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G7/G8 Bibliography

[Scholarly Publications]

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Periodical and Newspaper Articles

"After the Debacle." Time 142, No. 7 (August 16, 1993): 12-17.

Akayena, Tatsuo. "The View from Japan: Tasks for the G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit Meeting." NIRA Review 7, No. 2 (Spring 2000): 11-15. [PDF]

"All Smiles on the Western Front." The Economist 287, No. 7292 (June 4, 1983): 23-24.

"America Loses its Afrophobia." The Economist 343, No. 8014 (April 26, 1997): 23-24.

Antholis, William. "Pragmatic Engagement or Photo Op: What Will the G-8 Become?". Washington Quarterly 24, No. 3 (Summer 2001). [PDF].

Artis, Michael J., and Wenda Zhang. "BVAR Forecasts for the G-7." International Journal of Forecasting 6, No. 3 (October 1990): 349-362.

Attali, Jacques. "La meilleure façon de dire 'non', c'est de dire 'non' (The Best Way To Say No Is To Say No)." Le Monde, 12 July 1996, 17.

Awanohara, Susumu. "Yeltsin's Yoke: Japan Strives for G-7 Backing in Islands Dispute." Far Eastern Economic Review 155, No. 28 (July 16, 1992): 11.

Bailin, Alison. "From Traditional to Institutionalized Hegemony". G8 Governance, No. 6 (February 2001). [PDF]

Baker, Andrew. "The G-7 As a Global 'Ginger Group': Plurilateralism and Four-Dimensional Diplomacy." Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 6, No. 2 (April/June 2000): 165-89.

Baldassarri, Mario. "Il G7 di Napoli: Problemi e Prospettive dell'Economia Internazionale (Problems and Prospects of the International Economy)." Rivista di Politica Economica 84, No. 7 (July 1994): 125-28.

Barber, Lionel. "Europe's Summit Agenda." Europe: Magazine of the European Union 366 (May 1997): 20-21.

Barber, Lionel. "Three G's." Europe: Magazine of the European Union" 366 (May 1997): 12-14.

Barnard, Bruce. "The Euro Is Coming to Denver." Europe: Magazine of the European Union" 366 (May 1997): 22-23.

Barrell, R. J. "Manufacturing Export Prices for the G7." National Institute Economic Review, No. 128 (May 1989): 90-91.

Barry, Tom. "G8/G7 and Global Governance". Foreign Policy in Focus 5, No. 23 (July 2000).

"The Basket-Case Summit." The Economist 324, No. 7766 (July 4, 1992): 13-14.

Bayne, Nicholas. "Western Economic Summits: Can They Do Better?" The World Today 40, No. 1 (January 1984): 4-12.

Bayne, Nicholas. "Die Westlichen Wirtschafts-Gipfeltreffen: Rückblick und Anregungen" [The Western Economic Summit Meetings: Retrospective View and Recommendations]. Europa-Archiv 39, 2. Folge (January 25, 1984): 43-52.

Bayne, Nicholas. "The Course of Summitry." The World Today 48, No. 2 (February 1992): 27-30.

Bayne, Nicholas. "Changing Patterns at the G7 Summit." G7 Governance, No. 1 (May 1997).

Bayne, Nicholas. "The G7 Summit and the Reform of Global Institutions." Government and Opposition 30, No. 4 (Autumn 1995): 492-509.

Bayne, Nicholas. "G8 Decision-making and the Genoa Summit". The International Spectator 36, No. 3 (July/September 2001): 69-75.

Bayne, Nicholas, Heidi Ullrich and Shinichiro Uda. "Evian: Water on the Flames." LSE Magazine (Winter 2003), 8-9.

Belelieu, Andre. "The G8 and Terrorism: What Role Can the G8 Play in the 21st Century?" G8 Governance, No. 8 (June 2002). [PDF]

Bergsten, C. Fred. "The Decline of the G7." The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 10, No. 4 (July/August 1996): 10-14.

Bergsten, C. Fred. "East Asian Regionalism: Towards a Tripartite World." The Economist 356, No. 8179 (July 15, 2000): 23-26.

Bergsten, C. Fred. "Grade 'F' for the G7." The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 10, No. 6 (November/December 1996): 18-21, 68.

Bergsten, C. Fred. "The Paris Summit: Lost Opportunities." Challenge 32, No. 5 (September/October 1989): 52-53.

Bergsten, C. Fred, and Lawrence R. Klein. "The Need for a Global Strategy." The Economist 287, No. 7286 (April 23, 1983): 18-20.

"Big Deal." The Economist 268, No. 7038 (July 22, 1978): 73-74.

"Bill Clinton's Golden Moment." The Economist 343, No. 8022 (June 21, 1997): 16-17.

Bird, Graham. "The Bretton Woods Institutions and the Political Economy of International Monetary Reform: Introduction." The World Economy 19, No. 2 (March 1996): 143-46.

Bird, Graham. "From Bretton Woods to Halifax and Beyond: The Political Economy of International Monetary Reform." The World Economy 19, No. 2 (March 1996): 149-72.

Blackwell, Michael P. "From G-5 to G-77: International Forums for Discussion of Economic Issues." Finance & Development 23, No. 4 (December 1986): 40-41.

Boehm, Peter. "There Was a Summit in Halifax: Behind the Scenes at the 21st Birthday of the G-7." Bout de papier 13, No. 1 (Spring 1996): 5-7.

"The Bonn Summit and the U.S. Trade Deficit." World Financial Markets (New York: Morgan Guaranty Trust Company), March/April 1985: 1-13.

Borrus, Amy, and others. "To Russia with Hope: Clinton Bets His Aid Will Spur the G-7 To Do More To Help Stabilize Russia." Business Week, No. 3315 (April 19, 1993): 46.

Brzezinski, Zbigniew. "Let's Add 4 to the G-7." The New York Times, June 25, 1996, A11.

"The Buck Stops Here: Would a Stronger U.S. Dollar in 1993 Wreak Havoc on the G7?" International Economy 7, No. 1 (January/February 1993) 12-19.

"Buck-passing at Williamsburg." The Economist 287, No. 7291 (May 28, 1983): 16-17.

"Bumbling in Bavaria." The Economist 324, No. 7767 (July 11, 1992): 44.

Busetto, Guido. "Vertice di Tokyo: Tutti Insieme in Ordine Sparso (Tokyo Summit: All Together, in Open Order)." Mondo Economico, No. 18 (May 12 1986): 36-39.

Camé, François. "Comment les sherpas avaient ficelé le sommet (How the Sherpas Had Wrapped Up the Summit)." Libération, 17 juillet 1989: 8-15.

Can the G7 Ride Again?" The Economist 339, No. 7971 (June 22, 1996): 96.

"Canada and the 1995 G7 Halifax Summit: Developing Canada's Positions." Canadian Foreign Policy = La Politique étrangère du Canada 3, No. 1 (Spring 1995).

Carabini, Orazio, and Beppe Caravita. "A Williamsburg senza Rete (In Williamsburg without a Safety Net)." Mondo Economico, No. 38 (June 1 1983): 16-19.

Catte, Pietro; Giampaolo Galli; and Salvatore Rebecchini. "Report on the G-7: Exchange Markets Can Be Managed!" International Economic Insights 3 (September-October 1992): 17-21.

Chadha, Bankim, and Eswar Prasad. Are Prices Countercyclical? Evidence from the G-7. IMF Working Paper, No. WP/94/91. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, Research and Western Hemisphere Departments, 1994. See also Chadha and Prasad, "Are Prices Countercyclical? Evidence from the G-7", Journal of Monetary Economics 34, No. 2 (October 1994): 239-57.

Charpin, Jean-Michel. "Le sommet de Tokyo peut être utile (The Tokyo Summit May Be Useful)." Economie prospective internationale: revue du Centre d'études prospectives et d'informations internationales, No. 26 (2e trimestre 1986): 3-10.

Chauveau, Thierry, and Rahim Loufir. "L'avenir des régimes publics de retraite dans les pays du G7 (The Future of Public Pension Regimes in G7 Countries)." Observations et diagnostics économiques: revue de l'OFCE 52 (January 1995): 49-103.

Checchi, Daniele. "L'Esperienza dei Summit del G-7 (The Experience of the G-7 Summits.)" Rivista di Diritto Valutario e di Economia Internazionale 41, No. 4 (dicembre 1989): 703-22.

Chertkow, Paul S. "Dollar Will Slip Eventually Despite G-7 Accord." Asian Finance 13, No. 3 (March 15, 1987): 100-101.

Chertkow, Paul S. "G-7 Rhetoric Will Not Stop Dollar Plunge: Britain Gives Priority to War on Inflation." Asian Finance 14, No. 5 (May 15, 1988): 84-85.

Ching, Frank. "G7 Leaders Should Welcome Dialogue with Poorer Nations." Far Eastern Economic Review 156, No. 22 (June 3, 1993): 30.

"Cinderella Gorbachev." The Economist 320, No. 7716 (July 20, 1991): 47-48.

Cohen, Stephen. "G-7 Con Job." The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 11, No. 6 (November/December 1988): 83-86.

Colombo, Antonio. "Il Coordinamento Internazionale: da Bretton Woods alle Riunioni del G5, G7 nelli anni '80 (International Co-ordination: from Bretton Woods to the Meetings of the G5 [and] G-7 in the 80s)." Rivista di Politica Economica 79 (June 1989): 297-314.

"Competing Interests: A Guide to EC and G7 Competition Law." International Financial Law Review 10 (June 1991), Special Supplement.

"Conferences: Sticking to the Plan." Asiaweek 10 (June 22, 1984): 44-46.

Conthe, Manuel. "La Cumbre de Williamsburg: Valio la Pena la Ascensión? (The Williamsburg Summit: Worth the Climb?" Spain, Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda, Información Comercial Española: Revista de Economía, No. 601 (Setiembre 1983): 12-25.

Cook, David. "The Selling of the Summit, 1983." Johns Hopkins Magazine 34, No. 4 (August 1983): 33-37.

Cook, George. "Summitry Comes to U of T." University of Toronto Alumni Magazine 15, No. 4 (Summer 1988): 8-10.

Crawford, Malcolm. "Third World Debt Is Here to Stay." Lloyds Bank Review, No. 155 (January 1985): 13-31.

Crow, John W. "The New World of International Finance: Implications for Business and Labor." North American Outlook 5, No. 3 (June 1995): 19-28.

"La 'Cumbre' de Williamsbourg y la VIa UNCTAD (The Williamsburg Summit and UNCTAD VI)." FIDE [Fundación de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo] Coyuntura y Desarrollo, No. 58 (Junio 1983): 36-43.

Currie, David. "G-7 Process: Which Way Forward?" International Economic Insights 4 (September/October 1993): 13-16.

Davidson, Ian. "Of Summits, and Their Uses." Financial Times (London), April 2, 1984: 17.

De Haan, J., and H. Garretsen. "Falende Internationale Macro-economische Beleidscöordinatie? (Failing International Macroeconomic Policy Co-ordination?)" Internationale Spectator 43, No. 2 (Februari 1989): 104-11.

De Ménil, Georges. "De Rambouillet à Versailles: un bilan des sommets économiques" (From Rambouillet to Versailles: An Assessment of the Economic Summits). Politique étrangère 2 (June 1982): 403-17.

De Ménil, Georges. "Si le sommet de Versailles n'avait pas eu lieu" (If the Versailles Summit Had Not Taken Place). Commentaire, No. 20 (Winter 1982/83): 571-79.

Del Re, Emmanuela. "I Servizi al G8". In "I Popoli di Seattle", 203-7. Limes; Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, 2001, No. 3, Special Issue.

"Deathly in Venice." The Economist 303, No. 7502 (June 13, 1987): 69-70.

"Debtspeak for the G7." Economist Financial Report 13 (January 26, 1989): 1.

Defarges, Philippe Moreau. "The French Viewpoint on the Future of the G-7." In "The Future of the G-7 Summits," 177-185. The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.

Defarges, Phillipe Moreau. "La Raison d'être del G-7 Vista da Parigi". Lo Spettatore Internazionale 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.

Delamaide, Darrell. "The Coming of Age of G7." Euromoney, No. 293 (September 1993: 70-78.

Denters, Erik. "Hoe de G-7 het Internationale Monetaire Systeem Reviseert" (How the G-7 Revised the International Monetary System). Internationale Spectator 42 (August 1988): 478-85.

"Denver Summit of the Eight, June 20-22, 1997." Daily Report for Executives, No. 118, Special Issue. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of National Affairs, June 19, 1997.

"Directorate of the Rich." The Economist 263, No. 6976 (May 14, 1977): 104-105.

"A Disquieting New Agenda For Trade." The Economist 332, No. 7872 (July 16, 1994): 55-56.

Dixon, Rob and Paul Williams. "Tough on debt, tough on the causes of debt? New Labour's Third Way foreign policy." The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 3 (June 2001): 150-172.

Dobson, Wendy. "Rethinking the G-7: A New World Coordination Process." International Economic Insights 2 (March/April 1991): 34-35.

Dobson, Wendy. "Should G-7 Cooperation Be Buried?" International Economic Insights 4 (May-June 1993): 35-37.

Dobson, Wendy. "Summitry and the International Monetary System: The Past as Prologue." Canadian Foreign Policy = La Politique étrangère du Canada 3, No. 1 (Spring 1995): 5-13.

"Don't 'Save' the Yen." The Economist 342, No. 8003 (February 8, 1997): 18.

Dornbusch, Rüdiger. "The Ridiculous G7." The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 10, No. 5 (September/October 1996): 40-42.

"Draft Halifax Summit Communiqué, Dated May 27, 1995 Released June 6 by Canadian Member of Parliament Nelson Riis." "Preview of the G-7 Summit, Halifax, Canada, June 15-17". Daily Report for Executives, No. 114, Special Issue. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of National Affairs, June 14, 1995: S12-S16.

"Economic Summit." The Wall Street Journal, July 9, 1990: R1-R40. The Wall Street Journal Reports. New York.

"Economic Summit Issues." World Financial Markets (New York: Morgan Guaranty Trust Company), May 1982: 1-13.

"Emerging Africa." The Economist 343, No. 8021 (June 14, 1997): 13-14.

Engelen, Klaus. "For Once the G7 Can Talk and Chew Gum at the Same Time." The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 9, No. 5 (September/October 1995): 5.

Fase, M. M. G. "In Search for Stability: An Empirical Appraisal of the Demand for Money in the G7 and EC Countries." De Economist 142, No.4 (1994): 421-54.

Fayolle, Jacky, and Alexandre Mathis. "Tendances et cycles stylisés dans les pays du G7: une approche stochastique (Trends and Stylized Cycles in G7 Countries: A Stochastic Approch." Observations et diagnostics économiques: revue de l'OFCE 47 (October 1993): 201-33.

Fernandez, David G. "Waiter, There Are No Choices on My Menu! The Shrinking Set of Options for Reforming the International Monetary System." North American Outlook 5, No. 3 (June 1995): 29-42.

Finch, C. David. "G7 Corruption Project: It's Time the World Bank and IMF Address the Corruption Issue Head On." The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 10, No. 6 (November/December 1996): 22-26.

Finch, C. David. "Let the G7 Deputies Run the IMF!" The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 7, No. 5 (September/October 1993): 54-56.

Fiorito, Riccardo, and Tryphon Kollintzas. "Stylized Facts of Business Cycles in the G7 from a Real Business Cycles Perspective." European Economic Review 38, No. 2 (February 1994): 235-69. See also Centre for Economic Policy Research. Discussion Paper Series, No. 681 (July 1992).

"The First Green Summit." The Economist 312, No. 7611 (July 15, 1989): 13-14.

"Flushing Funny Money into the Open." The Economist 315, No. 7653 (May 5, 1990): 91-92.

Fotheringham, Allan. "Scaling Another Economic Summit." Maclean's: Canada's Weekly Newsmagazine 108, No. 26 (June 26, 1996): 60.

Foucher, Michel. "Les réunions du G7 incarnent ce que l'on appelle à tort ou à raison la globalisation (The Meetings of the G7 Embody What Is Called—Rightly or Wrongly—Globalization)." La lettre de l'O.e.g. [Observatoire européen de géopolitique], No. 3 (1er semestre 1996), [2-4].

Fréchette, Louise. "Canada and the 1995 G7 Halifax Summit." Canadian Foreign Policy = La Politique étrangère du Canada 3, No. 1 (Spring 1995): 1-4.

Fréchette, Louise. "The Halifax Summit: A Canadian Perspective." North American Outlook 5, No. 3 (June 1995): 7-13.

Friedland, Jonathan. "Direct Approach: Clinton Uses G7 Summit To Woo Japanese Consumers." Far Eastern Economic Review 156, No. 28 (July 15, 1993): 78.

"The Future of the G-7 Summits." The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.

"G-7 Against More IMF Payout for the Poor." Pakistan & Gulf Economist 13 (October 8-14, 1994): 15.

G7 Bulletin. Issues 1-4, June 19-22, 1997. Editor: Lynne Driscoll. Published in cooperation with the University of Toronto and the G7 Research Group. Denver, 1997.

"The G7 Charade." The Economist 315, No. 7650 (April 14, 1990): 16.

"G7 Consumers: Debt, Saving and Economic Growth." AMEX Bank Review 20 (January 25, 1993): 1-7.

"Le G7 court après le dollar (The G7 Is Running after the Dollar)." Le nouvel économiste, No. 679 (January 29, 1989): 40-41.

"G7 Leaders Welcome Dialogue with Poorer Nations." Far Eastern Economic Review 156, No. 22 (June 3, 1993): 30.

G7 Raises Level of Debt Write-off. Africa Economic Digest 12 (July 29-August 11, 1991): 21.

The G-7 Report: A Publication for International Trade & Investment. 1992-. Toronto: W. B. Z. Vukson.

"The G7 Summit: A Modest Proposal." The Economist 335, No. 7918 (June 10, 1995): 19-21.

Galimberti, Fabrizio, and Luca Paolazzi. "Recessione, debiti chi offre di più?" (Recession, debts, Who Is Offering More?) Mondo Economico, No. 22 (June 8, 1987): 34-36.

Garavoglia, Guido, and Pier Carlo Padoan. "Contenuti: Quali Temi Nel Futuro Dei Vertici?" Lo Spettatore Internazionale 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.

Garavoglia, Guido and Pier Carlo Padoan. "The G-7 Agenda: Old and New Issues." In "The Future of the G-7 Summits," 49-65. The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.

Garavoglia, Guido, and Cesare Merlini, eds. Il Vertice dei Sette: ruolo e prospettive del G-7 nel mutato scenario internazionale (The Summit of the Seven: Role and Prospects of the G7 on the Changing International Scene). Lo Spettatore Internazionale. Milano: Franco Angeli, 1994. English version: International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special issue (q.v.).

Garten, Jeffrey E. "The 100-day Economic Agenda." Foreign Affairs 72, No. 5 (Winter 1992/93): 16-31.

George, Susan. "L'ordre libéral et ses basses oeuvres". Le Monde diplomatique 48, No. 569 (August 2001): 1, 6-7.

"Getting Away from It." The Economist 275, No. 7139 (June 28, 1980): 13-14.

Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry. "A Communiqué for Williamsburg." The Economist 287, No. 7290 (May 21, 1983): 15-18.

"Going for Gold: The G7 and Debt Relief." The Economist 339, No. 7971 (June 22, 1996): 95.

Gorbachev, Mikhail. "The G7 Behaves Like an Executive Committee Ruling the World." The Globe and Mail, July 9, 1997, A14.

Gotlieb, Sondra. "Keep on Summiting." Saturday Night, 110, No. 7 (September 1995): 76-79.

Goybet, Catherine. "Williamsburg, un sommet 'tranquille'" (Williamsburg, a 'Quiet' Summit). Revue du Marché commun, No. 268 (juin/juillet 1983): 287-89.

Graham, Bill. "The 1995 Halifax G7 Summit: A View from Parliament." Canadian Foreign Policy = La Politique étrangère du Canada 3, No. 1 (Spring 1995): 31-37.

Guttry, Andrea de. "La Funzione del G-7 nel Complesso delle Istituzioni Internazionali". Lo Spettatore Internazionale 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.

Guttry, Andrea de. "The Institutional Configuration of the G-7 in the New International Scenario." In "The Future of the G-7 Summits," 67-80. The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.

Hajnal, Peter I. "Civil Society at the 2001 Genoa G8 Summit." Behind the Headlines 58, No. 1 (Autumn 2001). [PDF]

Hajnal, Peter I. "G7 Bibliography." Canadian Foreign Policy = La Politique étrangère du Canada 3, No. 1 (Spring 1995): 125-133.

Hajnal, Peter I. "The G-7 Summit and Its Documents." Government Information in Canada [Electronic Journal] 1, No. 3.3 (Winter 1995).

Hajnal, Peter I. and John J. Kirton. "The Evolving Role and Agenda of the G7/G8: A North American Perspective." NIRA Review 7, No. 2 (Spring 2000): 5-10. [PDF]

Hale, David D. "Picking Up Reagan's Tab." Foreign Policy 74 (Spring 1989): 145-67.

Hall, Tammy, and others. The Halifax 21st G7 Summit: En Route to the 21st Century. Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University; Canadian Institute of International Affairs (Halifax Branch); International Insights: A Dalhousie Journal of International Affairs, 1996.

Haraguchi, Kouichi. "The Results of the Birmingham Summit and Japan" [in Japanese]. Sekai-Keizai-Hyoron, August 1998: pp. 8-24.

Hardouvelis, Gikas A. "The Term Structure Spread and Future Changes in Long and Short Rates in the G7 Countries: Is There a Puzzle?" Journal of Monetary Economics 33, No. 2 (April 1994): 255-83.

Hayashi, Sadayuki. "The Results of the Naples Summit and Japan" [in Japanese]. Sekai-Keizai-Hyoron, September 1994: 8-17.

Hayashi, Sadayuki. "The Results of the Halifax Summit and Japan" [in Japanese]. Sekai-Keizai-Hyoron, September 1995: 8-17.

Healey, Denis. "The Power of the Weak." The Economist 287, No. 7286 (April 23, 1983): 17-18.

Heath, Edward. "The Heath Memorandum." The Times (London), July 20, 1981: 10.

Hein, John. "Uphill after the Summit." Across the Board 23, No. 7-8 (July/August 1986): 7-8.

Hein, John. "Why the Summit? Because It's There." Across the Board 20, No. 7 (July/August 1983): 5-7.

Helliwell, John F., and others. "INTERMOD 1.1: a G7 version of the IMF's MULTIMOD." Economic Modelling 7, No. 1 (January 1990): 3-62.

Henning, C. Randall. "G-7 Dilemma: Agreeing on Cost Sharing." International Economic Insights 11 (May-June 1991): 2-6.

Herz, Bernhard, and Joachim Starbatty. "Zur Frage Internationaler Dominanzbeziehungen: Eine Analyse der Machtverteilung auf Weltwirtschaftsgipfeln." (On the Question of International Relations among Dominant Powers: An Analysis of the Distribution of Power at the World Economic Summits). Kyklos 44 (1991), Fasc. 1:35-55.

Hirsh, Michael. "G-7 at 20." Institutional Investor (International ed.) 18 (November 1993): 42-48.

Hodges, Michael. "More Efficiency, Less Dignity: British Perspectives on the Future Role and Working of the G-7." In "The Future of the G-7 Summits," 141-159. The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue. In Italian as "Maggior Efficienza, Minor Apparenza: Il Ruolo Ed Il Funzionamento Del G-7 Nella Prospettiva Britannica."

Hoehmann, Hans-Hermann, and Christian Meier. "Before and After Yeltsin's Election Victory: On the Prospects of Western Cooperation with Russia." Aussenpolitik: German Foreign Affairs Review 47, No. 3 (1996): 263-74.

Hoehmann, Hans-Hermann, and Christian Meier. "The Halifax G7 Summit and Western Assistance for Russia and the Ukraine." Aussenpolitik: German Foreign Affairs Review 47, No. 1 (1996): 53-60.

Hoehmann, Hans-Hermann, and Christian Meier. "Russia, 'Summit of the Eight' and International Economic Organisations." Aussenpolitik: German Foreign Affairs Review 48, No. 4 (1997): 335-45.

Hoehmann, Hans-Hermann, and Christian Meier. "The World Economic Summit in Naples: A New Political Role for Russia?." Aussenpolitik: German Foreign Affairs Review 45, No. 4 (1994): 336-45.

Hollohan, Brian. "The Magnificent Seven: A Primer on G-7 Summits." The Canadian Business Review 16, No. 3 (Autumn 1989): 37-41.

"Hold Back, G7." Economist Financial Report 12 (December 10, 1987): 3.

Hormats, Robert D. "New Era, New Pie: The Group of 7 Needs To Expand." The New York Times, July 1, 1994: A25.

Hormats, Robert D. "Redefining Europe and the Atlantic Link." Foreign Affairs 68 (Fall 1989): 71-91.

Hormats, Robert D. "Summits Aren't for Sleeping." The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 2, No. 2 (March/April 1988): 94-97.

Hor_ák, Petr. "K Vsledk_m Sch_zky P_edstavitel_ 'Sedmi_ky' ve Williamsburgu." (On the Results of the Williamsburg Meeting of G-7 Representatives). Mezinárodní Vztahy 18, No. 7 (1983): 47-52.

"How To Stabilize Exchange Rates." The Economist 283, No. 7241 (June 12, 1982): 71.

Hsieh, Edward, and Kon S. Lai. "Government Spending and Economic Growth: The G-7 Experience." Applied Economics 26, No. 5 (May 1994): 535-42.

Hunt, John, and Henry Owen. "Taking Stock of the Seven-Power Summits: Two Views." Review of Hanging Together: The Seven-Power Summits, by Robert D. Putnam and Nicholas Bayne. International Affairs 60, No. 4 (Autumn 1984): 657-61.

I., S. G. "Stern Financial Discipline--for the Poor: London Economic Summit." Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay) 19, No. 26 (June 30, 1984): 981.

Ikenberry, G. John. "Market Solutions for State Problems: The International and Domestic Politics of American Oil Decontrol." International Organization 42, No. 1 (Winter 1988): 151-77.

Ikenberry, G. John. "Salvaging the G-7." Foreign Affairs 72, No. 2 (Spring 1993): 132-39.

Inamine, Keiichi. "Okinawa: Reflections on the Postwar Years and a Vision for the Future." Japan Review of International Affairs 14, No. 1 (Spring 2000), Special Issue: 22-37.

"In Praise of Summits." The Economist 291, No. 7346 (June 16, 1984): 12-13.

"In Time for Toronto, America Finds the Curve In Its J-curve." The Economist 307, No. 7555 (June 18, 1988): 65-66, 69.

Inoguchi, Kuniko. "The Changing Significance of the G-7 Summits." Japan Review of International Affairs 8, No. 1 (Winter 1994): 21-38.

Inoue, Yuko. "G-7 Commodity Basket Featuring Gold Draws Mixed Reaction in Japan." Japan Economic Journal (International ed.) 26 (April 30, 1988): 1-2.

"An Insider's Behind-the-Scenes Account of Session on Clinton's Trade Initiative." The Wall Street Journal, July 11, 1994: A3.

James, Antoinette M., and Bruce T. Elmslie. "Testing Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek in the G-7." Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 132, No. 1 (1996): 139-59.

Jayawardena, Lal. "World Economic Summits: The Role of Representative Groups In the Governance of the World Economy." Development: Journal of the Society for International Development, 1989, No. 4: 17-20. [Reproduces portions of WIDER Study Group Series, No. 4, q.v., Entry No. 309.]

Kemme, David M. "The Houston Report: The Failure of Perestroika." International Economic Insights 11, No. 1 (January/February 1991): 9-13.

Kindleberger, Charles P. ...[et al.]. "Return to Tribalism? Implications for the EC and the G7." The International Economy: The Magazine of the G7 Council 7, No. 5 (September/October 1993): 11-17.

Kirton, John J. "The Diplomacy of Concert: Canada, the G7 and the Halifax Summit." Canadian Foreign Policy = La Politique étrangère du Canada 3, No. 1 (Spring 1995): 63-80.

Kirton, John J. "Exercising Concerted Leadership: Canada's Approach to Summit Reform." In "The Future of the G-7 Summits," 161-176. The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue. In Italian as "L'Esercizio Concertato della Leadership: La Posizione del Canada sulla Riforma del Vertice."

Kirton, John J. "The G7, the Halifax Summit, and International Financial System Reform." North American Outlook 5, No. 3 (June 1995): 43-66..

Kirton, John J. "Guess Who Is Coming to Kananaskis? Civil Society and the G8 in Canada's Year As Host." International Journal 57, No. 1 (Winter 2001-2): 101-122. [PDF]

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Stephens, Philip. "Major Calls for Overhaul of G7 Summits." Financial Times (London), September 10, 1992: 1. (Summary of John Major's unpublished letter of August 1992 to other G-7 heads of state or government.)

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