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2001 G8 Pre-Summit Public Policy Conference

Promoting Conflict Prevention and Human Security.
What Can the G8 Do?

16 July, 2001
Centro Militare di Studi Strategici / Military Center for Strategic Studies
Rome, Italy
sponsored by the German Marshall Fund of the United States


  > > Papers
9:00-9:10 Welcome Address
General S.A. Ugo de Carolis, President, CASD/Center for High Defense Studies, Rome
9:10-9:30 Introduction
Stefano Silvestri, President, IAI / Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome
John Kirton, Director, G8 Research Group, University of Toronto
9:30-11:15 Conflict Prevention: Performances, Prospects and Potential
Chair: Carlo Bellinzona, Director, CeMiSS/Military Center for Strategic Studies, Rome
9:40-9:50 Julian Lindley-French, WEU Institute for Security Studies, Paris
9:50-10:00 Georg Frerks, Head of the Conflict Research Unit, Clindengael Institute, Amsterdam
10:00-10:10 Peter Uvin, Tufts University, Massachusetts, US
10:10-10:20 David Malone, President, International Peace Academy, New York
10:20-10:30 Radoslava Stefanova, IAI/Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome
10:30-11:15 Discussion
11:15-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45-13:30 The G8 Genoa Summit and Conflict Prevention
Chair: John Kirton, G8 Research Group, University of Toronto
11:55-12:05 Peter Penfold, Conflict Advisor in CHAD, British Ministry of Foreign Affairs, London
12:05-12:15 Roberto Toscano, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome
12:15-12:25 Sir Nicholas Bayne, LSE, London
12:25-12:35 Ella Kokotsis , G8 Research Group, University of Toronto
12:35-12:45 Gina Stephens, G8 Research Group, University of Toronto
12:45-12:55 Mario Sarcinelli, President, Centro di Ricerca per il Dritto d'Impresa (CERADI), Rome
12:55-13:30 Discussion
13:30-15:00 Lunch
15:00-17:00 The Larger Institutional Framework
Chair: Roberto Toscano, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome
15:10-15:20 Robert Fowler, Ambassador of Canada to Italy, Rome
15:20-15:30 Frank Loy, former US Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs
15:30-15:40 Reinhardt Rummel, Director of the EU Commission's Conflict Prevention Network, Brussels
15:40-15:50 Omar Bakhet, Director, UNDP Emergency Response Division, New York
15:50-16:00 Ralph Thiele, Chef de Cabinet, NATO Defense College, Rome
16:00-16:10 Massimo Tommasoli, DAC, OECD, Paris
16:10-16:20 Jeff Fischer, Senior Advisor for Elections, IFES/International Foundation for Election Systems, Washington
16:20-17:00 Discussion
17:00-17:15 Coffee Break
17:15-18:45 Advancing The Current Priorities
Chair: Stefano Silvestri, President, IAI/Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome
17:25-17:35 Boris Biancheri-Chiappori, Ambassador and President, ISPI, Milan
17:35-17:45 David Nyheim, Forum on Early Warning and Early Response, London
17:45-17:55 Wim van Meurs, Senior Research Fellow, Bertelsmann Group for Policy Research, Munich
17:55-18:05 Mario Zucconi, Professor, University of Urbino
18:05-18:15 Andrea Grazioso, CeMiSS, Rome
18:15-18:45 Discussion
18:45 Concluding Remarks
General S.A. Ugo de Carolis, President, Center for High Defense Studies, Rome

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