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G7/G8 Bibliography

[Scholarly Publications]

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Books, and Publications in Series

Ardouin, Estelle. Sherpas et sommets des 7 (Sherpas and Summits of the 7). Lyon: Institut d'Etudes Politiques, 1996. [Computer file]. URL: https://iep.univ-lyon2.fr/ETU/sherpa.html.

Armstrong of Ilminster, Robert Temple. Economic Summits: A British Perspective. Bissell Paper No. 4. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988. Also available as computer file; URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/armstrong/index.html.

Armstrong of Ilminster, Robert Temple. Summits: A Sherpa's Eye View. Montague Burton Lecture on International Relations, No. 44. Leeds, Eng.: University of Leeds, 1992.

Artis, Michael J., Zenon G. Kontolemis, and Denise R. Osbom. Classical Business Cycles for G-7 and European Countries. Discussion Paper Series, No. 1137. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1995.

Artis, Michael J., and Sylvia Ostry. International Economic Policy Coordination. Chatham House Papers, Vol. 30. London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986.

Aschauer, David Alan. Back of the G-7 Pack: Public Investment and Productivity Growth in the Group of Seven. Working Paper Series, WP-89-13: Macro Economic Issues. [Chicago, Ill.]: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1989.

Ash, Ahmad, and others. Formal and Informal Investment Barriers in the G-7 Countries. By Ahmad Ash. Occasional Paper, No. 1, Vols. 1-2. Ottawa: Industry Canada, 1994.

Attali, Jacques. Verbatim. Paris: Fayard, 1993-1995. [Tome 1: Chronique des années 1981-1986; Tome 2: Chronique des années 1986-1988; Tome 3: Chronique des années 1988-1991.]

Baker, Andrew. "The Historical Development of the G-7: An Incoherent and Disjointed Response to Global Interdependence?" G7RU Working Paper No. 2. Jordanstown: School of Public Policy, Economics and Law, University of Ulster, 1996.

Baker, James A. The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War, and Peace, 1989-1992. New York: G.B. Putnam's Sons, 1995.

Barnes, James N. Promises, Promises! A Review: G-7 Economic Summit Declarations on Environment and Development. [S.l.:] Friends of the Earth, 1994.

Barrell, Ray, and Simon Wren-Lewis. Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates for the G-7. Centre for Economic Policy Research, Discussion Paper Series, No. 323. London: National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 1989.

Bayne, Nicholas. "The G8 and the Globalisation Challenge". Paper prepared for the Academic Symposium G8 2000: New Directions in Global Governance? G8's Okinawa Summit, Okinawa, Japan, July 19-20, 2000. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/bayne2000/.

Bayne, Nicholas. "The G8's Past Performance, Present Prospects, Future Potential". Paper prepared for the symposium The Kyushu-Okinawa Summit: The Challenges and Opportunities for the Developing World in the 21st Century, Tokyo, Japan, July 17, 2000. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/bayne20000713/.

Bayne, Nicholas. "The G8's Role in the Fight Against Terrorism." Remarks to the G8 Research Group, Toronto, 8 November 2001. URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/speakers/baynenov2001.html.

Bayne, Nicholas. "Global Governance: Bringing the South In; The Contribution of the G8 Summit". Paper delivered at the Queen's University Policy Forum, Kingston, Ont., April 2001. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/bayne2001/050201.html.

Bayne, Nicholas. Hanging in There: The G7 and G8 Summit in Maturity and Renewal. The G8 and Global Governance Series. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2000.

Bayne, Nicholas. "History of the G7 Summit: The Importance of American Leadership." Keynote address delivered at a conference "Explaining Summit Success: Prospects for the Denver Summit of the Eight", sponsored by the University of Colorado at Denver and the Metropolitan State College of Denver in cooperation with the University of Toronto G8 Research Group, Denver, Colorado, June 19, 1997. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/annual/bayneg8.htm.

Bayne, Nicholas. Impressions of the Denver Summit. Toronto: University of Toronto G8 Research Group, 22 June 1997. [Computer file] URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/evaluations/1997denver/impression/forepol.htm.

Beccarello, Massimo. Time Series Analysis of Market Power: Evidence from G-7 Manufacturing. Papers, No. 312. London: Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, Dept. of Economics, 1994.

Becher, Klaus, and others. The Munich Summit: Analyses by the Research Institute, German Society for Foreign Affairs [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik]. Bonn: Inter Nationes, 1992.

Bergsten, C. Fred, and C. Randall Henning. Global Economic Leadership and the Group of Seven. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1996.

Berridge, G. R. Diplomacy: Theory and Practice. London: Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1995.

Blommestein, Hans J., ed. The Reality of International Economic Policy Coordination. Contributions to Economic Analysis, No. 199. Amsterdam; New York; Oxford; Tokyo: North- Holland, 1991.

Board Directors and Corporate Governance: Trends in the G7 Countries over the Next Ten Years: Executive Report. Prepared for Russell Reynolds Associates, Price Waterhouse, Goldman Sachs International Ltd. [and] Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher [by] Oxford Analytica Limited. Oxford: Oxford Analytica, 1992.

Bortoli, Georges. La cour des grands: les coulisses des sommets (The Court of the Great: The Corridors of the Summits). Paris: Perrin, 1991.

Brzezinski, Zbigniew. Power and Principle: Memoirs of the National Security Adviser, 1977-1981. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1983.

Canada and the G8: The Kananaskis Summit 2002. Don Mills, Ontario: Omega Marketing, 2002.

Ch`ien, Kuo-jung. Hsi fang ch`i kuo kao feng hui i yü kuo chi ching chi cheng ts`e hsieh t`iao = The Summit and the Policy Coordination. Shen-yang shih: Liao-ning ta hsüeh ch`u pan she, 1992. [Introduction (abstract) also in English.]

Clausen, A. W. "Upcoming Versailles Summit: Keeping the Global Economy Open." Remarks before the Commercial Club, Chicago, May 21, 1982. Unpublished.

Cooper, Richard N., ed. Can Nations Agree? Issues in International Economic Cooperation. Studies in International Economics. Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution, 1989.

Cooper, Shelley. Cross-Border Savings Flows and Capital Mobility in the G7 Economies. Discussion Paper, No. 54; Technical Series. London: Bank of England, 1991.

Creating a Development Dynamic: Final Report of the Digital Opportunity Initiative. [s.l.:] Accenture; Markle Foundation; United Nations Development Programme, 2001.

Crumbs of Comfort: The Cologne G8 Summit and the Chains of Debt. London: Jubilee 2000 Coalition, 1999.

Culpeper, Roy. "Systemic Reform at a Standstill: a Flock of "Gs" in Search of Global Financial Stability." Paper presented at the conference "Critical Issues in Financial Reform: Latin-American/Caribbean and Canadian Perspectives", Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, June 1-2, 2000. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/culpeper2000/index.html.

Daniels, Joseph P. The Meaning and Reliability of Economic Summit Undertakings, 1975-1989. New York; London: Garland Publishing, 1993.

Daniels, Joseph P., and Eleonore Kokotsis. "Summit Compliance: Are Summit Commitments Meaningful?." Remarks delivered at a conference "Explaining Summit Success: Prospects for the Denver Summit of the Eight", sponsored by the University of Colorado at Denver and the Metropolitan State College of Denver in cooperation with the University of Toronto G8 Research Group, Denver, Colorado, June 19, 1997. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/annual/daniels1997/index.html.

De Ménil, Georges. Les Sommets économiques: les politiques nationales à l'heure de l'interdépendance (Economic Summits: National Policies at the Time of Interdependence). Paris: Economica, 1983.

De Ménil, Georges, and Anthony M. Solomon. Economic Summitry. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1983.

Dimock, W. Blair. The Benefits of Teamplay: Italy and the Seven Power Summits. Country Study No. 5. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1989.

DiRita, Lawrence T., and Bryan T. Johnson. An Agenda for Leadership: The G-7 Summit in Naples. Heritage Talking Points. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation, [1994].

Dobson, Wendy. Economic Policy Coordination: Requiem or Prologue? Policy Analyses in International Economics, Vol. 30. Washington, D. C.: Institute for International Economics, 1991.

Dornbusch, Rüdiger. World Economic Problems for the Summit: Co-ordination, Debt and the Exchange Rate System. Bissell Paper No. 6. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.

Dunn, David H., ed. Diplomacy at the Highest Level : The Evolution of International Summitry. Studies in Diplomacy. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.

The Economic Summit: A Pictorial History of the Economic Summits of Industrialized Nations, 1975-1990. Houston, Texas: Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations in Cooperation with the Houston Economic Summit Host Committee, 1990.

Ekins, Paul, ed. The Living Economy: A New Economics in the Making. London; New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986. [Thirty-nine essays based on The Other Economic Summit.]

Les enjeux du g7: regards croisés sur la mondialisation. Edited by Denis Samuel-Lajeunesse and Michel Foucher. Paris: Economica, 1997.

Farrow, Maureen. The Toronto Economic Summit: Great Expectations Need To Be Tempered with Realism. Commentary, No. 16. Toronto: C. D. Howe Institute, 1988.

Favier, Pierre, and Michel Martin-Roland. La décennie Mitterrand. Paris: Seuil, 1990-91. 3 vols.

The Financial System under Stress: An Architecture for the World Economy. Edited by Marc Uzan. New York: Routledge, 1996.

Fowler, Henry H., and W. Randolph Burgess. Harmonizing Economic Policy: Summit Meetings and Collective Leadership; Report of the Atlantic Council's Working Group on Economic Policy. Atlantic Council of the United States Policy Papers. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press, 1977.

Fratianni, Michele, Paolo Savona, and John J. Kirton, eds. Governing Global Finance: New Challenges, G7 and IMF Contributions. Global Finance Series. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2002.

Freytag, Andreas and Stefan Mai. "Does E-Commerce Demand International Policy Co-ordination? The Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society Srutinised." Paper presented in a research workshop at the University of Marburg/Germany, January 23, 2001 and at the Pubic Choice Society's Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, March 9-11, 2001.
URL: www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/freytag/dotforce3Freytag010925.pdf [PDF].

Funabashi, Yoichi. Managing the Dollar: From the Plaza to the Louvre. Washington, D. C.: Institute for International Economics, 1988.

Funabashi, Yoichi. Samitto no shiso (Philosophy of the Summits). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1980.

Funabashi, Yoichi. Samittokurashi (Summitocracy). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1991.

G7 Differences Threaten To Sink Debt Relief Hopes. Oxfam International Position Paper. Oxford: Oxfam International, 1999. Also available as computer file; URL: www.oxfam.org/advocacy/papers/g7.htm

G7: Napoli Summit '94: The Record, Key Players, Preliminaries and Expectations; Data. Roma: Agenzia ANSA, 1994.

G8 Summit, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada. Salt Lake City, Utah: Prestige Evens Publications, 2002.

Garrett, John, and Angela Travis. Unfinished Business: The World's Leaders and the Millennium Debt Challenge. London: Jubilee 2000 Coalition, 1999.

Gerlach, Stefan, and Frank Smets. Monetary Transmission Mechanism: Evidence from the G-7 Countries. Discussion Paper Series, No. 1219. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1995.

Gilmore, William C., ed. International Efforts to Combat Money Laundering. Cambridge International Documents Series, Vol. 4. Cambridge: Grotius Publications in association with the Commonwealth Secretariat, 1992.

Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry. Le pouvoir et la vie. (Power and Life). [s.l.:] Compagnie 12, 1988.

"Global Responses to the New Global Challenges: Recommendations for the G-8 Kananaskis Summit from the G-8 Preparatory Conference." Washington, DC: G-8 Preparatory Conference, 2002. Unpublished in paper. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/gotlieb1988/index.html.

Group of Thirty. The Summit Process and Collective Security: Future Responsibility Sharing; A Study Group Report. Washington, D. C.: Group of Thirty, 1991.

Guth, Wilfried, moderator. Economic Policy Coordination; Proceedings of an International Seminar Held In Hamburg [May 5-7, 1988]. Washington, D. C.: International Monetary Fund; Hamburg: HWWA Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, 1988.

Hagemann, Helmut. Not Out of the Woods Yet: The Scope of the G-7 Initiative for a Pilot Program for the Conservation of the Brazilian Rainforests. Forschungen zu Lateinamerika, Bd. 32. Saabrücken : Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik Breitenbach, 1994.

Hainsworth, Susan. Coming of Age: The European Community and the Economic Summit. Country Study No. 7. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1990. Also available as computer file; URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/hainsworth1990/index.html.

Hajnal, Peter. With a contribution by Sian Meikle. The G7/G8 System: Evolution, Role and Documentation. The G8 and Global Governance Series. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 1999.

Hajnal, Peter I., comp. and ed. The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries, 1975-1989. With an introduction by John J. Kirton. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1989.

Hajnal, Peter I., comp. and ed. The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries; Supplement: Documents from the 1990 Summit. With an introduction by John J. Kirton. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1991.

Halfway There? G-7 Must Now Make Debt Agreement Work for the Poorest. Oxfam International Position Paper. Oxford: Oxfam International, 1999. Also available as computer file; URL: www.oxfam.org/advocacy/papers/halfway.htm

The Halifax G-7 Summit: Issues on the Table. Edited by Sylvia Ostry and Gilbert R. Wynham. Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University, 1995.

The Halifax Initiative: First Annual G7 Report Card on Bretton Woods Reform: Report on the Commitments Made by the G7 Leaders at the Halifax Summit, June 1995. Ottawa: Canadian Coalition for Global Economic Democracy, 1996.

Hanlon, Joseph, and Ann Petifor. Kicking the Habit: Finding a Lasting Solution to Addictive Lending and Borrowing--and Its Corrupting Side-effects. London: Jubilee 2000 Coalition, 2000.

Hasegawa, Sudegiro. "A New Role for Development Institutions in the 21st Century". Paper prepared for the symposium The Kyushu-Okinawa Summit: The Challenges and Opportunities for the Developing World in the 21st Century, Tokyo, Japan, July 17, 2000. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/hasegawa20000717/.

Heeney, Timothy. Canadian Foreign Policy and the Seven Power Summits. Country Study No. 1. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988. Also available as computer file; URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/heentoc.htm.

Hein, John. From Summit to Summit: Policymaking in an Interdependent World. Conference Board Report No. 774. New York: The Conference Board, 1980.

Heiwa Anzen Hosho Kenkyujo (Tokyo, Japan). After the Collapse: G-7 Policy toward Russia and the C.I.S. RIPS Special Report. Tokyo: Research Institute for Peace and Security, [1994].

Hellmann, Rainer. Weltwirtschaftsgipfel Wozu? (Whither Economic Summits?) Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1982.

Henning, C. Randall. "International Monetary Policymaking within the Countries of the Group of 5." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, August 29-September 2, 1990. Unpublished.

Henning, C. Randall. Macroeconomic Diplomacy in the 1980s: Domestic Politics and International Conflict among the United States, Japan, and Europe. Atlantic Paper No. 65. London; New York: Croom Helm for the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, 1987.

Henrikson, A. K. "US-Japanese Cooperation, the `Summit Alliance' (G-7) and the New World Order." Address to the Policy Study Group, Tokyo, March 16, 1993. Unpublished.

Hibbs, Mark [Center for War, Peace, and the News Media, New York University, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication]. The G-7 Summit on Nuclear Safety and Security: A Summit Primer. The Global Reporting Network, Issue Brief, No. 12. Lyon: Institut d'Etudes Politiques, 1996. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/hibbs1996/index.html.

Hodges, Michael, Joseph P. Daniels, and John J. Kirton, eds. The G8's Role in the New Millennium. The G8 and Global Governance Series. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 1999.

Hoehmann, Hans-Hermann, and Christian Meier. Zwischen Neapal und Halifax: Die G7, Russland und die Ukraine vor und auf dem "Gipfel der Bescheidenheit" (Between Naples and Halifax: The G7, Russia and Ukraine before and at the "Modest Summit". Berichte des Bundesinstituts für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, 0435-7183; 44-1995. Köln: Bundesinstitut für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, 1995.

Holmes, John W., and John J. Kirton, eds. Canada and the New Internationalism. Toronto: Canadian Institute of International Affairs, and University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.

Hornung, Robert. Sharing Economic Responsibility: The United States and the Seven Power Summits. Country Study No. 4. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1989.

International Economic Cooperation. Edited and with an Introduction by Martin Feldstein. A National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.

International People's Tribunal To Judge the G-7, 1993, Tokyo, Japan. The People vs. Global Capital: The G-7, TNCs, SAPs, and Human Rights: Report of the International People's Tribunal To Judge the G-7, Tokyo, July 1993. Tokyo: Pacific Asia Resource Center, 1994.

International Policy Coordination and Exchange Rate Fluctuations. Edited by William H. Branson, Jacob A. Frenkel, and Morris Goldstein. A National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

Istituto Affari Internazionali. Economic Summits, 1975-1986: Declarations. Isola San Giorgio, Italy: Fondazione Cini, 1987.

Juricevic, Diana. "Compliance with G8 Commitments: Ascertaining the Degree of Compliance with Summit Debt and International Trade Commitments for Canada and the United States 1996-1999". Paper prepared for the course POL 495Y (Professor John J. Kirton), Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, [2000] [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/juricevic2000/index.html.

Juricevic, Diana. "Controlling for Domestic-Level Commitments: An Analysis of the Authoritative National Commitments Made in Canada and the United States from 1995-2000". Toronto: University of Toronto, [2000?]. Unpublished in print. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/juricevic2000/juricevic.pdf.

Kaiser, Karl, John J. Kirton and Joseph P. Daniels, eds. Shaping a New International Financial System: Challenges of Governance in a Globalizing World. The G8 and Global Governance Series. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2000.

Kaiser, Karl, Winston Lord, Thierry De Montbrial, and David David. Western Security: What Has Changed? What Should Be Done? [New York:] Council on Foreign Relations; [London: Royal Institute of International Affairs,] 1981.

Kenen, Peter B., ed. From Halifax to Lyons: What Has Been Done about Crisis Management? Essays in International Finance, No. 200. Princeton: Dept. of Economics, International Finance Section, Princeton University, 1996.

Kenen, Peter B., ed. From Rambouillet to Versailles: A Symposium. Essays in International Finance, No. 149. Princeton: Dept. of Economics, International Finance Section, Princeton University, 1982.

Kirton, John J. "Broadening Participation in Twenty-First Century Governance: The Prospective and Potential Contribution of the Okinawa Summit". Paper prepared for the symposium, The Kyushu-Okinawa Summit: The Challenges and Opportunities for the Developing World in the 21st Century, Tokyo, Japan, July 17, 2000. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/kirton20000717/.

Kirton, John J. "Canada, the G7 and the Denver Summit of the Eight: Implications for Asia and Taiwan." Based on a paper prepared for the conference Canada-Taiwan Relations in the 1990's, Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, 13-16 November 1997. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/kirton199701/index.html.

Kirton, John J. "Contemporary Concert Diplomacy: The Seven-Power Summit and the Management of International Order." Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the International Studies Association and the British International Studies Association, London, March 29-April 1, 1989. Unpublished in print. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/kirton198901/index.html.

Kirton, John J. "Creating Peace and Human Security: The G8 and Okinawa Summit Contribution". Paper presented at a lecture at Soka University, Japan, May 26, 2000. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/kirton200002/.

Kirton, John J. "Embedded Ecologism and Institutional Inequality: Linking Trade, Environment and Social Cohesion in the G8." Paper prepared for a panel on "New Directions in Global Trade Governance: Competition, Consensus and Coherence" at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago, February 20-24, 2001. URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/kirton20010217/kirton20010217.pdf [PDF]

Kirton, John J. "The G7 and China in the Management of the International Financial System". Paper prepared for an International Think Tank Forum on "China in the 21st Century and the World," sponsored by the China Development Institute, China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange and the National Institute for Research Advancement, (Japan), Shenzen, China, November 11-12, 1999. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/kirton199903/index.html.

Kirton,John J. "The G7 and Concert Governance in the Global Financial Crisis of 1997-9," Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, Los Angeles, March 15-19, 2000. Version: March 6, 2000. URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/kirton2000/.

Kirton, John J. "New Directions in Twenty-First Century Governance: Prospects for the 2000 Okinawa Summit". Presentation to the London School of Economics and Political Science Forum, Nippon Press Centre, Tokyo, July 13, 2000. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/kirton20000713/.

Kirton, John J. "United States Foreign Policy and the G8 Summit". Paper presented at a lecture at the Faculty of Law, Chuo University, Japan, July 6, 2000. [Computer file.] URL: https://www.g7.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/kirton20004/.

Kirton, John J. and George M. von Furstenberg, eds. New Directions in Global Economic Governance: Managing Globalisation in the Twenty-first Century. The G8 and Global Governance Series. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2001.

Kirton, John J., Joseph P. Daniels, and Andreas Freytag. Guiding Global Order: G8 Governance in the Twenty-first Century. The G8 and Global Governance Series. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2001.

Kobayashi, Tomohiko. The Japanese Perspective on the Toronto Economic Summit and the Uruguay Round. Bissell Paper No. 8. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.

Kokotsis, Eleonore. Keeping International Commitments: Compliance, Credibility, and the G7, 1988-1995. Transnational Business and Corporate Culture series. New York: Garland Pub., 1999.

Kokotsis, Eleonore. National Compliance with G7 Environment and Development Commitments, 1988-1995. Ph.D. dissertation. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1998. Unpublished.

Kokotsis, Eleonore, and John J. Kirton. "National Compliance with Environmental Regimes: The Case of the G7, 1988-1995." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Toronto, March 18-22, 1997. Unpublished.

Kühne, Winrich and Jochen Prantl. The Security Council and the G8 in the New Millennium: Who Is in Charge of International Peace and Security? 5th International Workshop, Berlin, June 30-July 1, 2000. Ebenhausen, Germany: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2000.

Labohm, Hans H. J. G-7 Economic Summits: A View from the Lowlands. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael, 1993.

Lamy, Pascal. The Economic Summit and the European Community. Bissell Paper No. 4. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.

Lawson, Nigel. The View from No. 11: Memoirs of a Tory Radical. London; New York: Bantam Press, 1992.

Lee, Kevin C. Economic Fluctuations in a Model of Output Growth in the G7 Economies, 1960-1991. Department of Applied Economics Working Paper, No. 9409. Cambridge, England: University of Cambridge, Dept. of Applied Economics, May 1994.

Lieberman, Sima. The Economic and Political Roots of the New Protectionism. Totowa, N. J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1988.

Make a Chainge [sic]: Official Human Chain Programme, Birmingham, Saturday, 16 May. London: Jubilee 2000 Coalition, 1998.

Managing the World Economy: Fifty Years after Bretton Woods. Edited by Peter B. Kenen. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1994.

Martiri, Gail. The Right Kind of Club: Britain and the Seven Power Summit. Country Study No. 8. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1991. Unpublished.

Matsuura, Koichiro. Senshinkoku Samitto: Rekishi to Tenbo (The Summit of the Advanced Countries: Its History and Prospects). Tokyo: Saimaru Shuppankai, 1994.

McMillan, Charles. Comparing Canadian and Japanese Approaches to the Seven Power Summit. Bissell Paper No. 2. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988. Also available as computer file; URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/mcmillan1988/index.html.

Merlini, Cesare, ed. Economic Summits and Western Decision-Making. London: Croom Helm; New York: St. Martin's Press in association with the European Institute of Public Administration, 1984.

Merlini, Cesare, ed. I Vertici: Cooperazione e Competizione tra Paesi Occidentali (The Summits: Cooperation and Competition Among the Western Countries). Rome: ADN Kronos, 1985.

Il Mondo a Napoli: I Preparativi, l'Accoglienza, i Fatti, le Curiosità del G7 = The World Gathers In Naples: Preparations, Welcome, Events, Curiosities of "G7". Milano: G. Mondadori, 1994.

Moving Beyond Assistance: Final Report of the IEWS Task Force on Western Assistance to Transition in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Hungary and Poland. Rev. ed. By Krzysztof Ners. New York; Prague; ti_ín: Institute for EastWest Studies, European Studies Center, 1992.

Munich G-7 Summit, 6-8 July 1992 = Sommet économique de Munich = Wirtschaftsgipfel München: de la morosité constatée à la reprise souhaitée de l'économie. Compiled by Tristan Mage. Paris: T. Mage, 1992. 4 vols. (Vol. 4: table of contents.)

The 1991 Envirosummit: A Critical View of the Environmental Performance of the G7 Governments. Produced by G7 environmental groups led by Friends of the Earth International, World Wide Fund for Nature, and the Environmental Defense Fund. London: Friends of the Earth, 1991.

Ortona, Egidio. The Problem of International Consultations: Report of the Trilateral Task Force on Consultative Procedures to the Trilateral Commission. Egidio Ortona, J. Robert Schaetzel, and Nobuhiko Ushiba, rapporteurs. The Triangle Papers, Vol. 12. New York: Trilateral Commission, 1976.

Ostry, Sylvia. "Globalization and the G8: Could Kananaskis Set a New Direction?". O.D. Skelton Memorial Lecture, Queen's University, March 2002. Unpublished in paper. URL: https://www.utoronto.ca/cis/skeltonlecture_ostry2002.doc

Ostry, Sylvia. "Summitry: Structure and Role of International Institutions: Summitry and the GATT." Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1986. Unpublished.

Ostry, Sylvia. Summitry: The Medium and the Message. Bissell Paper No. 3. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988. Also available as computer file; URL: https://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/scholar/ostry1988/index.html.

Owen, David; Zbigniew Brzezinski; and Saburo Okita. Democracy Must Work: A Trilateral Agenda for the Decade; A Task Force Report of the Trilateral Commission. The Triangle Papers, 28. New York; London: New York University Press, 1984.

Oxenstierna, Rosario F., ed. The 1992 Group of Seven Summit and Its Impact on the Middle East. Contemporary Strategic Issues in the Arab Gulf. London: Gulf Centre for Strategic Studies, 1993.

Pauly, Louis W. Who Elected the Bankers? Surveillance and Control in the World Economy. Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 1997.

The Political Economy of International Co-operation. Edited by Paolo Guerrieri and Pier Carlo Padoan. London; New York; Sydney: Croom Helm, 1988.

Pons, Michael. West German Foreign Policy and the Seven Power Summits. Country Study No. 2. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.

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