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22 June, 2002
University of Calgary, Calgary
Hosted by the University of Calgary, the Guido Carli Association, the G8
Research Group and the Research Group on Global Financial Governance
with the support of the G8 Summit Policy Office of Canada's Department of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
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Sir Nicholas Bayne, KCMG, is a Fellow at the International Trade Policy Unit of the London School of Economics and Political Science. As a British diplomat, he was High Commissioner to Canada from 1992 to 1996, Economic Director at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 1988 to 1992, and Ambassador to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development from 1985 to 1988. He has published numerous articles and books, including Hanging In There (Ashgate, 2000); he is co-author, with Robert Putnam, of Hanging Together: Co-operation and Conflict in the Seven Power Summits (Harvard University Press, 1987) and, with Stephen Woolcock, of Economic Diplomacy (Ashgate, in press). Sir Nicholas also contributed to New Directions in Global Economic Governance: Managing Globalisation in the Twenty-First Century (Ashgate, 2001) and New Directions in Global Political Governance: The G8 and International Order in the Twenty-First Century (Ashgate, in press).
Eugene Beaulieu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Calgary. He joined the department after completing his Ph.D. at Columbia University in New York City in 1997. Before pursuing a doctorate at Columbia, Professor Beaulieu worked as economist for the government of Kenya and for the Bank of Canada. His research examines the political economy and distributional consequences of international trade policy in Canada and the United States. He was awarded the 1998 Petro-Canada Young Innovators Award to study the impact of Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement on manufacturing plant closures in the United States and Canada. More recently Dr. Beaulieu was awarded a three-year grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada to conduct research on the political economy of Canada's trade policy from its first use of commercial policy with the Cayley and Galt tariff in 1858 to the present.
Laurence Blandford is Deputy Director of the G8 Summit Policy Office in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Allan Crawford is a Research Director in the Research Department of the Bank of Canada. In recent years, his work has focused primarily on issues related to the inflation process and inflation targeting. Specific areas of past research include inflation uncertainty, the predictability of average inflation over long time horizons, measurement biases in price indices, and downward nominal wage rigidity. His most recent article, "Trends in Productivity Growth in Canada," was published in the Spring 2002 issue of the Bank of Canada Review.
Nicholas David is Professor Emeritus and Faculty Professor in the Department of Archeology at the University of Calgary. Educated at Cambridge (B.A. Anthropology and Archaeology) and Harvard (Ph.D. Anthropology), he is best known for his development of the anthropological subdiscipline of ethnoarchaeology, on which he has written the definitive text, Ethnoarchaeology in Action (with Carol Kramer, Cambridge University Press, 2001). His African experience goes back to 1956-57, when he served in the 4th Battalion of the Queen's Own Nigerian Rifles, and his research, beginning in 1967, has involved long immersions in African village life. Director of the Mandara Archaeological Project in Cameroon and Nigeria since 1984, his recent work also includes video programs and numerous articles on technology and society in the Mandara mountains.
Stéphane Doumbé-Billé est Professeur de droit international et de l'environnement à l'Universiteacute; Jean Moulin (Lyon 3) où il dispense des cours de droit international général, droit international économique, droit des organisations internationales et en droit international de l'environnement. Originaire du Cameroun, il a successivement enseigné aux universités de Toulouse 1, Limoges et du Littoral-Côte d'Opale. Il est membre de la Commission de droit de l'environnement de l'UICN, du Conseil international de droit de l'environnement, du Centre international de droit comparé de l'environnement, et du Réseau francophone " Droit de l'environnement " de l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. Il est expert juridique auprès des Nations-Unies.
Après avoir mené des recherches en droit public général, il s'est spécialisé en droit international et en droit international et comparé de l'environnement. Il est l'auteur, en collaboration avec le professeur Michel Prieur, de trois ouvrages : Droit de l'environnement et développement durable, PULIM, Limoges, 1994 ; Droit, Forêts et Développement durable, Bruylant, 1996 ; Recueil francophone des traités et textes internationaux en droit de l'environnement, Bruylant, 1998. Il a publié de nombreux articles, notamment : La Conférence des Nations-Unies sur l'environnement et le développement (en collaboration avec A. Ch. Kiss), A.F.D.I. 1992.823; Evolution des institutions et des moyens de mise en oeuvre du droit international de l'environnement et du développement, R.J.E. no.1, 1993.31 ; Vers un nouveau droit international? Revue L'évènement européen, no. speacute;cial, Environnement, développement, coopération, sept/oct. 1993, p.p. 245 et s. ; Droit international et développement durable, in Hommage à A. Kiss, Frison Roche, 1998, p.p. 245 et s. ; Les mécanismes de suivi de la mise en oeuvre du développement durable, in Les Nations-Unies et la protection de l'environnement : la promotion du développement durable (Dir. R.Mehdi et S. Maljean-Dubois), Pedone, 1999, p.p. 103 et s.; L'ère écologique : quelle genèse ? in La genèse du droit de l'environnement (Dir. J. Fromageau et M. Cornu), L'harmattan, 2001, vol. 1, p.p. 165 et s.
Stéphane Doumbé-Billé is a Professor of International Law and the Environment at Jean Moulin University (Lyon 3), where he conducts courses on general international law, international economic law, the law of international organizations, and international environmental law. Originally from Cameroon, he has also taught at the Toulouse 1, Limoges and Littoral-Côte d'Opale universities. He is a member of the IUCN's Commission on Environmental Law, the International Council of Environmental Law, the International Centre for Comparative Environmental Law, and the "Droit de l'environnement" Francophone network of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. He also acts as legal consultant to the United Nations.
After doing research in general public law, Professor Doumbé-Billé specialized in comparative international law. In cooperation with Professor Michel Prieur, he has penned three monograms: Droit de l'Environnement et Développement Durable (PULIM: Limoges, 1994); Droit, Forêts et Développement Durable (Bruylant, 1996); and Recueil Francophone des Traités et Textes Internationaux en Droit de l'Environnement (Bruylant, 1998). He has also published several articles, including (in collaboration with A. Ch. Kiss) "La Conférence des Nations-Unies sur l'Environnement et le Développement," AFDI (1992): 823; "Évolution des Institutions et des Moyens de Mise en Oeuvre du Droit International de l'Environnement et du Développement," RJE, 1 (1993): 31; "Vers un Nouveau Droit International?" Revue L'Évènement Européen, special issue entitled Environnement, développement, coopération, sept./oct. (1993): 245; "Droit International et Développement Durable, Hommage à A. Kiss (Frison Roche, 1998), 245; "Les Mécanismes de Suivi de la Mise en Oeuvre du Développement Durable," Les Nations-Unies et la Protection de l'Environnement: la Promotion du Développement Durable, R. Mehdi and S. Maljean-Dubois, eds. (Pedone, 1999), 103; "L'Ère Écologique: Quelle Genèse?" La Genèse du Droit de l'Environnement, J. Fromageau and M. Cornu, eds., Vol 1 (L'Harmattan, 2001), 165.
John J. Kirton is Director of the G8 Research Group, Associate Professor of Political Science, Research Associate of the Centre for International Studies and Fellow of Trinity College at the University of Toronto. He has advised the Canadian Government on G7 participation and international trade and sustainable development, and has written widely on G7 summitry. He is co-author of Environmental Regulations and Corporate Strategy: A NAFTA Perspective (Oxford University Press 1999) and co-editor of The G8's Role in the New Millennium (Ashgate, 1999), Shaping a New International Financial System: Challenges of Governance in a Globalizing World (Ashgate, 2000), Guiding Global Order: G8 Governance in the Twenty First Century (Ashgate, 2001), and New Directions in Global Economic Governance: Managing Globalization in the Twenty-First Century (Ashgate, 2001). Professor Kirton is Principal Investigator of "Strengthening Canada's Environmental Community through International Regime Reform" (the EnviReform project) at the University of Toronto.
Takashi Kiuchi is Economic Advisor of the Shinsei Bank, Ltd. He has been a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution, and a member of the Faculty of Economics at Yokohama National University. He served as an advisor on governmental committees on numerous occasions and authored many articles and scholarly works, including 'The Asian Crisis and Its Implications' in Shaping a New International Financial System: Challenges of Governance in a Globalizing World, edited by Karl Kaiser, John Kirton and Joseph Daniels (Ashgate, 2000).
Ella Kokotsis is the Communications Co-ordinator at the Independent Electricity Market Operator and is Director of Analytical Studies for the University of Toronto G8 Research Group. She served on the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy's Task Force on Foreign Policy and Sustainability in preparation for the 1995 G7 Halifax Summit, and has prepared commissioned policy papers for the Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Author of Keeping International Commitments: Compliance, Credibility, and the G7, 1988-1995 (Garland, 1999), Dr. Kokotsis holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Toronto.
Ivan Mbirimi is Chief Programme Officer in the Economic Affairs Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Chiara Oldani is currently Lecturer of Economics and European Economics at Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome. She graduated in 1999 magna cum laude and studied at Warwick University in 2000-2001, where she received a Master of Science in Economics. She is currently a doctoral student in Monetary and Financial Economics at Tor Vergata University in Rome.
Stephen J. Randall, FRSC, is Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Professor of History at the University of Calgary. He is President of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs (Calgary branch), and was a founding member of the Canadian Council for the Americas (Alberta branch) as well as the Western Canada office of the Canadian Foundation for the Americas. He is an elected member of the Royal Society of Canada. A specialist in United States foreign policy and Latin American international relations and politics, he holds the Grand Cross, Order of Merit, from the Government of Colombia. Dr. Randall has served with the United Nations in international election supervision (Nicaragua 1990, Cambodia 1993); with the Organization of American States (El Salvador 1991, Venezuela 1993); with the Carter Presidential Center (Jamaica 1997). He is the author or editor of a number of books, including The Diplomacy of Modernization (1977), United States Foreign Oil Policy (1984), Hegemony and Interdependence: Colombia and the United States (1992), Ambivalent Allies: Canada and the United States(1994, 1996), Canada and Latin America (1992), Federalism and the New World Order (1994), An International History of the Caribbean Basin (1998), North America Without Borders (1992), and NAFTA in Transition (1995).
Alan Rugman holds the L. Leslie Waters Chair in International Business at the Kelly School of Business at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, and is Thames Water Fellow in Strategic Management at Templeton College at the University of Oxford. Author of The End of Globalization (McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001), he has published widely, including 'From Globalisation to Regionalism: The Foreign Direct Investment Dimension of International Finance' in Shaping a New International Financial System: Challenges of Governance in a Globalising World, edited by Karl Kaiser, John Kirton, and Joseph Daniels (Ashgate, 2000).
Paolo Savona is professor of Political Economy at LUISS-Guido Carli University in Rome, Italy. A graduate of the University of Cagliari, he is also chair of Impregilo Group and of Consorzio Venezia Nuova, deputy chair of the Aspen Institute Italia and an editorialist for the Corriere della Serra, Italy's leading newspaper. Professor Savona is co-editor of the Open Economics Review, and author of, among other publications, The New Architecture of the International Monetary System (Kluwer, 2000). Formerly the Minister of Trade and Industry in the 50th Italian government, he has served in a wide variety of positions, including researcher in the special studies section of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington DC, director of the financial market section of the research department of the Banca d'Italia, secretary general for economic planning in the Ministry of Budget and Planning in Rome.
Shinichiro Uda is President of the Institute of Promotion for the Policy Reform as well as President of the London School of Economics and Political Science International Social Economic Forum in Japan. He is also a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Japan Centre for Economic Research, and former member of Japan Broadcasting Corporation.
Alain Verbeke holds the McCaig Chair in Management (International Business) in the Strategy and General Management Program at the University of Calgary. Previously a member of the faculty at the Solvay Business School at the University of Brussels, Professor Verbeke has experience at several universities in Canada and Europe, including the University of Oxford, the University of Antwerp, the University of Toronto, and Dalhousie University. He has also held a number of business appointments and was also founding chairman of the board and managing director of the Policy Research Corporation N.S.
George M. von Furstenberg, for many years a titled Professor of Economics at Indiana University, is the inaugural holder of the Robert Bendheim Chair in Economic and Financial Policy at Fordham University. His academic pursuits have alternated with work as Division Chief at the International Monetary Fund from 1978 to 1983 and at agencies of the Government of the United States, such as HUD (1967-68), the President's Council of Economic Advisors (Senior Economist, 1973-76), and the Department of State (1989-90). In Washington, he has also been a resident fellow, economist, or advisor at the Brookings Institution and AEI. His interests are consequently oriented toward poetry, broad and international, with core subjects of macroeconomic theory and international finance. Professor von Furstenberg's book projects include regulation and supervision of financial institutions in the NAFTA countries and learning from the world's best central bankers. He is co-editor, with John Kirton, of New Directions in Global Economic Governance: Managing Globalisation in the Twenty-First Century (Ashgate, 2001), and a contributor to Shaping a New International Financial System, edited by Karl Kaiser, John Kirton, and Joseph Daniels (Ashgate, 2000), and Guiding Global Order: G8 Governance in the Twenty-First Century, edited by John Kirton, Joseph Daniels, and Andreas Freytag (Ashgate, 2001). Professor von Furstenberg joined the G8 Research Group and its Professional Advisory Council in 1999, and in 2000 was president of the North American Economics and Finance Association, focussing on integration processes in the Western hemisphere.
Harrie Vredenburg is the Suncor Professor of Competitive Strategy and Sustainable Development at the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary and is Director of the TCPL International Institute for Resource Industries and Sustainability Studies there. He is also Academic Chair of the University's Master of Science Program in Energy and Environment for Latin America and the Caribbean. Professor Vredenburg has published widely in the area of strategic management of environmental and social issues in the global marketplace. He taught at McGill University before joining the University of Calgary.
Elizabeth Wilman is Professor and Head of the Department of Economics at the University of Calgary. She holds a Ph.D. in natural resource economics from the University of Michigan. Recent publications include "Carbon Offsets" with M.S. Mahendrarajah, forthcoming in Land Economics; "Bioprospecting and Biodiversity Contracts," with D.M. Mulholland, forthcoming in Environment and Development Economics; and "International Principal Agent Contracts to Limit Global Warming," in Designing Institutions for Environmental and Resource Management, E.T. Loehman and D. M. Kilgour (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1998.
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