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G7/8 Summit Compliance Data Sets by Issue, 1985-2013:
Conflict Prevention

G8 Research Group, April 17, 2015

  Commitment Commitment Text Canada France Germany Italy Japan Russia United Kingdom United States European Union Total
  Average (N=8) +0.88 +0.88 +0.75 0 0 -0.29 +0.63 +0.88 +0.80 +0.51
1 1996-120 "We support the High Representative in his work of preparation with the Parties of the establishment of the new institutions: the collective Presidency, the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Constitutional Court and the Central Bank. We shall provide the future authorities with the necessary constitutional and legal assistance." +1 +1 +1   +1   +1 +1   +1.00
2 2000-93 "We express special concern that the proceeds from the illicit trade in diamonds have contributed to aggravating armed conflict and humanitarian crises, particularly in Africa. We therefore call for an international conference, whose results shall be submitted to the UN, building on the UN Security Council Resolution 1306 and inter alia the 'Kimberley' process launched by the Government of South Africa, to consider practical approaches to breaking thelink between the illicit trade in diamonds and armed conflict, including consideration of an international agreement on certification for rough diamonds." +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 +1 +1   +0.63
3 2002-32 "Training African peace support forces including through the development of regional centres of excellence for military and civilian aspects of conflict prevention and peace support, such as the Kofi Annan International Peace Training Centre;" +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 0 +1 +1   +0.38
4 2004-159 "Therefore, we commit, consistent with out national laws, to:…Work with interested parties, before the nest Summit, to develop a transportation and logistics support arrangement, which will help provide countries with transportation to deploy to peace operations and logistics support to sustain units in the field. This kind of arrangement, which will take into account existing efforts, should address a key capabilities gap that often prevents timely intervention in crises." +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 0 +1 +1 +1 +0.67
5 2005-3 "The G8 in return agreed a comprehensive plan to support Africa's progress. This is set out in our separate statement today. We agreed: to provide extra resources for Africa's peacekeeping forces so that they can better deter, prevent and resolve conflicts in Africa." +1 +1 +1 0 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +0.67
6 2006-217 "We have made substantial progress since Gleneagles. Our key steps over the next year include: continuing, in cooperation with the EU, UN and other partners, to assist the AU and African sub-regional organisations in further developing the African Standby Force including transportation and logistics support arrangements" +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +0.44
7 2007-213 "At the same time we remain firmly committed to providing the necessary support to the ASF for its core military capabilities, which require increased investment by troop contributors and donors alike." +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +0.44
8 2009-161 "[We will reinforce G8 programs, taking action to:]provide assistance, including financial, for African-led peace support operations, and work towards flexible and predictable funding." 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 +1 0
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