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University of Toronto


Ministerial and Other Meetings

G-8 Ministerial Meetings on Crime

February 7-9, 2000
G-8 Ministerial Meeting on Crime, Tokyo, Japan

October 19-20, 1999
G-8 Ministerial Meeting on Crime, Moscow, Russia
Annex 1: Principles On Transborder Access TO Stored Computer Data
Annex 2: Guiding Principles And Plan Of Action To Combat The Smuggling Of And Trafficking In Human Beings
Statement by the Participants of the Moscow Conference of G-8 Ministers on Counteracting Terrorism (Unofficial Translation) Press Release from Department of Justice, Canada

Senior Experts' Group on Transnational Organized Crime ("Lyon Group")

May 22-24, 2000
G8 Experts Group on Transnational Crime, Post Kyushu-Okinawa G8 Summit Plenary Meeting, Tokyo, Japan

November 2-5, 1998
G8 Experts Group on Transnational Crime, Post Birmingham Summit Plenary Meeting, London, England

April 16-18, 1997
G7 Experts Group on Transnational Crime, Washington, D.C., USA

April 12, 1996
P8 - Senior Experts Group on Transnational Organized Crime (P8 "Political 8" = G7 + Russia)

October 12-14, 1995
Experts' Group on Transnational Crime, Ottawa, Canada

G8 Centre
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Please send comments to: g8@utoronto.ca
This page was last updated August 15, 2024.

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