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Science 7

Academies of Science began meeting in 2005 to contribute their expertise to the G7 summits, sometimes also with the participation of other academies. Participating G7/8 academies include:

The source for the documents below is the Royal Society, although they are also available on the websites of several of the above-listed academies.

March 7, 2023
Multiple crises, better health for older people, and the ocean and its biodiversity: press release
Addressing systemic risks in a changing climate: Science and technology in support of cross-sectoral decision-making [PDF]
Delivering better health and well-being of older people through wisdom sharing and innovation [PDF]
Restoration and recovery of the ocean and its biodiversity [PDF]
May 31, 2022
Urgent need for climate protection, energy transition and pandemic preparedness: press release
Ocean and Cryosphere: The Need for Urgent International Action [PDF]
Decarbonisation: The Case for Urgent International Action [PDF]
Antiviral Drugs: Increasing Preparedness for the Next Pandemic [PDF]
The Need for a One Health Approach to Zoonotic Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance [PDF]
March 31, 2021
Launch of G7 science agenda: press release
Reversing biodiversity loss – the case for urgent action [PDF]
A net zero climate-resilient future – science, technology and the solutions for change [PDF]
Data for international health emergencies: governance, operations and skills [PDF]
May 28, 2020, United States (virtual)
Critical Transitions: Abrupt Shifts in the State of Ecosystems (PDF)
The critical need for international cooperation during Covid-19 Pandemic (PDF)
Basic Research (PDF)
Digital Health and the Learning Health System (PDF)
Global Insect Declines and the Potential Erosion of Vital Ecosystem Services (PDF).
March 25-26, 2019, France
Artificial intelligence and society (PDF)
Citizen science in the Internet era (PDF)
Science and trust (PDF)
Threats to coastal and marine ecosystems, and conservation of the ocean environment (PDF)
May 17, 2018, La Malbaie, Canada
Food and nutrition security: improving soils and increasing productivity (PDF)
Realising our digital future and shaping its impact on knowledge, industry and the workforce (PDF)
The global Arctic: the sustainability of communities in the context of changing ocean systems (PDF)
March 2017, Rome, Italy
Cultural heritage: building resilience to natural disasters (PDF)
The challenge of neurodegenerative diseases in an aging population (PDF)
New economic growth: the role of science, technology, innovation and infrastructure (PDF)
Improving Global Health: Strategies and tools to combat communicable and non-communicable diseases (PDF)
April 19, 2016, Tokyo, Japan
Understanding, Protecting, and Developing Global Brain Resources (PDF)
Strengthening Disaster Resilience is Essential to Sustainable Development (PDF)
Nurturing Future Scientists (PDF)
April 29-30, 2015, Berlin, Germany
Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance: Threats and Necessary Actions (PDF)
Neglected Tropical Diseases (PDF)
Future of the Ocean: Impact of human activities on marine systems (PDF)
June 12, 2013, London, United Kingdom
Driving Sustainable Development: the role of Science, Technology and Innovation (PDF)
Drug Resistance in Infectious Agents - A Global Threat to Humanity (PDF)
2012, United States
Building Resilience to Disasters of Natural and Technological Origin (PDF)
Energy and Water Linkage: Challenge to a Sustainable Future (PDF)
Improving Knowledge of Emissions and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases (PDF)
May 19, 2011, France
Education for a Science-Based Global Development (PDF)
Water and Health (PDF)
2010, Canada
Health of Women and Children (PDF)
Innovation for Development (PDF)
May 2009, Italy
Climate changes and the transformation of energy technologies for a low carbon future (PDF)
June 2008, Japan
Climate Change Adaptation and the Transition to a Low Carbon Society (PDF)
Global Health (PDF)
May 2007, Germany
Sustainability, energy efficiency and climate protection (PDF)
The promotion and protection of innovation (PDF)
June 2006, Russia
Energy Sustainability and Security (PDF)
Avian influenza and infectious diseases (PDF)
June 7, 2005, United Kingdom
Global response to climate change (PDF)
Science and technology for African development (PDF)

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Please send comments to: g7@utoronto.ca
This page was last updated August 15, 2024.
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