdom's international conference in November on cleaner, more efficient vehicles; and
2005:13 - raising consumer awareness of the environmental impact of their vehicle choices, including through clear and consistent labelling for relevant energy consumption, efficiency and exhaust emissions data, and encouraging the provision of clearer information on the result of driving behaviour and choices for mode of transport.
We will:
2005:14 - undertake a programme of collaborative work to explore and accelerate the potential for operational advances (including air traffic control and ground operations) that will continue to enhance safety, improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions in air transport;
2005:15 - work with the IPCC to provide, as part of its forthcoming Fourth Assessment Report, an up-to-date assessment of the latest evidence on aviation's impacts on the climate;
2005:16 - support climate science research, aimed at improving our understanding of specific issues such as contrails and cirrus cloud effects, to inform technological and operational responses;
2005:17 - encourage co-ordination among our existing national research programmes on long-term technology developments with the potential to significantly reduce emissions.
We will:
2005:18 - Work with the multilateral development banks (MDBs) to expand the use of voluntary energy savings assessments as a part of major investments in new or existing projects in energy intensive sectors;
2005:19 - invite the IEA to develop its work to assess efficiency performance and seek to identify areas where further analysis of energy efficiency measures by industry sector could add value, across developed and interested developing countries;
2005:20 - develop partnerships, including sectoral and cross-border partnerships, with industry to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of the major industrial sectors of our economies; and
2005:21 - continue to support the work of the UNFCCC clearing house on technology transfer TT:Clear in disseminating information on available technologies, and cooperate further on sharing information on best practices and national policies to encourage the deployment of energy efficiency technologies.
Cleaner Fossil Fuels
We will support efforts to make electricity generation from coal and other fossil fuels cleaner and more efficient by:
2005:22 - supporting IEA work in major coal using economies to review, assess and disseminate widely information on energy efficiency of coal-fired power plants; and to recommend options to make best practice more accessible;
2005:23 - inviting the IEA to carry out a global study of recently constructed plants, building on the work of its Clean Coal Centre, to assess which are the most cost effective and have the highest efficiencies and lowest emissions, and to disseminate this information widely; and
2005:24 - continuing to work with industry and with national and international research programmes and partnerships on projects to demonstrate the potential of advanced fossil fuel technologies, including clean coal.
14. We will work to accelerate the development and commercialization of Carbon Capture and Storage technology by:
2005:25 - endorsing the objectives and activities of the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF), and encouraging the Forum to work with broader civil society and to address the barriers to the public acceptability of CCS technology;
2005:26 - inviting the IEA to work with the CSLF to hold a workshop on short-term opportunities for CCS in the fossil fuel sector, including from Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 removal from natural gas production;
2005:27 - inviting the IEA to work with the CSLF to study definitions, costs, and scope for Ôcapture ready' plant and consider economic incentives;
2005:28 - collaborating with key developing countries to research options for geological CO2 storage; and
2005:29 - working with industry and with national and international research programmes and partnerships to explore the potential of CCS technologies, including with developing countries.
We will encourage the capture of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, by:
2005:30 - supporting the Methane to Markets Partnership and the World Bank Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR), and encouraging expanded participation; and
2005:31 - working bilaterally to support an extension of the World Bank's GGFR Partnership beyond 2006.
Renewable Energy
We will promote the continued development and commercialisation of renewable energy by:
2005:32 - promoting the International Action Programme of the Renewables 2004 conference in Bonn, starting with a Conference at the end of 2005, hosted by the Chinese government, and supporting the goals of the Renewable Energy Policy Network (REN 21);
2005:33 - welcoming the work of interested parties, including in partnerships, to take forward the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, including the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) and the Mediterranean Renewable Energy Partnership (MEDREP);
2005:34 - working with developing countries to provide capacity-building assistance, develop policy frameworks, undertake research and development, and assess potential for renewable energy, including bioenergy;
2005:35 - launching a Global Bioenergy Partnership to support wider, cost effective, biomass and biofuels deployment, particularly in developing countries where biomass use is prevalent following the Rome International Workshop on Bioenergy;
2005:36 - welcoming the establishment and further development of the range of IEA implementing agreements on renewable energy.
Electricity Grids
We will work with the IEA to:
2005:37 - draw together research into the challenges of integrating renewable energy sources into networks and optimising the efficiency of grids, and produce a report; and
2005:38 - identify and link "Centres of Excellence" to promote research and development in the developed and developing world; and
2005:39 - promote workshops during 2006/07 aimed at evaluating and promoting means to overcome technical, regulatory and commercial barriers.
Promoting networks for research and development
2005:40 - We recognise the need for increased commitment to, international cooperation in and co-ordination of research and development of energy technologies. We will continue to take forward research, development and diffusion of energy technologies in all the fields identified in the Evian Science and Technology Action Plan.
We take note of the Energy Research and Innovation Workshop held in Oxford in May 2005, and will work with the IEA to:
2005:41 - build on the work already underway through its implementing agreements to facilitate cooperation and share energy research findings;
2005:42 - reinforce links with the international business community and developing countries;
2005:43 - create an inventory of existing collaborative efforts to facilitate exchange on their effectiveness; and
2005:44 - raise the profile of existing research networks and encourage broader participation where appropriate; and
2005:45 - seek ways to improve the current arrangements for collaboration between developed and developing countries, and enhance developing country participation in existing networks.
Financing the transition to cleaner energy
We recognise that there are a range of tools to support a market-led approach to cleaner technology and energy resources and that each country will select those appropriate to its national circumstances.
We will:
2005:46 - support a market-led approach to encouraging energy efficiency and accelerating investment and the deployment of cleaner technologies which will help transition to a low-emission future;
2005:47 - adopt, where appropriate market-based policy frameworks which:
2005:48 - support re-investment in capital stock turnover;
2005:49 - remove barriers to direct investment;
2005:50 - leverage private capital for clean development;
2005:51 - use standards, or use pricing and regulatory signals to provide confidence in the near- and long-term value of investments, so as to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and / or pollutants.
2005:52 - We will promote dialogue on the role, suitability, potential synergies and timing of various policy approaches within the context of each country's national circumstances, including:
2005:53 - developing long-term sectoral, national or international policy frameworks including goals;
2005:54 - market-based instruments including fiscal or other incentives for the development and deployment of technologies, tradable certificates and trading of credits for reductions of emissions of greenhouse gases or pollutants; and
2005:55 - We will continue to work through our bilateral development programmes, in line with our national priorities, to promote more sustainable energy policies worldwide.
2005:56 - We will work with Export Credit Agencies with a view to enhancing the economic and financial viability of cleaner and efficient energy projects.
2005:57 - We will build on the work in other fora, including the UNFCCC Experts Group on Technology Transfer, to support necessary capacity building, enabling environments and information dissemination.
2005:58 - We will also work through multi-stakeholder partnerships to develop the policy, regulatory and financing frameworks needed in the major developing countries to provide a commercially attractive balance of risk and reward to private investors.
Monitoring and Data Interpretation
The G8 made a commitment at Evian to strengthen international cooperation on global Earth observations. We will continue to exercise leadership in this area, and welcome the adoption of the 10-year implementation plan for development of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) at the Third Earth Observations Summit which took place in Brussels in February this year.
We will:
2005:59 - move forward in the national implementation of GEOSS in our member states;
2005:60 - support efforts to help developing countries and regions obtain full benefit from GEOSS, including from the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) such as placement of observational systems to fill data gaps, developing of in country and regional capacity for analysing and interpreting observational data, and development of decision-support systems and tools relevant to local needs;
2005:61 - in particular, work to strengthen the existing climate institutions in Africa, through GCOS, with a view to developing fully operational regional climate centres in Africa.
Risk Management
We will:
2005:62 - Invite the World Bank to develop and implement 'best practice' guidelines for screening their investments in climate sensitive sectors to determine how their performance could be affected by climate risks, as well as how those risks can best be managed, in consultation with host governments and local communities; and
2005:63 - invite other major multilateral and bilateral development organisations to adopt the World Bank guidelines, or develop and implement similar guidance.
2006 St. Petersburg, Russia (317 commitments)
1. Fight Against Infectious Diseases (52 commitments)
To address these challenges, we, the G8 Leaders, are determined to achieve tangible progress in the following areas:
2006 - 1: improved international cooperation on the surveillance and monitoring of infectious diseases, including better coordination between the animal and human health communities, building laboratory capacities, and full transparency by all nations in sharing, on a timely basis, virus samples in accordance with national and international regulations and conventions, and other relevant information about the outbreaks of diseases;
2006 - 2: intensification of scientific research and exchanges in the area of infectious diseases, with a special attention given to involving scientists from developing countries in international scientific research programs;
2006 - 3: support for efforts by the relevant international organizations to respond effectively to outbreaks of avian influenza and to help the global community prepare for a possible human influenza pandemic, including timely implementation of the commitments made at the January 2006 Beijing International Pledging Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza;
2006 - 4: fulfillment of prior G8 commitments on the major infectious diseases, in particular by mobilizing support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; continuing to pursue as close as possible to universal access to HIV/AIDS treatment for all who need it by 2010; supporting the Global Plan to Stop TB; providing resources in cooperation with African countries to scale up action against malaria; continuing to expand the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise; and continuing our support for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative so that the planet can be declared polio-free within the next few years;
2006- 5: improved access to prevention and treatment of diseases for those in need, through assistance programs focused on strengthening the capacity of health systems and the training, deployment, and retention of qualified health workers; and through innovative clinical research programs, private-public partnerships, and other innovative mechanisms;
2006 - 6: support for efforts by work with relevant international organizations to mitigate the health consequences of emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters, including through better coordination and capacity building.
Strengthening the Global Network for Surveillance and Monitoring of Infectious Diseases
Recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) highlight the need for improved international cooperation in detecting such diseases and mounting an effective response.
2006 - 7: In this regard, we support immediate implementation of the provisions of the revised International Health Regulations considered relevant to the risk posed by avian and pandemic influenza.
2006 - 8: We will comply with the provisions, including those related to rapid and transparent notification, and to provision of essential information.
2006 - 9: We will continue to support existing global networks working under World Health Organization (WHO) auspices, such as the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN).
We also call upon the international community to take such measures as are necessary to further strengthen global surveillance mechanisms by:
2006 - 10: enhancing information exchange and encouraging national governments to provide timely and reliable information in an open and transparent manner;
2006 - 11: helping developing countries improve the capacity of their national systems for the surveillance and monitoring of infectious diseases, by providing technical assistance and training experts;
2006 - 12: building preparedness for future emerging infectious diseases, including through future-oriented scientific and clinical research projects.
2006 - 13: We will also seek to improve global and regional cooperation among experts to combat illegal wildlife trafficking, which is contributing to the spread of zoonotic diseases.
2006- 14: In this effort, we will aim to increase scientific cooperation with developing countries, encourage partnerships between experts and laboratories of developing and developed countries, and increase the scientific potential in countries of all income levels.
Fighting Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and Increasing Global Preparedness for a Human Pandemic
2006 - 15: We will continue to provide full support for their efforts, and for those of the international financial institutions such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.
2006 - 16: We pledge to coordinate our international investments to fight the spread and impact of the disease.
In addition to ongoing initiatives, we will support such efforts through the following actions:
2006 - 17: working with the WHO, FAO, and other UN agencies to update global avian influenza and pandemic influenza control strategies and preparedness plans; establish standard operating procedures and logistical arrangements, using existing technical networks; and to encourage robust arrangements for the quickest possible reporting;
2006 - 18: supporting efforts to increase worldwide production capacity for, and stockpiling of, antivirals;
2006 - 19: working with pharmaceutical companies to examine options for increasing production capacities for vaccines, and encouraging development of next generation influenza vaccines;
2006 - 20: supporting capacity building in the most vulnerable countries in disease-surveillance and early warning systems, including enhancement of diagnostic capacity and virus research, by helping them to develop their national plans, build relevant infrastructure, train experts, strengthen veterinary services and laboratories and mitigate the socio-economic impact of control measures;
2006- 21: raising awareness among populations, and enhancing public education programs in all countries at risk;
2006 - 22: exchanging timely information and samples, in accordance with national and international regulations and conventions, related to the occurrence of avian influenza in our countries on a timely basis with the international community, and developing and using best practices for influenza preparedness, surveillance and control;
2006 - 23: using reference and national laboratories for the timely detection of avian influenza, and encouraging the establishment of additional laboratories in epidemic-prone regions. In this regard, we welcome the Russian proposal to establish the WHO Collaborating Centre on Influenza for Eurasia and Central Asia, subject to meeting all applicable WHO and other international standards, to enhance international capacity to counter the spread of the viruses in the region.
Combating HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
2006 - 24: We pledge our continued support to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the WHO, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund), the World Bank and other organizations, initiatives and partnerships actively working to fight these diseases.
In our response to HIV/AIDS, we will adhere to the following principles:
2006 - 25: further promotion of a comprehensive and well-balanced approach to tackling HIV/AIDS, which includes prevention, treatment and care;
2006 - 26: continued involvement of all relevant partners, including civil society, the private sector and people living with HIV/AIDS, in the activities to tackle the HIV/AIDS pandemic and to reduce stigma and discrimination against people with this disease;
2006 - 27: scale up support to address the rising rates of HIV infection among young people, particularly young girls and women;
2006 - 28: supporting the continued implementation of comprehensive, evidence-based strategies of prevention, and the development of new and innovative methods of prevention, such as microbicides, and vaccines against the diseases that increase the risk of HIV transmission;
2006 - 29: facilitating access to prevention, treatment and care for the most vulnerable segments of the population;
2006 - 30: building the capacity of health care systems in poor countries through recruitment, training and deployment of public and private health workers; and raising public awareness of the existing threat in all countries affected.
2006 - 31: We will work with other donors and stakeholders in the effort to secure funds needed for the 2006-2007 replenishment period and call upon all concerned to participate actively in the development of a four-year strategy, aimed at building a solid foundation for the activities of the Fund in the years ahead.
2006 - 32: The G8 members will work with governments and technical agencies to support the preparation of high quality, timely proposals for Global Fund AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria grants.
2006 - 33: We reaffirm our partnership with African nations and with the African Union, and will continue to work with them to deliver on the goals of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), to improve health systems overall and to fight infectious diseases.
2006 - 34: We remain committed to our Sea Island Summit initiative on creation of a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, and reaffirm our determination to bring it to fruition.
2006 - 35: We reaffirm the commitment we made at the Genoa Summit in 2001 to halt the spread of this disease.
2006 - 36: We will also support the Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006-2015, which aims to cut TB deaths in half by the year 2015 compared to 1990 levels, saving some 14 million lives over ten years, and call upon all donors and stakeholders to contribute to its effective implementation.
The fight against malaria can save hundreds of thousands of lives, and bring new hope to countries that have been devastated by this terrible disease. To address this urgent situation, we:
2006 - 37: reaffirm our commitment to work with African countries to scale up malaria control interventions, reduce the burden of the disease, and eventually defeat malaria on the continent and meet the Abuja target of halving the burden of malaria by 2010
2006 - 38: agree to strengthen malaria control activities and programs in African countries with the objective of achieving significant public health impact;
2006 - 39: will collaborate with governments, private sector companies and non-governmental organizations in public-private partnerships to expand malaria interventions and programs;
2006 - 40: support the development of new, safe, and effective drugs, creation of a vaccine, and promotion of the widest possible availability of prevention and treatment to people in need;
2006 - 41: welcome efforts in the framework of the "Roll Back Malaria Partnership" and support activities of public and private entities to save children from the disease.
2006 - 42: Finally, we commit ourselves to a regular review of our work in the field of tackling these three pandemics.
Polio Eradication
2006 - 43: We urgently call for mobilization of financial support and will continue to work collectively and with bilateral and multilateral donors to close the funding gap for 2007-2008, and will continue to work with others towards securing the resources necessary to finish the program and declare our planet polio-free in the near future.
2006 - 44: The existing polio monitoring network is a valuable resource. We will work with other donors and stakeholders to maintain this network after polio has been eradicated, with a view to supporting other public health objectives, in particular those related to disease monitoring.
Measles and Other Preventable Diseases
2006 - 45: We will continue our support for the Measles Initiative launched in 2001 and will work towards a steady decrease in the number of measles-related deaths, progress in halting the spread of measles in regions and countries, and its eventual elimination.
2006 - 46: We will assist the Global Measles Partnership and encourage the WHO to continue to implement its plans on measles prevention and elimination, as mandated by the World Health Assembly in 2004, and to propose measures donors and national governments should take to reach and maintain a high level of immunity to measles.
Access to Prevention, Treatment and Care
2006 - 47: In this regard, we agree to continue to support efforts by developing country partners, particularly in Africa, to ensure that initiatives to reduce the burden of disease are built on sustainable health systems.
2006 - 48: We will also continue to emphasize the training, deployment and retention of health workers in our health sector assistance programs
2006 - 49: In order to stimulate active involvement of the pharmaceutical industry, we are committed to strengthening cooperation with regulatory authorities in developing countries and to working with them on identifying appropriate standards and pathways for swift regulatory approval of new prevention and treatment methods.
Health Consequences of Natural and Man-Made Disasters
2006 - 50: We reaffirm the importance of the coordinating role played by the UN in the area of humanitarian emergency response through its Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and seek to further enhance the effectiveness of United Nations entities in tracking and coordinating assistance to the affected countries.
2006 - 51: Given the potential for the breakdown of public health services as a result of natural and man-made disasters, we support actions aimed at improving the preparedness and capacity of healthcare systems to meet health challenges posed by emergencies, especially in developing countries.
2006 - 52: We commit to strengthen existing networks aimed at mitigating health consequences of natural and man-made disasters, including through effective use of rapid response teams, where appropriate, and helping disaster-prone developing countries build their own capacities in this area.
2. Global Energy Security (114 commitments)
Response of the International Community
2006 - 53: We will pursue energy security through a comprehensive and concerted approach consistent with our common environmental goals.
2006 - 54: We also reaffirm our commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and to meet our shared multiple objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving the global environment, enhancing energy security, and cutting air pollution in conjunction with our vigorous efforts to reduce energy poverty.
2006 - 55: We also agree to work to improve access to energy in developing countries.
Statement on Global Energy Security Principles
Recognizing the shared interest of energy producing and consuming countries in promoting global energy security, we, the Leaders of the G8, commit to:
2006 - 56: strong global economic growth, effective market access, and investment in all stages of the energy supply chain;
2006 - 57: open, transparent, efficient and competitive markets for energy production, supply, use, transmission and transit services as a key to global energy security;
2006 - 58: transparent, equitable, stable and effective legal and regulatory frameworks, including the obligation to uphold contracts, to generate sufficient, sustainable international investments upstream and downstream;
2006 - 59: enhanced dialogue on relevant stakeholders' perspectives on growing interdependence, security of supply and demand issues;
2006 - 60: diversification of energy supply and demand, energy sources, geographical and sectoral markets, transportation routes and means of transport;
2006 - 61: promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency measures through initiatives on both national and international levels;
2006 - 62: environmentally sound development and use of energy, and deployment and transfer of clean energy technologies which help to tackle climate change;
2006 - 63: promotion of transparency and good governance in the energy sector to discourage corruption;
2006 - 64: cooperative energy emergency response, including coordinated planning of strategic stocks;
2006 - 65: safeguarding critical energy infrastructure; and
2006 - 66: addressing the energy challenges for the poorest populations in developing countries.
2006 - 67: Based on the above objectives, principles and approaches, we will implement our common global energy security strategy through the following Plan of Action.
St. Petersburg Plan of Action Global Energy Security
2006 - 68: our commitment to implement and build upon the agreements related to energy reached at previous G8 summits.
We will enhance global energy security through actions in the following key areas:
2006 - 69: increasing transparency, predictability and stability of global energy markets;
2006 - 70: improving the investment climate in the energy sector;
2006 - 71: enhancing energy efficiency and energy saving;
2006 - 72: diversifying energy mix;
2006 - 73: ensuring physical security of critical energy infrastructure;
2006 - 74: reducing energy poverty;
2006 - 75: addressing climate change and sustainable development.
I. Increasing Transparency, Predictability and Stability of Global Energy Markets
2006 - 76: We welcome the beginning of implementation of the Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI) and will take further action to improve and enhance the collection and reporting of market data on oil and other energy sources by all countries including through development of a global common standard for reporting oil and other energy reserves.
2006 - 77: In this respect, we will invite the IEF to work on the expansion of JODI membership and to continue to improve the quality and timeliness of data.
2006 - 78: As a critical tool in the fight against corruption, we will also take forward efforts to make management of public revenues from energy exports more transparent, including in the context of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and the IMF Guide on Resource Revenue Transparency (GRRT).
II. Improving the Investment Climate in the Energy Sector
2006 - 79: We will create and maintain the conditions to attract these funds into the energy sector through competitive, open, equitable and transparent markets.
2006 - 80: In producing, consuming and transit states, therefore, we will promote predictable regulatory regimes, including stable, market-based legal frameworks for investments, medium and long-term forecasts of energy demand, clear and consistent tax regulation, removal of unjustified administrative barriers, timely and effective contract enforcement and access to effective dispute settlement procedures.
We shall take measures both nationally and internationally to facilitate investments into a sustainable global energy value chain to:
2006 - 81: further save energy through demand-side measures as well as introduce advanced energy-efficient technologies;
2006 - 82: introduce cleaner, more efficient technologies and practices including carbon capture and storage;
2006 - 83: promote wider use of renewable and alternative energy sources;
2006 - 84: expand the hydrocarbon proven reserves in a way that would outpace their depletion and increase the recovery of energy resources;
2006 - 85: increase the efficiency of oil and gas production, and develop resources on the continental shelf;
2006 - 86: establish, expand and improve the efficiency of oil-refining, petrochemical and gas processing industries' capacity;
2006 - 87: develop global LNG market;
2006 - 88: establish or upgrade infrastructure for energy transport and storage;
2006 - 89: develop efficient power generating facilities; and
2006 - 90: expand and improve the efficiency, safety and reliability of electricity transmission facilities and power grids and their international connectivity including, where appropriate, in developing countries.
2006 - 91: We will work with all stakeholders to improve energy regulatory regimes, inter alia, through feasible technical standards harmonization.
2006 - 92: We will ask the International Standards Organization to study ways and means of harmonizing relevant standards in this context.
2006 - 93: To reduce huge investment risks and facilitate smooth functioning of the emerging global LNG market, we will seek to create appropriate investment conditions.
2006 - 94: We will work to reduce barriers to energy investment and trade.
III. Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving
2006 - 95: We will move forward with timely implementation of the Gleneagles Plan of Action.
2006 - 96: We have instructed our relevant ministers to continue the dialogue on climate change, clean energy and sustainable development and report its outcomes to the G8 summit in 2008.
2006 - 97: we call upon other states, especially fast-growing economies, to join the corresponding G8 initiatives.
A comprehensive approach within the international community to energy saving, energy efficiency and the extension of relevant efforts, including sharing best practices, to the entire energy value chain are important in this respect. For this purpose, we shall undertake to:
2006 - 98: strengthen and elaborate the system of national and multilateral energy efficiency statistics;
2006 - 99: consider national goals for reducing energy intensity of economic development to be reported by the end of the year;
2006 - 100: for energy intensive products, encourage the development, extension and deployment of best practice energy efficiency labeling programs, and increase efforts to adopt the most stringent energy efficiency standards that are technically feasible and economically justified.
2006 - 101: take necessary measures, including financial and tax incentives at home for the promotion of energy-efficient technologies, and the actual use of those available technologies on a wide-scale basis;
2006 - 102: demonstrate leadership at the national level by incorporating energy efficient technologies and practices in government buildings and drawing upon alternative energy resources to help power them;
2006 - 103: raise public awareness about the importance and benefits of energy efficiency and energy saving.
2006 - 104: encourage relevant actions taken by multilateral development banks (МDBs), including EBRD and the World Bank;
2006 - 105: increase the Global Environment Facility's involvement in energy efficiency projects.
2006 - 106: We will invite the World Bank, the IEA, and other organizations as appropriate to work on improvement of internationally accepted standards, labeling and best practices, and public awareness campaigns, in accordance with their respective mandates and comparative advantages.
2006 - 107: As part of an integrated approach to the entire resource cycle we reaffirm our commitment to comprehensive measures to optimize the resource cycle within the 3Rs Initiative (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
2006 - 108: In furthering these efforts, we will set targets as appropriate taking account of resource productivity.
2006 - 109: We will also raise awareness of the importance of energy efficiency and environmental protection through national as well as international efforts.
Increasing energy saving and efficiency we will pay more attention to the energy sector itself, which can contribute significantly to this end by reducing losses in production and transportation. Our priority measures in this area will include:
2006 - 110: raising the environmental and efficiency levels for processing hydrocarbons;
2006 - 111: reducing gas flaring to minimal levels and promoting utilization of associated gas;
2006 - 112: improving energy infrastructure, including minimizing oil and oil products losses in transportation and gas emissions from gas systems;
2006 - 113: using methane otherwise released in the atmosphere from coal mining, landfills, and agricultural operations.
2006 - 114: Since 2/3 of world oil is consumed by the transportation sector and its fuel consumption is outpacing general energy consumption we will pay special attention to this sector of energy demand.
For making transportation more energy efficient and environmentally advanced we shall:
2006 - 115: share best practices to promote energy efficiency in the transportation sector;
2006 - 116: develop programs in our respective countries, consistent with national circumstances, to provide incentives for consumers to adopt efficient vehicles, including clean diesels and hybrids; and introduce on a large scale efficient public hybrid and/or clean diesel transportation systems, where appropriate;
2006 - 117: promote diversification of vehicle energy systems based on new technologies, including significant sourcing from biofuels for motor vehicles, as well as greater use of compressed and liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and synthetic liquid fuels;
2006 - 118: promote wider use of modern technologies, materials and devices on traditional vehicles, leading to lighter, more aerodynamic and more efficient engines and other transport components such as transmission and steering systems, tires, etc.;
2006 - 119: increase research to develop vehicles using gasoline/hydrogen fuel and hydrogen fuel cells to promote the "hydrogen economy";
2006 - 120: facilitate the development of trans-modal and trans-border transportation, where appropriate;
2006 - 121: study further the Blue Corridor project by the UN Economic Commission for Europe;
2006 - 122: continue to consider the impact of the air transport sector on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions noting international cooperation on these issues.
IV. Diversifying Energy Mix
2006 - 123: We will work to develop low-carbon and alternative energy, to make wider use of renewables and to develop and introduce innovative technologies throughout the entire energy sector.
Alternative, Cleaner Low-Carbon Energy
2006 - 124: We shall further encourage the activities of the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) aimed at preparing and implementing demonstration projects on CO2 capture and storage and on the development of zero emission power plants.
2006 - 125: In this context we will facilitate development and introduction of clean coal technologies wherever appropriate.
2006 - 126: We encourage all oil producing states and private sector stakeholders to reduce to minimal levels natural gas venting or flaring by facilitating the use of associated gas, including its refining and processing into fuels and petrochemical products.
Nuclear Energy
We are committed to:
2006 - 127: further reduce the risks associated with the safe use of nuclear energy. It must be based on a robust regime for assuring nuclear non-proliferation and a reliable safety and security system for nuclear materials and facilities;
2006 - 128: ensure full implementation of the international conventions and treaties in force today which are a prerequisite for a high level of safety and a basis to achieve a peaceful and proliferation-resistant nuclear energy use.
2006 - 129: continue to consider nuclear safety and security issues in the Nuclear Safety and Security Group (NSSG).
2006 - 130: We reaffirm the objective set out in the 2004 G8 Action Plan on Non-Proliferation to allow reliable access of all countries to nuclear energy on a competitive basis, consistent with non-proliferation commitment and standards.
2006 - 131: Building on that plan, we intend to make additional joint efforts to ensure reliable access to low enriched uranium for power reactor fuel and spent fuel recycling, including, as appropriate, through a multilateral mechanisms provided that the countries adhere to all relevant international non-proliferation commitments and comply with their obligations.
2006 - 132: The renewable solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal energy resources are becoming increasingly cost competitive with conventional fuels, and a wide variety of current applications are already cost-effective. Therefore, we reaffirm our commitment to implement measures set out in the Gleneagles Plan of Action.
2006 - 133: We will work in partnership with developing countries to foster the use of renewable energy.
2006 - 134: We will continue enhancing international cooperation in using the potential of biomass, and advanced sustainable forest management practices.
2006 - 135: We shall promote international cooperation in the area of forest management, primarily in addressing deforestation and forest degradation, the trade in illegally harvested timber and forest fires.
2006 - 136: We reaffirm the importance of tackling illegal logging and agree to take further action, with each country taking steps where it can contribute most effectively.
Innovative Energy Technologies
2006 - 137: We will work in partnership with the private sector to accelerate market entry and utilization of innovative energy technologies by supporting market-led policies that encourage investments in this area.
2006 - 138: Therefore we will work with the private sector to accelerate utilization of innovative technologies that advance more efficient hydrocarbon production and reduce the environmental impact of its production and use.
2006 - 139: We will take measures to develop other promising technologies including construction of advanced electricity networks, superconductivity, nanotechnology, including nanobiotech, etc.
2006 - 140: We shall facilitate closer ties between fundamental and applied research to promote the earliest economically viable market entry of these technologies.
V. Securing Critical Energy Infrastructure
2006 - 141: we are committed to ensuring the security of the global energy network, and will work to gain a better understanding of its vulnerabilities and ways to improve our efforts to prevent disruptions by deliberate attack.
2006 - 142: We commit ourselves to address threats and vulnerabilities to critical energy infrastructures, and to promote international cooperation in this regard.
2006 - 143: We instruct our experts to meet as necessary to examine and make recommendations on addressing the many challenges in securing energy infrastructure and deliver to the Russian Presidency at the end of this year a comprehensive report on:
2006 - 144: defining and prioritizing the most important vulnerabilities among energy infrastructure sites, and share methodologies for assessing and mitigating them;
2006 - 145: assessing potential risks of terrorist attacks;
2006 - 146: developing a compendium of effective security response best practices across all energy sectors within our countries;
2006 - 147: developing, implementing, and providing to other countries a checklist for the physical security of critical energy infrastructure;
2006 - 148: encouraging international cooperation on R&D for technologies to enhance critical infrastructure protection;
2006 - 149: establishing points of contact for coordination of technical assistance in this area;
2006 - 150: continuing to advocate the adoption of export controls on radioactive sources and new initiatives to prevent terrorists' access to radioactive sources.
2006 - 151: We call upon governments to fully implement the International Ships and Ports Facility Security Code and encourage attention to the management of maritime security.
VI. Reducing Energy Poverty
2006 - 152: We confirm our commitment to the UN Millennium Development Goals, including through facilitating a better access to energy. .
2006 - 153: We will help vulnerable countries overcome the macroeconomic shocks related to energy prices, and the longer term challenge of facilitating access to energy for the poorest populations.
2006 - 154: We call upon other countries and IFIs to facilitate access to energy in the poorest countries by promoting private-public partnerships.
2006 - 155: To improve access to reliable, modern, and sustainable energy services to the populations of energy poor developing countries, we will enhance existing bilateral and multilateral development mechanisms.
2006 - 156: We will facilitate development of local energy resources, including those based on core generation technologies and on renewable energy, such as hydropower, wind power, geothermal power, biomass, and the effective use of solar energy, to contribute to poverty reduction and long-term energy sustainability in developing countries. .
Building on the Gleneagles Plan of Action, such concerted efforts may help improve energy efficiency and promote energy conservation in developing countries through the following actions:
2006 - 157: supporting the development of infrastructure to improve energy access tailored to specific needs and targeted towards energy efficiency;
2006 - 158: assisting in policy and institutional capacity building for improving energy access, enhancing energy efficiency and promoting energy conservation and diversification of energy sources;
2006 - 159: promoting renewable energy;
2006 - 160: encouraging rural electrification, using both grid and non-grid connected solutions;
2006 - 161: developing human resources in cooperation with the private sector.
VII. Addressing Climate Change and Sustainable Development
2006 - 162: We reaffirm our intention to deliver on commitments made in Gleneagles in order to meet our shared and multiple objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving the global environment, enhancing energy security and cutting air pollution in conjunction with our vigorous efforts to reduce poverty.
2006 - 163: We also affirm our commitment to the UNFCCC's ultimate objective of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
2006 - 164: We will continue to work to reduce greenhouse gas and deal effectively with the challenge of climate change.
2006 - 165: With respect to climate change, we reaffirm our shared commitment under the UNFCCC and its related mechanisms.
2006 - 166: We look forward to the next Ministerial meeting in Mexico in October 2006, where we will continue to identify opportunities for greater collaboration to tackle climate change, while pursuing energy security and sustainable development through deployment of cleaner, more efficient and low-carbon energy technologies, finance and market mechanisms, including, as appropriate, Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation, emissions trade, and adaptation.
3. Education for Innovative Societies in the 21st century (50 commitments)
To achieve this common vision for the Innovation Society, and noting the Moscow Declaration adopted by Ministers of Education on June 2, 2006, we will:
2006 - 167: actively cooperate to achieve high quality basic education, literacy and gender equality in accord with the education-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the objectives of Education for All (EFA);
2006 - 168: build modern, effective education systems to meet the challenges of and participate fully in the global innovation society;
2006 - 169: encourage educational policies and investment that foster diverse, efficient, sustainable, and high quality higher education institutions;
2006 - 170: promote lifelong learning based on the principles of the G8 Cologne Summit Charter on Aims and Ambitions for Lifelong Learning, to enable individuals to adapt to change, maximize their skills and knowledge, and contribute to their communities and work places;
2006 - 171: cooperate with the private sector to expand research networks to generate knowledge, encourage innovation, and move new technologies quickly from the laboratory to the marketplace;
2006 - 172: increase exchanges in science and technology and other fields at all levels of education, and promote better understanding of foreign qualifications and educational outcomes;
2006 - 173: promote high standards notably in mathematics, science, technology, and foreign languages at all levels of education, and support the engagement of highly qualified teachers in these critical areas;
2006 - 174: promote social and economic integration of immigrants into host countries and societies with education being one of the effective means of doing so.
I. Developing a Global Innovation Society
2006 - 175: We will collaborate on creating research networks among higher education institutions, research centers and business, and capitalize on the leading edge technology they produce.
2006 - 176: We will share best practices on knowledge-based cluster development and public-private partnerships to facilitate global knowledge dissemination and move technologies quickly from the laboratory to the marketplace.
2006 - 177: We will promote investment in knowledge, research and development.
2006 - 178: We will also leverage public expenditures strategically to attract private funding in R&D, including in the education sector.
2006 - 179: In addition, we will encourage closer cooperation between universities and industry. These actions will generate innovation that improves the lives of our people, the prosperity of our nations and the well-being of the global community.
2006 - 180: We will develop policies to promote the creation and dissemination of new technologies that encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.
2006 - 181: We will also make effective use of technological advances and research across businesses, education systems, and nations, while preserving the rights of innovators.
2006 - 182: Our governments will cooperate with the private sector in the development of innovative, high quality higher education and research and development systems.
2006 - 183: We will ensure a reliable, transparent and non-discriminatory environment that fosters a supportive, pro-competitive and predictable policy framework, offers strong protection of intellectual property rights, provides incentives to investment, and promotes regulatory policies that encourage innovation.
2006 - 184: Our governments will promote dialogue and synergies with business, higher education and labour to develop sound higher education and human resources policies.
2006 - 185: We will promote innovation alliances and increase the exchange of ideas and expertise about university-based public-private partnerships in the G8 countries.
2006 - 186: We will collaborate internationally through innovation alliances to generate the critical mass of scientific and technological talent and knowledge needed to support innovative societies.
2006 - 187: We will identify points of contact in our countries that can facilitate the exchange of ideas and expertise, while recognizing that private sector involvement in the development of these partnerships is one of the main keys to achieving an effective linkage between higher education and the needs of the global innovation society.
2006 - 188: We will promote international academic mobility at all levels, significantly increasing the mobility of students, teachers and researchers.
2006 - 189: We will enhance existing programs of exchange and promote the development of linguistic and cross cultural skills. The Bologna Process aimed at creating the European higher education area is an example of one such program.
2006 - 190: We will also facilitate access to knowledge generated in other countries, taking account of the multiple factors that impede the movement of students and scholars.
2006 - 191: We will share information about qualification systems in our countries to increase understanding of national academic practices and traditions.
2006 - 192: We will foster a global education environment that merges excellence and innovation with increased access, and we will encourage effective systems for the assessment and comparison of foreign qualifications in the public and private sectors.
II. Building Skills For Life and Work Through Quality Education
2006 - 193: We will improve the quality of education to provide stronger opportunities for our young people and for future generations.
2006 - 194: We will promote more effective use of public resources in education at all levels and at all stages of life.
2006 - 195: We will build innovative societies that provide continuing improvement of labor force skills and creative opportunities for lifelong learning.
2006 - 196: We will strengthen linkages between learning, enterprise training and the labour market, including through distance education and cross-border provision of education services.
2006 - 197: We reaffirm the importance of the G8 Cologne Summit Charter on Aims and Ambitions for Lifelong Learning and its call for opportunities and incentives for lifelong learning to be created for all people.
2006 - 198: We will also foster greater and more equitable participation in adult learning beyond secondary and tertiary education.
2006 - 199: We will collaborate with the academic community and the private sector to ensure we use the best models of education governance, teaching and management.
2006 - 200: We reaffirm our commitment to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education more effectively in accordance with the G8 Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society and the Tunis Commitment of the World Summit on Information Society.
2006 - 201: We will encourage the development of education policies aimed at fostering a system of accessible, diverse, sustainable, and high-quality higher education institutions, both university and non university including research institutions, community colleges, technical schools, public and private sector vocational training institutes, with the ability to respond to new demands.
2006 - 202: We will work within our national systems to make teaching an attractive career choice, to develop teachers' knowledge and skills, and to retain effective teachers in schools.
III. Education for All and Development
2006 - 203: We will work to provide affordable, quality education and professional training accessible for all, regardless of social and economic background, age, sex, religion, ethnicity or disability.
2006 - 204: We will support the educational elements that develop critical thinking, and the open exchange of knowledge, which build both democratic societies and well-functioning economies with opportunities for all.
2006 - 205: We regret that interim targets related to eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education have not been achieved. Greater concerted action by all will be needed to fulfill these key goals by 2015. We reaffirm our commitments in this regard.
2006 - 206: We reaffirm our commitment to the EFA agenda and welcome UNESCO's efforts to finalize a Global Action Plan to achieve the EFA goals and provide a framework for coordinated and complementary action by multilateral aid agencies in support of country-level implementation.
2006 - 207: We reiterate our commitment to support Africa in its achievement of the Education for all (EFA) agenda. This builds on the partnership that the G8 has developed with Africa, as set out in the Africa Action Plan (Kananaskis) and subsequently in the Gleneagles Declaration.
2006 - 208: In this context we confirm our commitment to work with all FTI - endorsed countries including newly endorsed ones to meet these goals.
2006 - 209: We call upon developing countries to take the lead to create sound national education sector strategies, policies, and plans, to integrate them fully into national development plans, and to work with all relevant stakeholders to provide education opportunities for all.
2006 - 210: We will work with all relevant stakeholders to promote cooperation and the sharing of good practices to achieve EFA goals.
2006 - 211: We are committed to attaining EFA goals and to eliminating obstacles in other sectors that narrow education opportunities.
2006 - 212: We will work to support cross-sectoral approaches combining investments in education and other key areas such as poverty reduction, health and sanitation, water nutrition and infrastructure to achieve EFA goals, raising HIV/AIDS awareness in education systems.
IV. Advancing Social Cohesion and Immigrant Integration through Education
2006 - 213: We will promote civic participation, as well as equality of opportunity and cross-cultural understanding to help people to maximize their individual potential and overcome barriers to their participation in society.
2006 - 214: We will facilitate social, cultural and professional integration in our societies by promoting support for life-long learning, and encouraging the language competencies necessary to secure employment commensurate with levels of skill and experience.
2006 - 215: We also call for joint research and exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices among the G8 countries and other stakeholders in this important area.
2006 - 216: We will aim to maximize the human and social capital of all people through policies that recognize that diversity in the educational sector and in the workplace, advance innovation and stimulate creativity.
4. Update on Africa (12 commitments)
We have made substantial progress since Gleneagles. Our key steps over the next year include:
2006 - 217: continuing, in cooperation with the EU, UN and other partners, to assist the AU and African sub-regional organisations in further developing the African Standby Force including transportation and logistics support arrangements;
2006 - 218: tackling the undesirable illicit proliferation of conventional arms including by strengthening existing mechanisms;
2006 - 219: working towards ratifying the UN Convention Against Corruption as soon as possible, with successful discussions on monitoring and implementation mechanisms at the Conference of State Parties later this year ;
2006 - 220: continuing to support the African Peer Review Mechanism whilst respecting African ownership;
2006 - 221: encouraging wider implementation of the EITI and other resource transparency programmes in resource-rich African countries;
2006 - 222: urgently stepping up our efforts to achieve an ambitious and balanced outcome for the WTO Doha Round that gives developing countries - especially Least Developed Countries - improved access to global markets, builds trade capacity and allows developing countries to decide, plan and sequence their own economic policies;
2006 - 223: supporting agriculture development, in particular under the AU/NEPAD Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP);
2006 - 224: further work on Aid for Trade to help ensure that African countries are better able to participate in and benefit from the multilateral trading system;
2006 - 225: fulfilling our aid promises and continuing to track progress through the APF in particular;
2006 - 226: ensuring the full implementation and financing of the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) according to our commitments made at Gleneagles and on a fair burden-share basis, and preserving long-term debt sustainability through the implementation of the IMF/World Bank debt sustainability framework for low-income countries; and
2006 - 227: implementing our Paris Agenda on aid effectiveness and monitoring progress.
2006 - 228: We will review progress, and identify the next steps to support Africa's successful development, at the 2007 G8 Summit in Germany. Our goal remains a democratic, prosperous and peaceful Africa.
5. Fighting high level corruption (17 commitments)
2006 - 229: We, the Leaders of the G8, renew our commitment to fight corruption, in particular at the highest levels, and to improve transparency and accountability.
2006 - 230: We underscore our commitment to prosecute acts of corruption and to preventing corrupt holders of public office from gaining access to the fruits of their kleptocratic activities in our financial systems.
2006 - 231: We have committed to seek, when appropriate and in accordance with national laws, to deny entry and safe haven to public officials found guilty of corruption, enforce rigorously our anti-bribery laws, and establish procedures and controls to conduct enhanced due diligence on accounts of "politically exposed persons."
2006 - 232: We maintained our commitment to implement and promote the FATF recommendations, the UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime, and the UN Convention Against Corruption. We note the critical contribution of non-governmental organizations in the fight against corruption.
Action Plan
Today, we advance our commitment against high level large-scale public corruption. We commit to:
2006 - 233: continue to investigate and prosecute corrupt public officials and those who bribe them, including by vigorously enforcing our laws against bribery of foreign public officials to ensure that the supply side of corruption is effectively prosecuted consistent with domestic legislation;
2006 - 234: work with all the international financial centers and our private sectors to deny safe haven to assets illicitly acquired by individuals engaged in high level corruption.
2006 - 235: In this framework, we reiterate our commitment to take concrete steps to ensure that financial markets are protected from criminal abuse, including bribery and corruption, by pressing all financial centres to attain and implement the highest international standards of transparency and exchange of information;
2006 - 236: implement fully our commitments to seek, when appropriate and in accordance with national laws, to deny entry and safe haven, to public officials found guilty of corruption, developing a compendium of our best practices and promoting information sharing on those identified as corrupt;
2006 - 237: work together and with international and regional development institutions to rigorously combat fraud and corruption and misuse of public resources, to support national efforts to combat corruption by building capacity and strengthening the rule of law, fiscal transparency and accountability, and reforming public procurement systems and to develop and promote mechanisms that support effective return of recovered assets.
2006 - 238: We call upon the Presidents of the Multilateral Development Banks to submit to their memberships by September 2006 a sound, coordinated and comprehensive anticorruption strategy in accordance with relevant international conventions and consistent across countries, and with a view to improved efforts against corruption;
2006 - 239: support the global ratification and implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption and call upon those States that have not already ratified the UNCAC to do so at the earliest date possible.
2006 - 240: We also commit to target our assistance to prevent corruption through transparency and accountability while enhancing capacity to detect, prosecute, and recover the proceeds of large-scale corruption, and building strong systems to prevent exploitation and promote responsible and accountable leadership.
2006 - 241: We will work together at the conference of State Parties to promote effective implementation of our shared commitments;
2006 - 242: ensure vigorous implementation of the OECD Anti-bribery Convention by parties to the Convention, including through ensuring that domestic law adopted in this framework is effectively implemented and through further effective peer review evaluation;
2006 - 243: promote governance and greater fiscal transparency, notably through the Sea Island Compacts and by supporting the implementation of EITI;
2006 - 244: work towards including in our regional and bilateral trade agreements provisions promoting transparency in government procurement and concessions, as well as provisions on trade facilitation; and
2006 - 245: fight vigorously against money laundering, including by prosecuting money laundering offences and by implementing the revised recommendations of the FATF-related customer due diligence, transparency of legal persons and arrangements which are essential to tackling corruption.
6. Combating IPR Piracy and Counterfeiting (8 commitments)
2006 - 246: We reaffirm our commitment to strengthening individual and collective efforts to combat piracy and counterfeiting, especially trade in pirated and counterfeit goods and note that such efforts will contribute to the sustainable development of the world economy, including through innovations, as well as to health and safety of consumers all over the world.
We consider it necessary to take, in the near term, the following concrete measures which will form the basis of a G8 work plan on piracy and counterfeiting:
2006 - 247: to create in each G8 country a website providing businesses and individuals with information on mechanisms available and procedures necessary to secure and enforce their intellectual property rights in that country, on threats posed by piracy and counterfeiting to public health, safety and the national interests of countries, consumers and business communities, as well as on measures taken at the national and international levels to combat intellectual property rights violations, and on relevant legislation and law enforcement practices;
2006 - 248: to engage the OECD in preparing and focusing its report estimating the economic consequences of piracy and counterfeiting on national economies and right holders, and public health and safety;
2006 - 249: in cooperation with WIPO, WTO, OECD, Interpol and WCO to develop and begin implementing technical assistance pilot plans within the G8 in interested developing countries to build the capacity necessary to combat trade in counterfeit and pirated goods;
2006 - 250: to improve border enforcement through increased customs co-ordination and exchange of enforcement information and best practices designed to better target the trade of counterfeit goods and combat intellectual property crime at the borders, including by examining effective strategies already being implemented within the G8 Customs Administrations as models for broader cooperation;
2006 - 251: to prepare recommendations aimed at improving G8 member countries' cooperative actions to combat serious and organized intellectual property rights crimes.
2006 - 252: We instruct our experts to study the possibilities of strengthening the international legal framework pertaining to IPR enforcement.
2006 - 253: We will continue to give priority to enhancing cooperation with a view to substantially reducing the global trade in pirated and counterfeit products, and to taking effective measures against transnational networks supporting such trade.
7. Trade (7 commitments)
2006 - 254: We call upon all countries to commit to the concerted leadership and action needed to reach a successful conclusion of the Doha round.
2006 - 255: We renew our commitment to pursue a high level of ambition in all areas of the DDA with a view to reaching a meaningful and balanced outcome.
2006 - 256: We commit ourselves to substantial improvement in market access for trade in both agricultural and industrial products and to expanding opportunities for trade in services.
2006 - 257: In agriculture, we are equally committed to substantially reducing trade-distorting domestic support and to the parallel elimination by the end of 2013 of all forms of export subsidies, as well as the establishment of effective disciplines on all export measures with equivalent effect, as agreed in Hong Kong.
2006 - 258: We are fully committed to the development dimension of Doha and the need to improve the participation of developing countries, including through south-south trade and enhanced regional integration.
2006 - 259: We reaffirm our commitment to Aid for Trade and Trade Capacity Building.
2006 - 260: We will promote trade-related technical assistance through training and education.
8. G8 Summit Declaration on Counter-Terrorism (16 commitments)
2006 - 261: In the attached statement, we express our resolve to support and strengthen the United Nations' (UN) counter-terrorism efforts and to enhance the role of the entire UN system in coordinating its important work in this area.
2006 - 262: We will report next year at our Summit in Germany on the results of our efforts.
2006 - 263: We announce a plan of action to secure global critical energy infrastructure, including defining and ranking vulnerabilities of critical energy infrastructure sites, assessing emerging and potential risks of terrorist attacks, and developing best practices for effective security across all energy sectors within our countries.
We reaffirm our commitment to collaborative work, with our international partners, to combat the terrorist threat, including:
2006 - 264: implementing and improving the international legal framework on counter-terrorism;
2006: 265: ensuring national legislation is adapted, as appropriate, to address new terrorist challenges;
2006 - 266: suppressing attempts by terrorists to gain access to weapons and other means of mass destruction;
2006 - 267: engaging in active dialogue with civil society to help prevent terrorism;
2006 - 268: enhancing efforts to counter the financing of terrorism based on agreed standards;
2006 - 269: developing and implementing an effective strategy to counter terrorist propaganda and recruitment, including with regard to the use of suicide bombers;
2006 - 270: effectively countering attempts to misuse cyberspace for terrorist purposes, including incitement to commit terrorist acts, to communicate and plan terrorist acts, as well as recruitment and training of terrorists;
2006 - 271: preventing any abuse of the migration regime for terrorist purposes while at the same time facilitating legitimate travel;
2006 - 272: bringing to justice, in accordance with obligations under international law, those guilty of terrorist acts, as well as their sponsors, supporters, those who plan such acts and those who incite terrorist acts;
2006 - 273: ensuring and promoting respect for international law, including international human rights law, refugee law and humanitarian law in all our counter-terrorism efforts;
2006 - 274: promoting supply chain security, based on existing international standards and best practices;
2006 - 275: promoting international cooperation in subway, rail and road security and in raising standards in aviation, and maritime security.
2006 - 276: We reiterate our continued resolve to work together to reduce the terrorist threat while protecting fundamental rights and liberties that we have struggled so long to establish.
9. G8 Statement on Strengthening the UN's Counter-Terrorism Program: (8 commitments)
2006 - 277: We pledge to work with the UN to ensure that each of its programs is results-focused and calibrated to maximize its impact and that subsidiary bodies and their staffs are streamlined and engage with each other and with other relevant international bodies with increased cooperation and systemic coherence.
2006 - 278: We call for the Council and its counter-terrorism bodies to redouble efforts to ensure universal compliance.
2006 - 279: Keeping in mind the primary responsibility of the member States to ensure implementation of their counter-terrorism obligations, we reaffirm our commitment to such implementation and call upon all States to meet their obligations.
2006 - 280: We call on States to redouble their efforts on an urgent basis and to do so, whether or not they are a party to regional conventions.
2006 - 281: We call upon all States to ratify this instrument and look forward to its early entry into force.
2006 - 282: We reiterate our call for the UN General Assembly to conclude swiftly the draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism, which will complement the broad legal framework set out in Security Council resolutions and the other international conventions and protocols related to terrorism. It is time to conclude this negotiation.
2006 - 283: We commit to work constructively with all UN Member States in concluding our deliberations on the UN strategy as soon as possible.
2006 - 284: As G8 Leaders, we pledge the sustained commitment required to identify and counter the terrorist threat, and to work together to strengthen the UN's counter-terrorism efforts.
10. G8 Declaration on Cooperation and Future Action in Stabilization and Reconstruction (4 commitments)
2006 - 285: The G8 Heads of State commit as a group to establish a more coordinated approach with each other and key external partners to conflict prevention, stabilization and reconstruction that ties together existing initiatives - both inside and outside the G8 - and builds on them, by committing to the following measures:
2006 - 286: G8 experts will invite representatives from the UN and appropriate regional organizations from a range of disciplines (development, security and diplomacy) to meet as soon as possible in 2006 after the conclusion of the UN General Assembly to discuss feasibility of implementation of the following measures.
2006 - 287: Uphold previous G8 commitments to increase global capability for peace support operations, particularly in Africa, including through support to the Centre of Excellence for Stability Police Units (COESPU) in Vicenza, Italy, also including further discussion on possibility of creation of a transportation and logistics support arrangement (TLSA) in 2006, that would address a key capabilities gap in timely reaction to crises, by providing countries with transportation to deploy peace support units and their logistics support in the field.
2006 - 288: In order to facilitate the UN's rapid and efficient response to crises, G8 states commit to pursuing reforms in the United Nations to ensure that resources are available in advance to the UN as it works to establish new peacekeeping and peace support operations: pre-positioning equipment in Brindisi, an increase in pre-authorization funds to support DPKO's planning, and the authority to identify personnel in advance of a UNSC resolution mandating a new PKO;
11. Statement on Non-Proliferation (18 commitments)
2006 - 289: We rededicate ourselves to the re-invigoration of relevant multilateral fora, beginning with the Conference on Disarmament. These efforts will contribute to the further reinforcement of the global non-proliferation regime.
2006 - 290: We call on all states not Party to the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) and the 1925 Geneva Protocol to accede to them without delay and those states that have not yet done so to subscribe to the Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation
2006 - 291: We reaffirm our full commitment to all three pillars of the NPT.
IAEA Safeguards
2006 - 292: We urge all states that have not yet done so, to sign, ratify and implement these instruments promptly.
2006 - 293: We will also work together vigorously to establish the Additional Protocol as an essential new standard in the field of nuclear supply arrangements.
Peaceful use of nuclear energy
2006 - 294: We are committed to facilitate the exchange of equipment, materials and information for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
To further strengthen this common approach we will:
2006 - 295: continue reviewing multinational approaches to the fuel cycle, including international centres to provide nuclear fuel cycle services, with the IAEA, as well as relevant practical, legal and organizational solutions;
2006 - 296: facilitate developing credible international assurances of access to nuclear fuel related services
2006 - 297: We will facilitate adoption by the Review Conference of decisions aimed at strengthening and enhancing the implementation of the BTWC.
2006 - 298: We call upon all States Parties to take necessary measures, including as appropriate the adoption of and implementation of national legislation, including penal legislation, in the framework of the BTWC, in order to prohibit and prevent the proliferation of biological and toxin weapons and to ensure control over pathogenic micro organisms and toxins.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540
2006 - 299: . We urge all states to implement fully UNSC Resolution 1540, including reporting on their implementation of the Resolution.
2006 - 300: We intend to continue working actively at national and international levels to achieve this important aim, and stand ready to consider all requests for assistance in this regard.
2006 - 301: We reaffirm our commitment to work toward the, universalisation of the Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation, and the full implementation of its confidence-building measures.
2006 - 302: We reaffirm our commitment to the Proliferation Security Initiative, which constitutes an important means to counter trafficking in WMD, their delivery means and related materials.
2006 - 303: We reaffirm our full support for the September 19, 2005 Joint Statement and the Six-Party talks.
Global Partnership
2006 - 304: We reaffirm our commitment to the full implementation of all G8 Global Partnership objectives.
2006 - 305: We also reaffirm our openness to examine the expansion of the Partnership to other recipient countries and donor states which support the Kananaskis documents and to embrace the goals and priorities of all Partnership members.
2006 - 306: We remain committed to our pledges in Kananaskis to raise up to $20 billion through 2012 for the Global Partnership, initially in Russia, to support projects to address priority areas identified in Kananaskis and to continue to turn these pledges into concrete actions.
12. Middle East (1 commitment)
2006 - 307: We will support the economic and humanitarian needs of the Lebanese people, including the convening at the right time of a donors conference.
13. Report on the G8 global partnership (report to leaders by WG (no commitments counted)
14. Report of the Nuclear Safety and Security Group ( report to leaders by WG (no commitments counted)
15. Chair's Summary (10 commitments)
2006 - 308: We shall promote cooperation with the private sector to foster diverse, efficient, sustainable higher education institutions.
2006 - 309: We shall facilitate wider use of information and communication technologies, enhance standards in mathematics, science, technology and foreign languages, and support the engagement of highly qualified teachers in these critical areas.
2006 - 310: We will seek to enhance international capacities to monitor and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases through establishment of new laboratories and strengthening WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network.
2006 - 311: Aware of the threat posed by avian influenza, we will cooperate closely with each other and with relevant international organizations and other partners in preparing for a possible human influenza pandemic.
2006 - 312: We reaffirmed our commitments to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and agreed to work further with other donors to mobilize resources for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and to continuing to pursue as closely as possible to universal access to HIV/AIDS treatment for those who need it by 2010.
2006 - 313: We also resolved to support the Global Plan to Stop TB aimed to save up to 14 millions lives by 2015 and to provide resources in cooperation with African countries to scale up action against malaria.
2006 - 314: With the aim to monitor the progress in tackling these three major pandemics, we agreed to a regular review of our work in this field.
2006 - 315: We will also continue to support the Global Polio Eradication Initiative so that the planet can be declared polio-free within the next few years.
2006 - 316: We will further work through assistance programs focused on strengthening health care systems in developing countries.
2006 - 317: We will also promote research and development of new drugs and vaccines, through building public-private partnerships.
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